Screen & Irssi

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Introduction to Screen and Irssi

Or, the good way to use IRC


 SSH client:

or package “putty”  You can also SSH from Linux terminal  Connect to

 We are going to use the login server as a “bouncer” to connect to IRC


 Terminal emulator    Allows you to keep programs running even when you are not logged in Useful for “idling” in IRC “screen -dr” to reconnect session


 Command-line IRC client  Can join multiple channels at once  Configuration can save nick, server, channels  /connect to connect to a server  /join to join a channel  Typing /help will list every command  Typing /help will give usage

Pick and register a nick

 /nick to change nick  Decide on a nick and stay with it  Register your nick with Freenode so other people don't use it:  /msg NickServ register  /msg NickServ identify  If you have questions:

Remove your name from /whois

 Try /whois  You will see your bronconame and full name  You should remove this info  /set nick  /set user_name  /set real_name

How to find SWIFT

 /connect

 /join #swift-help  Friendly, helpful channel – only stupid questions are the ones answered by Google search  /join #swift  Unfriendly, sometimes hostile/nsfw (think 4chan)  If you don't understand what someone told you to do, don't do it – go ask #swift-help  More social, alumni hang out here

Autoconnect / Autojoin

  /network add freenode  “freenode” is arbitrary, must be used in next 2 commands /server add -auto -network freenode

  /channel add -auto #swift-help freenode To make windows stay, use “/layout save”, then “/save”  To automatically identify to NickServ, use:  /network add autosendcmd “/msg NickServ identify ” freenode  WARNING: Your password will be stored as plaintext

Ignore joins and quits

 Levels:  Joins: people enter channel  Parts: people leave channel  Quits: people leave

 For a particular channel:  /ignore #swift-help joins parts quits  For all channels:   /ignore * joins parts quits To remove, preface level with “-”  /ignore #swift-help -joins


 screen -dr (detach and reconnect)  In screen: Ctrl+a, Ctrl+d (detach current session)  In irssi:  /connect , /join  /help (lists and explains commands)  /network, /server, /channel, /set, /save, /layout  Alt+, Alt+


 PuTTY download  screen help  irssi help  Freenode FAQ (nick registration help)