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Transcript CommonBreastDisease

Common Breast Disease

Dr. Chan Wing Cheong

Surgeon-in-charge Breast Surgery, NTEC

Breast Anatomy and Location of Disease Processes

Normal Breast Histology

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Lymphatic Drainage

Axillary nodes level 1,2,3

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most of the breast drain into axilla. pectoral nodes / breast and anterior chest wall sub scapular nodes / posterior chest wall and arm lateral nodes/ arm

central (medial and apical) nodes/ drains all of the above three groups of nodes Infraclavicular Supra-clavicular nodes Internal mammary nodes Abdominal nodes

Normal Breast Development and Physiology

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At puberty the breast develops under the influence of the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, and ovaries and also requires insulin and thyroid hormone During each menstrual cycle 3 to 4 days before menses, increasing levels of estrogen and progesterone cause cell proliferation and water retention. After menstruation cellular proliferation regresses and water is lost. During pregnancy cellular proliferation occurs under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, plus placental lactogen, prolactin and chorionic gonadotropin. At delivery, there is a loss of estrogen and progesterone, and milk production occurs under the influence of prolactin. At menopause involution of the breast occurs because of the progressive loss of glandular tissue.

ANDI classification ( Hughes et al, 1992 )

Normal Reproductive phases


Aberration ?? Disease

Periductal mastitis cysts, duct ectasia, mild epithelial hyperplasia Epithelial hyperplasia with atypia Cyclical & secretory cyclical mastalgia & nodularity Development fibroadenoma, juvenile hypertrophy

Spectrum of breast changes

Giant fibroadenoma (> 5cms) Multiple fibroadenomata (> 5 per breast)

Aetiopathogenesis – Some Theories

Endocrine factors

1. Disturbances in the Hypothalamo Pituitary Gonadal steroid axis 2. Altered Prolactin profile – qualitative /quantitative change

Non endocrine factors


Methyl xanthines, Stress Genetic predisposition to catecholamine supersensitivity

Intra cellular C - AMP mediated events

cellular proliferation

2. Diet rich in saturated fat Altered plasma essential fatty acid profile

receptor supersensitivity to normal levels of Oestrogen & Progesterone 3. Iodine deficiency Receptor supersensitivity to normal levels of Oestrogen & Progesterone

Carcinogenesis – Genetic Predisposition

Common Presenting Symptoms

Over 80 %


Painful lump or lumpiness

Pain Under 20 %

Nipple discharge

Nipple change



Symptoms & Possible Diagnosis

Carcinoma Fibroadenoma Juvenile Fibroadenoma Giant fibroadenoma Phyllodes tumours Cysts / Galactocele



Developmental inversion of nipple Acquired nipple retraction : duct ectasia, periductal mastitis etc Eczema Paget’s disease etc.

2.Pain 3.Nipple


Mastalgia : Cyclical & Non cyclical Physiological Bloodstained in pregnancy Intraductal papillomas / papillocarcinoma Duct Ectasia Galactorrhoea Infections : Lactational & Non-lactational


& other problems

Comon cosmetic problems : size, shape & symmetry of breast mound Uncommon cosmetic problems : developmental & acquired Trauma Rare problems

Benign vs. Malignant

Triple Assessment for Breast Problem

  

Clinical Symptoms & signs Assessment of risk factors

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Imaging Ultrasonography / Mammography Other imaging tests

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Pathological Fine needle aspiration cytology Core biopsy

Case Scenario

Case 1


Right breast swelling for 1 month

No other symptoms

What are the questions you want to ask?

Case 1

USG breast:

Compatible with a 1.5 cm fibroadenoma

What would you offer her?

What is the natural history of fibroadenoma?

Case 2

Same lady as case 1

No surgery after discussion


Come back 7 months later

Size of lesion increases up to 5 cm

What investigation do you want to do?

Case 2


Compatible with a giant fibroadenoma or phylloides tumour

Do you want to do FNA?

What would you offer?

Case 2

Wide local resection performed


Phylloides tumour of undetermined malignant potential, margins appear to be clear

How do you advice this patient?

Phyllodes Tumours

Comprise less than 1% of all breast neoplasms

May occur at any age but usually in 5th decade of life

No clinical or histological features to predict recurrence

16 - 30% may be malignant

Common sites of metastasis : lungs, skeleton, heart and liver

Treatment of Phyllodes Tumours

1. Primary treatment

Local excision with a rim of normal tissue

2. Recurrence

Re excision or Mastectomy with or without reconstruction

Response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy for recurrences and metastases poor

Case 3


Recently noticed a left breast lump

No pain

No other breast symptoms

Just menopause

What other questions regarding her problem that you will ask ?

Risk Estimation for Breast Cancer

RELATIVE RISK <2 Early menarche < 12 years Late menopause > 55 years Nulliparity Proliferative benign disease Obesity Alcohol use Hormone replacement therapy

RELATIVE RISK 2 –4 Age 35 first birth First-degree relative with breast cancer Radiation exposure Prior breast cancer

RELATIVE RISK >4 Gene mutation Lobular carcinoma in situ Atypical hyperplasia

Case 3


2.5 cm mass over upper outer aspect of left breast

Quite mobile

No palpable axillary LN

What would you do next ?

Case 3


Case 3

MMG / USG breast

2.5 cm mass

No axillary nodes

Core needle biopsy

Invasive carcinoma

What would you offer?


Modified radical mastectomy

MRM + reconstruction

Autologus tissue flap


Wide local excision + axillary dissection + post-op RT

Any adjuvant therapy?


? Indications


? Indications

Hormonal therapy

? Indications

Case 4

   

F/55 Good past health Routine physical check-up Screening mammogram

Left breast microcalcification

What is your plan?


Stereostatic core biopsy


Contra-indicated in suspicious lesion ( BIRAD )

For small & likely benign microcalcification

Hook-wire guided excision biopsy

For suspicious lesion

Aims to achieve a clear margin

Mammotome Biopsy

Hook-wire Guided Excision

If core biopsy confirms DCIS, what’s next?

If solitary, < 3cm, not high grade

Wide local excision + RT


Total mastectomy +/- reconstruction

Axillary node dissection not required

Hormonal therapy if ER / PR positive

Case 5

     

F/ 43 Recent onset of left breast mastalgia Clinically palpable thickening of breast tissue over L3H MMG not revealing Needle biopsy: insufficient material Thus open excision biopsy

Case 5


Lobular carcinoma in situ

No invasive component

All margins appear to be clear of tumour cells What would you suggest to the patient?

Lobular Carcinoma (15-20%)

LCIS Invasive LC

Case 6

F/ 36

Mother of 2 children

Brownish stain on the inside of undergarment

No pain

No nipple change

Differential Diagnosis?

How would you like to investigate furhter?


What can be offered to the patient


Case 7

F / 67

Not significant PMH

Recent L breast pain

What is the diagnosis ?

What would you offer to her ?

Management for individual problem



Cyclical mastalgia

Non cyclical mastalgia

True (breast related)

Musculoskeletal : costochondral or lateral chest wall


Lactational infections

Nonlactational infections

True breast pain

Central : Periductal mastitis (inflammation, mass, abscess, mammary duct fistula)

Peripheral : associated with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, steroid usage, trauma etc.

Rare : Tuberculosis, Granulomatous mastitis, Diabetic (lymphocytic) mastitis, etc.

Skin associated : infected Sebaceous cyst, Hidradenitis suppurativa etc.


Definition : Pain severe enough to interfere with daily life or lasting

over 2 weeks of menstrual cycle

Lateral chest wall pain Costo Chondral pain mild Musculo skeletal pain

• • • •   

Management Protocol for True Mastalgia Assess type of pain Assess severity of pain ( Pain diary + Visual analogue scale ) Evaluation with Triple assessment Treatment :

Reassurance is the key to management

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Use of supportive undergarments Low fat, Methyl xanthine restricted diet

Stop Oral contraceptives / HRT etc Review patient. Successful in the majority ( 80 – 85 % ) of patients Use drugs in those not responding to non-pharmacological treatment Review and assess response

Drug Evening primrose oil Danazol Bromocriptine Tamoxifen

2.5 mg twice / day (incremental dose regime) 10 mg / day


Drugs of Established Value in Mastalgia

Dose Clinical response

3 g / day 200mg / day reduced to 100 mg on alternate days (low dose regime) Cyclical mastalgia 44 % Non cyclical mastalgia 27% Cyclical mastalgia 70% Non cyclical mastalgia 30% 3.75 mg / month intramuscular depot injection Cyclical mastalgia 47% Non cyclical mastalgia 20% Cyclical mastalgia 94% Non cyclical mastalgia 56% Cyclical mastalgia 91% Non cyclical mastalgia 67%

Side effects

Low ( 2% ) High (22%) High (45%)


Efficacy as medicine questioned. Marketing authority withdrawn. More effective in Cyclical mastalgia. Some side effects may be permanent. Not recommended due to serious side effects High (21%) High Not licensed for use in Mastalgia. Used in Refractory mastalgia & relapse Major loss of trabecular bone limits use in Refractory mastalgia & relapse

Nipple Discharge

Causes of nipple discharge Benign (common) Malignant (less common)

Physiological causes Intraductal pailloma Blood stained nipple discharge of pregnancy Galactorrhoea Periductal Mastitis Duct Ectasia In situ carcinoma (DCIS) Invasive carcinoma

Characteristics of Nipple Discharges

Non significant nipple discharge Significant nipple discharge

Elicited Age < 40 years Spontaneous Age > 60 years (new symtom) Bilateral Intermittent Thick Non troublesome Multiductal Unilateral Persistent Watery Troublesome Uniductal Negative test for blood (reagent stick test for Positive test for blood blood)

Management of Spontaneous Nipple Discharge

Multi ductal Distressing symptoms Minor symptoms Reassure Spontaneous nipple dischare Triple assessment Normal Abnormal Surgery Minor symptoms/ No suspicion of malignancy Distressing symptoms/ No suspicion of malignancy Distressing symptoms/ Suspicion of malignancy Reassure Uniductal Microdochectomy Surgery Total duct excision


Physiological causes

Extremes of age Stress Mechanical stimulation

Causes of galactorrhoea Drugs

Oestrogen therapy

Pathological causes

Hypothalamic lesions Anaesthesia Dopamine receptor blocking agents Dopamine re-uptake blocker s Dopamine depleting agents Pituitary tumors Reflex causes : Chest wall injury, Herpes zoster neuritis, Upper abdominal surgery Hypothyroidism Inhibitors of Dopamine turnover Stimulation of serotoninergic system Histamine H2-receptor antagonists Renal failure Ectopic production : Bronchogenic and renal carcinoma

Management :

   

Estimate Prolactin levels. If very high, evaluate for pituitary lesion Physiological - Reassurance, cessation of stimulation Drug induced - Stop or change drug if possible Pathological - Cabergoline / Bromocriptine, treat cause if possible ( e.g. Pituitary surgery )

Breast Mass

Just prominent glandular tissue


Simple vs. complex

Abscess if painful and inflammed

Solid mass

Benign tumors

Fibrocystic disease

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Carcinoma Fat necrosis

Benign Lumps


Common in the West ( 70 % of women )

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50% are solitary cysts 30% 2 - 5 cysts & rest have > 5 cysts


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Apocrine cysts Lined by secretory epithelium Cyst fluid has a Na : K ratio < 3 Likely to have multiple cysts Likely to develop further cysts Non-apocrine cysts Cyst fluid has a Na : K ratio >3 Resembles plasma Mixture of both

Management Algorithm for Cysts

Cyst (Clinical diagnosis) Fine needle aspiration Non blood stained aspirate Blood stained aspirate No residual mass No cyst recurrence Residual mass Cyst recurrence (X3) FNAC/Surgical biopsy No routine followup Surgical biopsy



Solitary Few ( < 5 / breast ) Multiple ( > 5 / breast ) Giant ( > 4 / 5 cm ) & Juvenile

Natural history

Majority remain small & static 50% involute spontaneously No future risk of malignancy

Management Algorithm for Fibroadenoma

All results concurr Age < 30 years Results do not concurr Age > 30 years Fibroadenoma (clinical diagnosis) Triple assessment Multiple fibroadenomas (Selective triple assessment) Giant fibroadenoma/ Juvenile fibroadenoma Clinical observation for 2 years Excision with rim of normal tissue Excision of largest Clinical observation of rest Extracapsular Excision No change/ shrinkage / disappearence Increase in size/ At patient request Discharge with advice on BSE Extra capsular Excision

Chances of malignancy masquerading as Fibroadenoma

Age 20 – 25 yrs 1: 3000 possibility Age 25 – 30 yrs 1: 300 possibility

Breast Carcinoma

Breast Cancer – No. 1 Cancer Among Women in HK

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Most common cancer among women since 1994 No. 2 cancer killer among women in HK between 1981-1998 Due to decline in mortality rate, emerged as No. 3 cancer killer since 1999 According to 2002 figures, an average of 1 in 23 women would develop cancer An average of 1 in around 100 women would die from breast cancer In 2002, 2,059 new cases and 425 deaths were registered

Risk Factors

Cause of breast cancer is undetermined. However, the following risk factors are identified:

      

History of breast cancer Family history of breast cancer, especially in first degree relatives Benign breast lesions – ADH, ALH etc.

Early menarche, late menopause Late first pregnancy / no pregnancy Exogenous estrogen (HRT) Radiation

How is Breast Cancer Treated ?

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The type of treatment recommended will depend on the size and location of the tumor in the breast, the results of lab. tests done on the cancer cells and the stage or extent of the disease. Treatment can be divided into local treatment or systemic treatment.

Local treatments are used to remove, destroy or control the cancer cells in a specific area, such as the breast. Surgery and radiation treatment are local treatments.

Systemic treatments are used to destroy or control cancer cells all over the body. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy are systemic treatments.

A patient may have just on form of treatment or a combination, depending on her needs.

The Importance of Staging

TNM Classification

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TX T0 Tis Primary tumour cannot be assessed No evidence of primary tumour Carcinoma in situ or Paget’s disease of the nipple with no tumour.


T1a 2cm or less in greatest dimension 0.5cm or less in greatest dimension


T1c More than 0.5cm, but not more than 1cm in greatest dimension More than 1cm but not more than 2cm in greatest dimension T2 Tumour more than 2cm but not more than 5cm in greatest dimension

TNM Classification

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T3 tumour more than 5cm in greatest dimension T4 tumour of any size with direct extension to chest wall or skin



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T4c T4d Extension to chest wall Oedema (including peau d orange) or ulceration of the skin of breast or satellite skin nodules confined to same breast Both T4a and T4b Inflammatory carcinoma

Regional Lymph Nodes (TNM)


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N0 N1


N3 Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed (e.g. Previously removed or removed for pathologic study) No regional lymph node metastasis Metastasis to movable ipsilateral axillary lymph node(s) Metastasis to ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes that are fixed to one another or to other structures Metastasis to ipsilateral internal mammary lymph nodes(s)

Distant Metastasis (TNM)


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M0 M1 Presence of distant metastasis cannot be assessed No distant metastasis Distant metastasis (includes metastasis to ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph node)

AJCC/UICC Stage Grouping


Stage 0

N0 T1 T0 T1 T2 M0

Stage I

N0 N1 M0

Stage IIA

N1 M0 M0 T2 T3 N0

Stage IIB

M0 N1 N0 M0 M0 T0 T1 T2

Stage IIIA

N2 M0 N2 N2 M0 M0 T3 T3 N1 N2 M0 M0

Stage IIIB

T4 Any N M0 Any T N3 M0

Stage IV

Any T Any N M1

Local-regional Control


Toileting mastectomy

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Modified radical mastectomy (MRM) Wide local excision + axilla dissection

Wide local excision + sentinel node biopsy


Must be given if breast conservative treatment is applied

Otherwise depends on staging or resection margin

Axillary Dissection

Therapeutic vs. staging


Systemic Control


AC or Taxol


Positive axilla nodes

Node negative

Young age

High grade tumor

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Size > 1 cm Hormonal receptors negative

C-erb 2 positive ( Herceptin )

Hormonal therapy

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Mainly for tumors expressing hormonal receptors No age limit now Usually 5 years Tamoxifen, AI

Cosmetic Consideration





Prosthesis + flap

Breast Conservation Treatment

Must be accompanied with post-op RT


Silicone gel saline bag

Latissmus Dorsi Flap



Questions & Answers

Dr. Chan Wing Cheong

Surgeon-in-charge Breast Surgery, NTEC