KE Software`s Electronic Museum + The New York Botanical Garden

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The New York Botanical Garden + KE EMu

Melissa Tulig Botanical Information Management NYBG + KE EMu


2002: search for a database begins

• Herbarium specimen database (600,000 records) • Taxonomy, geography, person authority files • 25 separate curator specimen databases (dbase, Access, Excel) • Index Herbariorum • 2 Herbarium loans applications • Index to American Botanical Literature (Access) • Structured Use data (Economic Botany) • 10,000 Bulk Sample collections (with vouchered herbarium specimens) • 100,000 specimen images NYBG + KE EMu

user needs

• 50 daily concurrent users - full-time staff plus interns, volunteers, grad students • Different permissions for individual users or groups of users • Record-level security on certain record types • Instant web access to the live database for online users NYBG + KE EMu

technical staff

• IT department of 4 people for 400 Garden employees • No programmers NYBG + KE EMu


• Develop software in-house • Use free software for specimen database, build applications for other data sets • Purchase Digital Asset Management software for images • Purchase a customizable system to do it all NYBG + KE EMu

the winner is…EMu

• Object-oriented database comprised of various “modules” for data entry • Registry Module: view, edit, insert and delete rights settings based by user, group, module, or field • Lookup Lists Module: allows you to standardize any look up list, keep them locked or open to users to edit • Audit Module: track all changes made by users and reverse any edits NYBG + KE EMu

Catalogue Module herbarium specimens,Bulk Samples, Use data Loans/Movements tracks all herbarium loans & shipments Bibliography citations from IABL Parties Module person authority files and Index Herbariorum NYBG + KE EMu Taxonomy Module scientific names, synonymy, descriptions Sites Module geographic data and georeferencing fields Collection Events field book data Multimedia Module images

have a look



web interface

• Integrated web interface directly to our live EMu database via PHP • Added Google Maps and the FSI Viewer • All edits to records and new records and images go live instantly (but this can be controlled by user) • Multiple interfaces and designs to different modules for different projects NYBG + KE EMu

that was 2005, this is now

• Import data as csv or xml, new import appends data to existing records • Export data as text, spreadsheets • Export formatted reports directly from Emu via Crystal Reports (specimen label, loans invoices) • DarwinCore backend fields • Record Templates – using it for bulk data entry of fieldbooks and barcode sequences NYBG + KE EMu

EMu natural history users

• Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History • Natural History Museum, London • Museum Victoria • Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney • American Museum of Natural History • Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale • Field Museum NYBG + KE EMu


• KE will create whatever you want them to create • You receive all modules and we constantly find new uses for ones we didn’t originally use – Two weeks ago we started tracking Herbarium visitors in Emu and publishing weekly visitor reports • Receive all new features – Record Templates • User Support – if anything breaks, you call KE and they fix it.



• KE will create whatever you want them to create • Large up-front cost (depending on customization) and yearly maintenance fees by number of user licenses • Steep learning curve NYBG + KE EMu

collections management to research management

• DNA Aliquots, Tissue Samples, Structural Botany collections (linked to vouchered herbarium specimens) • Use data from the Institute of Economic Botany • Electronic floras and monographs with separate web interfaces NYBG + KE EMu

not just for herbarium sheets anymore


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a day in the life of NYBG & EMu

Incoming shipment from the field logged in movements module Staff enter specimen records using fieldbook template Tissue samples catalogued, linked to voucher specimen and sent to lab Labels for herbarium specimens and tissue collections printed from EMu Gifts for determination are sent to other institutions and tracked in loans module Determinations are returned and entered in the catalogue Determined specimens are mounted, barcoded, imaged (instantly in the VH) and filed in the herbarium Digital images from the field mass imported to Emu, linked to specimen record if imaged before pressed or linked to species record Descriptions of species added to floras module DNA Aliquots are made from collected tissue samples, published in research papers GenBank IDs are added to EMu NYBG + KE EMu

new features for next release

• Export data formatted for ArcExplorer • OpenLayers mapping • IMu - KE's new web interface – XML>XSLT> HTML – Display of results from multiple modules – Customisable interface via XSLT NYBG + KE EMu


• 1.3 million specimen records • 360,000 taxonomy authority files • 340,000 images • 80,000 person files (authors, collectors, determiners) • 15,000 IH records • 200,000 bibliographic records • 10,000 DNA Aliquot &Tissue Sample records • 21,000 loans (265 e-loans) • 20 electronic floras & monographs projects NYBG + KE EMu