EOC Review Questions - RS Central High School

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EOC Review Questions

Sometimes the color of an animal closely resembles the color of its environment. Which of the following is the most likely reason that some animals have this type of coloring?

a) To attract a mate b) To increase sun absorption c) To decrease water loss d) To protect themselves

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in which blood does not clot as quickly as it should. If a person with hemophilia is injured, they can quickly bleed to death. Which of the following external factors would most endanger a person with hemophilia?

a) The type of heater used in the person’s home b) The area of the country where the person lives c) The type of sports the person engages in d) The number of hours the person attends school everyday

Suppose a psychologist places a bowl in a room with a dog. Whenever a bell goes off, food is deposited in the bowl. After a few days of implementing this experiment, the psychologist sees that the dog immediately moves to the bowl when it hears a bell, even if food is not deposited into that bowl. What type of behavior is the dog exhibiting when it goes to the bowl upon hearing the bell?

a) Defensive behavior b) Migratory behavior c) Learned behavior d) Innate behavior

Some of the characteristics that help classify the Euglena as a protist are labeled in the picture. For example, the presence of a nucleus suggests that Euglena are a) unicellular b) eukaryotes c) autotrophic d) motile

Which of these adaptations would most directly assist a plant in reproducing?

a) Thick stems b) Waxy leaves c) Shallow roots d) Bright flowers

A vaccine is a substance that is usually given to patients before they have a disease. The vaccine causes the patient’s body to produce antibodies for the disease so that if antigens for that disease ever enter their body, the immune system can fight it off easily.

What does a vaccine contain that allows the body to do this?

a) Complete antigens and bacteria b) Weak, dead, or partial antigens c) Antibiotics and other medicines d) Hazardous chemicals

A jellyfish washes up on the beach where someone finds it. They take it home and place it in a freshwater aquarium . In a short time the jellyfish dies. What is the most likely reason for the jellyfish’s death?

a) Protein synthesis could no longer take place b) Photosynthesis could no longer take place c) Aerobic respiration released too much oxygen into the water d) Freshwater entered the jellyfish’s cells causing them to burst

Cellular respiration provides energy for the cell by converting carbon to ATP. Where does cellular respiration occur in the cell?

a) In the mitochondria b) In the chloroplast c) In the ribosomes d) In the nucleolus

Deforestation is a serious threat to our environment. Which of the following would occur if the rainforests were destroyed?

a) Animals would die because of lack of carbon dioxide b) Animals would not be able to produce ribosomes c) Animals would not be able to produce ATP d) Animals would die due to reduced nitrogen in the air

B A C D Where would plant cells specialized for photosynthesis most likely to be located?

a) A b) B c) C d) D

The relationship of the structures shown above is best described as a) having the same structure but different ancestors b) having different structures but the same ancestors c) having the same functions but different ancestors d) having different functions but a common ancestor

Which suspect most likely committed the crime?

a) Suspect 1 b) Suspect 2 c) Both suspects 1 and 2 are guilty d) Neither suspect 1 nor 2 is guilty

Tay-Sachs is a recessively inherited disease. If a heterozygous man marries a heterozygous woman, what would be the genotypic ratio for their first child?

a) 1:1 b) 1:2:1 c) 1:2:2:1 d) 9:3:3:7

Mendel worked with pea plants in which all primary characteristics are related through simple dominance. Short plant height and white flower color are both recessive. If Mendel crossed a plant that was heterozygous for both traits to another plant that was also heterozygous for both traits, what would be the genotypic ratio of this dyhibrid cross?

a) 1:1 b) 1:2:1 c) 1:2:2:1 d) 9:3:3:7







PLANT 2 PLANT 3 X X Which of these plants is (are) considered nonvascular?

a) Plant 1 b) Plant 2 c) Plant 3 d) Both plants 1 and 3

Police horses are used in many cities for crowd control. They learn to ignore all of the frightening noises of the traffic and people. This type of learning is called a) habituation b) imprinting c) classical conditioning d) operant conditioning

If the xylem of a plant is damaged what is most likely to occur?

a) the plant will become turgid b) the plant will become flaccid c) the plant will produce extra sugars d) the plant will increase photosynthesis

A plant lives in a hot desert climate. Which of the following is most likely to be true of the plant?

a) the plant will have small leaves and will close its stomata at night b) the plant will have large leaves and will open its stomata at night c) the plant will have small leaves and will open its stomata at night d) the plant will have large leaves and will close its stomata at night

The cattle egret is a small bird that walks alongside cattle as they graze in a field. As the cattle eat the grass, they stir up grasshoppers that the egrets catch and eat. Which type of symbiotic relationship does this best illustrate?

a) mutualism b) commensalism c) parasitism d) predation

Global warming is caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases but many gases occur naturally to maintain the Earth’s warmth. Which of the following is the most common naturally occurring greenhouse gas?

a) water vapor b) oxygen c) nitrogen d) carbon dioxide

Some lipids can be detrimental to your health. Which of the following is true of lipids?

a) Saturated fats are solid at room temperature b) Saturated fats are liquid at room temperature c) Unsaturated fats are solid at room temperature d) Unsaturated fats are usually made from animal fats

Enzymes are active in many chemical reactions in the body. Which of the following is true of a digestive enzyme?

a) It assists in the breakdown of substrates into products.

b) It assists in the building of new substances c) It raises the activation energy of the reactions d) it is destroyed by synthesizes food as it is consumed.

A section of DNA with the sequence AAC AAG CCC undergoes a mutation in which the G is deleted. How will this mutation affect the amino acid sequence?

a) Only the second amino acid will change b) The second and third amino acids will change c) All of the amino acids will change d) None of the amino acids will change

This graph represents the relationship between enzyme activity and substrate concentration. amount of substrate What is the most likely explanation of the curve at the end?

a) the enzyme is used up b) the substrate is used up c) the products are used up d) the enzyme was destroyed

Where would you expect to find the largest concentration of mitochondria?

a) in skin cells b) in sweat glands c) in muscle cells d) in brain cells

A long distance runner often eats high quantities of carbohydrates before a race. This is called “carb loading.” What would be the best explanation for this behavior?

a) Because carbohydrates are a source of long term energy b) Because carbohydrates are made of sugar which gives you quick energy c) Because carbohydrates provide the energy needed to survive high stress for long periods of time d) Because carbohydrates are made of proteins that provide energy

Which of the following describes a likely reason that organisms would group together?

a) A pod of dolphins lives together to maintain order and heirarchy.

b) A school of fish swims together to look like a larger fish.

c) A pack of wild dogs works together to catch enough food.

d) All of these

How does the size of a eukaryotic organism normally compare to the size of a prokaryotic organism?

a) Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are both usually very large organisms.

b) Eukaryotes are usually much larger than prokaryotes.

c) Eukaryotes are usually much smaller than prokaryotes.

d) Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are the same size.

A family of white rabbits is transferred from a snow-filled ecosystem to a prairie. Which of the following adaptations would be most beneficial to the offspring of these white rabbits?

a) Longer and sharper claws b) Darkening of the fur c) Increase in overall size d) Ability to jump higher

There are many factors that can influence the individual health of a person. Which of the following can be influenced by a person’s nutritional decisions?

a) Cholesterol b) Body fat c) Blood pressure d) All of these

During certain periods of the year, some species of rodents instinctively entre a state of inactivity characterized by lowered metabolism and body temperature. This state is known as _______?

a) death b) hibernation c) sleep d) Induced coma

Which of the following is true of prokaryotic cells?

a) They tend to be large and very complex.

b) The are only found in unicellular organisms.

c) They may be found in unicellular or multicellular organisms.

d) They are able to compartmentalize functions and are more efficient.

Cells are the basic unit of life. Viruses differ from cells in many key ways. Which of the following is a feature of viruses but not cells?

a) Has ribosomes b) Does not have nucleic acid c) Does not have organelles d) Maintains homeostasis

Recently, scientists have discovered genes that predispose individuals to heart disease. However, people with those genes will not necessarily develop heart disease. External factors greatly influence whether a person with the genes will actually have heart disease later in life. Which of the following external factors would most likely contribute to a person developing heart disease?

a) Taking drugs such as aspirin b) Breathing tobacco smoke c) Getting regular exercise d) Eating a well-balanced diet

All animals exhibit some form of social behavior. Which of the following types of behavior is best classified as a form of social behavior?

a) Foraging behavior b) Courtship behavior c) Migratory behavior d) Predatory behavior

A frog is a type of amphibian which, after hatching from an egg, begins life as a legless tadpole that lives in water. After a while, the tadpole develops legs but continues to live in water exclusively. Later, the tadpole’s tail disappears, limbs develop, and the organism becomes an adult frog.

This is an example of _____________.

a) Meiotic division b) Metamorphosis c) The cell cycle d) Reproduction

Grass fires are a major threat for prairie trees. Which adaptation is likely to help prairie trees withstand a fire?

a) Smooth stems b) Many branches c) Thick bark d) Abundant leaves

Malaria is one of the most common parasitic diseases in the world. It is caused by a protist from the genus Plasmodium and is carried by mosquitoes. When a mosquito carrying this protist punctures a human’s skin, it releases sporozoite into the human. The effects on the human’s internal environment are show below.

How does malaria affect the internal environment of the human body?

a) It causes the liver to stop functioning b) It causes the skin to undergo an inflammatory response c) It causes the reproductive system to stop functioning d) It destroys red blood cells

Much of the parental care behavior exhibited by animals is innate. Why is it beneficial for an animal to instinctively know how to care for its offspring?

a) Caring for offspring is a way the parent can show the offspring love.

b) Caring for offspring helps ensure the offspring’s survival.

c) Caring for offspring is the only way for the offspring to learn innate behaviors.

d) Caring for offspring is a good way to hone the parent’s hunting skills.

In order to determine how various organisms are related, scientists have organized them into classification groups or taxa.

Which choice below lists the correct order of organism classification hierarchy, from most broad to most specific?

a) Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, and kingdom b) Kingdom, class, phylum, order, genus, family, and species c) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species d) Species, family, genus, order, phylum, class, and kingdom

The abundant moisture in tropical rainforests promotes bacterial and fungal growth. If bacteria or fungi grow on the surfaces of plants, it can be destructive to the plant tissues. As a result, many rainforest plants have developed structures that promote the runoff of water.

Which of the following are examples of these structures?

a) Waxy coatings on leaves a) Smooth stems and trunks b) Leaves with pointed tips c) All of these

How might an individual acquire immunity against a disease?

I. Receive a vaccine, which causes development of antibodies II. Receive antibodies from their mother during or shortly after birth III. Be exposed to the disease and develop antibodies naturally a) I and III only b) III only c) I, II, and III d) II and III only

An Australian frilled lizard flares the folds of its skin around its head in response to a threat. The folds make its head seem about four times larger than it actually is. How is this behavior most likely a beneficial adaptation?

a) Appearing larger may make the lizard seem more threatening and warn potential predators away.

b) Appearing larger may help the lizard’s blood flow and give him the energy he needs to escape from a predator.

c) Appearing larger may attract female lizards to the male, and they can protect him from a predator.

d) Appearing larger may make the lizard seem like a bigger meal and divert predators away from the lizard’s nest.

When dry environmental conditions exist, guard cells reduce water loss from plants by closing the openings in their leaves. This process is an example of a feedback mechanism that plants use in order to a) Absorb more solar energy b) Expend their resources c) Produce more chlorophyll d) Maintain homeostasis

How would a covering of hair-like fibers most likely help plants in a tundra environment with severe winters?

a) Helps plants absorb sunlight for photosynthesis b) Helps plants prevent water loss c) Helps plants retain heat d) Helps plants maximize oxygen intake and minimize carbon dioxide intake

Lead is a metal that is usually found in ore with other metals, such as copper and zinc. When lead is ingested in large amounts, lead poisoning can occur.

Lead poisoning can be caused by many things, such as mining or ingesting lead contaminated soil.

Lead poisoning is an example of how a) Only manmade things can cause lead poisoning b) Materials from the environment are always deadly c) Only manmade things can be harmful to humans d) Materials from the environment can be toxic

Ants release chemical pheromones that are detected by other ants. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this?

a) It is a way to influence genes b) It is a method of excretion c) It is a means of communication d) It is toxic and kills predators

An organism that is being studied has prokaryotic cells, reproduces by binary fission, and does not have a nucleus. What type of organism is it?

a) Virus b) Plant c) Protist d) Bacterium

A sage plant has multiple types of roots adapted to meet the water gathering needs of its environment. Which of the following root types is an adaptation to help obtain water after a quick, violent rainstorm in the desert?

a) Deep taproots b) Shallow, fibrous roots c) Exposed prop roots d) Supportive buttress roots

When any cells in your body are damaged, your immune system initiates an inflammatory response. First, the injured cells release histamine which increases the permeability of nearby blood vessels. Second, the vessels swell, and immune system cells known as phagocytes pass through the capillary walls. Finally, the phagocytes ingest any foreign matter that has entered the body.

How does the immune system’s inflammatory response stop external factors from damaging the body’s internal environment?

a) The inflammatory response destroys any bacteria or viruses entering the body before they can infect cells.

b) Inflammation causes blood flow to the affected are to decrease, thereby eliminating the possibility of invading organisms infecting the blood cells.

c) Inflammation causes a great deal of pain, and heightening pain levels make blood and tissue cells less susceptible to invasion by microorganisms.

d) The inflammatory response causes the body’s temperature to cools by several degrees, preventing microorganisms fro being able to multiply.

A cuckoo bird is raised in a zoo and has no contact with other members of its species. When the adult bird is released into the wild, it is immediately able to perform a cuckoo mating song that is exactly the same as the mating song other cuckoos sing. What dos this suggest about the cuckoo’s singing behavior?

a) It is determined by the environment b) It is an instinctive behavior c) It is learned by trial and error d) It is a conditioned response

The picture below shows a diagram of a single-celled organism known as a euglena.

Which structure acts in a manner most similar to skin tissue in multicellular organisms?

a) Nucleus b) Cell membrane c) Flagellum d) chloroplast

Streptococcus is a pathogenic bacteria that tends to grow in chains or pairs. These bacteria cause meningitis, pneumonia, and _____________.

a) Type I diabetes b) Diptheria c) Strep throat d) Cancer

1 D 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 D 12 B 13 B 14 D 15 B 16 A 17 B 18 C 19 B 20 A 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 B B B C D B C A A B B C B D B C D B B C 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 D C A D C D C D B A B B C