Caesar Multi-genre Project

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
10th Grade
Project Matrix
Newspaper Article
Costume Design
Shakespeare Letter
Comic Strip
Movie Poster
Rewrite Ending
Online Conversation
Write an Obituary
Write a Theme Song
Create a Soundtrack
pick 5
Extra, Extra, Read all about it!
You are a reporter and have been assigned to write an article
about an event in the play.
What happened?
Who was involved?
Where did it happen?
What were reactions to the event?
Why did it happen?
Include an interview with a character
You have been asked to design costumes for a
scene in the play. The catch is, you pick the
fashion decade.
Paper doll outfits
Cut out clothes from magazines
Draw the outfits
You must write a few sentences to explain each
Dear William Shakespeare:
What would you ask the author if you had the
Include these:
What did you like?
What did you dislike?
Questions? Personal and Literary.
The Funnies
Shakespeare meant to have his plays to be seen, not
just read. Turn an act, or a few scenes into a comic
Context Clues
Can be hand drawn or done on a computer.
Coming to a Theater Near You…
Julius Caesar has been made into a movie
before, but it is your turn to cast the film.
In your poster make sure you include:
Who will be in the film
Images that show key elements of the
Can be hand drawn or done on a computer
Maybe you didn’t like the ending of a
particular act. Well this is your chance
to do something about it. Rewrite the
end of the act in your own way. Do
your best to emulate Shakespeare’s
Tweets, Texts, and IM’s Oh My!
Take a conversation that characters in the
play are having and rewrite it in the form of
a 21st century conversation.
Make sure you format the conversation
after the technology you are using.
Ex: luvsromeo93: I can’t believe my dad
wont’ let me see him
Rest in Peace
Not all of our characters will die in the play
but eventually they will. Go into the future
and create a life for them past the play.
Make sure you write what the legacy of that
character will be.
Write a Theme Song
For every work of literature there are themes that
are threaded throughout the work. These themes
are often transformed into songs when the work of
literature is performed on film or on stage. This is
your chance to write a theme song for Julius Caesar.
Consider the themes of
Private vs. Public Self
Fate vs. Free Will
Power of Speech
Soundtrack to your life…
Well this isn’t a soundtrack to your life, but a
soundtrack to the act that you have chosen.
Make sure you choose an appropriate
number of songs (ask if you are curious).
Also provide the lyrics to the songs as well
as 2-3 sentences of where this would play
and why you chose that particular song.