PowerPoint 프레젠테이션 - GUC - Faculty of Information Engineering

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Transcript PowerPoint 프레젠테이션 - GUC - Faculty of Information Engineering

NETW 1010
Internet of Things:
Dr. Eng. Amr T. Abdel-Hamid
Fall 2013
Table of Contents
Internet of Things
Answering the W’s
What is IOT?
When? (History and Future of IOT)
Where? (Applications)
Why? (Advantages of using it)
How? (Enabling Technologies)
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Course Administrative work + Project
NETW 1010
Starting from the Internet
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Internet appears everywhere in the world
 but it is still a connection between people and people
NETW 1010
What is the Internet of Things?
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Internet connects all people, so it is called “the Internet of
 IoT connects all things, so it is called “the Internet of Things”
NETW 1010
What’s the Internet of Things
Internet of Things
 Definition
Dr. Amr Talaat
(1) The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Obj
ects, refers to a wireless network between objects, usuall
y the network will be wireless and self-configuring, such a
s household appliances.
(2) By embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a
wide array of additional gadgets and everyday items, ena
bling new forms of communication between people and t
hings, and between things themselves.
------WSIS 2005
NETW 1010
Will it affect your life?
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Welcome to our NEW DIMENSION
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Table of Contents
Internet of Things
Answering the W’s
What is IOT?
When? (History and Future of IOT)
Where? (Applications)
Why? (Advantages of using it)
How? (Enabling Technologies)
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Course Administrative work + Project
NETW 1010
Why Internet of Things?
Internet of Things
Dynamic control of
industry and daily
Accessibility &
Universal transport
& internetworking
Dr. Amr Talaat
Improve the
resource utilization
Better relationship
between human
and nature
Forming an
intellectual entity by
integrating human
society and physical
NETW 1010
Table of Contents
Internet of Things
Answering the W’s
What is IOT?
When? (History and Future of IOT)
Where? (Applications)
Why? (Advantages of using it)
How? (Enabling Technologies)
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Course Administrative work + Project
NETW 1010
History of the Internet of Things
 History
Internet of Things
 1997, “The Internet of Things” is the seventh in the seri
es of ITU Internet Reports originally launched in 1997 un
der the title “Challenges to the Network”.
 1999, Auto-ID Center founded in MIT
 2003, EPC Global founded in MIT
 2005, Four important technologies of the internet of thin
gs was proposed in WSIS conference. (RFID, Nano, Wirel
ess sensors, smart tech)
Dr. Amr Talaat
 2008, First international conference of internet of things:
The IOT 2008 was held at Zurich.
NETW 1010
NOW is the time
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
What does 50 billion means
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
The Applications of Iot
Internet of Things
Regional Office
Dr. Amr Talaat
Transportation Vehicle
Biosensor taken by people
Equipment in
public place
Virtual Environment
NETW 1010
2 Examples
Internet of Things
 For the public and the society
 For business and enterprises
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Example 1: Pachube
Internet of Things
 "The Internet of Things Real-Time Web Ser
vice and Applications"
 Platform to connect sensors and other hardwa
 Platform to build IoT services and applications
 RESTful APIs
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
After the Fukushima Disaster on Pachube
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Many People Connected Radiation Sensors…
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Cool, but …
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Data quality of various sources
 Accuracy of each data point
 Sensor reliability and availability
 Time of measurement
 Important for trust!
 Unit jungle:
 nGy/s, mSv/h, Sv/h, Bq/kg, cpm …
 Sometimes misleading, sometimes just hard to compar
 Mix of data sources
 Real sensors
 Virtual sensors (data scraping from web pages, e.g.,
NETW 1010
Business Web
A Platform and Marketplace for Business Services
Internet of Things
The Business Web is a cloud-based business environment that
provides access to the necessary infrastructure, applications, content,
and connectivity to deliver end-to-end business services optimized
for mobility and ease of participation
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
M2M Scenario – Ice Cream Cabinets
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
 The application provides consumer
products companies with detailed i
nformation about the location and s
tatus of its ice cream cabinets.
 This information can be used to fin
d these cabinets, supply them with
new ice cream in time, and monitor
their temperature in order to avoid
ice cream becoming bad due to a d
efective ice cream cabinet.
 The ice cream cabinets become sm
art items that monitor their energy
consumption, send alarms, and bec
ome an active part in the companie
s operation processes as well as su
stainability efforts.
NETW 1010
IoT Configuration
Internet of Things
 2.5 millon ice cream cabinets
 Worldwide distributed
 Biggest growth markets: China and I
 Sensoring
 Need to refill
 Avoid stock-outs
 Location
 Reliably find and refill
 Temperature / power outage
 Detect failures and avoid product loss
 Behavioral statistics
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Conclude conversion rate
NETW 1010
IoT Integration into Business Processes
Roles and processes
Internet of Things
 CPG Backend
3rd Party Supplier
 Operational BI on supply chain efficien
 User behavior monitoring and campaig
n efficiency
 3rd Party Supplier
 Dispatcher: Improved planning of daily
logistics processes
 Get refill priorities and alarms on power
outage and temperatures
 Truck Driver: Guidance and real-time i
ntegration into process
 Store Owner
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Push alarms to store owners for imme
diate actions
 Resolve power outage / close lid to save
Reality App:
Guide me to
the next ice
 Consumer
 Guidance to next ice cream cabinet (so
urce of happiness)
NETW 1010
Table of Contents
Internet of Things
Answering the W’s
What is IOT?
When? (History and Future of IOT)
Where? (Applications)
Why? (Advantages of using it)
How? (Enabling Technologies)
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Course Administrative work + Project
NETW 1010
IoT Enabling Technologies
Internet of Things
Sensor Technologies
To collect and process the data to
detect the changes in the physical
status of things
Energy harvesting technologies
Wireless Communication and Networking
To enable the communication between the sensors and the system
machine-to-machine interfaces and protocols of electronic
Smart Technology and Computing
Big Data
To enhance the power of the network by
devolving processing capabilities to different part
of the network
Dr. Amr Talaat
Actuators (NANO TECH)
To make the smaller and smaller things have the ability to connect and interact.(nano-tech
NETW 1010
Why Cloud?
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Internet of Things vs. Cloud Properties
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
State of the Art of IoT
Internet of Things
Research Groups
MIT Auto-ID Lab & EPC
EPFL & ETH Zurich
Information and Comm
unication Systems Res
earch Group
Stanford University
Georgia Institute of Tec
Dr. Amr Talaat
Cambridge Univ
Chemnitz University of
VSR Group
Metro Group
NETW 1010
State of the Art of IoT
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
The Challenge of IoT
Internet of Things
1. Technological Standardization in most areas are still
remain fragmented.
2. Huge amount of Data
3. Managing and fostering rapid innovation is a challenge for
4. Privacy and security
5. Testing of Multi-Discipline Systems
6. Absence of governance
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010
Privacy Example
Internet of Things
How to convincing users that the IoT technology will
protect their data and privacy when tracking
Potential Solutions
Dr. Amr Talaat
Legal &
Social Ethic
NETW 1010
Course Content
• Introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things
• Technology and Platforms: Introductions to electronics and micro-contr
ollers, Introduction to Sensors and Actuators, Operating Systems.
• Overview of Wireless Technologies: Wireless channel, Channel models.
• IOT Networking: MAC protocols for wireless networks, performance met
rics for MAC protocols for low power wireless networks Review the differ
ent routing classes, basics of IPv6, Neighbor Discovery, and Stateless A
ddress Auto configuration, 6LowPAN, IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth 4.
• Application Layer: Objectives of the application layer, Goals of CoAP, R
eview the "development" of applications with "queries“
• IOT Security considerations.
Dr. Amr Talaat
• Testing and Verification of IOT: Review the different environments for st
udying wireless networks, Review the characteristics of testbeds for wirel
ess multi-hop networks. Which steps are mandatory?
NETW 1010
Course Grading
Internet of Things
Quizzes 3 Quizzes: best 2
Final exam
NO Midterm
Theoretical Assignments
(15 %)
(45 %)
(0 %)
 Lecture/Tutorial Quizzes (will set best % later)
 Programming Assignments over the emulator.
Dr. Amr Talaat
 Project
(40 %)
NETW 1010
 Course Project:
Internet of Things
Dr. Amr Talaat
The proposition and prototyping of a CREATIVE
IOT system in the following fields:
Project groups are due in two week
 5 persons Max.
 Not from the same Department
starts in 2 weeks
Best Project Competition
Final Project Evaluation/Presentation will be announced.
External Evaluation Committee
NETW 1010
In time
It is too LATE Policy
Internet of Things
 Late presentation of project and assignments is
NOT possible.
 Honor code
 100% penalty for both copier and copy-giver
of Any Report/CODE.
Dr. Amr Talaat
NETW 1010