MHK Technologies - Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition

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Marine and Hydrokinetic
(MHK) Renewable Energy
Sustaining and Securing National Energy Needs with Water Power
MHK Technologies
 Wave Energy can be captured from offshore, near shore, and shore based locations. It
is driven by wind blowing over water creating waves from which energy is captured.
 Tidal Energy can be captured from the ebb and flow of tides, thus the tidal devices
change orientation with the tide. It is driven by the gravity of the moon and sun and
can be predicted efficiently (better than other MHK and solar technologies).
 Current Energy can capture the energy from moving ocean, tidal or river currents.
 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the ocean’s natural thermal
gradient to drive a power-producing cycle.
Wave Energy
Ocean Power Technologies
Tidal Energy
Verdant Power
Free Flow System Turbines
Current Energy
Ecomerit Technologies
Aquantis Current Plane (C-Plane)
Lockheed Martin OTEC
Platform rendering
U.S. Wave Power Assessment
DOE research suggests that water power resource energy production
can provide 15% of present U.S. electricity consumption by 2030.
Total Available Wave Energy Resource Breakdown by Region
EPRI 2004
Present Estimate
Outer Shelf *
West Coast (WA, OR, CA)
440 TWh/yr
590 TWH/yr (34% greater)
East Coast (ME thru NC)
110 TWh/yr
200 TWh/yr (82% greater)
East Coast (SC thru FL)
40 TWh/yr
Gulf of Mexico
80 TWh/yr
Alaska (Pacific Ocean)
1,250 TWh/yr
1,360 TWh/yr (9% greater)
Alaska (Bering Sea)
210 TWh/yr
300 TWh/yr
130 TWh/yr (not comparable**)
Puerto Rico
30 TWh/yr
2,100 TWh/yr
2,640 TWh/yr (26% greater)
* Rounded to nearest 10 TWh/yr for consistent comparison with EPRI 2004 estimate
**EPRI's 2004 estimate for Hawaii was along the northern boundary of the U.S.
Exclusive Economic Zone, as far west as the Midway Islands. The present estimate
extends only as far west as Kauai, and ecompassed the entire islands (not just their
northern exposures).
DOE-EPRI wave resource
map under development
U.S. Tidal Power Assessment
Georgia Tech, in partnership with
DOE, in June 2011 introduced a new
database highlighting the energy
potential available in the U.S. from
ocean tides.
Hot Spots: Alaska, Maine, Washington, Oregon, California, New
Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, North and South
Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (descending order)
*The extractable resource is not completely known; assuming 15% level of extraction, EPRI has
documented 16 TWh/yr in Alaska, 0.6 TWh/yr in Puget Sound, and 0.4 TWh/yr in CA, MA, and ME.
Federal Interests in MHK
 Remote Marine Power
Low cost, efficient, readily available and deployable electric power at remote locations (including
military facilities) around the world.
 MHK technology provides a great source of Baseload Power
 Compete internationally to capture industry
job creation/economic
 DoD Mandates / Energy Security
Elimination of fuel requirement: reduces vulnerability in times of conflict or fuel shortages.
Test facility helps meet DOD requirement to secure 25% of power needs from renewable
sources by 2025 as required in the FY07 Defense Authorization Act.
 Department of Energy Program Goals
Research of advanced and more efficient wave energy concepts – accelerates test center goals.
Demonstration of domestically developed wave energy technologies.
Can help satisfy DOE program goal of Research & Demonstration of marine renewables.
MHK Potential for Job Creation &
Commercial Exports
Roadmap establishes goal of at least 15 GW installed
capacity in U.S. waters by 2030.
Goal would support creation of up to 36,000 jobs
across the U.S. for fabrication, installation, operations
and maintenance of MHK devices by 2030.
U.K estimate predicts that the British marine energy
sector could be worth £76 billion to the national
economy and support 68,000 jobs by 2050.
Oregon Iron Works has the skilled workforce ready to
build what others envision. Ocean renewable energy
is a key growth industry that allows us to diversify
our business while we continue to grow and create
new green jobs right here in the United States.
Chandra Brown, Vice President
Oregon Iron Works, Inc.
First U.S. MHK Technical Roadmap (Nov. 2011) led by
OREC, with input from DOE & NREL
MHK Industry Job Creation
Photos from the European Marine Energy Center in Orkney, Scotland, U.K.
Cable Manufacturing
Equipment Manufacturing & Assembly
Cable Laying & Device Deployment
Electrical Engineering
Scale Site Mooring Manufacturing
Monitoring Support Services
U.S. MHK Projects
Recent Progress & Accomplishments
Columbia Power’s SeaRay 3rd generation wave power prototype
has been deployed in the Puget Sound since March 2011.
Ocean Renewable Power Company’s (ORPC)Beta Power
System generated grid-compatible power from tidal currents at
Cobscook Bay, Eastport, Maine in August, 2010.
Following FERC approval in 2012, ORPC will begin the Maine
Tidal Energy Project in Cobscook Bay, and will increase the
project’s capacity to 3 megawatts over three years – enough to
power 1,200 homes and businesses.
OPT’s Enhanced System PowerBuoy (PB40) connected to the
grid at the U.S. Marine Corps Base in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii
September, 2010.
OPT – the first 150kW WEC of a 10 device array will be
deployed in 2012 in Reedsport, OR.
Verdant Power secured FERC license to build out its
underwater turbines in NYC.
Verdant power will install 30 tidal turbines in the East River to
generate 1 MW of electricity in 2012/13.
U.S. Devices
Ocean Power Technologies
Columbia Power Technologies
Utility PowerBuoy
OPT Autonomous
Generation Design
 Successfully completed ocean testing in
2007 and 2008 on earlier designs
 Intermediate scale device installed and
operating in the Puget Sound (above photo)
• Utility grid-connected systems
U.S. Projects: New Jersey, U.S. Navy – Hawaii,
E.U. Projects: Spain, England, Scotland
Australia, Japan
• Remote, autonomous applications
U.S. Navy and USCG – Maritime Surveillance and
Port Security
Ocean Observing - Maritime Sensing
Offshore Oil & Gas Subsea Exploration
Deployed since February 2011
Testing has yielded great results
Current design path mitigates risk and leads to
rapid cost of energy reductions
 Commercial scale device design and major
system testing in 2012
 Commercial scale device construction and
testing in 2013
U.S. Devices
Ecomerit’s Aquantis
Ecomerit’s Centipod
Aquantis Current Plane (“C--Plane™”)
Centipod Wave Generator
Extracts energy from ocean currents from Florida Gulf Stream.
Competitively priced base-load, continuous, and reliable power
Offshore wave power technology.
DOE Awarded Advanced Direct Drive: Eliminates Gearbox,
Power Electronics, Variable Pitch and Rare Earth Materials
Currently in design phase, secured DOE award in FY09, FY10.
TRL level 6 - Full Scale Component/Subsystem Testing FY13.
Direct-drive mechanism with highest possible
efficiency .
Completed DOE Advanced Water Power program grant: Siting
Study Approach and Survey Methodology for Marine and
Offshore Hydrokinetic Energy Projects in the Atlantic
Ocean Southeast, Florida.
Leverages U.S. based Ship Building capabilities.
Suited for use on East and West U.S. Coasts.
Currently in design phase, secured DOE award in
Conducted geophysical survey and benthic analysis of
prospective MHK device Gulf Stream deployment locations off
southeast Florida coast.
Best in Class U.S. Thought Leaders: DOD, NAVY-Carderock,
Penn State/ARL, Bosch-Rexroth, BEW, PEI, FAU, and PCCI.
U.S. Devices
Verdant Power
 Tidal & river power system - predictable & reliable
 World’s only grid-connected, turbine array
deployed & operated more than 9,000 hours
in New York’s East River - a tidal strait
 FERC commercial license secured
 NY Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy project build-out
Turbines installed underwater
 Potential to be world’s first multi-unit
commercial tidal (MHK) energy facility
 A standard commercial system, tailored for sites
Commercial array in NY’s East River
MHK Device Installation Outlook
(12 – 18 months)
Ocean Power Technologies
Marine Corps Base Hawaii (Kaneohe Bay)
Reedsport, Oregon
Reedsport, Oregon (total: 15 Mw)
40 kW
150 kW+
1350 kW
Ocean Renewable Power Company
Eastport, Maine
Cook Inlet, Alaska
1 Mw
Verdant Power
Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy
10 Mw
Snohomish PUD
Admiralty Inlet/Puget Sound, WA Tidal Energy Pilot Plant 1 Mw
Douglas County, Oregon
Land-Based WaveGen Technology
2-3 Mw
U.K. Water Power Program
 U.K. has head start on U.S. in MHK technology development, testing and
 U.K. laws strive for permits within six months time.
 Marine and Coastal Access bill enacted for comprehensive marine management (2006.)
 Specific guidance provided for streamlined marine renewables siting.
 Full-scale and sub-scale test facilities.
 National Renewable Energy Center (Narec) est. in 2002 – £12 million Nautilus center for MHK
 European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) est. in 2003
 U.K. Wave Hub installed September 2010 – £42 million (US$64.36 million)
 Target of 2GW by 2020 in U.K. waters.
 Goal will only be achieved through device deployment
Rolls Royce Tidal
Technology at EMEC
Power - Oyster
Marine Current
Ocean Power Delivery
OpenHydro Group
Open-Centre Turbine
European Marine Energy Center (EMEC)
Orkney, Scotland
DOE Water Power Program
 EPACT 2005 officially recognized ocean energy as a qualified renewable resource.
 EISA 2007 emphasized MHK technologies.
 DOE water power activities were restarted in FY 08.
 FY12 reflects highest funding level to date.
 Water Power was the only RE energy program to receive an increase in FY12.
Water Power Program Appropriations
(MHK & Conventional Hydro)
FY 2008 (MHK - $7.3m)
FY 2009 (MHK - $29.47m)
FY 2010 (MHK - $36m)
FY 2011 CR (MHK - $21.5m)
FY 2012 (MHK - $34m)
FY 2013 PBR (MHK - $15m)
DOE Water Power Program Funding
DOD MHK Funding
FY2001: $0
FY2002: $0
FY2003: $2M
FY2004: $3.4M
FY2005: $3.4M
FY2006: $1.5M
FY2007: $3.8M
FY2008: $4M
FY2009: $13.6M
Fy2010: $12.32M
FY2011: $0
FY2012: est. $5.5M
-------------------TOTAL: $54.02M
DoD Funding
(Millions of Dollars)
DoD Funding
 MHK technology helps meet DOD energy requirements.
 Reduces dependency on fossil fuels.
 Reduces vulnerability in time of conflict/fuel shortages.
U.S./U.K. Wave & Tidal Energy Support
U.S. Government Support
U.K. Government Support
Total Investments
7.5% of Fed. Govt. electricity
consumption from RE by 2013 – No
national RE target
No government target for MHK
installation – only industry goal of 15GW
by 2030
FY12 PBR was $38.5M– final
appropriations included $59M for Water
Power ($34M MHK)
FY13 PBR – $15M for MHK RD&D
No grid-connected commercial MHK
Adaptive management fund to pay for
environmental studies, not yet enacted
PTC & accelerated depreciation credit –
lacks parity with other renewables
National test centers proposed, not
Country-wide RE target of 15% by 2020
Government target to install 2.17GW by
£223M announced investment through
£20M announced for R&D in 2011 (~$30M
Current installed capacity of 2.6MW wave
and 3.4MW tidal projects
Streamlined regulatory & licensing
framework with Strategic Environmental
Revenue Support Security (Renewable
Obligation Certificates); Renewable
Energy Feed-In Tariffs (REFITS)
Three national test centers (Narec,
EMEC, Wave Hub)
Total European Investment:
Total: $523 million*
*number is approximate
Total U.S. Investment:
Total: $192.79 million
U.S. Policy & Funding Needs
 Stable funding for Water Power Program in FY13 - $60M
 DOE-sponsored national MHK deployment and timeline
technology roadmap
 Streamlined framework for siting and permitting
 Investment Incentives (PTC, ITC, 5-year MACRS depreciation)
 Continue to support DOE-authorized Marine and
Hydrokinetic Technology test centers
The Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition is the only national trade
association exclusively dedicated to promoting marine and hydrokinetic
renewable energy technologies from clean, renewable ocean resources.
OREC Member Organizations
Alden Research Laboratory, Inc. • Aquamarine Power • Battery Ventures • Beveridge & Diamond • Biosonics • Central Lincoln
People’s Utility District • Chadbourne & Park, LLP • Chevron Technology Ventures • Columbia Power Technologies • Dresser
Rand • HDR/DTA • Ecology & Environment, Inc. • Ecomerit Technologies • Florida Atlantic University • FluMill • Garrad
Hassan • Kleinschmidt • Lockheed Martin Corporation • Long Island Power Authority • New England Marine Renewable
Energy Center, University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth • Marine Renewable Energy Laboratory • University of Michigan •
Millbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy, LLP • Natural Currents • Northwest Public Power Association • Ocean Power Technologies
• Open Hydro • Ocean Renewable Power Company • Ocean Wave Energy Company • Oregon Iron Works • Oregon State
University • Oregon Wave Energy Trust • Pacific Gas & Electric Company • Pelamis Wave Power Limited • Puget Sound Energy
• Pierce Atwood, LLP • Reluminati • • Renewable Energy Composite Solutions • Resolute Marine
Energy, Inc. • SAIC • Scottish Development International • Sea Mammal Research Unit Ltd. • SMI, Inc. • SML Consulting •
Snohomish Public Utility District • Sound & Sea Technology, Inc. • Southern Company • The Stella Group • Stoel Rives, LLP •
Tacoma Power • Teledyne • Tetra Tech • TRC Companies • Turner Hunt Ocean Renewables, LLC • Van Ness Feldman • Verdant
Power • University of Washington • Wavebob, Ltd. • WaveStar Energy • Yakutat Power
12909 Scarlet Oak Drive Darnestown, Maryland 20878
(301) 869-3790