Transcript PPT

Irvington ASB
{ For the 2014-2015 school year
Available Positions
Freshman Class President
Freshman Class Vice President
ASB Assistant (Freshman Intern)
Apps due Friday March 28
School Events
Spirit Weeks
Starts in summer (August)
Each class gets a theme
Builds decorations around that theme
(paint, woodwork, posters, etc.)
Shows class pride
Competition between all grades
Spirit Week
1 week in October
Each class has different dress up
days (Mon-Thurs)
Freshman Day (Wednesday)
6 AM- set up benchbuilding in courtyard,
stands throughout day
Lunch- skit (volunteers) then dance (entire
class), other classes watch
After school- clean up
Other Spirit Weeks
Dress up days, noon activities to
win prizes
Oct: Red Ribbon Week
Dec: Winter Week (dress up days)
Feb/Mar/Apr: Clash of the
Girls vs. boys
Mar/Apr: Multicultural Week
Dances and Rallies
Rallies on Fridays
Dances either Friday/Saturday
Sept: Hello Rally, Hello Dance
Oct: Homecoming Rally, Homecoming
Dec/Jan: Winter Rally, Winter Ball
Feb/Mar/Apr: Blacklight Rally, Sadies
(blacklight dance)
May: Awards Rally
Club Rush
4 times a year during lunch
Clubs, Class Councils sign up to
raise money by selling food
Ex: Costco food, In N’ Out,
crêpes, milk tea, etc.
What ASB Does
Organize fun activities for students
Rallies, dances, Club Rush
Aims to make high school enjoyable
for all students
Business meetings every Thursday
Approve events, discuss progress,
Freshman Class
Plan benchbuilding & Spirit Week
Raise money for their class
Hold fundraisers
Sell class t-shirts
Run Class Council (15-20 selected
ASB Assistant
Oct: Red Ribbon Week
Dec/Jan: Senior Citizen Ball
June: Special Ed Ball
Help ASB with general duties
Distribute Nice Notes every
Thank You!
Any questions? Contact us on
Facebook or email!
Lindsey Yuan: [email protected]
Alexa Reynoso: [email protected]
Apps due Friday, March 28th
We will call you to set up an interview.