Advanced Learning Workshop Tool Kit

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The Advanced Learning
Workshop Toolkit
A Guide for IEEE-HKN Chapters and IEEE
Student Branches
12 March 2014 – Version 1
Advanced Learning Workshop (ALW)
– The ALW is intended as a "self-contained" kit
to enable IEEE-HKN chapters and IEEE student
branches to organize and conduct programs
and workshops around student learning and
academic success
– With content focused on specific student
learning needs, the ALW is designed to assist
students in becoming more efficient and
effective learners, address academic
challenges and position them for successful
academic and professional careers
How to Use the ALW Tool Kit
 This kit is designed to set you on the path to
success by providing a “step-by-step” guide for
organizing and conducting a workshop
 The kit is presented in “stand-alone” sections
that will enable you to develop the key planning
steps, allocate tasks, develop your timeline, and
to conduct your workshop
 Supplemental materials include the content
modules and Word and Excel documents to be
used in both planning and conducting the
The ALW Topic Library
 In power-point format, they contain the content
slides, speaker notes and instructions and session
materials and handouts
 *Currently there are six modules in the library:
o Time Management
o Managing Stress
o Developing Effective Study Habits (In Work)
o The Engineer Communicator (Communication 101)
o Preparing for Exams (In work)
o Dealing with a Difficult Professor
Additional modules will be added as the program
Using the Modules
 Each Module contains:
o PowerPoint (With speaker script and instructions in the notes
o A Module Worksheet (With time and slide beak-downs as well as
handout lists)
o A Session Evaluation Form
o Session Exercises and Handouts (Specific to each module)
 The PowerPoint slide deck is designed to be a starting point
o Speakers can use as is or adapt it to their own knowledge and
o There are places in the deck to include links and information that
is specific to the speaker’s institution
Using the Modules (2)
 To speakers/presenters . . . In order to prepare for a
presentation it is recommended you:
o Print out the deck as “Notes Pages”
o Review the slide content and the notes content
o Do your own research on the topic to add to your knowledge
o Make any additions or modifications based on your own
o Become familiar with the handout materials and exercises
o Do a practice run-through to ensure you are familiar with the
content and to time the session
o Confer with the organizers on audience make-up and size
o Have the appropriate number of hand-outs available
Using the Modules (3)
 Understanding the Speaker Notes:
o Text formatted in standard font is intended to be
used by the speaker during the presentation to
supplement the material on the slide
o Text formatted in bold is excerpted directly from
the presentation slides
o Text formatted in italics is intended as directions
or background notes for the speaker; italicized
text is not meant to be read aloud
ALW Tool Kit Topic Index
Additional Materials
Making the Decision
Goals & Objectives
The Organizing Committee
Committee Template
The Timeline
Timeline Template
Developing a Budget
Sample Expense
Budget Template
Developing the Program
Speakers and Presenters
Selecting the Venue
Marketing and Promotion
Promotion Template
ALW Tool Kit Topic Index (2)
Fundraising and Sponsorship
Food and Beverage
The Day of the Event
Post Workshop
Additional Materials
Section 1 – Making
the Decision
Is There a Need?
 Your IEEE-HKN chapter or IEEE student
branch is looking for new activities and
has decided to explore offering an
Advanced Learning Workshop on campus
 Before making a decision you should ask
these questions:
– Is there a need for this type of workshop?
– Do students have access to other learning and
academic resources on campus?
– Where are the gaps? What learning resources
are students looking for that are not currently
Making a Determination
 Your “assessment of need” can include:
– Surveying the students
– Consulting with faculty members
– Investigating the current academic resources available
– Reviewing the history of previous activities
 You should move forward with your
planning if your assessment indicated:
– There are limited/no academic resources for students
– There are gaps in the resources and the ALW offers a
complement to existing resources
– The students have indicated a strong desire for this
type of programing
The ALW Chair
 With a go-ahead to organize an ALW, the first step is for
your unit leadership to appoint a Chair to oversee the
planning and execution
 The role of the ALW chair includes:
– Responsibility for the overall planning and success of the
– Recruiting and recommending members for the organizing
– The development of the ALW program
– The development and monitoring of the ALW budget
– Delegating tasks and responsibilities to the organizing
committee and holding regular meetings
– Reporting on status to the chapter leadership and preparing the
post workshop reports
Section 2 – Goals
and Objectives
Goals & Objectives: How Will You
Know if You are Successful
 Your leadership’s second step is to provide a charge to the
Chair and Organizing Committee
 This ensures they know what is expected of them so they can
strategize and plan with the ends goals in place
 Develop 3 to 4 SMART Goals:
– Specific – the goal needs to be clear and unambiguous
– Measurable – the goal must have measurable criteria
– Attainable – the must be able to be accomplished
– Relevant – the goal must be relevant to your mission and needs
– Timely – the goal must have a set time-frame for completion
Goals & Objectives: Examples
 The goals you develop are connected to your unit goals and
should focus on the outcomes you desire
 Before setting your goals your organizing committee should
meet to discuss the desired outcomes
 Goal Examples:
– Hold three 1 hour ALW sessions during the semester (event
– Attract an average attendance of 25 students per session
(attendance focused)
– In the post activity survey, 50% of the student attendees
indicate they found the session valuable (satisfaction focused)
 There should be agreement on the objectives and all they
should be posted and communicated to all of the organizing
team members
Section 3 – The
The Organizing Committee
 You should create an Organizing Committee to
oversee the planning of the activity (see template
included with this kit)
 The size of the committee will ultimately depend
on the scope of your activity
– A 1 hour dinner meeting after class does not involve the
same level of planning as a full day workshop
 A good first step is to populate key committee
positions in order to determine the scope of your
– Additional committee members can be added as needed
based on the work requirements
The Organizing Committee –
 A good place to start is with your unit’s operating board or
executive committee
– Are there any unit leaders that would be interested in directly
supporting this activity?
– Some positions, like the Program Chair and the Treasurer,
might see this as an extension of their responsibilities
 If you need additional resources beyond your unit leaders,
recruit from the ranks of your membership
– Emphasize this as a learning opportunity and as a chance to
contribute to the unit
– Also emphasize the limited scope of the volunteer commitment
(Many people are reluctant to make long-term commitments of
time, and this approach might prove so satisfactory to them
that they want to join the unit leadership)
The Organizing Committee –
Key Functions
 As noted previously, the scope of the key functions
can vary depending on the type of activity
 The following key functions are typically part of
event organizing committees:
– Program: Responsible for overseeing the selection of topic(s),
identifying speaker(s), collecting event descriptions and speaker
bios and serving as a contact for the speaker(s)
– Venue: Responsible for identifying event location, re-serving the
venue and ensuring the room set-up meets the requirements
– Marketing/Promotions: Responsible for developing and
executing the marketing plan (newsletters, promotional flyers,
web site, e-mail blasts, etc.)
The Organizing Committee –
Key Functions (2)
– Treasurer: Responsible for managing the budget, collecting revenues
(registration fees, sponsorships, etc.), paying all expenses, recording all
transactions and develop a final report
– Onsite Logistics: Responsible for speaker(s) set-up requirements
(audio/visual, handouts, flipcharts), arranging for food and
refreshments, checking in attendees, maintaining the attendance record,
names tags, etc.
– Fundraising: Responsible for developing and executing the fundraising
plan and maintaining relationships with all donor/sponsors
 Your choice of activity will determine the need for the above
committee functions and others should be added as needed
 In selecting the right people to carry out these functions, try
to map their experiences and expertise to the need
 If an inexperienced individual has been assigned one of these
roles, the Organizing Committee Chair should provide
additional guidance and oversight
Section 4 – The
The Importance of a Time-line
 Whatever project you might be working on, time
management is the system that works best to make sure
everything gets done
 Creating a time-line for organizing your event, with
associated milestones and responsibilities, ensures that
everyone is working toward the same task and allows for an
easy status check to help you focus on areas that need
 The detail of your time-line can vary with the type of activity
you are planning
– A more involved event, such a 1 one day workshop, with multiple
sessions needs more planning than doing a single 1 hour lunch meeting
– Base your time-line on a realistic estimate of all of the task needed to be
Time-Line Guidelines
 Start at the End
– The first milestone to identify is the end date . . . When do you want to
conduct the event
– This enables you to work backward and add in the tasks necessary to
organize your event
 Set a Realistic End Date
– Don’t rush the planning, make sure you have enough time to plan,
organize and hold your activity
– It’s better to do it right, than fast
 Develop Your Task/Milestone List
– Identify each of the tasks you need to accomplish in order to hold the
event and estimate the time necessary to have them accomplished
– Remember that some tasks might have to come first in order to do
others . . . An example is identifying the speakers/program before
creating the marketing piece
Time-Line Guidelines (2)
 Build In Buffers
– It is ok to overestimate the time, especially if it’s the first time you are
trying something
– You never know when something might come up or be harder to
accomplish than you thought and it’s always easier
 Set a Realistic End Date
– Don’t rush the planning, make sure you have enough time to plan,
organize and hold your activity
 Communicate
– Each task should have identifiable owner(s)
– The time-line should be ready available to all of the planning team
– If anyone notices a red-flag, meaning a deadline is passing without the
task being accomplished, communicate to the rest of the team so
everyone is aware and action can be taken
Sample 5 Month Timeline
Finalize Date, Finalize
Program Topics,
Recruit Additional
Planning Members as
Needed, Confirm
- 5 months
Decision to hold
event, Planning
Team Identified,
Target Dates
Identified, Begin
Development ,
Explore Venues
- 4 months
Develop Budget
-1 Day
Final Check on
Materials, Room
Set-up, A/V.
Signage and
(repeated 1
week prior)
Confirm speakers,
Obtain Bios, A/V
Requirements, Handout
- 3 months
- 2 months
Develop Marketing
Materials (website,
brochures, blast
emails, posters, etc.),
Registration system
-1 month
- 1 Week
Post Event (+30
Event Metrics
Confirm with
speakers, assemble and Assessment,
Financial Report,
all necessary
Thank You’s
session and
materials and
This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is
meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.
Section 5 –
Developing a Budget
Developing a Budget
 Every event/activity has budget
 The extent of the budget depends on the details and
complexity of your event
– A lunch meeting requires a simpler budget than multi-session
 The budget is based upon how much income is
expected from all sources set against the expenses that
are anticipated
 In most cases you will need to be realistic about what is
affordable within the limits of your budget income
 Most event organizers try to establish the amount they
need that is the minimum, but your budget must be
continually reviewed
Developing a Budget: Expenses
 These are typical *expense categories:
– Room Rental (Venue) – Fixed
– Food and Beverage – Variable
– Audio Visual Rental – Fixed
– Speaker Expenses (travel, honorarium, etc.) – Fixed
– Handout Materials (printing and reproduction) – Variable
– Signage – Fixed
– Registration Materials (Name tags, Program, etc.) –
– Marketing and Promotion – Fixed
– Insurance – Fixed
*(See sample expense template)
Developing a Budget: Income
 These are typical income categories:
– Registration Fees
– Sponsorships
– Donations
– Raffle Sales
– Merchandise Sales
Developing a Budget: The Break
Even Point
 If you are planning a simple event held in a
classroom, with pizza and sodas, and you’re using
your unit budget to cover costs, you don’t need to
develop a full expense/income budget
 But it is still beneficial to create a budget to ensure
you stay on track
 If you are planning a more extensive event that
requires additional funds beyond your chapter
treasury, you will need to calculate a budget based
on expected expenses and income
 And what you’re looking for is a “break-even point”
Developing a Budget: The Break
Even Point (2)
You never want to create a budget that “loses funds”
At the very minimum attempt to break even and if possible produce
a modest surplus. Here are the steps:
1. Identify which expenses will be fixed and which will be variable (variable expenses tend
to be based on the number of attendees, e.g. meals, as opposed to fixed costs such as
marketing materials and audio-visual requirements)
2. Do a realistic assessment of your potential attendance
3. Calculate your total expenses based on that attendance
4. Calculate your budget income based on all potential sources of revenue excluding the
registration fee
5. Unless you are expecting large revenues from sponsors and other sources, you likely
have a shortfall
6. Now divide the shortfall by the number of expected attendees. This will tell you how
much the registration fee should be. If the fee is too high, you might need to cut down
on the expenses. If it is a reasonable fee, you could add a small amount to provide a
pad. Your surplus comes from managing the expenses, exceeding your attendance
projections and increasing your sponsorship revenue
Section 6 –
Developing the
Develop the Program
 Following the decision to hold your ALW, the most important
one after that is to decide what module or modules to offer
 Your planning team should select the most appropriate topic(s)
 There are currently 6 modules in the library with more to come
soon, so you will have many available choices
 Conduct an assessment of students needs at your university
– Conduct a survey or poll of the students to determine which topics
are the most desired
– Scan the academic resources that are currently available to
students on campus and select a topic that is not currently offered,
for example there might be many options for students for time
management tips, but there is nothing for Dealing with a Difficult
– Choose the topic(s) that will most interest students to generate the
highest attendance
Develop the Program (2)
 Other steps to help you choose the program
topics include:
– Brainstorm ideas among your unit leadership and your
planning team
– Consult with the faculty members and/or the Academic
Resource Center staff
– Solicit opinions from other student colleagues
– Should you not be able to come up with a definitive choice,
it is always a safe approach to choose the most general
topic . . . That might have the most appeal to a majority of
the student audience
Section 7 – Speakers
and Presenters
Identifying Speakers and
Presenters – Students
 The intent of the ALW is to have students serve as the speakers
or presenters
– With preparation and practice, each ALW module contains all of the
information needed for a student speaker to make an effective presentation
 Two or Three (Max) students share presentation duties
– If there is more than one student presenter, make sure they clearly identify
their assigned responsibilities
 Suggested Speaker Criteria
– Demonstrated experience in making presentations
– Knowledge or experience with the topic
– Engaging, Energetic and Enthusiastic
 Assign a small team to identify potential student speakers within
your unit or even other professional society student groups
Identifying Speakers and
Presenters – Academic or Industry
 There might be time when you feel it more appropriate to
have a more experienced speaker, possibly a faculty member
or industry practitioner
 There are a number of outlets to identify speakers:
– Your engineering department faculty
– Other schools within the university
– Your university academic or career resources center
– Your university’s industry advisory board
– Your local IEEE section
– IEEE-HKN Alumni
Key to Success: Energetic and dynamic presenters contribute to the
success of your events!
Section 8 – Selecting
the Venue
Selecting the Venue
 The best option for you to use an on campus site for your
activity. The benefits include:
– No or low cost
– Students are already there
– Built-in audio visual
 But be sure to take into account some limitations with the on
campus site:
– Limited ability to alter the seating arrangement (classrooms)
– Limited availability during school hours (you might need to
conduct the event in the evening or the weekend)
– You might need to self-cater (order food, bring the supplies,
Selecting the Venue (2)
 Steps to follow in selecting the venue:
– Establish your meeting needs (number of attendees,
space requirements, desired room set-up, available
dates, etc.)
– Conduct a search for all of the available venues on
campus and assess them against your needs
– Identify the ones that meet your needs
– Visit the sites and compare all of the criteria and
make the decision
– Be sure to reserve the venue as soon as possible
(through your campus process)
Section 9 – Marketing
& Promotion
Marketing & Promotion
Before you start developing your marketing materials you must
differentiate between “Features versus Benefits”
The biggest failure in marketing is presenting only the features of
what is being offered as the solution to the target audience’s need or
In preparing your promotional materials you want to make sure you
are speaking to the benefits
A Feature is what your product, service or event has or does. It is a
characteristic that is a quantifiable, indisputable fact.
Example: The ALW Time Management Module offers ten time management tips
A Benefit is something of value or usefulness that helps your target
audience with solving problems or improving their personal or
professional lives
Example: The ALW Time Management Module offers you tips on how to efficiently
manage your time so that you can focus on high priority tasks
Marketing & Promotion (2)
Determining the Benefits
 Every feature typically has a benefit, so the question is how to
identify the benefit?
 Start with a list of all your features
 Then ask some questions:
– Why does this benefit matter?
– Why problem does it solve?
– How does it improve something?
– What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)?
 *If you find yourself describing features, listing product or
program attributes, insert these two words, “So that” and
finish your sentence with the benefit words.
– The ALW Time Management Module offers ten time management tips “so
that” you can prioritize your time and use it more effectively
*Terri Langhans at
Marketing & Promotion (3)
Identify Your Target Audience
IEEE-HKN Students
IEEE Student Members
Students from other engineering disciplines
Students from outside the engineering school (Don’t limit yourself.
Academic learning transcends majors.)
How Do You Reach Them?
E-Mail Blasts (Student university list servers, professional society
rosters, etc.)
Flyers and Brochures (Printed and on-line)
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
University Calendar of Events
Classroom announcements
Marketing & Promotion (4)
Items to Include in Your Promotional Materials
 A Great Headline
– Use visuals and something that will grab your audience
Meeting title, dates, location and contact details
Who should attend and why
The Benefits – This is about them, not you
Session Description, Speakers and Bios
Registration Information (how-to, deadline and
fees if any)
 Where to go for more information
Section 10 –
 The registration process is the first interaction your
attendees will have with your event, so it is
important that it is simple and easy to accomplish
 Registration is important because:
– It tells you how many people to expect so you can plan on
supplies and food requirements
– Provides a list for the creation of name-tags
– It provides a measuring point during the planning phase.
For example, two weeks out you might not have the
numbers you anticipated so you can then step up your
promotional plan.
– It provides a list of contacts that you follow-up with
following the event and also invite to future events
Registration (2)
 Your registration requirements can vary depending on the
scope of your event
– A meeting after class might just involve an RSVP via an email
– A full day workshop with a registration fee requires an online
registration tool that allow electronic payment
 Choose the method that meets your needs, but is easy for the
person registering
 There are a number of on-line tools you can use:
– Survey Monkey – it’s for surveys, but can be adapted to collect
simple registration information and it has no
 Other options include:
Section 11 –
Fundraising &
Fundraising and Sponsorship
 Depending on the scope and complexity of your event, you
might require a certain amount of fundraising to keep your
registration low or even keep the event free of charge to
 No one really likes to ask for money . . . as it takes us out of
our comfort zone
 But think of this, the worst thing that can happen when you
solicit donors for your event is that say “no.”
 And if that’s what happens, you stay positive and move on the
next potential donor
 An important staring point is determining your goal . . . And if
you did your homework in the budget area, you know how
much you need
 And before starting, ask is the goal realistic
– An unrealistic goal will lead to failure
Fundraising and Sponsorship (2)
Some Important Steps
 Mission Document
– This document will describe the organization, some history, your
mission and explain what you’re trying to accomplish. Focus on
the impact the donor’s funds will have on students and relate it
to the needs of the donor.
 Marketing
– Create a marketing pitch and script. And have an elevator speech
where you can describe what your trying to accomplish in less
than 60 seconds.
– You can also create sponsorship levels, where the donor gets
something in return. Options you could offer include having the
company name and logo on a banner or in the program and even
an invitation to have a company engineer speak to the students.
Fundraising and Sponsorship (3)
Basic Fundraising Model
 Compile a list of the corporations around your
city/campus area – for students to approach
 Talk to everybody in your department / campus /
Senior Section(s) - ask for contacts in these
corporations & for an introduction
 Check with University (department & development
office) about guidelines /restrictions for contacting
– (You don’t want to create any conflicts with the university’s
 Develop a basic 'script' and the marketing materials
Fundraising and Sponsorship (4)
Basic Fundraising Model
 Make fundraising everyone’s responsibility
 Reach out to local small- and medium-sized businesses for
sponsorship (money and in-kind contributions such as food,
give-aways, etc., for an event)
 Don’t forget about individuals. Most money donated comes
from individuals who have an interest in the cause. You can
reach out to the alumni.
 Thank your sponsors publicly and feature their names/logos in
printed and online material
 Donations to IEEE, whether cash or in-kind, may be taxdeductible for the donor.
 A final option is to consider using “Crowdfunding” sites like
GoFundMe. These site enable you to reach out to friends and
connections through social media.
Section 12 – Food &
Food and Beverage
 Do you need food and beverages at your event?
– For a one hour session, food is not necessary, unless you are
doing it during the lunch or dinner hours . . . Then food becomes
an incentive to attend
– For workshops that last for two or more hours, participants expect
refreshments during break-times . . . and other food choices
might be needed if the workshop extends during the lunch or
dinner hours
 Make the decision based on the needs of the event and
your budget
 If you decide to bring in food (pizzas and sodas), make
sure you check if that is allowed in classrooms
– Always bring some extra plates, cups, etc., as well as trash bags
– Make sure you order enough food for each attendee
Food and Beverage (2)
 If you are using a conference facility or reserve meeting room
you might be obligated to use their catering service
– Be sure to check the requirements
 Review menus and stick to choices that are within your budget
 Identify your expected food and beverage needs (how many
attendees for how many meals and breaks)
 Caterers require you to lock in your count several days prior to
the event, so this is where registration numbers are important
– For catered events have a process for identifying and
accommodating dietary restrictions (You can use the registration
 If you must sign a contract, be aware of any the rules on
campus. Students typically cannot sign contracts and it might
require a faculty member’s signature
Section 13 – The Day
of the Event
The Day of the Event
 Arrive at least an hour before start time to set-up, verify room
arrangement and test a/v equipment
 Have direction signs up if it is a hard to find the building/room
 Have a registration desk with an IEEE-HKN or IEEE sign
outside the room
– Have programs, pens, tape, envelopes, extra name tags and tent
cards available (If you are charging a registration fee, have extra
cash and receipts)
 If you are using pre-printed name badges have them set-up
on a table so they are easy to find
 Have a sign-in sheet, copies of the session materials and
course evaluation forms.
 If you have an external speaker attending, assign one
individual to meet and escort them to the session room
 Be sure to welcome and greet everyone and thank them for
Section 14 –
 Whether you make use of an internal (Student, Faculty
Member) or an external (Alumnus, Industry Practitioner)
speaker, you should recognize their investment in time and
their contribution your event
 Recognition acknowledges accomplishments, reinforces a
person’s efforts and is also a sign of appreciation
 The Chair of your unit or the event Chair should thank the
speaker at the end of the session and solicit applause
 A nice gesture is to present a certificate of appreciation
 You can also present the speaker with a small gift. A souvenir
from your institution like a mug or pen is also a nice gesture.
 And to the unit or event chair, don’t forget to thank all of the
students and faculty who volunteered their time to organize
the event
Section 15 –
Why is post event feedback important?
 Because it provides the reality check of what went right or
what went wrong during the event . . . And if you want to
improve the quality of your event and have students coming
back, you need to know in what areas you succeeded and
what areas need improvement
 It also provides information on the expectations of your
attendees . . . and if you met them, which is the one of the
most important considerations for them to invest more of their
time in future activities
Assessment (2)
How to conduct the assessment
Each ALW module contains a one page evaluation form in “Word”
You are free to use the form as is, or adjust it to your needs
Have the forms passed out prior to the end of the session
Make sure the speaker is aware of the evaluation form so a few minutes can be left
in the session to have the students fill it out
Collect the form and compile the composite scores for your session
The advantage of an onsite form is that you can typically get a 100%
response from the participants . . . The disadvantage is you must
compile the results by hand
You can use an online system like Survey Monkey, which allows you
to collect data electronically, but to ensure you get a maximum
return, have the form ready to go out as soon as the session ends
and be sure to have emails for all of the attendees
Unfortunately, online surveys sent after the event only average
around a 50% return rate
Section 16 – Post
Post Workshop
 Collect final invoices, pay remaining bills and
prepare a final budget statement
 Send thank you notes to the
speakers/presenters and sponsors
 Review the session evaluations
– Assess what worked well and areas that need
 Write up a lessons learned to be used in
planning future events and for future
student organizers
 Start planning your next event
Post Workshop – Please Complete
Post Conference Activity Report
 In order to improve the quality of this program IEEE
is requesting that each unit that holds an ALW
session submit an on-line after-activity report
 This report will only take a few minutes to complete
and will provide valuable information to aid the
program managers
 Please complete the report within 7 days following
the report
 You can access the report at:
For More Information
 To provide additional feedback or should you have
any questions send an email to:
[email protected]
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