Transcript Document

Ihor Studenyak, vice-rector for Scientific Work
Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
1. General information about Uzhhorod National University
The state higher educational institution of the IV
accreditation level;
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Licence
AB №175907;
Year of establishment – 1945;
Number of faculties – 18;
Number of students –12000 students;
Forms of studies: day-time, extra-mural, continuing post
diploma studies on the state budget funding and on the contract
Educational qualification levels: the Bachelor's, the Specialist's,
the Master's programs.
Number of professors, Doctors of Sciences – 105;
Number of Associate Professors, Candidates of Sciences – 450;
Number of Honoured Workers of Science and Technology,
Honoured Educationalists, Physicians, Inventors – over 50.
Post graduate courses, preparatory department and preparatory
courses, Refresher courses.
The University maintains international cooperation with 62 higher
educational establishments of the world.
University Address: 46, Pidhirna St., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000.
Rector's office: 46, Pidhirna St., Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 88000
Tel/ Fax. 38 (03122) 3 33 41, 3 33 46; Tel. 38 (03122) 3 42 02
E-mail: [email protected]
The scientific work of Uzhhorod National University is aimed at
performing the fundamental and applied research projects in the
priority directions of the development of science and technology, at
the support, development and effective use of the University's R&D
potential, at training high quality scientific and pedagogical staff, at
increasing the teaching and educational process standards level at the
integration of the education and science in the context of the Bologna
process major guidelines, officially acceded to by Ukraine.
Institute of Carpathian Studies
The institute was created in 1992. Institute performed
fundamental and applied research directed at:
■ the study of history, archaeology, ethnography, history of art
of Transcarpathian region in its interconnection with the
Carpathians region
■ the development of practical recommendations in ethnopolitical and ethno-social questions
■ the research of history of Ukrainian diaspora in Europe and
■ the development of regional manuals for the
educational network of Transcarpathian region
Institute of Solid State Physics and Chemistry
The Institute was founded in 1992 on the basis of Problem research
laboratory for synthesis and research of complex semiconductor
compounds. The basic directions of its activities are:
■ the physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena in multicomponent structures;
■ the technology of preparation of new crystalline, glassy and thin-film
functional materials;
■ the primary transformers and functional elements for the detectors of
optical, thermal and acoustic radiation;
■ the optolectronic systems of registration and
information treatment.
Institute of State Administration and Regional Development
The institute was created in1997. The basic directions of its
activities are:
■ the elaboration of the programs for qualification increasing and
preparation of public servants in different categories;
■ the organization of educational courses;
■ the consultative, expert, informatively technical assistance to
the organs of state administration, local self-government, public
organizations, business structures;
■ the conducting of research for state administration,
regional policy and development, local self-government.
Institute of Brain
The Institute was created in 2006. The Institute executes
fundamental and applied research directed at:
■ the improvement of diagnostics and treatment of vascular diseases of
brain and spinal cord;
■ the study of possibilities of epilepsy surgical treatment;
■ the treatment of pain syndromes;
■ the complex research of infectious-inflammatory, immune and
degenerative nervous diseases;
■ the treatment of new pharmacology of the nervous system;
■ the improvement of intensive therapy for patients with lesion of
nervous system;
■ the study of new methods of surgical treatment of
patients with lesion of nervous system.
Institute of Ukrainian Studies
The Institute of Ukrainian Studies was founded in 2007. The basic
directions of scientific and practical activities are:
■ the complex research of problems of Ukrainian history, political science,
sociology, language, literature, folklore;
■ the realization of direct contacts and joint scientific research with Ukrainedirected scientific - pedagogical, scientific and scientific-educational
institutions of neighboring countries (Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Poland, the
Czech Republic);
■ the organization of dialectology and folklore expeditions
for the research of Ukrainian ethnographic acres and
places of compact residence of Ukrainians.
Institute of Phytotherapy
The Institute was created in 1992. The main directions of its activities
■ the development of phytopreparations for the prevention and treatment of
patients with internal organs pathology, caused by small doses of ionizing
radiation influence;
■ the issue of developed phytopreparations and phytoproducts;
■ the development of computer expert systems of diagnostics,
prognostication and optimal phytotherapy;
■ the development of new instrumental diagnostic
methods of pre-tumour and tumour states.
Institute of Analytical Technique Facilities
The Institute created in 2008. The basic directions of its activities are:
■ the implementation of fundamental, scientific-research, research-design,
scientific-industrial works and services;
■ the development of new element base of machine-building with the
application of microelectronic technologies;
■ the development of analytical devices among which there are devices of
gas analysis for the control and protection of environment, for the special
technological processes of labour protection, accident prevention;
■ the production and realization of research models of
scientific and technical production, elaboration of
technical documentation for mass-production.
Laboratory of Physical Electronics with Space
Research Department
The Laboratory, opened in 1965, was the first scientific institution at the
university. The Laboratory include:
- The department of emission electronics is the research of conformities
and mechanisms of the phenomena of emissions at the irradiation of the
surface of solids and tapes by ions, electrons and photons.
- The department of quantum electronics studies
physics processes in plasma of high pressure
gas lasers on excimer and other molecules.
- The department of electron-atomic collisions deals the research of
processes of inelastic со-оperations of electrons with the normal and
metastable atoms of metals, and also with the molecules of nucleic
acids and metalhalogenides.
- The department of space research
conducts the observation of artificial
and natural space bodies, research
of surrounding space.
Laboratory of Natural Ecosystems Safety
The Laboratory was created in 1993. The basic directions of its
activities are:
■ the forming of computer data bank of the naturе protected fund of
Transcarpamian region and development of its perspective network:
■ the research and inventory of flora and fauna of the nature protected
■ the creation of the computer data bank of these types of flora and fauna
of Transcarpathian region, brought to the Red Book of Ukraine, and also
those that are the under the threat of their disappearance;
■ the monitoring research of bioecological
features of the population of most
imgressionable rareand vanishing types of
plants and animals.
Hungarology Center
The Hungarology Center of Uzhhorod National University
was founded in 1988.
The basic directions of its scientific research are:
■ Ukrainian-Hungarian interlingual (interdialectal) contacts;
■ interliterary and interethnic communications;
■Hungarian dialects of Transcarpathian region and
Center of Family Medicine
The Center was created in 2002. The aim and functions of the Centre
the providing of studies of interns and students of appropriate specialities;
the scientific describing and providing of target clinical examination;
the introduction of clinical protocols of diagnostics and treatment, the
improvement of medical service quality;
the co-ordination of work for stage-by-stage introduction of family
medicine the region;
the development, edition and realization of educational and
methodical materials for students, interns and doctors;
the conducting of scientific research, experimental and
inculcating research in the field of information and
telecommunication technologies in the system of education
and health protection.
Center for the Trial of New Medications
The center was created in 2005 with the purpose of development of new
methods of treatment of patients with oncologic pathology, elaboration
and introduction into clinical practice of new schemes and modes of
chemotherapy of malignant neoplasm. The basic directions of its
activities are:
■ the trial of newantitumoral medication of domestic and foreign production;
■ the research of new combinations of known medications, used in oncology,
and also in studying of the mechanisms of tumour
resistance to chemopreparations.
2. International scientific and R&D cooperation of UzhNU
In 2010 Uzhhorod National University maintained international
cooperation with 76 scientific institutions of Slovakia, Hungary, Romania,
Poland, Czech Republik, Croatia, Serbia, Great Britain, Germany, Russia,
Canada, China, Syria, India, Italy, France, the USA. Such a wide international
cooperation of the university promotes the expansion of research in different
of studies,first and foremost in physics,
chemistry, biology, medicine, and
the problems of the Carpathian region.
During 2005-2009 years UzhNU took part in 8 international
scientific programs and projects, among which:
- The project “Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from
the Black Sea Area in traditional foods” (according to the 7th EU Framework
Program). Co-coordinator of project – University of Bologna, leader of project –
Prof. Luigi Filippo D’Antuano; leader of project from UzhNU – Prof. Boyko N.V.)
The executors of this project are 13 scientific institutions and organizations
from Italy, United Kingdom, Portugal; Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania,
Ukraine, Georgia, Serbia and Russia.
- Program INTAS “Modernization of existent network of the space
geodesy Ukrainian stations”;
- Ukrainian-Canadian Program “Community Economic Development
- The EU Program-Jeanne Monnet “Development and teaching of
study course “Expansion to east and policy of neighbourliness of EU”;
- SCOPES Project "Strengthening of researches in virgin forests in
economic use, as the basis of biodiversity and sustainable use of forest
resources in the Ukrainian Carpathians";
- project Tempus-Tasis within the framework of Neighbourliness
Program of Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine “Development of Beregovo
Transboundary Polder system in the river Tysa basin”;
- project Tempus-Tasis “Improvement of the three-level system of
education in the social work area in the European countries”;
- project NATO “Association of separate TV&media networks in unique
"Ukrmednet" with integration of social services”.
Within the framework of international scientific and technical
cooperation MES of Ukraine during 2005-2009, UzNU executed 7 UkrainianHungarian projects, 4 Ukrainian-Lithuanian projects, 2 Ukrainian-Slovakian
projects, Ukrainian-Indian project, Ukrainian-Bulgarian project, UkrainianTurkish project, Ukrainian-French project.
Ukrainian-Hungarian projects:
- "Diagnostics of nano-dimensional phase extractions in optical
glasses based on resonance Raman spectroscopy";
- "Researches and development of functional, sensible to external
-"Laser annealing and monitoring of structural changes in the optical
and holographic media based on chalcogenide glasses while recording Raman
spectra at different excitation energies";
- "Nanotechnology of multicomponent glasses and composites for
photonics and biotechnology";
- "Nosocomial infections of the Ukrainian-Hungarian border territories
population: modern state and effective ways of their prophylaxis";
- "Research and development of optical materials and structures for
- "Immunemodulatory role of commensal microflora: new mechanisms,
potential target cells and prospects of using".
Ukrainian-Lithuanian projects:
-“Obtaining and study of materials for information technology,
acoustoelectronics, optoelectronics and nanoelectronics";
- "Search and study of physical and chemical properties of materials
for solid state ionic";
- "Layer nonlinear chalcogenide crystals and nanocomposites for
acoustoelectronics and signal processing";
- "Electronic properties and phase transitions in semiconductor
chalcogenides of phosphorus".
Ukrainian-Slovakian projects:
- "Investigations of disordering processes caused by ion implantation
and dimensional effects in superionic conductors with arhyrodyte structure“;
- "Transformation of Ukrainian and Slovak omastycons of posttotalitarian period“.
Ukrainian-Indian project: "Study of metal - amorphous chalcogenides
for its application in electronics“.
Ukrainian-Bulgarian project: "Experimental and theoretical
spectroscopic study of light-induced conversions in multicomponent glassy
Ukrainian-Turkish project: "Synthesis and studies of electrochemical
properties of inorganic and heterocyclic organic compounds - materials for ionselective sensors manufacturing".
Ukrainian-French project: "Photoinduced dynamic structures in
nonlinear chalcogenide crystals" .
Within the framework of international activities of the State
Foundation for Basic Researches 6 Ukrainian-Hungarian and 1 UkrainianBelarusian projects were carried out.
Ukrainian-Hungarian projects:
- "Interaction of the human organism and bacteria - the regulating
mechanisms of mucosa immune response by commensals of mucous
- "Status and prospects of local democracy in the border regions of
Ukraine and Hungary ";
- "Ethnolinguistic investigation of Ukrainian-Hungarian
- "Interrelation between structure and dielectric and optical properties
of nanostructural and optical materials based on chalcogenide and
chalcohalohenide glasses and crystals";
- "Search and study of inorganic and organic materials for sensitive
elements of sensor devices of ecomonitoring";
-"Raman spectra and first-principle calculations of structural nanodimensional
phases evolution in binary chalcogenide glasses and films ".
Ukrainian-Belarusian project: "Emission diagnostics of parameters
and physical processes in erosive laser plasma of CuSbSe2, CuInSe2
chalcogenides and their influence on the formation of thin films by pulsed laser
evaporation method" .
During 2005-2009 UzhNU executed a number of Interregional EU
projects, among which:
- "Development of environmental contamination monitoring of frontier
region BEREG" ;
- "Preparation and publication of a joint monograph “Szennyeződések,
szennyezők, hatások a felső-tisza vidék ökológiailag érzékeny területein”;
- Ecologic educational program of border areas “Environmental school
– development of cross border co-operation with Ukraine”;
- "Humanitarian export of building technology of EU".
In addition, UzhNU takes active part in execution of 30
agreements with international institutions and funds on clinical
researchess of new medicines and drugs, and in six projects funded by
the International Visegrad Fund.
The Informative center of NATO under patronage of Slovakia
Embassy in Ukraine, which is contact Embassy of NATO works in
UzhNU, and the recently created Centre of Transborder Scientific
Cooperation is appointed as the co-ordinator of NIP on the Western
Wide international cooperation of university is instrumental in
expansion of scientific researches in the different areas of knowledges,
such as at first, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, philology,
archaeology, problems of Carpathian region, and so on. UzhNU has the
closest contacts with next-door neighbors – institutes of Slovakia,
Hungary, Czech, Romania and Poland.
It should be noted that about efficiency of international scientific
cooperation of UzNU scientists the rating of higher educational
institutions of Ukraine by scientific, technical and innovative activity
indicators well certifies, as a result of which UzhNU takes 7 place
among classical universities.
3. The most effective projects of UzhNU
Among the most effective projects already introduced into
economy or planned to be introduced in the nearest future the following
ones should be pointed out:
1. The highly effective new probiotics MONOSPORYN for safety
food additives in agriculture and veterinary practice and protection from
infections diseases in medicine.
Monosporine-PK (anti-klebsiellotic) is a single-component selective
activity bacillic veterinary biopreparation with immunomodulatory
properties; it is characterized by high
antagonistic activity against a number
of agentsof opportunistic intestinal
2. The highly new phytopreparations for the pregnant and babies
The original prescription for the effective phytocompositions to
strengthen, prevent and treat a number of diseases and illnesses has
been worked out, in particular, neurocirculatory dystony, initial stages
of cerebral disturbances, diskenisia of the hebatobillary system. There
have been obtained the positive sanitary and hygienic certificates of
the Ukraine's Ministry of Health Protection.
3. The biologically active components “Transcarpathian
The worked out biologically active additive substances on the
basis of Carpathian phytoraw materials are characterized by the
generally strengthening effective properties. The elaborated balsam on
the basis of biologically active substances worked out by the
university scientists, received the sanitary and hygienic approval of
Ukraine Ministry of Health Protection and was put into industrial
production at «BIK» enterprise in Uzhhorod. In 2005 the balsam was
awarded the prize «The Best Native Product of 2005». As to its cost,
price and properties the balsam is able to compete with such well
known trade marks as «The Bitner Balsam», «Unicum», and others.
4. Highly effective eksimer and halogen sources of radiation in
visible, UV and IR-ranges. The suggested sources of a new type are
unique by their improved characteristics in comparison with the already
existing analogues. These sources may be used in photochemistry,
biotechnologies, medical and quantum electronics, in particular rating
solid state laser. The construction of the sources of radiation is
protected by 10 patents on inventions.
5. Highly sensitive method of quantum non-etalon elemental
analysis of the different material's surfaces and volume by means of ionic
beams. An entirely innovational optical method of the surface diagnostics,
that is a mixture of Doppler's method and reconstructive tomography, that
is characterized by a wide ring of advantages, being compared with
modern methods of secondary mass-spectrometry and ion-photon
spectroscopy, is suggested.
6. Filters for cleaning of drinking-water.
On the basis of Transcarpatian zeolites (clinoptilolite of
Sokyrnytsa), and also the powders of titan and its relations to develop
high-efficiency filters for the cleaning of drinking-water from the ions of
heavy metals, radionuclides, amonium, mineral fertilizers and other
elements like that. Such filters and group filter systems can be used for the
cleaning of water for the needs of habitants of multistoried buildings,
individual houses and farmsteads, kindergartens, hospitals. In the case of
necessity it is possible to produce filters
for cleaning juices,wine, and also for
absorption of harmful extrass in an
atmosphere – sulfur dioxide, hydrogen
sulphure, ammonia, carbon dioxide and
other elements like that.
7. Multisensor fiber-optic control system of the chemical composition of
the vaporous media and aqua solutions.
The system consists of fiber-optic sensor, with the sensitive elements in
the form of a film deposited on the ends of the optic fiber. Each separate
film element is selectively sensible to the definite chemical component. In
the proposed system it is possible to make the sensors of two types – the
amplitude and (or) the interference ones. The principle of the operation of
each sensor is to measure the reflection coefficient changes on the
boundary fiber-film (for the amplitude type) or the changes of the
interference signal, caused by the refraction index change or film
thickness (for the interference type), due to the selective interaction
8. Complex method for industrial wastewater treatment from different
pollutants including phenols.
A new economical model for effective treatment of industrial and
agricultural polluted wastewater on the basis of Klynoptylolit matrix by
using of adsorbed on their surface bacterial biodestructive strain have
been developed.
The complex treatment of industrial
sewages from the different nature
hazards, including phenols, is possible
by using of Klynoptylolit as a new
adsorbing matrix material with a
biological filter that is represented as
original destructive bacteria.
9. Adsorption gas sensors (ACS). Adsorption Gas Sensors are
intended to transform the concentration of gases to be analyzed in
proportional changeover of the resistance of the semiconductor (gas
sensitive) material. Advantages of the AGS: high sensitivity; uses simple
electrical circuit; long servise life; good stability; sensitivity to gas
concentration overloads; strong resistance to corrosive gases; good
reproducibility; low price. Types of AGS elaborated
and implemented into the production: AGS-01,
AGS-01М - methane, combustible gases; AGS-03ammonia; AGS-05-chlorofluorocarbons 12(22);
AGS-06- carbon monoxide; AGS-07–organic
solvents; AGS-16–methane+carbonmonoxide.
The Adsorption Gas Sensors ASE-01M of new
a generation for the methane detection based
on thick film technology with a decreased power
consumption were developed in 2007.
10. Electrochemical methods of analysis of heavy metals in primary waste.
The study of electrochemical methods of heavy metals analysis (including
toxic ones) in primary waste; the development of electrochemical sensors
and measurement techniques. The main purpose is the study of materials
based on new superionic conductors that may be used as materials of ionselective membranes as well as the development of electrochemical
sensors and measurement techniques with their application.
The basic tasks of international scientific activity of
UZhNU in the context of integration processes will be following:
- to set an activity on creation of Scientific Park on UzhNU base
with the purpose of the effective and rational use of scientific potential,
material and technical base for commercialization of results of researches,
their introduction on domestic and oversea markets, development and
implementation of scientific technological and innovative projects;
- the Center of Transborder Scientific Cooperation has to provide
preparation and implementation as interregional and intergovernmental
projects, and also coordination of mutual scientific activity of oversea
partners - organizations, located in adjacent boundary areas;
- to create favorable terms for active participation of scientific
universities in international and regional competitions, as well as in the
programs FP7, Tempus-Tasis, projects of NATO, competitions COFUND,
ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme, Vishegrad fund program.
Thank you for your attention
I. Studenyak
Debrecen, Hungary, 2008