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A Call To Action: Supporting India’s Commitment
to the Global Strategy for Women and Children’s
Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program
Dr. Anju Puri
Senior Advisor, Newborn and Child Health
16th November 2010
MCHIP in India
MCHIP is working to address major constraints in national efforts
to improve MNCH and contribute towards achieving MDG 4 & 5
• Vaccine Preventable Disease
– Focus on expanding immunization coverage and improving
quality to reduce morbidity and mortality
• Maternal Health
– Strengthening Pre-service Nursing and Midwifery Education
– Revitalizing PPFP/PPIUCD program
• Newborn Health
– Support the national program for care of the newborn through
improved ENC, neonatal resuscitation and hand washing
Immunization Status India
Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Influencing national immunization policies and strategies and mobilize
new resources
Using “ RED” for planning, management and monitoring
Building capacity of stakeholders
NRHM guidelines that make funding available for evidence-based, best practices
New vaccine , measles control, JE vaccine, cold chain, PIPs
Updating, leveraging resources for roll out and evaluating RI training packages for
BHWs, MOs, DIOs, partners (more than 1000 workers trained; 150,000 across India)
Need-based job aids (used in UP, Jhk, Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa, Punjab)
Pioneering a unique multi-partner supportive supervision approach (UP/Jharkhand,
Orissa, MP)
In selected blocks of focus districts, demonstrating successful
approaches to utilize lessons from polio eradication for improving RI
NMR trends and predictions
Causes of Neonatal Mortality
Newborn Activities
Collaborate with the MOHFW and state governments to refine and roll-out essential
newborn care programs, including NSSK
Strengthen national, state level partnerships for improved policy dialogue and evidence
based planning
Child health strategy and operational plan linked to PIP
National child health partner group under GOI
Expert group on Facility Based Newborn Care - MIS, Operational Guide on Facility Based Care
Desk Review of Perinatal Care in India
Strengthen basic NBC and neonatal resuscitation content of INC pre-service training
curricula for nurses
NSSK rolled out in 15/24 districts UP & Jharkhand respectively,
239 trainers trained in UP & 82 in Jharkhand, quality monitoring of cascade training
Facility Readiness assessment & operationalization for Newborn Care
Preparation of job-aides
Curricula updated and in line with NSSK
Adapt and test the successful supportive supervision approach as key activity integrating
lessons of immunization supervision model for newborn care
Strengthening Pre-service Nursing
and Midwifery Education System
Comprehensive initiative in
partnership with INC/GOI
to strengthen the
foundation of ANM
education resulting in
Better prepared service
Higher functioning
educational institutions and
ANMs who are competent,
confident and ready to work
upon graduation.
 Commitment from GoI/ INC/
state Govt/ Donors
 INC approved standards for
education developed and in
 5 national nodal centers
identified and work started
 6 weeks curriculum for
training tutors being finalized
Revitalizing PPFP/PPIUCD program
in India
2/3 of PP women desired to
space or limit future births but
were not using appropriate
Method mix relied heavily on
sterilization when IUCD could be
an excellent option for many
JSY was bringing women to
facility: supplying them with
information and delivering high
quality services -- goal of PPFP
National IUCD initiative
 Increased interest at
National/state level, FOGSI,
private providers, donors
 National Consultation on
Family Planning for Maternal
and Child Health in addition
to Population Stabilization in
May 2010
 States developing PPFP
Establishment of PPFP/PPIUCD
 Developed national PPIUCD
clinical guidelines, training
materials including job aids, IEC
material, approved by GoI
 Developed 4 training sites
including standardizing PPIUCD
 Doctor and nurse teams from two
sites each in 16 states trained
and PPFP/PPIUCD services
established at > 32 sites
 > 3000 PPIUCD insertions done
In the newly established service
delivery and training sites since
February 2010.
Thank You