Categorize Storage Devices And Backup Media

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   Holds media that needs to be accessed Holds files that the system needs to operate Holds data that needs to be saved

     Rapidly becoming obsolete but still found in legacy applications Most recent configuration accepted a removable 3 1/2" disk with a storage capacity of 1.44 MB Traditionally assigned drive letters A: and B: Power supplied through a 4-pin Mini power Connector (Molex) Data transferred to motherboard through a 34 pin keyed ribbon cable


     What kind of power connector does a floppy drive use?

A. AT Power Connector B. ATX Power Connector C. Molex Power Connector D.Mini-molex power Connector

     Typically mounted inside the computer Provides permanent storage and quick access Stores information either on small disks called platters or in integrated memory chips Read and write operations are managed by the controller Data is transferred to and from the motherboard by the host adapter

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     Where does the HDD store information: A.) The Motherboard B.)

Small disks called platters

C.)Host Adapter D.)None of the Above

A magnetic disk's medium contains iron particles, which can be polarized—given a magnetic charge—in one of two directions.


Each particle's direction represents a 1 (on) or 0 (off), representing each bit of data that the CPU can recognize.


A disk drive uses read/write heads containing electromagnets to create magnetic charges on the medium

Primary Magnetic Storage Devices:

Diskettes (floppy disks)

 

Hard disks High-capacity floppy disks

 

Disk cartridges Magnetic tape

   Cost Less Higher number of writes/erase cycles Higher write speeds

       Uses memory chips to store data Contains no moving parts Quieter Resistant to shock and vibration Faster read/write speeds Expensive Requires constant power source

     Faster Startup Higher read speeds Lower power consumption Less heat generated Less risk of failure

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Which of the following is not true when discussing the advantages of a solid state drive over a magnetic drive?

  A.) Faster Startup B.)Faster Radom Access for reading   C.) Quieter D.)Unlimited Read and Writes

Data is recorded to this type of media by stamping irregularities onto the surface of the disc, or "burned" into it using a laser, in a spiral pattern that runs from the inside to the outside of the disk. 1.



Compact Discs (CD), Digital Versatile Discs (DVD) Blu-Ray discs


Used for digital data storage  formats include read-only (CD-ROM), write-once audio and data storage (CD R), and rewritable media (CD-RW).  Storage capacity ranges from 650 900MB.

      DVD discs can be single or double sided.

each DVD side may contain a second invisible "layer" to increase the disc's storage capacity.

4.7GB capacity(single-sided/single-layer) 8.5GB capacity (single-sided/double layer) 9.4GB capacity (double-sided/single layer) 17.1GB capacity (double-sided/double layer)

    High-density optical disc created with a blue laser Used to store HD video and large amounts of data 25-50GB storage capacity single-layer 50-100GB storage capacity dual-layer

Which has the greatest storage capacity?

 A.)CD    B.)CD-RW C.)DVD D.)Blu-Ray

Tape drive

› Can be installed internally or externally › › › › Uses either digital or analog magnetic tape 100GB capacity / 200GB compressed Slower than most medium Primarily used for archives

Solid state

Thumb Drive: Also known as a jump drive or flash drive, a convenient means for data transfer quickly replacing the traditional floppy disk drive › SD cards: small memory cards used in electronic devices

     Where can you find a Standard SD memory card? A.A cellular/smart phone B.A digital camera C.A PDA D. All of the options provided are correct

    External hard drives store your valuable data and add a considerable level of safety and security. Provides portable storage with popular interfaces of USB and FireWire. Some are available with an eSATA or SCSI interface some still require additional power sources.

Hot swappable devices can be added or removed from your computer without having to reboot.


 USB Devices   Keyboard Mouse   Thumb Drives Some SATA Hard Drives Devices that require rebooting or need to have drivers installed to operate are considered non-hot swappable  


internal hard drive

     What do you call the technology that allows you to connect and disconnect a device to a computer while the computer is running? A. Hot-swappable B. Power-charged C. Plug and play D. Compact

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