Operations and Standards Committee Presentation_Nov 2013

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Transcript Operations and Standards Committee Presentation_Nov 2013

Operations & Standards
Committee (OSC)
NAOC BOD & Membership
November 2013
Rick Hanoski, EA
Chairman, Operations & Standards Committee
Discussion Topics
OSC Members & Organization
Document Review
UXO Qualification Record
UXO Tech I Training Programs
UXO Technician I School Accreditation
Mission Statement
To advise government agencies on
operations and standards issues in
the areas of personnel, safety,
training, and technology as they
relate to Munitions Response
programs and work sites.
2013 OSC Members & Organization
Dan Haines, Environet
Sonny Richardson, AMEC
Dennis Lecher, Advent
Joe Riner, OER
Gene Barber, TLI
Scott Pontius, TLI
Dave Courtney, Sterling
Katie Catlett, Neptune
Megan Donahue, AECOM
Shank, Jacob, Aerotek
Robert Crownover, USA Environmental
Dan Tompkins, ECC
Les Clarke, Battelle
John Monk, EA
Hud Heaton, AMEC
Wayne Martrildonno, Bay West
Jack Norris, AECOM
Steve Young, Burns & McDonnell
Terry Collins, Relyant
Jeff Bryant, BSE
Jeff Kennedy, ECC
Richard Satkin, Matrix
Neil Feist, HGL
Rafael Velazquez, ECC
Ed Brinkley, TEEX
Lanette Shea Waite, CH2M Hill
Harald Dewit, Terranear PMC
Victoria Kantsios, URS
Rick Hanoski, EA (Chairman)
Ryan Steigerwalt, Weston
Jeff Leberfinger, Terranear PMC
31 Total Members
2013 OSC Members & Organization
Seven OSC Meetings held
Meeting Dates & Attendance
12/19/12: 15
1/23/13: 13
2/21/13: 3
4/10/13: 11
5/29/13: 10
8/20/13: 9
11/15/13: 12
2013 OSC Members & Organization
Seven Tiger Teams
Webinar Presentations/Workshops: Lanette Waite (CH2M Hill)
and Jeff Leberfinger (Terranear PMC)
Guidance Document and Polices Review: Rick Hanoski (EA)
UXO Technician I Schools Visits: Rick Hanoski (EA), Sonny
Richardson (AMEC) and Dan Tompkins (ECC)
UXO Technician I School Accreditation: Rick Hanoski (EA)
UXO Qualification Record: Megan Donahue (AECOM)
Collaboration Other Organizations: Jacob Shank (Areotek)
Geophysicist Qualifications (in collaboration with Technology
Committee): Hud Heaton (AMEC)
Webinar Seminars
Lead: Lanette Waite (CH2M Hill) and Jeff Leberfinger
(Terranear PMC)
Benefit to the Membership
Provide the NAOC members and guest
speakers/presenters with an open forum to address
industry topics or concerns .
Provided Memo documenting attendance for use as
Five Webinars held during 2013 Totaling 284
Geophysics 101 for UXO Projects (5/23/13)
136 Registered, 57 Attended (42%)
Webinar Seminars (Cont.)
Summary of Classification Technology (6/12/13)
118 Registered, 47 Attended (40%)
An Overview of NOSSA 8020.15D (9/17/13)
87 Registered, 54 Attended (62%)
Marine Geophysics Processing (10/16/13)
90 Registered, 52 Attended (58%)
VSP (11/14/13)
192 Registered, 74 Attended (38.5%)
Document Reviews
Lead: Rick Hanoski (EA)
Provide the NAOC membership an opportunity to review
guidance documents/policies at the governments request.
OSC lead the review of two document reviews
Mr. Doug Murray, NOSSA asked the NAOC to provide
input for the DDESB Technical Paper 18: “Minimum
Qualifications for Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
Technicians and Personnel ”
Review Panel Established on 6/27/13
The 13 NAOC member companies provided a total of ~50 comments.
A total of 28 recommendation/comments submitted 30 June 2013
Document Review (Cont.)
Mr. Bryan Harre, NAVFAC EXWC asked NAOC to review
and provide review comments of the Draft Navy RI/FS
A total of ~100 recommendation/comments from 6 NAOC member
companies were submitted 27 September 2013
OSC assisted the International Committee in review and
feedback of the IMAS EOD Level 4 Program
UXO Qualification Record
Lead: Megan Donahue (AECOM)
Provide a acceptable format to document individual’s UXO
qualifications and experience
Assist Managers to match UXO experience with the
planned activity
Often time resumes don’t convey the actual experience
This process provides a tool to document & verify experience
UXO Tech I Training Schools
Lead: Rick Hanoski (EA)
Preliminary Actions
Conduct site visit was to observe classroom training and
provide feedback to the NAOC membership of UXO
Technician I schools.
TEEX volunteered as the first school to participate in 2012
UXO Global volunteered as the next school to participate.
Review Schedule
Classroom Review- EA: 22 May 2013
Demolition Range- ECC: 6-8 May 2013
Grid Operations- CBI: 24-25 June 2013
UXO Tech I Training Schools (Cont.)
As a result of the site visits, OSC put together a report that
generalizes personal opinions and observations of the
training facility.
Report submitted 9 July 2013 to the president of NAOC
for BOD’s approval for distribution to the membership.
UXO Acted upon NAOC Report to improve training
Near Future Actions for OSC
OSC is currently working with Relyant as the next UXO
Technician I Training schools to be observed.
UXO Technician I School Accreditation
Lead: Rick Hanoski (EA)
As the NAOC continues to grow and has become the
voice of the Munitions Response Industry, the NAOC
should take a leadership role by establishing a oversight
accreditation process for UXO Technician I training
programs to ensure they meet the industries standards
and meet established DoD training criteria i.e. TP-18
OSC submitted a White Paper to the 2012 BOD for
discussion proposing the establishment of a accreditation
UXO Technician I School Accreditation
Questions from the 2013 NAOC BOD were submitted to
Periodicity of Accreditation Process
Costs of Accreditation
Insurance Requirements
Tax Implications
Application Process
Other Industry Accreditation Examples
OSC put together a package and submitted to the 2013
NAOC BOD for further consideration and discussion.