This is Ann.

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Transcript This is Ann.

College English 1
Unit 9 Health
Text A
Is it an Emergency?
Text B
Eastern and Western
Medical Systems
Text A
Is it an Emergency?
emergent: adj. Suddenly come into being or
notice an emergent engineering project 紧急
emergency: n. 紧急情况,急诊
 How would disabled people escape in an
 national emergency 全国紧急状态
 emergency case 急诊病人
Ann needs to see her
doctor for an emergent
case. So she calls the
clinic to make an
appointment. Later on,
she goes to the clinic.
Receptionist: Dr. Lee’s
Ann: May I speak to Dr.
Receptionist: Dr. Lee is
engaged for the moment.
Who’s speaking?
Ann: This is Ann. I’d like to
make an appointment to
see Dr. Lee.
Receptionist: Is it an emergency?
Ann: Yes, I have an infected wound.
Receptionist: In that case, how about this
afternoon at two?
Ann: Fine.
(A little later, Ann arrives at the clinic.)
Ann: I’m here to see Dr. Lee.
Receptionist: Your name?
Ann: Ann.
Receptionist: Ah, yes. Please fill out this form,
with your name, address, and phone number.
Do you have health insurance?
Ann: Yes.
Receptionist: OK. Stay here. Dr. Lee will be
right with you.
(A moment later)
Dr. Lee: What seems to be the problem?
Ann: Well, I cut myself with a sharp knife the
other day, and now my hand is swollen. It
seems to be infected.
Dr. Lee: When did it happen?
Ann: Last Saturday.
Dr. Lee: Could you roll up your sleeve? Does it hurt
when I press here?
Ann: A little bit.
Dr. Lee: Have you been taking any medication?
Ann: No.
Dr. Lee: Do you have a fever?
Ann: No, I don’t think so.
Dr. Lee: I’ll give you a prescription
that’ll get rid of the infection quickly.
Ann: Thank you, Doctor.
Ann needs to see her
doctor for an emergent
case. So she calls the
clinic to make an
appointment. Later on,
she goes to the clinic.
So she calls the clinic to make an appointment.
clinic: n. a building, often part of a hospital, to
which people can go for medical care or advice
relating to a particular condition 诊所,门诊部
Bring your baby to the clinic and we'll take a look at her.
Antenatal clinics provide care for pregnant women.
Make an appointment
Later on 后来
What are you doing later on this evening?
Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.
比较: earlier on 先前,早期
She developed a musical interest earlier on. 她在
Ann needs to see her doctor for an emergent
case. So she calls the clinic to make an
appointment. Later on, she goes to the clinic.
Receptionist: Dr. Lee’s
Ann: May I speak to Dr.
Receptionist: Dr. Lee is
engaged for the moment.
Who’s speaking?
Ann: This is Ann. I’d like to
make an appointment to
see Dr. Lee.
Conversation skills:
making a phone call
Ann: May I speak to Dr. Lee?
Receptionist: Dr. Lee is engaged for the
moment. Who’s speaking?
Ann: This is Ann.
Dr. Lee is engaged for the moment.
engaged: adj. busy doing something
I'd come to the meeting on Tuesday but I'm afraid
I'm otherwise engaged (= doing something else) .
He is engaged in devising the project.
for the moment: 目前,暂时
I think perhaps we might leave it for the
moment. 我看或许我们可以暂时不谈这事。
I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Lee.
I’d like to表示意愿
make an appointment with sb. to do sth. 约会/
see a doctor 看医生,看病
It would be good for you to see a doctor.
Receptionist: Dr. Lee’s Clinic.
Ann: May I speak to Dr. Lee?
Receptionist: Dr. Lee is engaged for the moment.
Who’s speaking?
Ann: This is Ann. I’d like to make an appointment to
see Dr. Lee.
Receptionist: Is it an emergency?
Ann: Yes, I have an infected wound.
Receptionist: In that case, how about this
afternoon at two?
Ann: Fine.
(A little later, Ann arrives at the clinic.)
I have an infected wound.伤口发炎
Infected: adj. containing bacteria, dirt or other things
that can cause disease 发炎的,感染的 e.g.
an infected wound/cut
After the operation the wound became infected.
The ward was full of children infected with TB.
Wound: n. a damaged area of the body, such as a
cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by a weapon
a gunshot wound
In that case, how about this afternoon at two?
In that case: in this situation
I wouldn't normally agree but I'll make an exception in this
Jobs are hard to find but in his case that's not the problem
because he has so much experience.
Conversation:how about…提出建议
--How about this afternoon at two?
Receptionist: Is it an emergency?
Ann: Yes, I have an infected wound.
Receptionist: In that case, how about this afternoon
at two?
Ann: Fine.
(A little later, Ann arrives at the clinic.)
Ann: I’m here to see Dr. Lee.
Receptionist: Your name?
Ann: Ann.
I’m here to see Dr. Lee.
be here:到这里,在这里 e.g.
He’s here already.
He has been here in London for many years. 他
to do sth.表示目的状语
Ann: I’m here to see Dr. Lee.
Receptionist: Your name?
Ann: Ann.
Receptionist: Ah, yes. Please fill out this form,
with your name, address, and phone number.
Do you have health insurance?
Ann: Yes.
Receptionist: OK. Stay here. Dr. Lee will be
right with you.
(A moment later)
Please fill out this form, with…
fill out:填写
 It took me quite a while to fill out the
questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段
form: n. a paper or set of papers printed with
spaces in which answers to questions can be
written or information can be recorded in an
organized way 表格 e.g.
 Please fill in/out the form with black ink.
 When you have completed the form, hand it
in at the desk.
Do you have health insurance?
health insurance 医疗保险
insurance: n. an agreement in which you pay
a company money and they pay your costs if
you have an accident, injury, etc e.g.
life/health/car/travel insurance
I'll need to take out extra car insurance for
another driver.
Receptionist: Ah, yes. Please fill out this form, with
your name, address, and phone number. Do you have
health insurance?
Ann: Yes.
Receptionist: OK. Stay here. Dr. Lee will be right with
Dr. Lee: What seems to be the problem?
Ann: Well, I cut myself with a sharp knife the
other day, and now my hand is swollen. It
seems to be infected.
What seems to be the problem?
Conversation: seeing a doctor
What is the problem?
What’s the matter with you?
What’s wrong with you?
I cut myself with a sharp knife the other day, and now
my hand is swollen.
the other day 前几天 e.g.
 I am calling about what we discussed the other
day. 我打电话是为了前几天我们所讨论的事。
 Helen borrowed my book the other day, saying that
she would return it soon. 海伦那天借走了我的书, 说很
swollen adj.肿胀的
 past participle of swell e.g.
 a swollen face
 His eyelid is swollen.
 A swollen part or organ.
Dr. Lee: What seems to be the problem?
Ann: Well, I cut myself with a sharp knife the
other day, and now my hand is swollen. It
seems to be infected.
Dr. Lee: When did it happen?
Ann: Last Saturday.
Dr. Lee: Could you roll up your sleeve? Does
it hurt when I press here?
Ann: A little bit.
Could you roll up your sleeve? Does it hurt
when I press here?
roll up your sleeve 卷起袖子
roll up v. to fold cloth around itself to make a
piece of clothing shorter
Could you roll up that string for me?
I rolled up my sleeves and began to wash the dishes
press v. to push something firmly
Press the button to start the machine.
The crowd pressed against the locked doors
trying to get into the building.
He pressed his face against the window.
Dr. Lee: When did it happen?
Ann: Last Saturday.
Dr. Lee: Could you roll up your sleeve? Does it hurt
when I press here?
Ann: A little bit.
Dr. Lee: Have you been taking any medication?
Ann: No.
Dr. Lee: Do you have a fever?
Ann: No, I don’t think so.
Dr. Lee: I’ll give you a prescription
that’ll get rid of the infection quickly.
Ann: Thank you, Doctor.
Have you been taking any medication?
have been doing sth. 现在完成进行时
take some medication 吃药
medication n. something that treats or prevents or
alleviates the symptoms of disease 药物治疗,药
The infection is at last responding to
medication. 药物治疗终于开始对感染显出效果。
Do you have a fever?
have a fever 发烧
 have a cold 感冒
 feel sick/ bad 觉得难受。
 You don't look well. (你好像不太舒服。)
 have a stomachache./My stomach hurts. (我肚子疼。)
 have diarrhea. 我拉肚子了。
 have a dull pain. 钻心地疼。
 I have a headache. / My head hurts. (我头疼。)
 I have a toothache. / My tooth hurts. (我牙疼。)
 have a stuffy nose 鼻塞
 I have a runny nose. / My nose is running. 流鼻涕
I’ll give you a prescription that’ll get rid of the infection
Prescription: n. a piece of paper on which a
doctor writes the details of the medicine or
drugs that someone needs 处方e.g.
a doctor's prescription
These drugs are only
available on prescription.
get rid of the infection
get rid of sth: to remove or throw away something
unwanted e.g.
That cream got rid of my skin rash(皮疹).
I used weedkiller to get rid of the weeds in the
Dr. Lee: Have you been taking any
Ann: No.没有。
Dr. Lee: Do you have a fever?发烧吗?
Ann: No, I don’t think so.没有,我想没有。
Dr. Lee: I’ll give you a prescription that’ll get
rid of the infection quickly.我给你开个处方,
Ann: Thank you, Doctor.谢谢你,医生。
Idiomatic study:
Making a phone call
A: Good morning. United Airline. May I help you?
B: Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr. Reynolds.
A: I’m sorry, he's not in right now. Would you like
to leave a message?
A: Hello, this is Ted. May I speak to Peter?
B: Just a minute, please. I'll see if he's in.
A: Hello. May I speak to Tim, please?
B: I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
A: Could you connect me with the reservation
B: Hold the line for a minute, I'll connect you.
Idiomatic study: Talking about Health
A: How's your mother doing?
B: She's still pretty sick.
A: That's too bad.
A: How's it going?
B: Not so good. My head is going around.
A: How are you feeling?
B: Much better, thanks.
A: Glad to hear it.
A: What about your stuffy nose?
B: Getting better.
A: Where's Ted?
B: He feels a little under the weather now.
A: What's the matter?
B: He has a headache.
Additional information: emergencies
There is only one number in America to call
for all emergencies, 911. When you call 911,
you are asked if you need the police, the fire
department, or an ambulance. For health
emergencies, an ambulance is sent to your
location and takes you to the hospital’s
emergency room.
At the emergency room, a nurse checks on
your injury and assigns you a place in line to
see the doctor. If you are truly dying, you will
see the doctor right away. If you have a cut or
a broken arm, you may need to wait. In this
way, the doctors are able to try to help the
people who most need help. It is important to
remember this and try to be patient.
Text B
Eastern and Western
Medical Systems
Warming up
Do you know which medical system
the following technique belong to,
western or eastern medical system?
Take one’s blood pressure
Drink herbal tea
Main idea
Para1: Review the interaction between
Eastern and Western medical system in the
20th century.
Para 2: There has been a rapid growth in the
awareness and use of TCM in Western
Para 3-4: present the reasons for this rapid
Detailed-reading: passage 1
There has been a record of significant interaction
between Eastern and Western medical systems for
several hundred years. However, the first part of the
20th century was very much a one way flow of
information as the developments in Western
medicine flooded into China. In Western countries
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was relatively
unknown until President Nixon’s groundbreaking
visit to China in 1971 and the accounts of the use of
acupuncture for pain control appeared in the New
York Times.
There has been a record of significant interaction between Eastern
and Western medical systems for several hundred years.
record: n. 记录
Significant: adj. important or noticeable
There has been a significant increase in the
number of women students in recent years.
The talks between the USA and the China were
very significant for the relationship between the
two countries.
Interaction: n. when two or more people or
things communicate with or react to each
other 交流,互动 e.g.
There's not enough interaction between the
management and the workers.
Language games are usually intended to
encourage student interaction.
interact (v.) interactive (adj.)
However, the first part of the 20th century was very much a one way flow of
information as the developments in Western medicine flooded into China.
a one-way flow 单向流动
one way : travelling or allowing travel in
only one direction 单向的 e.g.
I drove the wrong way down a one-way
street .
How much is a one-way ticket ( UK usually
single ) to New York?
as the developments in Western medicine flooded into
I must stop writing now,as I have rather a lot of work to
Flood: v. to fill or enter a place in large numbers or amounts
Donations are flooding into the appeal office.
Japanese cars have flooded the market.
In Western countries Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was relatively
unknown until President Nixon’s groundbreaking visit to China in 1971 and the
accounts of the use of acupuncture for pain control appeared in the New York
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)中医
Relatively: adv. in comparison with other similar
things or with what you expect 相对地 e.g.
 relatively good/bad/etc.
 relatively speaking: 相对而言
Relatively speaking, it's a fairly poor country.
until President Nixon’s groundbreaking visit to China
谓语动词是终止性动词,应采用“... not ... until ...”结构,意为
“到……时候才……”。例如: You mustn’t eat anything until you
see the doctor. 看过医生之后,你才能吃东西。
 谓语动词为肯定式,则until译为“到……时候为止”。例如: I
watched TV until she came back. 我看电视一直看到她回来。
 谓语动词为否定式,则until应译为“到……时候才”,即
“在……以前不”。例如: I did not watch TV until she came
back. 直到她回来我才开始看电视。
Groundbreaking: adj. very new and a big
change from other things of its type 突破性的,
开创性的 e.g.
a groundbreaking novel
His latest film is interesting, but not groundbreaking.
the accounts of the use of acupuncture for pain control
account: n. report e.g.
He kept a detailed account of the suspect's movements.
She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle(丛
Acupuncture: n. a treatment for pain and illness in
which thin needles are positioned just under the
surface of the skin at special nerve centers around
the body
E.g. Acupuncture originated in China.
pain control 止痛
pain-killer n. 止痛药
New York Times
an American daily
newspaper founded in 1851
and published in New York
the largest metropolitan
newspaper in the United
States regarded as a
national newspaper of
Para 2
Since then there has been a rapid growth
in the awareness and use of TCM in
Western countries. Universities around the
world are now offering degrees in TCM. In
the UK there are several thousand
practitioners offering herbal medicines,
acupuncture and other techniques within a
Western clinical setting.
Since then there has been a rapid growth in the awareness
and use of TCM in Western countries.
awareness: n. knowledge that something
exists, or understanding of a situation or
subject at the present time based on
information or experience 意识, 知道 e.g.
Public awareness of the problem will make
politicians take it seriously.
Environmental awareness has increased over the
past decade.
Universities around the world are now offering degrees
in TCM.
around the world 全世界
degree: n. a course of study at a college or
university, or the qualification given to a
student who has done this course 学位
She's got a bachelor's/master's degree in
history from Yale.
In the UK there are several thousand practitioners offering herbal medicines,
acupuncture and other techniques within a Western clinical setting.
There are … doing sth. 有……在做某事
practitioner: n. someone involved in a skilled
job or activity 从业者
She was a medical practitioner (= a doctor)
before she entered politics.
a dental practitioner
herbal medicine: 草药
heral: adj. relating to or made from herbs
herbal tea 草药茶
Do you believe in China‘s traditional herbal
medicine? 你相信中国传统的中草药吗?
He just heated some liquid herbal medicine and
soaked my hand. 他只热一些草药水,把我的手浸在
within a Western clinical setting
clinical: adj. describes medical work or teaching that
relates to the examination and treatment of ill people
临床的 e.g.
clinical tests/training
the Department of Clinical Medicine
setting: the context and environment in which
something is set 环境,背景
The setting of the story is a hotel in paris during the
war. 故事发生在战时巴黎的一家旅馆里。
Para 3
There are several reasons for this rapid rise
in popularity. The initial appeal of the
foreign culture was replaced by research
reports indicating the effectiveness of TCM
treatments. The groundbreaking studies on
the successful use of Chinese herbal
medicines in the treatment of eczema at
Great Ormond Street Hospital hit the
national headlines and established medical
There are several reasons for this rapid rise in popularity.
There are reasons for…
popularity: n. when something is liked, enjoyed or
supported by many people普及,流行 e.g.
the increasing popularity of organic food
Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer,
its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of
discussion. 现在,随着家用电脑的出现和普及,人们开始
The initial appeal of the foreign culture was replaced by research
reports indicating the effectiveness of TCM treatments.
initial: adj. of or at the beginning 开始的 e.g.
My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.
Initial reports say that seven people have died, though this
has not yet been confirmed.
appeal: n. the quality in someone or something that
makes them attractive or interesting 吸引力 e.g.
The new products have a wide appeal.
The new fashion soon lost its appeal. 那种新式样不久就失
was replaced by
 被动语态,被……取代
 replace: v. to take the place of something, or to put
something or someone in the place of something or
someone else 代替,取代 e.g.
 Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nation's
main industry.
research reports indicating the effectiveness of TCM
Indicate: v. to show, point or make clear in
another way 表明,阐明 e.g.
Investigations have indicated large amounts of oil
below the sea bed.
Research indicates that men find it easier to give
up smoking than women. 研究表明,男人比女人
effectiveness: n. 有效性
effective: adj. 有效的
effect n. 效果
have effect 有效
have effect on sth. 对……有效
The groundbreaking studies on the successful
use of Chinese herbal medicines in the
treatment of eczema at Great Ormond Street
Hospital hit the national headlines and
established medical journals.
长句子的核心结构:The studies hit … and …
the successful use of … in the treatment of… at …
eczema: 湿疹
hit the headline 成为头条新闻,登上头条
A headline on the front page draws attention to the fuller
story inside. 扉页上的大字标题为的是吸引你注意里面的详
established medical journals 权威医学刊物
established: adj. brought about or set up or accepted e.g.
established customs 已经确立的(传统的)习俗,
established habits 已养成的习惯
Para 4
TCM is now frequently used for this and many
other forms of skin disease. Alongside the
evidence supporting the use of TCM there was
also a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the
limitations of modern medical treatment. The
lack of a holistic perspective, short consultation
times and the side effects of pharmaceutical
drugs have indicated that more and more people
are seeking additional forms of health care.
TCM is now frequently used for this and many
other forms of skin disease.
frequently: adv. often e.g.
this and many other forms…
I see him quite frequently.
The buses run less frequently on Sundays.
many other + 名词复数
skin disease 皮肤病
Alongside the evidence supporting the use of TCM there was also a growing
sense of dissatisfaction with the limitations of modern medical treatment.
alongside: prep. next to, or together with
与……一起 e.g.
Most of the staff refused to work alongside the
new team.
The new pill will be used alongside existing
the evidence supporting… 现在分词短语作定
a growing sense of dissatisfaction with… 对……日益
growing 发展的,扩大的,不断增加的 e.g
The business is still suffering from growing pains. 该企业
The governments showed growing impatience at the
unions. 政府对工会表现得越来越不耐烦。
dissatisfaction: n. 失望,不满
satisfy/ dissatisfy/ satisfied/ dissatisfied/ dissatisfcation
dissatisfaction: n.
E.g. At the moment she's experiencing a lot
of dissatisfaction with her job.
the limitations of modern medical treatment.
limitations: n. If someone or something has
limitations, they are not as good as they
could be 限制,局限 e.g.
Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations
- for example, you don't have your own garden.
Despite her limitations as an actress, she was a
great entertainer.
The lack of a holistic perspective, short consultation times and the side effects of
pharmaceutical drugs have indicated that more and more people are seeking
additional forms of health care.
a holistic perspective 全局视角
holistic: adj. dealing with or treating the whole of something or
someone and not just a part 整体的,全局的 e.g.
My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.
Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.
perspective: n. 立场,视角 e..g.
Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.
short consultation times
consultation: n. the act of referring or
consulting 请教,咨询
consultation time 就诊时间
The doctors held a consultation to decide
whether an operation was necessary. 医生们进行
He chose his study course in consultation with
his parents and teachers.
the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs
side effect: an unpleasant effect of a drug
that happens in addition to the main effect 副
作用 e.g.
Does this drug have any side effects?
pharmaceutical: adj. connected with the
production of medicines 药物的 e.g.
the pharmaceutical industry 制药业
a pharmaceutical company/product/journal
seeking additional forms of health care 寻求其他的健
seek: v. 寻求,寻找
You should seek advice from your lawyer on this
matter. 这件事情你应该请教你的律师。
additional: adj. extra 额外的,其他的 e.g.
additional costs/problems
There will be an extra charge for any additional
In recent years improved standards of education and
professional organization, and a new emphasis on
quality control have indicated that now there is a
network of well qualified TCM practitioners offering the
benefits of this ancient tradition to the Western public.
长句子:主语stantards of… 和emphasis on …,谓语
hae indicated,宾语为that引导的从句;从句为there is
a network of … doing sth.句型,其中包括offering…
to…这一现在分词短语做定语,修饰well qualified TCM
improved standards of education and professional
improved 过去分词作定语修饰standards
professional: adj. related to work that needs
special training or education e.g.
Chris, you're a nurse, so can I ask your
professional opinion on bandaging ankles?
a new emphasis on quality control
emphasis: v. the particular importance or
attention that you give to something 强调 e.g.
I think we should put as much emphasis on
preventing disease as we do on curing it.
Schools here put/place/lay great emphasis on
written work and grammar.
emphasize v. 强调
quality control 质量控制
there is a network of well qualified TCM practitioners offering the benefits of
this ancient tradition to the Western public
There be句型中如果要补充说明主语的动作,需要用
well qualified 很有资格,合格
Mr. Wang is well qualified for the position he seeks.
benefit: n. 利益,好处 e.g.
One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how
to cope with the unexpected.
I didn't get/derive (much) benefit from school.
Unit 9
Text B
1. What does the passage say about the relationship
between Eastern and Western medical system?
A. There has been no exchange between the two
systems until recently.
B. The two systems have always influenced each other
in history.
C. The westerners have learned about Traditional
Chinese Medicine since 1970s.
D. Traditional Chinese Medicine influenced western
medicine in early 20th century.
P1: In Western countries Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was
relatively unknown until President Nixon’s groundbreaking visit to
China in 1971 and the accounts of the use of acupuncture for pain
control appeared in the New York Times.
2. From paragraph 2 we know
“acupuncture” is _____________.
A. a degree in TCM
B. a technique of TCM
C. a kind of medicine
D. Western clinical setting
P2: In the UK there are several thousand practitioners
offering herbal medicines, acupuncture and other
techniques within a Western clinical setting.
3. According to the passage, why is TCM more and more
popular in the western countries now?
A. People are eager to learn about a different culture.
B. TCM is proved to be useful by research reports.
C. There was a promotion campaign of TCM in western
D. Researchers have found TCM to be effective in
treating most diseases.
P3:There are several reasons for this rapid rise in popularity.
The initial appeal of the foreign culture was replaced by
research reports indicating the effectiveness of TCM
treatments. The groundbreaking studies …
4. Which of the following is NOT a reason why
people are dissatisfied with modern medical
A. It doesn't treat the body as a whole.
B. The doctors can't provide detailed
C. The drugs have some undesirable effects.
D. It provides additional forms of health care.
P4:The lack of a holistic perspective, short consultation
times and the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs have
indicated that more and more people are seeking additional
forms of health care.
5. The best title for this passage is ____________.
A. Traditional Chinese Medicine Came To The
B. Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine
C. Traditional Chinese Medicine Changes Modern
Medical Practice
D. Popularity of Traditional Chinese Medicine
I. Conversation
1. — Could I speak to Mr. Lee, please?
---- ____________.
A. I’m listening.
C. I’m Lee.
B. Oh, how do you do?
D. Speaking, please.
2. — Hi, is John there, please?
A. Hold on. I’ll get her.
B. No, she isn’t.
C. Yes, this is her home.
D. Yes. What do you want?
3.— Doctor, I don’t feel well.
A. Yes, you are fine. B. It doesn’t matter.
C. What’s the matter? D. Don’t be so sad.
4.— My mother is pretty sick.
A. Good for her. B. Oh, it’s not true.
C. That’s too bad.
D. Why so?
5.— Hello, may I talk to the director now?
— ___________________.
A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B.
No, you can’t.
C. Sorry, you can’t.
D. I don’t know.
II. Reading Comprehension
A new study suggests that the more
teenagers watch television, the more likely
they are to develop depression(忧郁症)as
young adults. But the extent to which TV may
or may not be to blame is a question that the
study leaves unanswered.
The researchers used a national long-term
survey of adolescent health to investigate the
relationship between media use and
depression. They based their findings on
more than four thousand adolescents who
were not depressed when the survey began
in 1995.
As part of the survey, the young people were
asked how many hours of television or videos
they watched daily. They were also asked
how often they played computer games and
listened to the radio. Media use totaled an
average of 5.5 hours a day. More than 2
hours of that was spent watching TV.
Seven years later, in 2002, more than 7
percent of the young people had signs of
depression. The average age at that time
was 21. Brian Primack at the University of
Pittsburgh medical school was the lead
author of the new study. He says every extra
hour of television meant an 8 percent
increase in the chances of developing signs
of depression.
The researchers say they did not find any
such relationship with the use of other media
such as movies, video games or radio. But
the study did find that young men were more
likely than young women to develop
depression, given the same amount of media
Doctor Primack says the study did not
explore if watching TV causes depression.
But one possibility, he says, is that it may
take time away from activities that could help
prevent depression, like sports and
socializing. It might also interfere with sleep,
he says, and that could have an influence.
1.According to the passage, the
researchers have found ____________.
A. in what way watching TV causes depression
B. why teenagers like to watch TV
C. the relationship between depression and the use
of all forms of media
D. the relationship between depression and
watching TV
P1: A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch
television, the more likely they are to develop depression
(忧郁症)as young adults.
2. As used in paragraph 2, the word
“adolescent” means ________________.
A. teenager
B. media use
C. young adult
D. average age
3. About the methodology of the research, the writer
has mentioned all of the following except that
a national
long-term survey …
research was
the the
in 1995.
.. / 1995
later, in
than 7 percent
of thewere
had signs
the more
in the survey
of depression.
the adolescents were asked how they used various
of their
findings on more than four thousand
adolescents who were not depressed when the survey
began in 1995
As part of the survey, the young people were asked how
many hours of television or videos they watched daily.
They were also asked how often they played computer
games and listened to the radio
4. Which of the following is true about the findings of
the research?
A. all the young people in the survey had signs of depression
B. watching TV longer implies higher risk of developing
C. not only TV, movies too, can result in depression
D. men and women had equal chances of developing
P4: Seven years later, in 2002, more than 7 percent of the young people had
signs of depression.
P4: The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with the use
of other media such as movies, video games or radio.
P4: But the study did find that young men were more likely than young women
to develop depression, given the same amount of media use.
5. The tone of this passage can be
described as __________________.
A. critical
B. argumentative
C. emotional
D. factual
III. Vocabulary and Structure
1. This fire extinguisher is to be used only in
case of ______________.
A. urgency
B. crisis
C. immediacy
D. emergency
2. She’s part of a team of scientists who are
_________ upon cancer research.
A. worked
B. arranged
C. engaged
D. involved
3. The ___________ doesn’t cover
household items.
A. intelligence B. insurance
C. instance
D. insult
4. Please prepare the medicine for me
according to this ______.
A. prescription B. description
C. inscription
D. subscription
5. Tourism has ______________ agriculture
as the nation’s main industry.
A. recalled
B. reckoned
C. redirected
D. replaced
6. At the moment she’s experiencing a lot of
dissatisfaction __________ her job.
A. at B. with
C. onD. for
7. Do you know the man ________ beneath
the apple tree?
A. lay B. lain
C. lying D. laying
Lie lay lain lying
8. She has two best friends. ____________
of them is in the country.
A. All B. Both
C. No one D. Neither
either : 指两者中的任意一个。
neither: 指两者中没有一个,全否定。
both: 指两者都,肯定。
Neither of them often answers the questions.
Either of them often answers the questions.
Both of them often answer the questions.
9. I was giving a talk to a large group of
people, the same talk I ______ to half a
dozen other groups before.
A. was giving
B. am giving
C. had given
D. have given
10. It was on the beach __________ Miss
White found the kid lying dead.
A. that B. this C. it D. when
It is … that…强调句
It is in this training center that I learn how to use a
It is through airmail that he sent the present to me.
IV. Cloze
Each blank in the following passage is
provided with four choices. Read the passage
and choose the best answer for each blank.
A health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that
influence your health. To draw your health profile,
you will _____1____ what diseases run in your
family, what health hazards(危险)you may be
exposed to at work, how your daily ____2____
compares to the recommended standards, how
much time per week you ____3____ exercising and
what type of exercise you engage ___4___, how
stressful your work and family environments are,
what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and
____5____ or not you have any one of a number of
____6____ this portrait, you should have a
checkup to determine how your blood, heart,
and lungs are functioning. This checkup will
serve____7____ a baseline, to which you
can then compare later tests.
_____8______ this profile is thoroughly drawn, you can begin to
think about setting health priorities(优先权)based on your
particular portrait. For example, if you drink two martinis(马提尼
酒) every evening, have a high-stress _____9____, are
overweight, smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, and use marijuana
occasionally on weekends, you should quit smoking first,
followed _____10_____ losing the excess weight, reducing the
stress of your job, giving up your marihuana habit, and then
finally giving some thought to those martinis if you want to
prevent first cancer, and then heart disease.
A health profile is a portrait of all of the factors that influence your
health. To draw your health profile, you will _____1____ what
diseases run in your family, what health hazards(危险)you may
be exposed to at work, how your daily ____2____ compares to the
recommended standards, how much time per week you
____3____ exercising and what type of exercise you engage
___4___, how stressful your work and family environments are,
what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and ____5____ or not
you have any one of a number of addictions.
1. A. know B. have known C. need know D. need to know
2. A. diet B. meals
C. food D. dinner
3. A. use B. devote
C. spend
D. take
4. A. on B. in C. with D. about
5. A. if
B. whether
C. either
D. neither
____6____ this portrait, you should have a
checkup to determine how your blood, heart,
and lungs are functioning. This checkup will
serve____7____ a baseline, to which you
can then compare later tests.
6. A. To complete B. Completing
C. Completion
D. To be completed
7. A. as
B. forC. on
D. about
_____8______ this profile is thoroughly drawn, you can
begin to think about setting health priorities(优先权)
based on your particular portrait. For example, if you
drink two martinis(马提尼酒) every evening, have a
high-stress _____9____, are overweight, smoke a pack
of cigarettes a day, and use marijuana occasionally on
weekends, you should quit smoking first, followed
_____10_____ losing the excess weight, reducing the
stress of your job, giving up your marihuana habit, and
then finally giving some thought to those martinis if you
want to prevent first cancer, and then heart disease.
8. A. Unless
9. A. work
10. A. on
B. Once
B. task
B. with
C. If
C. job
C. after
D. Although
D. place
D. by
V. Translation:Put the following
sentences into Chinese.
1.There has been a record of significant
interaction between Eastern and Western
medical systems for several hundred years.
2. There are several reasons for this rapid
rise in popularity.
3. The initial appeal of the foreign culture
was replaced by research reports indicating
the effectiveness of TCM treatments.
4. TCM is now frequently used for this and
many other forms of skin disease.
5. Alongside the evidence supporting the
use of TCM there was also a growing sense
of dissatisfaction with the limitations of
modern medical treatment.
VI. Writing
A recent survey shows that the health
of the students in our school has been
going from poor to worse in the past
three years. The number of shortsighted students has increased from
78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% this year, while
that of overweight students from 36% to
52.4%. Nearly 10% more students don't
have enough sleep because of more
homework. Besides, over 15% more
students become mentally unhealthy.
To improve students’ health, we call for
less homework. Only in this way can
students get plenty of sleep and be
healthier. Proper diets and exercise should
also be paid attention to so that they won't
easily put on weight. With their heavy
burdens removed, students can then keep
in normal mental health.
Additional Information:
What’s definition of excellent health?
Good health is not something you are able to
buy at the drugstore, and you can’t depend
on getting it back with a quick visit to the
doctor when you’re sick, either. Making your
body last without major problems has to be
your own responsibility. Mistreating your
system by keeping bad habits, neglecting
symptoms of illness, and ignoring common
health rules can counteract the best medical
Nowadays, health specialists promote the
idea of wellness for everybody. Wellness
means achieving the best possible health
within the limits of your body. One person
may need fewer calories than another,
depending on metabolism. Some people
might prefer a lot of easier exercise to more
strenuous exercise. While one person enjoys
playing golf, another would rather play tennis.
Understanding the needs of your own body is
the key. Everyone runs the risk of accidents
and no one can be sure of avoiding disease.
Nevertheless, poor diet, stress, a bad
working environment and carelessness can
ruin good health.
By changing your habits and the conditions
surrounding you, you can lower the risk or
reduce the damage of disease.
Additional Information:
healthcare system in the People's
Republic of China
Since the founding of the People's Republic, the
goal of health programs has been to provide care to
every member of the population and to make
maximum use of limited health-care personnel,
equipment, and financial resources.
The emphasis has been on preventive rather than
curative medicine on the premise that preventive
medicine is "active" while curative medicine is
"passive." The health-care system dramatically
improved the health of the people, as reflected by
the remarkable increase in average life expectancy.
Although the practice of traditional Chinese
medicine was strongly promoted by the
Chinese leadership and remained a major
component of health care, Western medicine
was gaining increasing acceptance. The goal
of China's medical professionals is to
synthesize the best elements of traditional
and Western approaches.
Traditional medicine depends on herbal
treatments, acupuncture, acupressure针压,
moxibustion (the burning of herbs over
acupuncture points灸), and "cupping"拔罐疗
法 .Such approaches are believed to be most
effective in treating minor and chronic
diseases, in part because of milder side
Traditional treatments may be used for more
serious conditions as well; sometimes
traditional treatments are used in combination
with Western treatments.
The Chinese government still faces a mammoth
task in trying to provide medical and welfare
services adequate to meet the basic needs of
the immense number of citizens spread over a
vast area.
Although China‘s overall affluence has grown
dramatically since the mid-1980s — per capita
income 人均收入has increased many times over,
and caloric intake has become comparable to
that for western Europe — a great many of its
people live at socioeconomic levels far below
the national average.
The health of the Chinese populace has
improved considerably since 1949.
Average life expectancy has increased by
about three decades and now ranks nearly at
the level of that in advanced industrial
Many communicable diseaseshave either
been wiped out or brought under control.
As evaluated on a per capita basis, China's
health facilities remain unevenly distributed.
Only about half of the country's medical and
health personnel work in rural areas, where
approximately three-fifths of the population
The doctors of Western medicine, who
constitute about one-fourth of the total
medical personnel, are even more
concentrated in urban areas.
Similarly, about two-thirds of the country's
hospital beds are located in the cities.