Transcript Folie 1

WENRA ongoing work
on (new) reactors
Fabien FERON (Autorité de sûreté nucléaire – France)
French representative to RHWG
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
• A few words about WENRA
• WENRA and existing reactors
– Safety reference levels
– Lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi accident
• WENRA and new reactors
– Safety objectives for new NPPs
– Common positions on selected key safety issues (booklet)
• WENRA / MDEP interface
222 May 2013
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WENRA (1/4)
• WENRA is a network of Chief Regulators of EU countries with
NPPs and Switzerland as well as of other interested European
countries which have been granted observer status.
• Original Terms of Reference signed on 4 February 1999
• In 1999 WENRA comprised of the heads of nuclear regulatory bodies from 10
• The main objectives of WENRA at that time were to develop a common
approach to nuclear safety and to provide an independent capability to
examine nuclear safety in applicant countries.
• Today (from March 2003) 17 countries are represented in WENRA..
• The main objectives of WENRA are
– to develop a common approach to nuclear safety, with a commitment to
continuous improvement of nuclear safety
– to provide an independent capability to examine nuclear safety in
applicant countries and
– to be a network of chief nuclear safety regulators in Europe exchanging
experience and discussing significant safety issues.
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WENRA (2/4)
Members & observers
• Members
• Observers
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
22 May 2013
– Ukraine
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA (3/4)
Working groups
• Two working groups were launched to harmonise safety
approaches between countries in Europe –
– Reactor Harmonisation Working Group (RHWG) and
– Working Group on Waste and Decommissioning (WGWD).
• The mandate of the working groups was to analyse the current situation and
the different safety approaches, compare individual national regulatory
approaches with the IAEA Safety Standards, identify any differences and
propose a way forward to possibly eliminate the differences. The proposals
were expected to be based on the best practices among the most advanced
requirements for existing power reactors and nuclear waste facilities.
– Working group dealing with inspection practices (WIG) was established
and its mandate is fulfilled (report published in March 2012)
– Ad-hoc working groups (as needed)
• The aim is to continuously improve safety and to reduce
unnecessary differences between the countries.
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WENRA (4/4)
Publications (
– WENRA Conclusions arising from the Consideration of the Lessons from the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi
Nuclear Accident (May 2012)
– The proposal by the WENRA Task Force about “Stress tests” specifications (Apr 2011)
– WENRA statement on safety objectives for new nuclear power plants (Nov 2010)
– Revised WENRA Terms of Reference (Mar 2010)
– WENRA policy statement on harmonised safety approches (Dec 2005)
– WENRA report on the safety of new NPP design (April 2013)
– WENRA Position Paper on Periodic Safety Reviews (April 2013)
– RHWG Booklet on Safety of new NPP designs: call for stakeholder comments (Nov 2012)
– Pilot study on Long term operation (LTO) of nuclear power plants (Mar 2011)
– Progress towards harmonisation of safety for existing reactors in WENRA countries (Jan 2011)
– Safety Objectives for New Power Reactors: call for stakeholder comments (Sept 2009)
– RHWG - Safety Reference Levels (January 2008)
– RHWG - Safety Reference Levels (Modifications of March 2007)
– RHWG - PSA Explanatory Note (March 2007)
– WENRA Reactor Safety Reference Levels (January 2007)
– Harmonisation of Reactor Safety in WENRA countries (Main Report, January 2006)
– WGWD draft disposal report: call for stakeholder comments (Nov 2012)
– New decommissioning safety reference levels: call for stakeholder comments (Dec 2011)
– Waste and spent fuel storage safety reference levels report (version 2.1) (Feb 2011)
– WGWD - Decommissioning Safety Reference Levels Report (version 1.0, working document) (March 2007)
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
• A few words about WENRA
• WENRA and existing reactors
– Safety reference levels
– Lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi accident
• WENRA and new reactors
– Safety objectives for new NPPs
– Common positions on selected key safety issues (booklet)
• WENRA / MDEP interface
222 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & existing reactors
Safety reference levels (1/3)
Purpose and scope
• Definition of harmonization:
“No substantial differences between
countries from the safety point of view
- in generic, formally issued, national
safety requirements,
- and in their resulting implementation
on Nuclear Power Plants.”
• Work initiated in 1999
• Pilot study (1999-2002)
– 6 safety issues
– 9 participating countries
– Report published in 2003
• Main study (2003-2005)
– 18 safety issues
– 17 participating countries
– Report published in 2006,
stakeholders’ comments
• Scope
– Existing reactors only
– Nuclear safety only
– Focuses on requirements upon the
licensees, not on regulatory practices
• The harmonization study does not
cover all safety aspects, only those
where differences in safety could be
• Balanced in terms of level of details
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
• Reference Levels revised in 2007 then
in January 2008
National action plans to harmonize
Report on harmonization status
published in January 2011
• On-going revision to take into account
Fukushima Daiichi accident lessons
WENRA & existing reactors
safety reference levels (2/3)
• Selection of 18 “safety issues”,
classified into 5 “safety areas” (safety
management, design, operation, safety
verification, emergency preparedness)
– On the basis of their relevance for
harmonization purposes
Lessons learned/feedback
• Large projects have been undertaken
to “transpose” the RLs into the
national regulatory documents
• Considerable progress has been made
since 2006 towards harmonization
– Some work still going on in some
WENRA countries
– It has also resulted in safety
improvements on some NPPs
• For each issue, development of a set of
“Reference Levels” (295 in total)
– Mainly on the basis of the IAEA Safety
• Transparent
• The most exhaustive joint international
use of the IAEA Safety Standards
– In a few cases, using existing national
– Reflecting best practices (“highest
• The RLs do not constitute new
regulatory standards, they are a tool
for harmonization
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WENRA & new reactors
stakeholders at the European level, In
particular with the industry (creation of
This project has been possible due to:
– The commitment to harmonization of
each WENRA member
– The framework based on voluntary
– The atmosphere of openness and
mutual trust
WENRA & existing reactors
Safety reference levels (3/3)
Safety area
Safety management
Safety verification
Number of RLs
Issue A – Safety Policy
295 reference
Issue B – Operating Organization
Issue C – Management System
Issue D – Training and Authorization of (NPP) staff
Issue E – Design of existing Reactors
Issue F – Design extension of existing reactors
Issue G – Safety Classification of Structures, Systems & Components
Issue H – Operational Limits and Conditions
Issue I – Ageing Management
Issue J – System for Investigation of Events & Operational Experience
Issue K – Maintenance, In-Service, Inspection & Functional Testing
Issue LM – Emergency Operation & Severe Accident Management
Issue N – Contents and updating of Safety Analysis Report
Issue O – Probabilistic Safety Analysis
Issue P – Periodic Safety Review
Issue Q – Plant modifications
Issue R – On-site Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness
Issue S – Protection against internal fires
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & existing reactors
Long term operation and PSR (1/2)
• Pilot study on Long term operation (LTO) of nuclear power plants (March
– 2 reasons for limiting the lifetime of a plant could be:
it appears that at a given time, the plant will no more comply with its currently applicable regulatory requirements;
implementation of the safety enhancements that the regulator considers necessary for the plant to be further
operated are not carried out.
– There is no real cliff edge effect neither in the level of safety or technical degradation due
to ageing when reaching the original design lifetime. (The licensee may be able to justify
operation beyond the original design lifetime.)
– PSR is an appropriate time to assess LTO.
– Technical ageing of components is one aspect of the LTO and is covered by existing
documents and international standards (IAEA…)  not a priority topic for WENRA.
– In PSR for existing reactors, WENRA safety objectives for new NPPs and other relevant
modern standards should be used as a reference with the aim of identifying reasonably
practicable safety enhancements.
Regarding safety enhancements that will be required for long term operation, one important element in the
evaluation of what is “reasonable” will be the remaining time for which the considered plant will be operated before
final shutdown.
• Despite the fact that existing reactors undergo PSR as a result of which safety enhancements are
implemented, it is likely that there will remain a difference between the safety level of oldest and
newest reactors (e.g. : core melt prevention and mitigation)
– Whether this difference is acceptable or not in the long term implies not only technical judgment
but also political, economical and financial considerations which are clearly out of the scope of the
RHWG work
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & existing reactors
Long term operation and PSR (2/2)
• RHWG position paper on Periodic Safety Review (March 2013)
– A strong PSR process is a very important contributor to continuous improvement
of safety of nuclear power plants.
– WENRA reference revels (RLs) for existing NPPs cover the topic of PSR in Issue P.
– Need to undertake a comprehensive analysis of all potential plant faults and
hazards as part of the PSRs using both deterministic and probabilistic methods in
a complementary manner to provide as full coverage of all safety aspects as
• On multi-unit sites, the plant should be considered as a whole in safety assessments
and interactions between different units need to be analysed.
– In addition, the review must consider any issues that might limit the future life of
the facility or its components and explain how they will be managed.
– All reasonably practicable improvement measures shall be taken by the licensee
as a result of the review.
– The need for improvements can also occur anytime between PSRs and significant
issues that may put at risk the safety of the plant shall be addressed without
22 May 2013
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WENRA & existing reactors
RLs update in light of TEPCO Fukushima accident (1/2)
• WENRA Conclusions arising from the Consideration of the Lessons from the
TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident (March 2012)
– WENRA is ready to tackle further issues as necessary on the basis of the lessons
learned from the Fukushima accident. WENRA’s commitment is to proceed along
the path of defining or revising existing RLs as well as developing guidance
documents for practical use by regulators.
 T.1 Natural hazards
• WENRA will produce updated harmonised guidance for the identification of natural
hazards, their assessment and the corresponding assessment for “cliff-edge” (margins)
effects. RLs will be updated accordingly.
 T.2 Containment in Severe Accident
• WENRA will review RLs in light of the various measures identified to prevent
containment overpressurisation, including those relevant for hydrogen mitigation and
containment venting, and modify them if necessary.
 T.3 Accident Management
• WENRA will review RLs in light of the various measures identified in relation to
organisational and material arrangements for preventing or mitigating a significant
radiological release, and modify them if necessary.
– The results from the stress tests and conclusions from the CNS 2012 will be
incorporated as soon as hey become available.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & existing reactors
RLs update in light of TEPCO Fukushima accident (2/3)
Extraordinary meeting of
the CNS (August 2012)
Newly national published
or under development
regulation or regulatory
guidance “generated” by
Fukushima accident.
This would allow RHWG (and the
WGs) to consider them as potential
Each WG work is focused on the
topic it address, not on a specific
issue (e.g. : issue LM for WG T-3
on accident management) of the
Booklet on new NPPs
22 May 2013
IAEA review/revision of safety
standards : DS462DO for
revision of IAEA requirements
IAEA Gap analysis was performed
against requirements published (or
approved) mid-2011.
RLs were established taking into
account 2007 safety standards
WENRA & new reactors
EU stress tests
ENSREG peer review report +
ENSREG compilation of (EU wide
+ national) recommendations
ENSREG peer review report covered quite
well the topic. National reports could be
considered as national gap analysis.
WENRA & existing reactors
RLs update in light of TEPCO Fukushima accident (3/3)
• The goals of the review/revision of RLs (January 2008 version) are:
– To have a full review of all RLs but only in relation to Fukushima lessons
• take into account impact of IAEA SSR 2-1 (Design of NPP – 2012) on Issues E
(design basis) and F (design extension)
• take into account of new requirements published by IAEA since 2008 (based
on IAEA gap analysis performed at the end of 2011)
– To ensure RLs are still consistent after the update
– To ensure RLs are still balanced (high level vs detailed level of
– To have a new WENRA commitment on the RLs, to ensure their
implementation at operating plants in WENRA countries
• Timeframe for the process:
– New/updated RLs will be submitted to WENRA in November 2013 to be
cleared for stakeholder comments.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
• A few words about WENRA
• WENRA and existing reactors
– Safety reference levels
– Lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi accident
• WENRA and new reactors
– Safety objectives for new NPPs
– Common positions on selected key safety issues
• WENRA / MDEP interface
222 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & new reactors
Safety objectives (1/3)
• WENRA work on new reactors safety initiated in 2008
• Based on a review of the existing national and international
(IAEA) documentation, which showed consistency among the
documents on the main lines of expected safety improvements:
Reinforce the defence-in-depth (each level and their independence)
Extend the design (include severe accidents, as a new level of defence)
Reduce the necessity of off-site measures in case of accident
Consider safety issues in existing plants
Increase components and systems diversity
Increase protection against hazards
Pay more attention to security and safety/security interface
Better consider management of safety
• Development of WENRA safety objectives
• RHWG report (scope, methodology, proposed objectives, areas of
improvements, potential quantitative targets…) released in January 2010
• Stakeholders consultation through WENRA website
• WENRA statement released in November 2010
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & new reactors
Safety objectives (2/3)
• O1. Normal operation, abnormal
events and prevention of accidents
• Reducing the frequency of abnormal
• Better controlling abnormal events
• O2. Accidents without core melt
• No or only minor off-site radiological
• Reducing, as far as reasonably achievable,
the core damage frequency
• Reducing, as far as reasonably achievable,
the radioactive releases from all sources
• Reducing the impact of external hazards
and malevolent acts
• O3. Accidents with core melt
• Reduce potential releases, also in the long
– Accidents leading to large or early
releases: practically eliminated
– Other core melt accidents: only
limited protective measures in area
and time
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
• O4. Independence between all levels of
• Enhancing the effectiveness of the
• O5. Safety and security interfaces
• Integration, seeking synergies between
safety and security
• O6. Radiation protection and waste
• Reducing as far as reasonably achievable
– Individual and collective doses
– Radioactive discharges to the environment
– Quantity and activity of radioactive waste
• O7. Leadership and management for
• The licensee shall have sufficient in house
technical and financial resources
• From the design stage, all organisations
WENRA & new reactors
Safety objectives (3/3)
• Use in UK GDA process : ONR Summary of the detailed design
assessment of the Electricité de France SA and AREVA NP SAS UK
EPRTM nuclear reactor (Step 4 of the GDA process) - 14 December 2011
“In 2009, a set of safety objectives for new power reactors (Reference
22), updated in November 2010. ONR was active in the development of
these objectives and we consider them to be in line with our own SAPs,
and therefore are included within GDA. As a result, we conclude that,
once the GDA Issues have been dealt with, and the GDA Assessment
Findings adequately addressed, the UK EPR™ will meet the WENRA
safety objectives for new reactors.“
22 WENRA statement on safety objectives for new nuclear power plants Western European
Nuclear Regulators’ Association November 2010 Available via
• Use in France for the review of Atmea 1 safety options (31 January
– ASN opinion : “Having regard to the safety objectives defined in
November 2010 by the Western European Nuclear Regulators’
Association (WENRA) for new nuclear power plants ; “
– ASN staff report: “ASN staff did not, at the safety options stage, identify
any incompatibilities between the safety options for the ATMEA1
reactor and the safety objectives as set out by WENRA. However, this
will require confirmation in the event of a possible creation authorisation
application as, so far:
the location site for the reactor is unknown, which implies that the scale of the
external hazards (both natural and human) and the demographic and natural
environment (in the context of the possibilities for effective counter-measures) are
the operator and the detailed design of the installation are still unknown.”
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & new reactors
Report setting common positions (1/28)
• The WENRA safety objectives are by nature high level. When the WENRA
statement was published in November 2010, it was already recognized that
supplementing them with some more detailed common positions on selected
issues would help to clarify the meaning.
• The 2013 WENRA report (“booklet”) sets out the common positions
established by the RHWG on the selected key safety issues.
– The safety issues were chosen on the basis that they were particularly relevant to
the expectations for new reactors in comparison with existing reactors.
– The topics were selected so that they would be relevant for the design of new
reactors, constitute an entity and also to make it possible to complete the work
by the end of 2012, taking into account the resources of the RHWG.
• The report presents WENRA safety expectations for the design of new NPPs.
– These expectations are defined in addition to the recent design requirements
presented in international texts such as the ones presented in IAEA SSR-2/1.
– The work was initiated and also a major part of the work was carried out before
the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi accident  the report discusses also some
considerations based on the major lessons from this accident, especially
concerning the design of new NPPs, and how they are covered in the new reactor
safety objectives and the common positions.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & New reactors
Report setting common positions (2/28)
01 Introduction
02 WENRA safety objectives for new nuclear power plants
03 Selected key safety issues
03.1 Position 1: Defence-in-depth approach for new
nuclear power plants
03.2 Position 2: Independence of the levels of
03.3 Position 3: Multiple failure events
03.4 Position 4: Provisions to mitigate core melt and
radio-logical consequences
03.5 Position 5: Practical elimination
03.6 Position 6: External hazards
03.7 Position 7: Intentional crash of a commercial
04 Lessons Learnt from the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident
04.1 External hazards
04.2 Reliability of safety functions
04.3 Accidents with core melt
04.4 Spent Fuel Pools
04.5 Safety assessment
04.6 Emergency preparedness in design
Annex 1 WENRA Statement on Safety Objectives for New
Nuclear Power Plants, November 2012
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & new reactors
Report setting common positions (3/28)
• First phase
Intentional crash of a commercial airplane
Defence-in-Depth approach for new nuclear power plants
Independence of Defence-in-Depth levels
Practical elimination
Provisions to mitigate accidents with core melt and their radiological
• Second phase
– Multiple failure conditions
– External hazards
• Third phase : consistency with lessons learned from Fukushima
 Some technical exchanges with ENISS/EUR/interested vendors
while developing the positions (3 meetings)
• Stakeholder consultation through WENRA website (late 2012)
• Final version endorsed by WENRA (March 2013)
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & new reactors
Report (4/28) - Defense in depth (1/2)
• For new reactor designs, there is a clear expectation to address in the
original design what was often “beyond design” for the previous generation
of reactors, such as multiple failure events and core melt accidents, called
Design Extension Conditions (DEC) in IAEA SSR-2/1.
• The scope of the related safety demonstration has to cover all risks induced
by the nuclear fuel, including all fuel storage locations, as well as the risks
induced by other relevant radioac-tive materials.
• The phenomena involved in accidents with core/fuel melt (severe accidents)
differ radically from those which do not involve a core melt  core melt
accidents should be treated on a specific level of DiD.
• In addition, for new reactors, design features that aim at preventing a core
melt condition and that are credited in the safety demonstration should not
belong to the same level of DiD as the design features that aim at
controlling a core melt accident that was not prevented.
• Single initiating events and multiple failure events are two complementary
approaches that share the same objective: controlling accidents to prevent
their escalation to core melt conditions  multiple failure events are a part
of the 3rd level of DiD, but with a clear distinction between means and
conditions (two sub-levels in DiD level 3).
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (5/28) - Defense in depth (2/2)
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
A frame for the
other WENRA
WENRA & new reactors
Report (6/28) : Independence of the levels of DiD (1/2)
• There shall be independence to the extent reasonably practicable between
different levels of DiD so that failure of one level of DiD does not impair the
defence in depth ensured by the other levels involved in the protection
against or mitigation of the event.
• This deals with the independence between systems, structures and components (SSCs)
important to safety, allocated to different levels of DiD. It does not aim to address
independence between SSCs important to safety within a level of DiD nor
administrative/procedural aspects.
• Independent SSCs for safety functions on different DiD levels shall possess
both of the following characteristics:
– the ability to perform the required safety functions is unaffected by the operation
or failure of other SSCs needed on other DiD levels;
– the ability to perform the required safety functions is unaffected by the
occurrence of the effects resulting from the postulated initiating event, including
internal and external hazards, for which they are required to function.
• The means to achieve independence between levels are adequate application
of diversity, physical separation (structural or by distance) and functional
• Attention shall be paid to the design of auxiliary and support systems (e. g. electrical
power supply, cooling systems) and other potential cross cutting systems.
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (7/28) : Independence of the levels of DiD (2/2)
• DiD level 3 should be independent to the extent reasonably practicable from
levels 1 and/or 2
• This independence is so that the failure of SSCs used in normal operation and/or in
anticipated operational occurrences does not impair a safety function required in the
situation of a postulated single initiating event or of a multiple failure event resulting
from the escalation of such failures during normal operation or a level 2 event.
• DiD sublevels 3a and 3b should be independent to the extent reasonably
practicable from each other
• For the safety analyses of postulated multiple failure events, credit may be taken from
SSCs used in case of postulated single initiating events as far as these SSCs are not
postulated as unavailable and are not affected by the multiple failure event in question;
• SSCs specifically designed for fulfilling safety functions used in postulated multiple
failure events (additional safety features) should not be credited for level 3.a event
analyses for the same scenario.
• DiD level 4 (Complementary safety features) should be independent to the
extent reasonably practicable from all the other levels
• Specific considerations on : emergency AC power supply , separation of
cables, reactor protection system an other I&C aspects, containment, reactor
pressure vessel
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (8/28) : Multiple failure Events (1/3)
• Design provisions considered in level 3.b for postulated multiple failures shall
further decrease the frequency and/or mitigate consequences of sequences
beyond those considered in the design basis for existing reactors so far, such
as anticipated transients with-out scram (ATWS) or station black out (SBO)
• The report only addresses multiple failures resulting from common cause
failures, affecting the same safety or safety related system.
– Other common cause failures affecting different safety (or safety related) systems are not
– Are not considered random failures that affect simultaneously several safety (or safety
related) systems.
– Are not considered failures affecting one or several safety (or safety related) systems due to
external or internal hazard (e.g. earthquake, flooding, fire);
• Multiple failure events to be considered at the design stage are characterized
– a postulated common cause failure or inefficiency of all redundant trains of a
safety system needed to fulfill a safety function necessary to cope with an
anticipated operational occurrences (AOO) or a single PIE, or
– a postulated common cause failure of a safety system or a safety related system
needed to fulfill the fundamental safety functions in normal operation.
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (9/28) : Multiple failure Events (2/3)
• Methodology of identification of multiple failure events
– Starts with a list of AOO and PIE and the identification of (safety or safety
related) systems needed to cope with them
– Covers all operational states and includes failures of spent fuel cooling
– Mainly deterministic procedure, supported by PSA
 Selection of a reasonable number of limiting (bounding) cases
• Any general cut-off frequency should be justified, considering in particular
the overall core damage frequency (CDF) aimed at.
• Design expectations
– Safety assessment of the selected multiple failures events is performed
according to a deterministic approach
– Addressing multiple failure events emphasizes diversity in the design
provisions of the third level of DiD (sublevel 3b)
– The expectations for the additional safety features on the sublevel 3b of
the DiD do not have to be as stringent as for sublevel 3a but they should
have sufficient redundancy of active components to reach adequate
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (10/28) : Multiple failure Events (3/3)
Examples of postulated common cause failures of safety systems
needed to fulfill a safety function necessary to cope with an AOO or a single PIE
Postulated Initiating Event
Loss of a safety system
Small LOCA
Medium head safety injection
Small LOCA
Low head safety injection
Station blackout
Loss of off-site power
Emergency power supply
Total loss of feed water
Loss of main feed water
Emergency feed water supply
Anticipated Transient
Fast shutdown
Examples of postulated common cause failures of safety systems
needed to fulfill the fundamental safety functions in normal operation
22 May 2013
Initiating condition
Loss of a system
Loss of RHR
normal operation
Residual heat removal
Loss of UHS
normal operation
Ultimate heat sink
Loss of CCW/ECW
normal operation
Component cooling water /
essential cooling water
Loss of spent fuel pool cooling
normal operation
Spent fuel pool cooling
WENRA & new reactors
WENRA & new reactors
Report (11/28) : core melt & radiological consequences (1/6)
• The goal behind WENRA safety Objective O3 is that the NPPs have to be
designed in such a way that even in case of an accident with core melt “only
limited protective measures in area and time are needed for the public and
that sufficient time is available to implement these measures”.
• Core melt accidents (severe accidents) have to be considered when the core is in the
reactor, but also when the whole core or a large part of the core is unloaded and
stored in the fuel pool.
• Provisions have to be taken to prevent accidents which would require protective
actions for the public that could not be considered as limited in area and time (large
release) and also to prevent accidents which would require protective actions for the
public for which there would not be sufficient time to implement these measures (early
• Any reasonably achievable solution which would further reduce the radiation doses of
workers or the population or environmental consequences should be implemented.
• In such an accident, the reactor containment structure is the main barrier for
protecting the environment from the radioactive materials maintain its
integrity throughout the course of such an accident.
• In addition to the containment structure there have to be complementary
safety features included in the design of the plant and procedures
implemented to mitigate the consequences of core melt accidents.
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Report (12/28) : core melt & radiological consequences (2/6)
• In order to reliably maintain the containment barrier
– Complementary safety features (DiD level 4) specifically designed for fulfilling
safety functions required in postulated core melt accidents shall be
• independent to the extent reasonably practicable from the SSCs of the other levels of
• safety classified and adequately qualified for the core melt accident environmental
conditions for the time frame for which they are required to operate;
– It shall be possible to reduce containment pressure in a controlled manner in a
long term taking into account the impact of non-condensable gases
– Containment heat removal during core melt accidents shall be ensured.
– If a containment venting system is included in the design, the safety margins in containment
dimensioning shall be such that it should not be needed in the early phases of the core melt
accident, to deal with the containment pressure due to the non-condensable gases
accumulating in the containment;
– If included in the design, the containment venting system shall not be designed as the
principal means of removing the decay heat from the containment;
– The systems and components necessary for ensuring the containment function in a core melt
accident shall have reliability commensurate with the function that they are required to fulfil.
This may require redundancy of the active parts;
– The strength of the containment (including the access openings, penetrations
and isolation valves) shall be high enough to withstand, with sufficient margins to
consider uncertainties, static and dynamic loads during core melt accidents that
have not been practically eliminated
– There shall be appropriate provisions to prevent the damage of the containment
due to combustion of hydrogen
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (12/28) : core melt & radiological consequences (3/6)
• In order to reduce the release of radioactive substances:
– there shall be provisions to reduce the amount of fission products in the
containment atmosphere in case of the core melt accident;
– there shall be provisions to reduce the pressure inside the containment;
• if a containment venting system is included in the design to reduce the
containment pressure in a core melt accident, it shall have a filtering
– the containment penetrations should be surrounded by secondary
structures to collect the potential leakages from the containment.
• Any instrumentation required to decide on countermeasures
shall be included in the design. This instrumentation shall
– be safety classified, adequately qualified for environmental conditions
– have reliability commensurate with the function to be fulfilled.
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (13/28) : core melt & radiological consequences (4/6)
• Analysis methodology
– Deterministic analyses shall cover core melt scenarios starting from all
operational states. Postulated core melt accidents are typically
considered with realistic assumptions and best estimate methodologies.
• Adequate methods have to be utilised in order to show the robustness and
reliability of the approach.
• On-site and off-site radiological consequences shall be analysed using stated
and justified assumptions.
• Any possible influence from and on other nuclear facilities in the vicinity of
the plant shall be analysed.
– The probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) is complementary to the
deterministic analyses.
• Comprehensive level 2 PSA of sufficient scope shall be carried out to
demonstrate that the containment function can be shown to be reliable to
meet WENRA Safety Objective O3.
• PSA shall also be used to demonstrate that the selection of accident
sequences for deterministic calculations is adequate for the design of severe
accident provisions.
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (14/28) : core melt & radiological consequences (5/6)
• For the design stage of a new NPP, to achieve WENRA Safety Objective O3 on
the 4th level of the DiD, the following interpretations of limited protective
measures are provided (specified zones are not meant to be used for
emergency preparedness planning):
– Immediate vicinity of the plant: based on the analysed consequences of
postulated core melt accident, the design goal should aim at having a radius of
this immediate vicinity zone towards the lower end of the IAEA suggested
precautionary action zone (PAZ) range i.e. 3 km (evacuation zone)
– Limited sheltering and iodine prophylaxis: based on the analysed consequences
of the postulated core melt accident, the design goal should be to avoid a need
for sheltering and iodine prophylaxis beyond the zone towards the lower end of
the IAEA suggested urgent protective action planning zone (UPZ) range i.e. 5 km
(sheltering zone).
– No long-term restrictions in food consumption: based on the analysed
consequences of the core melt accident, agricultural products beyond the
sheltering zone should generally be consumable after the first year following the
– Sufficient time: Sufficient time is interpreted so that protective measures should
be initiated early enough. Sufficient time to implement these protective measures
is different for each measure and for each accident scenario and depends on the
location of the reactor. Sufficient time for each measure shall be estimated and
considered in the design of a reactor and during the site licensing.
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (15/28) : core melt & radiological consequences (6/6)
• WENRA interpretation of limited protective measures
– To achieve WENRA Safety Objective O3, it is expected that the off-site radiological
impact of accidents with core melt which are not practically eliminated only leads
to limited protective measures in area and time
– no permanent relocation, no long term restrictions in food consumption, no need for
emergency evacuation outside the immediate vicinity of the plant, limited sheltering
– Iodine prophylaxis is not mentioned in Objective O3 list of protective measures, but it shall
also be limited in area and time.
– Sufficient time shall be available to implement these measures.
Design goal :
Lower end of 3-5 km
Design goal:
Lower end of 5-30 km
Evacuation zone
Sheltering zone
Beyond sheltering zone
May be needed
May be needed
May be needed
Iodine Prophylaxis
May be needed
May be needed
Permanent relocation
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (16/28) : practical elimination (1/3)
• Accident sequences that are practically eliminated have
a very specific position in the DiD approach because
provisions ensure that they are extremely unlikely to
arise so that the mitigation of their consequences does
not need to be included in the design.
According to WENRA safety objective O3, all accident
sequences which may lead to early or large radioactive
releases must be practically eliminated.
The justification of the “practical elimination” should
be primarily based on design provisions where possible
strengthened by operational provisions.
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (17/28) : practical elimination (2/3)
Events considered to occur and consequences
considered in the design
DiD level 3a
Design basis*
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DiD level 3b
fuel melt
DiD level 4
Events which have to be practically eliminated,
as would lead to large or early
radioactive release
Design extension*
* Comparable to IAEA SSR 2.1
WENRA & new reactors
al faults
Practical elimination
Fuel melt
WENRA & new reactors
Report (18/28) : practical elimination (3/3)
• Means of practical elimination
– It is physically impossible for the accident sequence to occur
– The accident sequence can be considered with a high degree of confidence to be extremely
unlikely to arise
• The justification of the “practical elimination” should be primarily based on design
provisions where possible strengthened by operational provisions.
– The most stringent requirements regarding the demonstration of practical elimination should
apply in the case of an event/phenomenon which has the potential to lead directly to a severe
accident (i.e. to pass from DiD level 1 to level 4).
– For engineered provisions the practical elimination can be done for instance by providing
substantial increase of the protective means reliability.
– Practical elimination of a condition cannot be claimed solely based on compliance with a
general cut-off probabilistic value
– Any additional reasonable practicable design features to lower the risk should be implemented
 Appropriate sensitivity studies should be included to confirm that sufficient margin to cliff edge
effects exist.
 The degree of substantiation provided for a practical elimination demonstration should take account
of the assessed frequency of the situation to be eliminated and of the degree of confidence in the
assessed frequency (uncertainties associated with the data and methods shall be evaluated in order
to underwrite the degree of confidence claimed).
• Practical elimination provisions shall remain in place and valid throughout the plant
lifetime. For example, in-service inspection and other periodic checks may be
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (19/28) : external hazards (1/3)
• External hazards addressed in the report are those natural or
man-made (excluding malicious acts) hazards to a site or
facilities that originate externally both to the site and its
External hazards can simultaneously affect the whole facility, including back-up safety systems
including systems to manage severe accidents
The licensee may have very little or no control over the initiating event
Widespread failures and hindrances to human intervention may occur.
The general design basis
is that used to define the
events that have been
taken into account in the
design and associated
design basis analysis
• Safety expectation
– For new reactors external hazards should be considered as an
integral part of the design
• Level of detail and analysis provided should be proportionate to the
contribution to the overall risk.
– External Hazards considered in the general design basis of the
plant should not lead to a core melt accident (Objective O2 i.e.
level 3 DiD).
– Accident sequences with core melt resulting from external
hazards which would lead to early or large releases should be
practically eliminated (Objective O3 i.e. level 4 DiD). For that
reason, rare and severe external hazards, which may be
additional to the general design basis, unless screened out, need
to be taken into account in the overall safety analysis.
 This may be done by showing that all relevant safety SSCs required to cope with an external hazard
are designed and adequately qualified to withstand the conditions related to that external hazards.
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WENRA & new reactors
Rare and severe external
hazards are additional to
the general design basis,
and represent more
frequent events. This is a
similar situation to that
between Design Basis
Conditions (DBC) and
Conditions (DEC); they
need to be considered in
the design but the
analysis could be realistic
rather than conservative.
WENRA & new reactors
Report (20/28) : external hazards (2/3)
• Safety demonstration
– Identification of external hazards (generic + site specific)
– Screening of external hazards
• Each identified hazard should be selected for analysis if
– It is physically capable of posing a threat to nuclear safety
– The frequency of occurrence is higher than pre-set criteria
 The pre-set frequency criteria may differ depending on the analysis that is to be
undertaken (general design basis, rare or severe external hazards, PSA)
• Screening process should explicitly consider correlated events and
combinations of events.
– Determination of hazards parameters
– All of the external hazards that are selected should be characterized in terms of
their severity/magnitude and duration
– Characterisation of the external hazard shall be conservative for the general
design basis analysis and could be realistic/best estimate for rare and severe
external hazards analysis and PSA.
– Analysis considerations (uncertainties, cliff-edge, consequential effects,
climate change, multitple unit site…)
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (21/28) : external hazards (3/3)
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (22/28) : Intentional airplane crash (1/2)
• Despite measures taken to prevent the intentional crash of a commercial
airplane, this event should be considered in the design of new reactors.
• Such crash should not lead to core melt accident and therefore not cause
more than a minor radiological impact (Objective O2)
– Releases could however exceed those considered in other events not involving
core melt
 Safety functions required to bring and maintain the plant in a safe state shall be
protected adequately
• Direct and indirect effects of crash shall be considered
– effects of direct and secondary impacts on mechanical resistance of relevant
safety structures and systems
– effects of vibrations on relevant safety structures and systems
– effects of combustion and/or explosion of airplane fuel on the integrity of the
relevant safety structures and systems
– Fires caused by airplane fuel shall be assessed as different kinds of fire ball and pool fire
– Other consequential fires due to the airplane crash shall be addressed.
• Airplane fuel shall not enter buildings (or relevant part of buildings)
containing nuclear fuel or housing key safety function.
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (23/28) : Intentional airplane crash (2/2)
• Safety demonstration
– A realistic approach can be followed in the analysis
• Use of best estimate material properties and state-of-the-art
analytical methods.
• Realistic failure criteria could be used.
• Not necessary to consider other coincident failure of plant and
– Sensitivity analysis shall be performed to confirm sufficient
margin to cliff edge effects.
– The effect of the event on the ability of plant personnel and
off-site services to fulfill necessary actions shall be taken into
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (24/28) : TEPCO Fukushima accident (1/5)
• The Fukushima Daiichi accident demonstrates/confirms
– the importance of properly implementing the DID principle (Positions 1, 2 and 3),
• getting the design basis for external hazards right,
• providing adequate protection against external hazards
– the need to ensuring strong PSR process together with independent regulatory
body to drive it.
– the need to have comprehensive safety analysis using both deterministic and
probabilistic methods in a complementary manner to provide as full coverage of
all safety factors as possible.
– the need, in the safety assessment, for specific considerations for multi-unit sites
and to address long term aspects.
• The Fukushima Daiichi accident also demonstrates the importance of
– adequate on-site resources that are adequately qualified against external hazards
and the effects of core melt accidents.
– a control room and emergency response centre adequately protected against
external hazards.
– cooling and integrity of spent fuel pools as well as for the reactors.
– siting, as it has design implications, in particular in terms of securing sufficient
diverse electrical and cooling supplies.
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (25/28) : TEPCO Fukushima accident (2/5)
• External hazards need to take account of rare and severe
hazards (Position 6).
Reliability of safety functions
– Decay heat removal
• The NPP shall have arrangements to enable the decay heat removal in rare
and severe hazards (Position 6). For this situation, protection of necessary
electrical power supplies has to be ensured. Consistently with the DiD
approach (Position 1), loss of the primary ultimate heat sink or access to it
should be considered in the design.
• The primary and alternative means for decay heat removal in an emergency
should function independently.
– Ensuring the energy supply
• Where safety functions of NPPs rely on AC power, diverse emergency AC
power supply shall be required as a part of DiD sub-level 3.b additional safety
features (Positions 2 and 3).
• Need for increasing the reliability of electrical power supply at NPPs and
securing adequate battery capacity.
• The correct fail-safe position of safety related equipment, in case of loss of
energy supply, needs to be considered in the design, taking into account
potential conflicting demands on this equipment.
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (26/28) : TEPCO Fukushima accident (3/5)
• Accidents with core melt
– Accidents with core melt which would lead to early or large releases
should be practically eliminated (Position 5).
– Accidents with core melt need to be considered in the design of NPPs.
Complementary safety features (Position 2) which ensure the adequate
integrity of the containment in case of an accident leading to a core melt
need to be included in the design (Position 4).
– Filtering capability for the containment venting, if any, to remain within
containment ultimate pressure strength (Position 4).
– Provisions for hydrogen management shall be implemented (Position 4).
– Robust complementary safety features (DiD level 4) specifically designed
for fulfilling safety functions required in postulated core melt accidents
should be independent to the extent reasonably practicable from the
SSCs of the other levels of DiD (Positions 2 and 4).
– The need to manage large volumes of contaminated cooling water and
filtered containment venting over longer periods of time should be
included in the design and accident management considerations.
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (27/28) : TEPCO Fukushima accident (4/5)
• Spent fuel pools
– The accident also highlighted the need for adequate safety and the
design of spent fuel pools.
• This implies that single initiating events, multiple failure events (Position 3),
internal hazards as well as external hazards (Position 6) should be properly
• In addition to having adequate instrumentation and control for the spent fuel
pool, also under accident conditions, WENRA considers that both the DiD
approach (Position 1, Position 3) and the practical elimination of accidents
with early or large release (Position 5) are fully applicable for fuel storage
– The primary approach for spent fuel pools shall be to “practically
eliminate” (Position 5) the possibility of extensive fuel damage due to
mechanical, thermal or chemical effects.
– The structural integrity of the spent fuel pools needs to be ensured, as
needed to maintain sufficient water level in the pools in case of rare and
severe external hazards (Position 6).
22 May 2013
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WENRA & new reactors
Report (28/28) : TEPCO Fukushima accident (5/5)
• Safety assessment
– A strong and effective periodic safety review process is very important for continuous
improvement of safety of NPPs.
– Long term accident mitigation measures should be considered in deterministic and
probabilistic safety assessments and consideration given to the reliability and sustainability
of the measures.
– On multi-unit sites, the plant should be considered as a whole in safety assessments
• Interactions between different units need to be analysed.
• Hazards that may affect several units need to be identified and included in the analysis (Position 6).
• Emergency preparedness in design
– Events disrupting the regional infrastructure and affecting several units at the same site can
have a significant adverse impact on the implementation of the required accident
management actions.
– Accessibility, functionability and habitability of the control room and of the emergency
response centre have to be ensured.
• This will require adequate protection against rare and severe external hazards.
– Suitably shielded and protected spaces shall be provided to house necessary workers under
postulated core melt accident conditions.
– Accessibility of local control points required for manual actions has to be ensured.
– Reliability and functionality of the on-site and off-site communication systems, equipment
measuring releases, radiation levels and meteorological conditions need to be ensured,
taking into account conditions related to rare and severe external hazards.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
• A few words about WENRA
• WENRA and existing reactors
– Safety reference levels
– Lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi accident
• WENRA and new reactors
– Safety objectives for new NPPs
– Common positions on selected key safety issues (booklet)
• WENRA / MDEP interface
222 May 2013
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WENRA / MDEP interface (1/3)
• Some members of MDEP are also members of WENRA
• Finland, France, UK
• 2010 MDEP annual report
• “The MDEP STC has had the benefit of presentations on WENRA activities at
meetings. In addition, WENRA documents are recognized as a valuable source
of information and insights and can assist the MDEP STC in selecting future
topics. In the area of safety goals, MDEP recognizes the work already
underway by the WENRA-RHWG in this area”
– Previous meeting in January 2010 (O. Gupta) on the development of safety
objectives for new NPPs
• “MDEP has begun to consider the addition of new topics and how they could
be addressed by the program. The criteria that will be used in evaluating
whether an activity should be undertaken as part of MDEP include: … any
new MDEP activity should not duplicate similar efforts that are already
ongoing or are planned to be undertaken by other more appropriate
organizations such as the CNRA/WGRNR (or other NEA WGs), IAEA, GIF,
WENRA, etc. except where MDEP could contribute to the ongoing work of
these groups.”
• “MDEP is using its influence to initiate change and will contribute to the
success of other initiatives including those of IAEA, NEA and WENRA.”
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WENRA / MDEP interface (2/3)
• 2011-2012 MDEP report
• WENRA attended to the 2nd MDEP conference (Paris, September 2011)
• “MDEP will used the following criteria to evaluate whether a proposed
activity should be undertaken as part of MDEP (in the form of a working
group for a new generic topic or a subcommittee of STC: … any new MDEP
activity should not duplicate similar efforts that are already ongoing or are
planned to be undertaken by other more appropriate organizations such as
the CNRA/WGRNR (or other NEA WGs), IAEA, GIF, WENRA, etc. except where
MDEP could contribute to the ongoing work of these groups.”
• RHWG would welcome MDEP input, as part of stakeholder
consultation, when developing WENRA documents
RHWG encourages the use of WENRA safety objectives and
report when developing MDEP common positions
– MDEP design specific working groups
» EPR Working Group
» AP1000 Working Group
» APR1400 Working Group
– MDEP issue specific working groups
» Digital Instrumentation and Controls Working Group (DICWG)
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WENRA / MDEP interface (3/3)
Collective discussion
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
Thank you.
Fabien Féron
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
Existing reactors : Long term operation and PSR
Safety level (new reactors)
Benchmark for PSRs – modern standards
including new reactors
Safety level
Impractical enhancement
Continuous improvement
Reasonably practicable
safety enhancement
Safety level (existing reactors)
Original safety level
Original safety requirements
10 years
20 years
The concept of continuous improvement.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
ANNEX : WENRA safety objectives
for new reactors (1/4)
• O1. Normal operation, abnormal events and prevention of
– reducing the frequencies of abnormal events by enhancing plant capability to stay
within normal operation.
– reducing the potential for escalation to accident situations by enhancing plant
capability to control abnormal events.
• O2. Accidents without core melt
– ensuring that accidents without core melt induce[1] no off-site radiological impact
or only minor radiological impact (in particular, no necessity of iodine prophylaxis,
sheltering nor evacuation[2]).
– reducing, as far as reasonably achievable,
• the core damage frequency taking into account all types of credible hazards and failures
and credible combinations of events;
• the releases of radioactive material from all sources.
– providing due consideration to siting and design to reduce the impact of external
hazards and malevolent acts.
[1] In a deterministic and conservative approach with respect to the evaluation of radiological
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[2] However, restriction of food consumption could be needed in some scenarios.
ANNEX : WENRA safety objectives
for new reactors (2/4)
•O3. Accidents with core melt
– reducing potential radioactive releases to the environment from accidents
with core melt[1], also in the long term[2], by following the qualitative
criteria below:
• accidents with core melt which would lead to early[3] or large[4] releases have to be
practically eliminated[5] ;
• for accidents with core melt that have not been practically eliminated, design provisions
have to be taken so that only limited protective measures in area and time are needed for
the public (no permanent relocation, no need for emergency evacuation outside the
immediate vicinity of the plant, limited sheltering, no long term restrictions in food
consumption) and that sufficient time is available to implement these measures.
[1] For new reactors, the scope of the safety demonstration has to cover all risks induced by the nuclear
fuel, even when stored in the fuel pool. Hence, core melt accidents (severe accidents) have to be
considered when the core is in the reactor, but also when the whole core or a large part of the core is
unloaded and stored in the fuel pool. It has to be shown that such accident scenarios are either
practically eliminated or prevented and mitigated.
[2] Long term: considering the time over which the safety functions need to be maintained. It could be
months or years, depending on the accident scenario.
[3] Early releases: situations that would require off-site emergency measures but with insufficient time to
implement them.
[4] Large releases: situations that would require protective measures for the public that could not be
limited in area or time.
[5] In this context, the possibility of certain conditions occurring is considered to have been practically
eliminated if it is physically impossible for the conditions to occur or if the conditions can be
considered with a high degree of confidence to be extremely unlikely to arise (from IAEA NSG1.10).
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
ANNEX : WENRA safety objectives
for new reactors (3/4)
• O4. Independence between all levels of defence-in-depth
– enhancing the effectiveness of the independence between all levels of
defence-in-depth, in particular through diversity provisions (in addition to
the strengthening of each of these levels separately as addressed in the
previous three objectives), to provide as far as reasonably achievable an
overall reinforcement of defence-in-depth.
• O5. Safety and security interfaces
– ensuring that safety measures and security measures are designed and
implemented in an integrated manner. Synergies between safety and
security enhancements should be sought.
• O6. Radiation protection and waste management
– reducing as far as reasonably achievable by design provisions, for all
operating states, decommissioning and dismantling activities :
• individual and collective doses for workers;
• radioactive discharges to the environment;
• quantity and activity of radioactive waste.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
ANNEX :WENRA safety objectives
for new reactors (4/4)
• O7. Leadership and management for safety
– ensuring effective management for safety from the design
stage. This implies that the licensee:
• establishes effective leadership and management for safety over the
entire new plant project and has sufficient in house technical and
financial resources to fulfil its prime responsibility in safety;
• ensures that all other organizations involved in siting, design,
construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of new
plants demonstrate awareness among the staff of the nuclear safety
issues associated with their work and their role in ensuring safety.
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
New reactors : safety objectives (3/4)
These 7 safety objectives are derived from the
IAEA Safety Fundamentals document (SF-1) which
establishes ten safety principles (SP)
IAEA SF-1 safety principles
SP 3
Leadership and management for safety
SP 5
Optimization of protection
SP 6
SP 7
Limitation of risks to individuals
Protection of present and future generations
SP 8
Prevention of accidents
22 May 2013
WENRA safety objectives
WENRA & new reactors
DiD according to IAEA (1/3)
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
DiD according to IAEA (2/3)
of DiD
Essential means
Associated plant
condition categories
(for explanation - not
part of original table)
Level 1
Prevention of abnormal operation
and failures
Conservative design and high
quality in construction and
Normal operation
Level 2
Control of abnormal operation and
detection of failures
Control, limiting and protection
systems and other surveillance
Anticipated operational
Level 3
Control of accident within the
design basis
Engineered safety features and
accident procedures
Design basis accidents
(postulated single
initiating events)
Level 4
Control of severe plant conditions,
including prevention of accident
progression and mitigation of the
consequences of severe accidents
Complementary measures and
accident management
Mitigation of radiological
consequences of significant
releases of radioactive material
Off-site emergency response
Level 5
22 May 2013
WENRA & new reactors
Multiple failures
Severe accidents
DiD according to IAEA (3/3)
(1) The purpose of the first level of defence is to
prevent deviations from normal operation
and the failure of items important to safety.
This leads to requirements that the plant be soundly and
conservatively sited, designed, constructed, maintained and
operated in accordance with quality management and
appropriate and proven engineering practices.
To meet these objectives, careful attention is paid to the
selection of appropriate design codes and materials, and to the
quality control of the manufacture of components and
construction of the plant, as well as to its commissioning.
Design options that reduce the potential for internal hazards
contribute to the prevention of accidents at this level of defence.
Attention is also paid to the processes and procedures involved
in design, manufacture, construction and in-service inspection,
maintenance and testing, to the ease of access for these
activities, and to the way the plant is operated and to how
operating experience is utilized. This process is supported by a
detailed analysis that determines the requirements for operation
and maintenance of the plant and the requirements for quality
management for operational and maintenance practices.
(2) The purpose of the second level of defence is
to detect and control deviations from normal
operational states in order to prevent
anticipated operational occurrences at the
plant from escalating to accident conditions.
22 May 2013
This is in recognition of the fact that postulated initiating events
are likely to occur over the operating lifetime of a nuclear power
plant, despite the care taken to prevent them.
This second level of defence necessitates the provision of specific
systems and features in the design, the confirmation of their
effectiveness through safety analysis, and the establishment of
operating procedures to prevent such initiating events, or else to
minimize their consequences, and to return the plant to a safe
WENRA & new reactors
(3) For the third level of defence, it is
assumed that, although very unlikely,
the escalation of certain anticipated
operational occurrences or postulated
initiating events might not be controlled
at a preceding level and that an accident
could develop.
In the design of the plant, such accidents are postulated
to occur.
This leads to the requirement that inherent and/or
engineered safety features, safety systems and
procedures be provided that are capable of preventing
damage to the reactor core or significant off-site
releases and returning the plant to a safe state.
(4) The purpose of the fourth level of
defence is to mitigate the consequences
of accidents that result from failure of
the third level of defence in depth.
The most important objective for this level is to ensure
the confinement function, thus ensuring that radioactive
releases are kept as low as reasonably achievable.
(5) The purpose of the fifth and final level of
defence is to mitigate the radiological
consequences of radioactive releases
that could potentially result from
accident conditions.
This requires the provision of an adequately equipped
emergency control centre and emergency plans and
emergency procedures for on-site and off-site
emergency response.