Tut, Tut-b PPT File - WBR Teacher Moodle

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Transcript Tut, Tut-b PPT File - WBR Teacher Moodle

Tut, Tut
Author: Jon Scieszka
Objective: Clarifying words
that are hard to understand
Day 1
This week we will read Tut, Tut,
by Jon Scieszka. We’ll also
practice figuring out words we
don’t understand. This is called
clarifying. Good readers try to
fix what they don’t understand
so they can keep reading. That’s
why we clarify.
Explain the strategy card.
 Explain the partner rating of
 Explain the vocabulary vault
 Explain finding vocabulary words
in reading and marking in
vocabulary charts.
 Habit
 Allowance
 Conjure
 Pomegranate
 Civilization
 Chaos
Build Background
Shawn walked his tasso on a leash.
The word tasso is a made up word. Read the
sentelce and try to figure out what you think
the word means.
 Now tell your partner your idea.
How were you able to tell what the word
What words helped you figure out the
Build Background
The ravenous dog, who had not
eaten for three days, ate his food in
Now read this sentence. What do you
think the underlined word mean?
 Tell your partner your ideas.
 What clue words helped you figure
out the meaning of the underlined
Build Background
What you have been doing,
thinking about and
explaining what words mean,
. This is what
you will do, and how you will
help each other, as you read
Tut, Tut.
Listening Comprehension
Tut, Tut is a story about Joe,
Sam, and Fred, the Time
Warp Trio, who have a time
machine. The times machine
helps them time travel is
actually a book.
Listening Comprehension
If you could time travel
where would you go?
 Who would go with you?
 Why would you where you
say you would go?
Listening Comprehension
Preview the front cover of the
book. Where do you think the
characters in this book might go?
 Look at the back and let’s read the
 Read pages 1-top of page 4.
Team Talk
How does Joe, the narrator, feel about The
Book? Use evidence from the text to support
your answer.
Which definition best fits the word “cranky”
on page 7? Explain why you think so?
What happened after Anna opened The
How have the Trio’s past trips turned out?
Use clues from the text to support your
Partner Reading
Earlier I said that we would practice
helping each other figure out words that we
don’t know or understand as we read. If
you come to a word you don’t understand,
what are some things you can do to figure
out what the word means?
Good Job! Some of your ideas are on the
strategy card. When you are figuring out what
words mean you are clarifying.
Modle Partner Reading
I am going to read this passage and ask
____ for help.
Suzy secured her smock around her
waist and placed the paintbrush in her
pocket. Then Suzy squeezed bright
colors of paint onto her palette. She
carefully set the canvas on the easel.
Suzy took the paintbrush our of her
pocket and began to paint.
Partner Reading
Partner 1 Page 5
 Partner 2 Page 6
 Page 7 Silently
 Remember to clarify!!!!! Use
the sticky notes!!!
Team Talk Extender
Is this the first time the Trio has
traveled back in time? How do you
know? What is different this time?
What clues does the author give
that tell you this is different?
 Fluency pg. 6
Team Talk
How does Joe, the narrator, feel
about The Book? Use evidence
from the text to support your
The book gets on Joe’s nerves.
Every time they time travel, the
Book disappears. They need the
Book to get back home. Joe still
needs to figure out how to use it.
Team Talk
2. Which
definition best fits the word
“cranky” on page 7? Explain why
you think so?
C. In a bad mood. I think cranky
means in a bad mood because it
sounds like Joe is complaining about
the book and he’s mad that they
haven’t figured out a way to use the
Book without losing it.
Team Talk
3. What
happened after Anna
opened The Book?
After Anna opened The Book, a
green frog came out and swallowed the
kids, and then they disappeared.
Team Talk
4. How have the Trio’s past trips
turned out? Use clues from the
text to support your answer.
Their past trips have not been good.
Joe says that they have gotten into
trouble looking for the book before.
Joe is not excited that they are about
to go on another adventure and still
doesn’t know how to use The Book.
Clarifying Words
If you don’t know a word, try to figure it
If you can’t figure it out, mark it with a
sticky note and ask your partner for help.
If you and your partner figure it out, put
a check mark on your sticky note.
If you and your partner can’t figure it
out, write your word on the sticky note
and place the sticky note in the front of
the room in the parking lot.
Vocabulary Practice
Jon Scieszka has written many time
travel stories in the Time Warp Trio
series. The main characters are the
same the problems is always the same,
but each story has a different setting
or place. The Trio has traveled to
ancient Rome and Greece. They’ve
even meet cave people and evil pirates
in their travels. This week, you will
begin your own story about time
Write a story about time travel. In yoru story,
you will tell who the characters are, where they
will travel, , and how they travel. Will they travel
to the past or the future? Will they have a book
or something else that helps them time travel?
Make sure you tell what he problem is-the
characters need to get home- and at least 3 events
that happen as they try to solve the problem.
Make sure you tell how the problem is solved.
Your story should make sense and be written in 3
paragraphs. As you write, put your ideas in
complete sentences.
Today you will discuss only.
Tomorrow you will begin by
creating a graphic organizer of
your ideas.
Scoring Guide
Beginning Paragraph that tells who the
characters are, where they travel, how
they travel, and what their problem is.
Middle paragraph that tells at least
three events that happen
Ending that tells how the problem is
Your ideas in complete sentences.
Tut, Tut
Author: Jon Scieszka
Objective: Clarifying words
that are hard to understand
Day 2
Vocabulary Routine
Today partner 1 will review the
last four words with Partner 2
checking. Then, Partner 2 will
review the first four words with
Partner 1 checking.
 Make sure you are marking words
on your vocabulary chart as you
come across them in reading.
 Vocabulary Vault
Build Background
In teams review what we read
What are some words we clarified
What were some strategies you used to
clarify them?
What are some things that you think
the Trio might see on their next
Why do you think that?
Listening Comprehension
Read pgs. 8-10
Clarify words!
Team Talk
Choose the sentence that states a problem in
Tut, Tut.
Do you think the author wants you to like
Hatsnat? Why or why not? Use evidence from
the text to support your answer. (Write)
Which definition best fits the work “wrecked”
on page 16? Explain why you think so.
What was the first magic trick Joe performed
for Hatsnat? (Write)
Partner Reading
Pages 15-16 aloud
Pages 17-18 Silently
Remember to clarify words
First stick a sticky note on the word.
 When everyone finishes reading discuss
the words with your team.
 If you can’t figure the words out, hang
them on the “Hooked on a Word” poster!
We will discuss these words as a class!!
Team Leaders need to make sure the
Clarifies words marked with sticky notes
 Discusses responses to Team Talk
 Writes the answers to questions indicated
Each team must clarify one word as a
team and have placed one word on the
“Hooked on a word” poster for class
Team Talk Extender
What did Joe do to convince
Hatsnat they were magicians
and not robbers? What
would you have done if you
had been in that situation?
 Fluency pg 6 or 15
Team Talk Answers
C- Sam, Fred, and Joe need to find The Book,
Anna, and Cleo.
I do not think the author wants us to like
Hatsnat. He’s mean and carries a whip. He calls
them names, like vermin and crocodile dung.
Hatsnat also accuses Sam, Fred, and Joe of being
B searched I think wracked means searched,
because Joe needed to think of a trick to show
Hatsnat. He searched his brain for a trick that he
already knew.
The first magic trick Joe performed for Hatsnat
was trying to have Hatsnat catch a piece of
papyrus that Joe dropped.
Write a story about time travel. In yoru story,
you will tell who the characters are, where they
will travel, , and how they travel. Will they travel
to the past or the future? Will they have a book
or something else that helps them time travel?
Make sure you tell what he problem is-the
characters need to get home- and at least 3 events
that happen as they try to solve the problem.
Make sure you tell how the problem is solved.
Your story should make sense and be written in 3
paragraphs. As you write, put your ideas in
complete sentences.
Today you will complete the first box of
your graphic organizer.
Before we begin discuss with your partner
any ideas you have so far.
Now complete your graphic organizer!
How they Travel
Tut, Tut
Author: Jon Scieszka
Objective: Clarifying words
that are hard to understand
Day 3
Build Background
Think about some of the words you
marked yesterday. What were they?
Who helped you clarify them? What
strategies did you use?
Do you think Hatsnat will believe Sam,
Fred, and Joe are magicians? What do
you think Hatsnat will do to them?
What makes you think that?
Listening Comprehension
Page 19-20
Team Talk
How is the way Thutmose greeted the Trio
different from the way Hatsnat greeted the
Trio? What might the reason be for this
difference? (write)
Why did Hatsnat knock over the statue?
What clues support your answer?
Why do you think Sam did not realize that
Thutmose was the king? (write)
Which definition best fits the word deafening
on page 21? Explain why you think so?
Partner Reading
Page 21-22 aloud
 23-24 silently
 Remember to clarify words!!
Team Talk Extender
What part of Tut, Tut made
you laugh? Name another story
you have read in which the
author uses humor. Explain
which parts of that story were
funny and why.
 Fluency pg 6, 15, or 23
Team Talk Answers
Thutmose is nice to Sam, Fred, and Joe. He
stopped Hatsnat from hurting them. Hatsnat
is mean to the Trio and he tricked them.
Thutmose is excited that they are magicians
and wants to check out their shoes. One
reason for the difference might be that
Thutmose is the same age as Fred, Sam, and
Joe. They have more in common. Hatsnat is a
bad guy who doesn’t like anyone. He’s afraid
the Trio caught him doing something wrong.
Team Talk Answers
Hatsnat does not like the Trio. They found
Hatsnat in the secret room. Joe saw Hatsnat
knock the statue over, but Hatsnat blames the
Trio and has them arrested.
I think Sam did not realize that Thutmose
was the king because he was expecting an
adult to be the king, not a boy about his own
It was a big statue that fell to the floor. That
would have made a really loud noise. I also know
that to be deaf means that you can’t hear.
Sometimes things are so loud, it’s hard to hear.
Vocabulary Practice
 Chaos
 Conjure
 Allowance
Today you will plan the middle and end of
your stories.
First discuss with your partner your ideas.
Now complete your graphic organizer by
filling in the last two boxes.
Tut, Tut
Author: Jon Scieszka
Objective: Clarifying words
that are hard to understand
Day 4
Build Background
In your groups retell what we
have read so far.
What do you think Thutmose
will do with the Trio? Why do
you think that?
Listening Comprehension
Pages 25-27
 Clarify Words to class
 Preview pages 28-32 and
predict what you think happens
on the boat trip!
Team Talk
Hatsnat claims that Sam falling into the Nile
River was an accident. DO you think Hatsnat
is telling the truth? Why do you think that?
Which definition best describes the meaning of
cluster on page 30? Explain why you think so.
Do you think Sam’s paper clip will keep Sam
safe from the crocodile? Why or why not?
What happened right before Hatsnat and
Thutmose held up their amulets? (Write)
Partner Reading
Pages 28-30 aloud
Pages 31-32 Silently
Remember to
What is suspense? How does the author
show suspense in the story on page 32?
Fluency page 6, 15, 23, or 30
Team Talk Answers
I think Hatsnat is lying. He doesn’t like Sam,
Fred, or Joe very much. Hatsnat wants to get
rid of them, so I think he caused Sam to fall
C I think cluster means group. The book says
there was a cluster of shapes in the water.
The shapes were really hippos and alligators.
There wasn’t just one, there were many.
You opinion!
Right before Thutmose and Hatsnat help up
their amulets Hatsnat noticed that a
crocodile was swimming toward their boat.
Vocabulary Practice
Today you will begin your first draft of you paper.
Today I am going to write the first paragraph, the
beginning of my story. This is where I will let the
reader know who my characters are, where they are,
how they got there, and what the problem is. I need to
make sure I put my ideas from the organizer into
complete sentences. I also need to get my reader’s
attention, so I’m going to make the first sentence as
interesting as possible. I think I’ll write, “Kate and
Karla carefully opened The Magnificent Cookbook and
then held their breaths.” This will get my reader’s
attention, because they will want to know why they held
their breaths. Okay, now I need to write how they time
travel, where they go, and what the problem is. Then I
will be finished writing my first paragraph.