Technical - Food Security and Nutrition Network

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Introduction to M&E
Task Force
M&E Capacity Strengthening
Workshop, Addis Ababa
4 to 8 June 2012
Arif Rashid, TOPS
Technical and
Support for FFP Grantees
August 13, 2010 – August 12, 2015
Strategic Objective
Highest quality information, knowledge, and
best practices for improved methodologies in
Title II food aid commodity program
performance identified, established, shared
and adapted
TOPS Support
• TOPS Program Award: $20 million
• Leader with Associate Agreement:
$75 million ceiling
• Small grants program: $3.4 million
Who we are?
Program Strategies
• Focused capacity building
• Community of Practice:
Food Security and Nutrition Network
• Knowledge management web
• Small grants program
Three Program Strategies
Food Security and Nutrition
Community of Practice
TOPS Program Output
Multiple collaboration mechanisms
Direct Capacity
• Technical task forces
Small Grants Program
•Technical knowledge sharing
•Web portal (under development)
•Newsletter and email group
Program Partners
Land O’Lakes
OIC International
Project Concern
• Samaritan’s Purse
• Technoserve
Cornell University
Inside NGO
Institute of Development
International Center for
Research on Women
Tulane University
World Food Programme
Worldwatch Institute
Priority Technical Areas
Nutrition and food technology
Social and behavior change
Monitoring and evaluation
Commodity management
Gender equity
Who to contact?
TOPS Program Staff
Adam Reinhart
[email protected]
Judy Canahuati
Activity Manager
[email protected]
Mark Fritzler
Project Director
[email protected]
Arif Rashid
Monitoring and Evaluation
[email protected]
Tom Davis
Social and Behavior Change
[email protected]
Joan Whelan
Knowledge Management
[email protected]
Joan Jennings
Nutrition & Food Technology
[email protected]
[email protected]
M&E Task Force
Goal: Improve the effectiveness of Monitoring and
Evaluation of Food Security and Nutrition programs.
•Ensure that the priorities of implementing agencies
are reflected in donor guidance;
•Identify and disseminate successful methods, tools
and practices; and
•Improve monitoring and evaluation skills of
implementing agencies at the Headquarters and at the
M&E Task Force Members
Chung Lai, IRD
Celeste Lemrow, Africare
Dan Houston, FFP, South Africa
Ruso Luca, FAO
Harry “Happ” Carr , CRS
Marumbo Ngwira, World Vision, South Africa
Jodi Beckham, Samaritan’s Purse
Donard Nyirendra, World Vision, Haiti
Pamela Velez-Vega, FANTA 2
Faly Rabetaliana, Land O’Lakes, Madagascar
Maria Bina Palmisano, ACDI/VOCA
Kelvin Luputa, Land-O-Lakes, Zambia
Mogollen Nestor, ADRA
Edson Torrico, FH, Guatemala
Marie Aughenbaugh, Counterpart Intl
Issa Konda, Africare, Chad
Ediner Ogwangi, Land O’Lakes
Denis Marrota, ACDI/VOCA, Uganda
Edith Mutalaya, World Vision
Dramane Mariko, FFP Dakar
Joyce Luma, WFP (VAM)
Towfique Aziz, Save the Children, Bangladesh
Michelle Mwalimu, OICI
Abdul Wadud, CARE Bangladesh
Sarah Titus, Save the Children
Arif Rashid, TOPS/TANGO
Progress so far…
Developed Core Competencies for M&E
Conducted first round of self capacity-assessment
Contributed to the revision of baseline and end-line
required indicators
Reviewed a number of existing M&E Guides
Ongoing Activities
Developing an M&E Guide for the Field Based
Developing a standard Scope of Work for Mid Term
Developing Job Description of M&E Staff working
for Title II Projects
Identifying a Beneficiary Registration and Tracking
Do you want to join?
Please contact: [email protected]
Do you want to subscribe?
To subscribe: [email protected]
FSN Network Webportal
This presentation was made
possible by the generous support
of the American people through
the United States Agency for
International Development
(USAID). The contents are the
responsibility of Save the Children
and do not necessarily reflect the
views of USAID or the United
States Government.