ACRIN PA 4006: Tomosynthesis Trial Update and Discussion

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Transcript ACRIN PA 4006: Tomosynthesis Trial Update and Discussion

ACRIN Breast Committee
Fall Meeting 2010
4006: Comparison of Full-Field Digital Mammography with Digital Breast
Tomosynthesis Image Acquisition in Relation to Screening Call-Back Rate
Emily F. Conant, MD
Constantine Gatsonis, PhD
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
GE Support (P.I. E. Conant): A Multicenter Study to Test the Non-Inferiority
of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Compared to Full-Field Digital
Mammography(FFDM) in Detecting Breast Cancer
E.Conant: Consultant to Hologic
ACRIN Breast Committee
Study Summary
ACRIN Breast Committee
Limitations of Mammography
Tissue superimposition
Projection imaging
Compression Plate
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)
Multiple low dose digital mammographic images are obtain
along an arc and then reconstructed into a stack of images
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Tomographic Imaging
Compression Plate
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Vendors have varied approach to DBT:
• Image acquisition
– Angle of acquistion, number of images in arc
• Continuous arc image acquisition
• “Stop and shoot” image acquisition
• Stand alone screening tool versus adjunct to full field
digital mammography (FFDM)
– Single view MLO DBT (no FFDM)
– Two view DBT plus FFDM
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
• Preliminary experience has suggested that
digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) may
– Better specificity leading to reductions in recall
– Improvements in sensitivity and the depiction of
the extent of disease
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
• Few published trials
• Results stress specifity as measured by reduction in
recall rates
• Most are single institution, single vendor
– Technical approach varies greatly by vendor…
Little published data on impact of tomosynthesis on
sensitivity in breast cancer screening
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Multi-center trial of 1957 pts
• Compared FFDM and DBT recall rates
– 43% reduction in recall rate
Rafferty et al. RSNA 2007:SSG01-01
Single institution trial of 98 pts
Compared FFDM and DBT recall rate
- 40% reduction in recall rate
Poplack et al. AJR 2007;189(3):616-623
Single institution trial of 125 selected studies
FFDM alone, DBT alone and FFDM/DBT combo
- 30% decrease recall rate with combo, 10% DBT alone
Gur et al. AJR 2009;193:586-591
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Two views versus one view tomo?
• Results
22/34 (65%) both projections equal
4/34 (12%) much better seen on MLO projection
5/34 (15%) much better seen on CC projection
3/34 (9%) seen only on the CC projection
Imaging in both CC and MLO positions is optimal
Rafferty et al:RSNA 2006;SSG01-04
ACRIN Breast Committee
Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
What about calcifications in DBT?
• 98 recalled cases
– “image quality of tomosynthesis was inferior to
diagnostic mammography” in characterization of calcs
Poplack et al. AJR 2007;189(3):616-623
• 119 DBT cases with calcifications
– Approx. 50%, DBT = FFDM
– Approx. 40%, DBT > FFDM
Kopans et al. RSNA 2008 SSJ01-02.
Motion artifact in DBT
ACRIN Breast Committee
• Digital breast tomography (DBT) will
improve the specificity of breast cancer
screening as measured by a reduction in
the call-back rate while maintaining the
sensitivity of cancer detection.
– This improved accuracy will be achieved by the
optimization of the imaging sequence and number
of views obtained at a capped radiation dose in
the combined DBT and 2-D screening sequence
ACRIN Breast Committee
Eligibility and Sample Size
• Screening Group A (n=500) :
– Women presenting for screening > 25 yrs
• Enrichment Group B (n=50) :
– Women called back from FFDM screening for
diagnostic imaging
Total Accrual = 550 cases
ACRIN Breast Committee
Study Design
• Standard of Care clinical study:
– 3 view digital mammogram
• Study Imaging:
– 2 view tomosynthesis (MLO and CC) and low dose 2D MLO
– Sequential read of study low dose 2-D CC view.
Studies read independently therefore,
call-backs determined independently
ACRIN Breast Committee
ACRIN Breast Committee
Specific Aims
• Primary Aim:
– Compare recall rates of FFDM to limited DBT set
(Group A)
• Secondary Aims:
– To compare sensitivity of FFDM to the limited DBT
set (Groups A and B)
– To assess lesion-type characterization:
• To compare sensitivity and specificity by lesion-type (calc only
lesions versus soft-tissue lesions, as well as lesion subgroups:
masses, calcs, architectural distortions, asymmetries) in FFDM
versus DBT.
• To estimate the agreement of FFDM and DBT with the
determination of the adjudication committee on lesion-type
ACRIN Breast Committee
Additional Aims
• Secondary Aims, continued:
– To use the sequential interpretation results [Groups A and B] to
compare the two-view limited tomosynthesis set (with low-dose
MLO view alone) with the tomosynthesis plus set (addition of
low-dose CC view) on the basis of:
Call-back rate;
Identification of new lesion(s);
Lesion characterization; and
– To calculate and compare the radiation dose of the FFDM
and the DBT sets
– To identify the determinants of participant radiation dose and
clinical image quality, including factors such as kVp, mAs,
target/filter combination, and breast thickness and
ACRIN Breast Committee
• Patients to be recruited over a 1 year period
• Trial scheduled to open 10/6/10 at
Pennsylvania sites:
– Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
– Einstein Medical Center
• Limited to one industry since only one vendor in PA – Hologic
ACRIN Breast Committee
Future Tomosynthesis Trials?
Optimize imaging for tomosynthesis
• Which combinations of 3-D and possibly 2-D images?
• Decision based on risk/benefit for individual patient?
• Optimization of dose based on task?
Trial powered for sensitivity?
• High/intermediate risk patients (+/-MR)?
How do we best utilize tomosynthesis for
diagnostic imaging?
ACRIN Breast Committee