acute renal failure

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Transcript acute renal failure

The Kidney Disease Acronym
Spectrum: ARI, CKD, AKI, ARF,
and ESRD
Trey La Charité, MD
Physician Advisor, Clinical Documentation Integrity Project and Coding
University Health Systems
Knoxville, TN
Cell: 865/250-9625
Office: 865/305-9081
[email protected]
Topic Outline
• Basic renal anatomy/physiology
• Clinical and CDI implications of BUN & Cr
• Renal disease definitions with CDI applications
– Emergent HD indications
• Query opportunity examples
Kidney Facts
• Each kidney about size of computer mouse or
closed fist
Nephron is functional unit of kidney
– Each kidney contains ~ 1 million nephrons
Number of nephrons naturally decreases by ~
10% every decade of life
☻Everybody gets CKD if live long enough!
Clinicians monitor blood urea nitrogen (BUN) &
serum creatinine (Cr) to assess renal function
Patients may not show any clinical signs of
disease until only 20% of nephrons remain
Kidney Structure
Nephron Structure
Basic Renal Physiology
• Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) = amount of
blood filtered through all nephrons in 1 hour
– “Normal” GFR (eCrCl) ~ 125 cc/hr
• Ultrafiltrate moves into and through Bowman’s
capsule into nephron tubule system:
Loop of
• Ultrafiltrate modified in nephron tubule system
via reabsorption, secretion, and concentration
– Only 1% of initial ultrafiltrate excreted as urine
Renal Physiology Facts
• Ultrafiltrate in Bowman’s capsule contains
everything (BUN & Cr) but cells & large proteins
PCT reabsorbs Na , Cl , H20, AAs, glucose, vits
Loop of Henle reabsorbs H20 concentrating fluid
DCT reabsorbs urea back into blood (BUN)
Collecting duct reabsorbs H20 for further fluid
concentration & urea into blood (BUN)
Creatinine filtered & secreted in PCT
(only 5%–10%), but not reabsorbed
Normal serum BUN ~ 10–20
Normal serum creatinine ~ 1.0
What About the BUN/Cr Ratio?
• Understanding BUN/Cr ratio significance can
lead clinician to potential cause(s) of kidney
function abnormalities
☻Leads CDI personnel to query opportunities
for POA indicators, cause & effect
relationships, and missed diagnoses
– Normal BUN/Cr ratio = 10:1 to 20:1
• In assessing abnormal kidney function,
clinicians review the BUN/Cr ratio to discern if
lower, equal to, or higher than normal
– Helps suggest cause, guide needed workup,
and determine best treatment approach
Clinician Kidney Disease
• Clinicians are taught to divide kidney disease
into 3 broad categories:
– Prerenal = problem occurs before nephron
– Intrarenal = problem occurs within nephron
– Post-renal = problem occurs after nephron
• BUN/Cr ratio suggests which category current
kidney problem likely falls into
• Knowing which category kidney abnormality falls
into can drive your query process
BUN/Cr Ratio Utility for CDI
• Prerenal ~ BUN/Cr ratio GREATER than 20:1
– Reduced blood flow equally decreases both
BUN & creatinine filtration at glomerulus
– However, urea reabsorption in DCT and
collecting duct now increases as pumps have
longer time to work on slower moving fluid
– Therefore, both values rise but BUN rises
faster than creatinine increasing their ratio
• Additional findings in prerenal pathology
– Urine Na+ < 20
– FeNa+ < 1%
– FeUrea < 35%
BUN/Cr Query Opportunities
• If prerenal (50%–70% of AKI), CDI personnel
should then be asking “Why?”
1. Volume problem
– Hemorrhage
– Cirrhosis/burns
– Vomiting/diarrhea
2. Perfusion problem
– Shock (septic/cardiogenic)
BUN/Cr Ratio Utility
• Intrarenal ~ BUN/Cr ratio LESS than 10:1
– If glomeruli are damaged, BUN & creatinine
filtered less but both equally reduced
– Nephron tubule damage decreases urea
reabsorption as pumps are broken
• Serum BUN rises much slower
– Therefore, both levels rise but their ratio
actually decreases
• Additional findings in intrarenal pathology
– Urine Na+ > 40
– FeNa+ >> 1%
– FeUrea > 50%
BUN/Cr Query Opportunities
• If intrarenal (25% of AKI), why?
1. Vascular
– Vasculitis (Wegner’s)
– Nephrosclerosis
– Renal atherosclerosis
2. Glomerular
– IgA nephropathy
– Postinfectious
– Membranoproliferative
3. Tubular
– Acute tubular necrosis
– Acute interstitial nephritis
– Autoimmune
– MM
Intrarenal Pathology and CDI
• Acute kidney failure codes (584.X) partially
differentiated by underlying etiology
– 584.9 = Acute kidney failure, unspecified
– 584.5 = Acute kidney failure w/ lesion of tubular
– 584.6 = Acute kidney failure w/ lesion of renal cortical
– 584.7 = Acute kidney failure w/ lesion of renal
medullary necrosis
– 584.8 = Acute kidney failure w/ other specified lesion
in kidney
• 584.9 is a CC while rest are MCCs
BUN/Cr Ratio Utility
• Post-renal ~ BUN/Cr ratio EQUAL TO normal
– “Normal” range = 10:1 to 20:1
– Nephron works fine but urine can’t get out of
body due to obstruction distal to kidney
– Therefore, both levels rise but rise
equivalently preserving a relatively normal
ratio between them
• Additional findings in post-renal physiology
– Renal US or CT scan ABD/Pelvis with
significant hydronephrosis proximal to
BUN/Cr Query Opportunities
• If post-renal (5%–10% of AKI), why?
– Prostate CA
– Bladder CA
– Metastatic malignancy (cervical/ovarian)
– Retroperitoneal fibrosis
– Retroperitoneal hemorrhage/hematoma
– Nephrolithiasis
• When a patient’s serum creatinine dramatically
rises above their baseline level, it is more than
just “dehydration” or “azotemia” or “acute
renal insufficiency”
• This is “acute renal/kidney failure”
Not “acute on chronic kidney disease”
• Must write out what “ARF/AKI” means at least
once in the chart!
– Auditors may question what ARF or AKI
means without writing out acronym one time
• ARF/AKI definition revised 8/11 by KDIGO
Acute Kidney Injury Definition
1. Any rise in serum creatinine of 0.3 mg/dl
or more above patient’s baseline ...
-Either/Or2. Any rise greater than or equal to 1.5
times patient’s baseline serum creatinine
‼ “Baseline” = lowest recorded creatinine
value for patient in preceding 3 months*
*Note: This was updated in March 2012
ARF/AKI Query Strategy
• First, decide/verify whether patient meets
criteria of ARF/AKI
– If no, yet clinician has called this in chart, will
need clarification prior to coding
Coders not allowed to question physicians’
judgment while post-discharge auditors are allowed
– If yes, go to next step
• Second, calculate the BUN/Cr ratio
– Is problem pre-, intra-, or post-renal?
• Third, is the urinalysis helpful?
☻With this information, is there now opportunity
to further clarify why patient has ARF/AKI?
What About the Urinalysis?
• Prerenal
– Hyaline casts
• Intrarenal
2.Cells (WBCs & RBCs)
3.Cell casts:
• RBC (glomerulonephritis)
• Epithelial (ATN)
• Post-renal
– Benign/no significant abnormalities
– Hematuria
Current ARF/AKI Coding
• Per KDIGO, “acute renal failure” terminology to
be replaced by “acute kidney injury”
• Problem: “AKI” currently codes to “ARF”
• Therefore, physicians should not document AKI
unless they truly mean ARF
 Watch for clinicians using AKI to describe
any acute renal abnormality even if does
not meet ARF criteria
• Some physicians will adopt this new
terminology regardless of coding implications
– May increase need for query clarifications,
so do not report ARF when not actually
Future ARK/AKI Coding?
• Presently, no documentation benefit for
physicians documenting stage of AKI
• Hopefully … ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes will be
created for AKI stages
• Suspect … Stages 1 & 2 will be CCs while
Stage 3 will be an MCC
• Start medical staff education of stages when
AKI codes definitively arrive
– Teaching new failure definitions tough
enough without confusing issue with stages
Chronic Kidney Disease
Def: Presence of kidney damage or decreased
kidney function persisting for at least
3 months regardless of cause
Stage I
Stage II
Stage III
GFR = > 90 ml/min
GFR = 60–89
GFR = 30–59
Stage IV
Stage V
GFR = 15–29
GFR < 15 (but no HD/PD) CC
Chronic Kidney Disease
• In order to properly stage CKD, physicians must
either calculate CrCl or have it provided for them
• eCrCl estimates GFR via Cockcroft-Gault eq
eCrCl =
(140 - patient’s age) x patient’s wt in Kgs
72 x patient’s baseline serum creatinine
X 0.85
patient’s ideal weight = 60 Kgs for women
and 70 Kgs for men
• Reduced credit given if physician documents
“CKD” only without stage
CKD Query Opportunities
• Most important determinants of Cockcroft-Gault
equation estimation:
1. Patient’s age
2. Patient’s serum creatinine
‼ Serum creatinine greater effect than age
• Calculate CrCl for anybody with ...
– Serum creatinine > 1.0
– Age of 50 years or older regardless of
serum creatinine level
• Why?
What if Acute Rise But Not
• In the acute setting, what does one call the “noman’s land” between a patient’s baseline
creatinine and ARF/AKI?
or CKD)
Increasing serum creatinine
No ‘Great’ Answers
• “Azotemia” or “uremia” = 790.6, Other
abnormal blood chemistry
• “Dehydration” = 276.51
– Not accurate for creatinine rises due to intraor post-renal etiologies
• “Acute nephropathy” = 580.9, Acute
glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathologic
lesion in kidney
☻“Acute renal insufficiency” = 593.9,
Unspecified disorder of kidney and ureter
End-Stage Renal Disease
• Failure of kidneys to perform functions
necessary to support daily life
– Usually occurs when less then 10% of renal
function remains
• Patients cannot survive without routine dialysis
or a kidney transplant
– Patients qualify for permanent dialysis when
their measured CrCl is 10 mg/dl or less
☻Query opportunity for ESRD when here
– Your nephrologists may start preparing
patient for HD/PD when CrCl = 15mg/dl
• ESRD (585.6) is an MCC
Emergent HD Query
• Indications for emergent dialysis:
A = Acidosis
E = Electrolytes (i.e., hyperkalemia causing
cardiac arrhythmias)
I = Ingestion (beware of psychiatric codes as
principal dx)
O = Overload (Is there really acute CHF?)
U = Uremia (not really done anymore)
Y = Why? Why not because nobody understands
nephrology or nephrologists!
Renal Disease CDI Pocket Card
Example #1
• 48 yo WF comes to ED with complaints of fever,
chills, cough w/ green sputum, myalgias, and
weakness. She is tachycardic w/ T = 102.7. She
is hypotensive & requires 4 liters IVF to
normalize BP. Initial WBC = 28.7. Initial workup
reveals sepsis due to multilobar pneumonia.
Patient did notice her urine had been very dark.
Initial BUN & Cr are 32 & 3.8. Last recorded
BUN & Cr were 19 & 0.8 in PCP’s office 2
months ago. UA reveals large amount of protein
and numerous epithelial cell casts. BUN & Cr
almost normalize by time of discharge.
Example #1
• Patient initially admitted to ICU for “sepsis” and
“acute renal failure.”
• Does the patient have acute renal failure?
– Absolutely! 1.5 x 0.8 = 1.2
• What’s the BUN/Cr ratio?
= Intrarenal
– 32/3.8 = 8.42
• Does the urinalysis help?
– Epithelial cell casts and large proteinuria
consistent with ATN
☻Query opportunity for ARF due to ATN (POA)
potentially giving case an MCC
Example #2
• 87 yo WM w/ Alzheimer’s dementia, CHF, CAD, &
PVD sent to ED from NH for lethargy &
unresponsiveness. Initial workup reveals Na+
= 167, Cl- = 118, K+ = 5.5, BUN = 89, Cr = 2.8.
Lowest recorded BUN & Cr = 29 & 2.1 at recent
discharge for diastolic CHF exacerbation 6 weeks
earlier. CBC essentially WNL while had always been
anemic during previous admissions. Urinalysis
significant for numerous hyaline casts. Patient
aggressively hydrated and BUN & Cr return to his
baseline. Patient eventually discharged to a
different nursing home.
Example #2
• Patient initially admitted for “acute renal failure.”
• Does the patient have acute renal failure?
– NO! 2.1 + 1.0 = 3.1
• What’s the BUN/Cr ratio?
= Prerenal
– 89/2.8 = 31.79
• Does the urinalysis help?
– Hyaline casts consistent with prerenal cause
☻Clarification opportunity for ARI on CKD stage 4
possibly preventing an incorrect coding
submission of ARF
Example #3
• 63 yo WM comes to ED for painful urination,
difficulty initiating stream, hematuria, weakness, & 4
months wt. loss w/out effort. Not seen physician
since 1976. CT scan of urinary tract reveals bilateral
hydronephrosis w/ markedly enlarged & necroticappearing prostate w/ pelvic lymphadenopathy.
Initial BUN & Cr noted to be 55 & 3.3. Foley
catheter insertion results in significant diuresis &
eventual normalization of BUN & Cr. UA WNL
except for hematuria. After biopsy, principal
diagnosis established as “metastatic prostate
cancer” & radical prostatectomy is performed.
Example #3
• Primary service repeatedly documents
“obstructive uropathy” to describe renal function.
• Does the patient have acute renal failure?
– Absolutely! BUN & Cr normalized
• What’s the BUN/Cr ratio?
= Post-renal
– 55/3.3 = 15.71
• Does the urinalysis help?
– Hematuria only not much help
☻Query opportunity for acute renal failure (POA)
potentially giving case a CC
Example #4
• 27 yo AA male comes to ED complaining of hard &
painful inguinal lesions, recurrent fevers w/ chills,
weakness, & fatigue. Initial VS reveal BP = 88/45,
HR = 113, T = 101.9, RR = 28, RA O2 sat = 98%.
Initial BUN & Cr = 31 & 1.4, which improve to 21 &
1.1 w/ hydration. Patient diagnosed w/ sepsis &
requires several abscess I&D procedures. Blood
cxs & abscess cxs repeatedly grow streptococcal
species despite broad spectrum ABX. On hospital
day 9, BUN & Cr start to rise. By day 13, BUN & Cr
= 34 & 4.3 despite aggressive IVF & numerous
medication adjustments.
Example #4
• Does the patient have acute renal failure?
– Absolutely! 1.1 x 1.5 = 1.65
• What’s the BUN/Cr ratio?
– 34/4.3 = 7.9
= Intrarenal
• Is the urinalysis helpful?
– Proteinuria consistent w/ intrarenal pathology
• ASO titer returns positive & renal biopsy reveals
postinfectious glomerulonephritis
☻Query opportunity for ARF & acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (POA)
potentially giving case 1 CC & 1 MCC
Example #5
• 67 yo WM comes to ED w/ complaints of SOB,
swelling, & weakness. Neighbor found him after
being in shower for 6 hours because too weak
to get out. Patient has severe anasarca w/ BUN
& Cr of 94 & 2.9. UA w/ 3–5 hyaline casts. CXR
shows pulmonary edema & ECHO reveals EF ~
15% w/ global hypokinesis. CHF medication
optimization & aggressive IV diuretic regimen do
not produce significant urine output. Natricor &
Bumex drip finally produce results. Patient also
hypotensive throughout hospitalization. Patient
goes home w/ BUN & Cr down to 53 & 1.7.
Example #5
• Patient initially admitted for “anasarca” only.
• Does the patient have acute renal failure?
– Absolutely! 1.7 x 1.5 = 2.55
• What’s the BUN/Cr ratio?
– 94/2.9 = 32.4
= Prerenal
• Does the urinalysis help?
– Hyaline casts consistent with prerenal cause
☻Query opportunities for establishing acute
systolic CHF exacerbation (POA) as principal
diagnosis and for ARF & cardiogenic shock
potentially giving case 1 CC & 1 MCC
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