Chapter 9 Slides

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Chapter 9
Rotation of Rigid
PowerPoint® Lectures for
University Physics, Thirteenth Edition
– Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman
Lectures by Wayne Anderson
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Inc.
Modifications by
Mike Brotherton
Goals for Chapter 9
• To describe rotation in terms of angular
coordinate, angular velocity, and angular
• To analyze rotation with constant angular
• To relate rotation to the linear velocity and
linear acceleration of a point on a body
• To understand moment of inertia and how it
relates to rotational kinetic energy
• To calculate moment of inertia
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Uniform circular motion—Figure 3.27
• For uniform circular motion, the speed is constant
and the acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity.
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Acceleration for uniform circular motion
• For uniform circular motion,
the instantaneous acceleration
always points toward the
center of the circle and is
called the centripetal
• The magnitude of the
acceleration is arad = v2/R.
• The period T is the time for
one revolution, and arad =
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Nonuniform circular motion—Figure 3.30
• If the speed varies, the
motion is nonuniform
circular motion.
• The radial acceleration
component is still
arad = v2/R, but there
is also a tangential
component atan that
is parallel to the
instantaneous velocity.
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Introduction – Rigid Rotating Bodies
• A wind turbine, a CD, a ceiling fan, and a Ferris wheel all
involve rotating rigid objects.
• Real-world rotations can be very complicated because of
stretching and twisting of the rotating body. But for now
we’ll assume that the rotating body is perfectly rigid.
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Angular coordinate
• A car’s speedometer
needle rotates about a
fixed axis, as shown at
the right.
• The angle  that the
needle makes with the
+x-axis is a coordinate
for rotation.
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Units of angles
• An angle in radians is
 = s/r, as shown in the
• One complete revolution
is 360° = 2π radians.
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Angular velocity
• The angular displacement 
of a body is  = 2 – 1.
• The average angular velocity
of a body is av-z = /t.
• The subscript z means that the
rotation is about the z-axis.
• The instantaneous angular
velocity is z = d/dt.
• A counterclockwise rotation is
positive; a clockwise rotation
is negative.
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Calculating angular velocity
• We first investigate a flywheel.
• Follow Example 9.1.
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Angular velocity is a vector
• Angular velocity is defined as a vector whose
direction is given by the right-hand rule shown in
Figure 9.5 below.
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Angular acceleration
• The average angular
acceleration is av-z =
• The instantaneous
angular acceleration is
z = dz/dt = d2/dt2.
• Follow Example 9.2.
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Angular acceleration as a vector
• For a fixed rotation axis, the angular acceleration and
angular velocity vectors both lie along that axis.
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Rotation with constant angular acceleration
• The rotational formulas have the same form as the
straight-line formulas, as shown in Table 9.1 below.
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Relating linear and angular kinematics
• For a point a distance r from the axis of rotation:
its linear speed is v = r
its tangential acceleration is atan = r
its centripetal (radial) acceleration is arad = v2/r = r
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An athlete throwing a discus
• Follow Example 9.4 and Figure 9.12.
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Rotational kinetic energy
• The moment of inertia of a set of particles is
I = m1r12 + m2r22 + … = miri2
• The rotational kinetic energy of a rigid body having a moment of
inertia I is K = 1/2 I2.
• Follow Example 9.6 using Figure 9.15 below.
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Moments of inertia of some common bodies
• Table 9.2 gives the moments of inertia of various bodies.
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An unwinding cable
• Follow Example 9.7.
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More on an unwinding cable
• Follow Example 9.8 using Figure 9.17 below.
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Gravitational potential energy of an extended body
• The gravitational potential energy of an extended
body is the same as if all the mass were concentrated
at its center of mass: Ugrav = Mgycm.
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The parallel-axis theorem
• The parallel-axis theorem is: IP = Icm + Md2.
• Follow Example 9.9 using Figure 9.20 below.
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Moment of inertia of a hollow or solid cylinder
• Follow Example 9.10 using Figure 9.22.
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Moment of inertia of a uniform solid sphere
• Follow Example 9.11 using Figure 9.23.
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