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Transcript elementary-rti-mtss-training

Partnering with Iowa’s Local Schools
C4K – Building an efficient and effective delivery
system to impact critical outcomes for kids
Our initial focus as we build this system is early literacy with a goal that---All learners will be proficient in reading by the end of 3rd grade across subgroups
Response to Intervention in Iowa
 Response to Intervention (RtI)/MTSS in Iowa is
an every-education decision-making
framework of evidence-based practices in
instruction and assessment that addresses the
needs of all students starting in general
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Response to Intervention in Iowa
 As an every-education process, RtI/MTSS allows
educators to judge the overall health of their
educational system by examining data on all
students, as well as identifying students who need
additional supports.
 Those supports are provided in both small group and
individual settings, and measured to determine if
these supports are making a difference to ensure all
learners demonstrate proficiency in the Iowa Early
Learning Standards and Iowa Core standards and
leave school ready for life.
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
So, What is RtI/MTSS About in Iowa?
• Implementation of the Iowa Early Learning
Standards and the Iowa Core
Evidence-based instruction and intervention
Used with academics and behavior
Prevention and early intervention
Linking and matching instruction to the
assessment at all levels
Tiered or leveled intensification of intervention
On-going monitoring and response
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
What RtI/MTSS is Not About in Iowa
 Only struggling learners
 Only interventions
 A single way of doing business
 A special education identification process
 A means of finding learning disabilities
 Used only for Child Find purposes
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
What RtI/MTSS is Not About in Iowa
 Simply doing “something” as an intervention
 Failing to teach missing or deficit skills
 Failing to provide on-going monitoring
 “RtI Time”
 Doing what we’ve always done
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
 Discuss at your table your understanding of
the definition of RtI/MTSS and the Guiding
 What questions do you have about the
 What questions do you have about the
Guiding Principles?
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Key Components
1. Evidence-based curriculum & instruction at
universal tier
Universal screening
Evidence-based, instructional interventions at
targeted and intensive tiers
Progress monitoring
Data-based decision making
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Key Components #2, #4 and #5
1. Evidence-based curriculum & instruction at
universal tier
Universal screening
Evidence-based, instructional interventions at
targeted and intensive tiers
Progress monitoring
Data-based decision making
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Key Component #1 – Evidence-based Curriculum
and Instruction at Universal Tier
 Highly quality implementation of the Iowa
Early Learning Standards and the Iowa Core
 All students receive the Universal Tier
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
~80-90% of Students
Key Component #3 – Targeted Tier
 Evidence-based, instructional interventions
at targeted and intensive tiers
 Students receiving intervention at the
targeted tier get all of the instruction and
support in the Iowa Early Learning Standards
and the Iowa Core at the Universal tier, plus
small-group targeted tier instruction
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
Targeted Tier:
Small group, targeted,
evidence-based instruction
for some students
~80-90% of Students
Standard Treatment Approach
What is Standard Treatment Protocol approach in Iowa? Our
working definition is:
1. Based on Universal screening data; no additional
2. Single, evidence-based intervention that addresses a
broad range of literacy components for a majority of
students not at benchmark
3. Happens at the Targeted level in small groups
4. Progress is monitored, data-based decision making used
to determine
if students are ready to move back to only Universal instruction,
continue to need the Standard treatment, or
diagnostic information collected to design Intensive level
intervention for students who did not make sufficient progress
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Standard Treatment Benefits
Benefits of the Standard Treatment Protocol approach
1. Time and resource efficient (e.g., less time assessing
and scheduling different interventions)
2. Reduces training and support needs for school staff
3. Quicker access to intervention for students
4. Highly likely to result in implementation fidelity
5. Highly likely to benefit a majority of students in the
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Key Component #3 – Intensive Tier
 Evidence-based, instructional interventions
at targeted and intensive tiers
 Students receiving intervention at the
intensive tier get all of the instruction and
support at the universal tier, have access to
the targeted tier, plus individualized
instruction matched to their specific needs.
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
Intensive Tier:
Individualized, intensive,
evidence-based instruction
for a few students
Targeted Tier:
Small group, targeted,
evidence-based instruction
for some students
~80-90% of Students
Intensive Tier Approach
1. Based on Universal screening data and
additional diagnostics
2. Individualized, evidence-based intervention that
addresses student-specific needs
3. Happens in small groups or individually
4. Progress is monitored, data-based decision
making used to determine
if students are ready to move back to only Universal
if students are ready to move back to targeted tier
instruction, or
continue to need the intensive tier
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
Intensive Tier:
Individualized, intensive,
evidence-based instruction
for a few students
Targeted Tier:
Small group, targeted,
evidence-based instruction
for some students
~80-90% of Students
Universal, Targeted and Intensive
Layers are added
for those that need
additional supports!
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
 Where do we all fit?
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •