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Transcript 140512-hs-leadership-by-dougie-guildford

12 months ago………….
A new journey began………….!
Protect the business legally, reduce
reportable incidents, keep the workforce
safe & comply with Group P&P
Re-new focus on safety within the
business & recruit a new team
Develop & implement a clear H&S
strategy for the business
Work to improve visibility of senior
managers by increasing HS&E tours.
Improve guidance & support given to
site teams
Engage & communicate with the WDC
supply chain manager & supply chain
Improve induction for all new staff
starting with WDC
Get closer to Pre construction &
customer care departments to improve
all areas of HS&E management &
improve planning of all scopes of work
Where we are now - May 2014
H&S strategy in place for 2014/15
Linked in to the HSE construction division plan of work
Fully resourced HS&E department – very proactive
New staff - starter induction
72 hr ‘soft’ start on new projects
Coaching site managers
Workshops (new starter/All Safe/end of project)
Current 12 month rolling AFR – 0.23 (0.34 -2013)
Zero reportable incidents in 2014 (to date) – 4 reportables in 2013
2014 - 2 nr PNs issued by GSI to date
2014 – 2 nr level 2 ‘near misses’ reported to date
So, how do we improve?
H&S Strategic Plan 2014- 2015
• Strategic Aim:
Review and update in April and October to implement any new
legislation as prescribed by the enforcing authority.
Link in to the HSE construction division plan of work 2014-2015
Review all current procedures and implement any changes
necessary as required by site activities.
To reduce incidents of all types across the LCO by continuing to
improve the safety culture and safety behaviour on all projects.
• Key Strategy Components:
 Demonstrate visible safety leadership at all levels within the LCO
 Consistent robust HS&E leadership message communicated at all
 Behavioural safety training awareness – External trainer (Dan
 Site set up to be thoroughly planned, 72 hr ‘soft start period’
before contracted works start.
 Buy-in to the ALL SAFE culture by WDC managers & supply chain
 Belief that ALL accidents can be prevented
 Value the workforce
 Sharing best practice across the LCO
Key Improvement Initiatives:
 New starter inductions & site manager half day training course &
pre project completion safety brief by HS&E dept
 Consistent, professional induction process on all sites
 HS&E team to meet with high risk supply chain partners on a
regular basis – proactive not reactive.
 Collaboration with supply chain management to improve
behavioural safety on site – values & beliefs
 Deliver pre completion safety briefings on all projects
 HS&E team to develop & deliver Service Avoidance Plan (SAP)
workshops with supply chain collaboration.
 HS&E team to deliver MEWPs for managers course to site
Implementation Strategy:
 PHSEM & Director of Safety to lead with full support from the MD
& operations directors
 HS&E dept to assist senior management, site managers & supply
chain partners to understand the LCO ethos & safety culture
comply with requirements
 Training workshops for new starters & managers who may need to
improve their HS&E management levels
 Improve communication with Pre con teams, treat all site teams
as an ‘internal’ customer & work closely with customer care on
remedial/defective works
 Advise & offer guidance to all projects & where necessary ensure
incidents are thoroughly investigated and lessons learnt clearly
communicated across the LCO/Group
Implementation Timescales:
Training workshops & inductions in place and running
SAP workshops to begin at the start of Q2
MEWPs for Managers to begin at start of Q2
Review progress at end of Q2
Behavioural safety training awareness – start Q3
Review progress at start of Q4
Plan 2015 start Q4
• Success Measures:
Reduction in incidents/accidents reported
Reduction in 12 month AFR for 2014
Reduction in service strikes & fines
Minimum of 2 award winning projects at each 6 month period of
group safety awards.
“Good safety means good focus, good discipline,
shared vision and the professionalism of our teams and our
qualities as leaders.
Poor safety frankly means nothing else than a lack of leadership.”
• Peter Voser - Chief Executive, Shell
Visible Safety Leadership
The manager administers; the leader innovates.
The manager maintains; the leader develops.
The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader
focuses on people.
The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust
“Management is doing things right……….leadership is doing the
right thing”
Increased visibility of senior management
 Senior manager safety tours (including MD, Commercial Director)
 Full attendance at Group Safety conference (including Pre Con
 Support with ‘consequences’ where failing occur or improvement
may be required.
 Support with use & issuing of STOP or IMPROVEMENT notices
• Increased visibility of middle management
 Operations managers &project managers to carry out regular safety
tours and complete managers inspection report
 PM – weekly report
 Ops – monthly report
 Improve communication and engagement with site teams and the
supply chain
It may not be an easy journey……….
• Key Leadership Principles:
 Don’t walk by – lowest standard you accept is the highest
 You MUST lead by example
 STOP – Workforce empowered to stop if feel it is wrong/unsafe
 A safe working environment drives safe behaviour – reduce
potential slips/trips/falls (poor housekeeping)
 Don’t blame the worker until you have accounted for all
causes – Always start with WDC – we manage everything on
 Use your workforce for ideas – SME, numerous other sites –
good collaboration
 Change does not usually happen overnight – It’s a ‘journey’
 Knowledge is not enough – explain why wrong/unsafe
 Encourage co-operation – communication/engagement
 Don’t neglect occupational health – Dust/noise/stress
What happens when it goes wrong?
Recent fall through a fragile roof light………..
 Safety team on site to start investigation & provide support to the
site team.
 Thorough & immediate investigation, any failings identified
discussed with site team and contractor.
 Compile report & lessons learnt – NOT a blame culture
 PHSEM & DofS hold discussions with WDC managers and the
contractors – transparent & open meetings to review the incident
start to finish.
 Look to change/improve behaviour, re-train & re-educate all parties
 Held ‘leading & behaving’ safely session, key speakers who suffered
life changing injuries.
 6 sites in local area were shut, over 110 attended
 Filmed as training DVD
Health & Safety - Achievements
WDC Cobham continue to maintain excellent H&S
leadership standards across the business:
• KPI’s
 2013 - 1.51m man hours worked across Cobham sites
 AFR 2013 - 0.34 reduction of 14% from 2012
 Reportable’s 2013 - Majors 3 + 1 Over 7 day = 4
 2014 - AFR (current) - 0
 80% of projects completed so far in 2014 had a zero AFR
• Service Strike Incidents:
 2013 - 7
 2014 (current) – 1 (GHFS – double fine awarded)
• Award Winners
 2 attendees (4 awards) in Feb 2014 (Jul – Dec 13 period)
There is no end to the journey………
It must be remembered :
• H&S leadership is about PEOPLE
and their daily ACTIONS
• Commitment towards H&S
leadership has to come from ALL
levels within the organisation