Personnel Accountability - Fire Chiefs` Association of Broward County

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Transcript Personnel Accountability - Fire Chiefs` Association of Broward County

Personnel Accountability
Identify a system of firefighter accountability on site of an incident and account
for all firefighters, at any given time, within the “hazard zone” of an incident.
The hazard zone will be defined as any area that requires an SCBA, or an
environment in which a firefighter is at risk of becoming lost, trapped, or
Structure fire – interior/exterior operations
Confined space or trench rescue
Hazmat incident (Hot, Warm, Cold zones)
Use of the system will provide:
Enhanced personal safety for the firefighters
Effective means to track and account for all personnel
System Components
• The “passport” unit is approximately 2” x 3” and engraved with
the type of apparatus and unit number
(Engine 71, Rescue 23, Quint 33).
• The “passport” will be attached to a velcro area located in a
conspicuous location in the cab of the vehicle.
• Each emergency vehicle will be assigned a
System Components
PAR Tags
The PAR Tag is approximately ½” x 2” tag with the Firefighter last name & first
initial engraved (J. SMITH) & color coded by rank (job title)
White : Chief Officers
Red : Company Officers
Yellow: Firefighters / Paramedics / Drivers / Others
Passport & PAR Tags are utilized together to make up the “PASSPORT SYSTEM”
Passport System
Utilized to assist IC with tracking and accountability of units
& crews while on scene of an incident.
Upon arrival on scene the “PASSPORT” is given to IC or an
Accountability Officer or designee.
The Accountability Officer may be a driver, a division / group
officer, or a designated accountability officer, depending on
the nature, type, and complexity of the incident.
Passport Implementation
• Implementation of the accountability procedure will occur at all
incidents, including training evolutions.
• The objective is to have the “PASSPORT” at the command post
accurately reflect only those members in the hazard zone.
• For single company incidents, the “PASSPORT” will remain in a
conspicuous location on the units.
• The driver operator will assume accountability responsibilities.
Passport Implementation
Multi-company operations where SCBA’s are used,
• “PASSPORT” will be delivered to the command post OR
• given to accountability officer if practical OR
• left in a conspicuous location in the front of the cab.
2nd Alarm or Greater Responses
• Unless assigned by the IC, companies shall report to the
Staging Officer who shall ensure that the “PASSPORT”
reflects the crews assignment.
• Once assigned by the IC, the Company Officer shall give the
“PASSPORT” to the accountability officer or their designee.
Status Boards
Carried by the Battalion Chief, the Duty Officer, or other
designated supervisors.
Blue Boards
• Capable of tracking single alarm assignments.
• Equipped with velcro in order to attach Passports.
Magnetic Boards
• 2nd alarm assignments or higher for tracking units,
• Incident Commander preference.
• Passports shall still be maintained in order to
account for crew members assigned to units.
Magnetic Unit Tags
• Unit Identification magnets tags are to be pre-made 1” x 2” with
each City/Battalion’s units including surrounding mutual aid
units that would likely respond.
• Each magnetic board shall have a supply of blank unit tags to
accommodate any units not already pre-made.
• Magnetic Unit Tag colors are as follows:
Rescue - BLUE
Engine - Lt. GREY
Aerial - RED
Chief - WHITE
Special Units - GREEN
Magnetic Accountability Board
• This is a magnetic, dry erase board
for incidents of second alarm or
•A drawing of the incident can be
made and the unit designator tags
will be placed in the geographic area
they are working.
•On the left side of the board are the
Officers or units responsible for
those roles. (Safety, Medical, RIT,
•Units that are in rehab are shown
on the bottom left.
•Units that are available for
assignment are at the bottom right as
“On Deck”
Magnetic Accountability Board
• For further detail of the
magnetic board, the assigned
tasks can be written next to the
unit designator (Attack, Search
or Vent Group etc..)
• Additional tags can
be made to indicate
these tasks assignments.
• For the Company Officer, PAR ensures that all members
assigned to him/her are accounted for.
• For the Division Officer, it is an accounting of everyone
assigned to his/her division.
• PAR should be conducted face to face within the Company
or with the Division Officer whenever possible.
PAR Check
• PAR checks shall be conducted by the IC or accountability
officer when possible
• IC shall request dispatch to set a tone and have all units
stand-by for PAR check.
• PAR check shall begin with those within the hazard zone.
• Answering a PAR request:
Advise the number of members assigned to crew and location.
• “Engine 58 has a PAR of 3 ventilating Division C, Charlie”
• At the discretion of the IC, crew members may also respond
with the names of crew members
Unit Reporting PAR
• All units reporting PAR shall advise if an assigned member
is not physically present with that crew.
“Engine 43 has PAR of 2, Driver is at the pump panel of
Engine 43.”
• In such case, the IC shall check with the Driver directly.
“Engine 43 Alpha, do you have PAR?”
Note: Broward County recognizes the “A” or Alpha position as the
Driver Engineer and not the officer.
Activation of PAR
• PAR checks may only be interrupted by emergency traffic!
• A PAR shall be required for the following:
• A report of a missing or trapped FF.
• Any change for offensive to defensive operation.
• A sudden hazardous event at the incident.(Flashover/collapse)
• Every 30 minute interval incident elapse time or at IC
Accountability Rules
• These rules should be followed for the accountability system to
operate correctly.
• “PASSPORTS” never enter the hot zone.
• “PASSPORTS” must be maintained at the command
vehicle during large or complex incidents.
• “PASSPORTS” must reflect only personal that are assigned
to the incident.
• Units assigned must stay intact whenever possible to
maintain accountability.
Lost or Missing Firefighters
• An absent member of a crew will assumed to be lost or trapped
in the hazard zone until otherwise determined to be safe.
• Company Officers must immediately report any absent member
to the IC.
• For any report of a missing firefighter, command should
consider calling for the next greater alarm assignment.
• Searches for missing firefighter’s should begin in the area of the
last reported location.
Command Responsibilities
• Include PAR as a major element of strategy and tactics.
• React to all barriers that influence accountability.
• Ensure that all members entering the hazard zone have
radios and are supervised.
• Make every effort to keep crews intact.
• Update accountability board for crews that are split.
• For 2nd alarm assignments or higher, command shall assign
at least 1 accountability officer.
Division/Group Responsibilities
Officer Responsibilities
• Maintain accurate tracking of assigned companies.
• Division/Group Officers should be in the assigned location to
monitor the assigned companies.
• Division- assignment based on geographic location at an incident.
Division 2, Charlie side
• Group- assignment based on task on an incident
Attack, Search, Vent
Company Officer Responsibilities
• Ensure the “PASSPORT” units reflects the names of
the personnel currently assigned company.
• Will keep all members assigned to the hazard zone
intact at all times.
• If crew member is not assigned in the hazard zone,
leave or is reassigned outside the hazard zone, the name
will be turned upside down on the “PASSPORT”.
• The Driver/Operator should have their name turned
upside down on the “PASSPORT” if they are at the
apparatus pumping and not in the hazard zone.
Termination of Accountability
The “PASSPORT” Accountability system shall be maintained
until command is terminated.
• Upon completion of their assignment and release from the
incident, Company Officers will pick up the “PASSPORT”
at the Command Post and return it to the apparatus.
The End