Keynote Address PowerPoint - ADM Institute for the Prevention of

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Transcript Keynote Address PowerPoint - ADM Institute for the Prevention of

The ADM Institute for the Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Steve Sonka, KC Ting, Grace Kenney
University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA
Postharvest loss is the degradation in both quantity and quality of a food
product during the chain of interconnected activities from the time of
harvest to the delivery of food to the consumer (from farm to fork or from
crop to consumption).
Physical losses in traditional postharvest chain
Cutting, handling
Manual threshing
Sun drying
Open storage
Village milling
Small retailers
In SE Asia, physical losses range from 15-25%.
Quality losses range from 10-30% (loss in value)
Machine threshing
Combine harvesting
Mechanical drying
Sealed storage
Commercial milling
Physical losses in mechanized postharvest chain
Large retailers
Why Postharvest Loss Prevention?
Investment required to reduce postharvest loss could be modest
compared to the benefit
With technological advances, its conceivably more feasible and less
expensive to address
Arable land, water, energy is in limited supply – we need to focus on
preserving what is produced
Due to market liberalization, need careful public action to help the private
sector rather than crowd it out
The ADM Institute for the Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Organizational Developments in 2011
Fall, 2010
Initial conversations
Jan 19, 2011
Official announcement & celebration
Feb, 2011
Seed research efforts initiated
Mar – Jul, 2012 Visioning processes
Fall, 2011
RFP issued / $2.1 million in funding allocated
Throughout 2011 – Prospecting for collaborating entities
ADM Institute
Governance Structure
Steering Committee
Andrew Alleyne: Engineering
Peter Goldsmith: Ag Economics
Steve Mills: ADM
External Advisory Board
Robert Easter: University of Illinois, Chair
Usha Barwale-Zehr: Mahyco
Carlos Campabadal: Asociación Americana de
Udatta Palekar: Business
Ashok Gulati: Government of India
Steve Sonka: Institute Director
Hans Joehr: Nestle
KC Ting: Ag & Bio Engineering
Dirk Maier: Kansas State University
Kent Miller: John Deere
Steve Mills: ADM
Steve Sonka,
Project Managers
Arlene Mitchell: Gates Foundation
Daniel Queiroz :Universidade Federal de Viçosa
(Additional Individuals to be Identified)
Project Managers
Project Managers
Project Managers
The ADM Institute for the Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Vision Statement
The ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss
will serve as an international information and
technology hub for evaluating, creating and
disseminating economically viable technologies,
practices and systems that reduce post-harvest loss
in staple crops such as corn, wheat and oilseeds
(also rice and lentils).
Educational, R&D, and Outreach
Conduct transformational R&D activities that will lead to reduced postharvest loss through implementation of technology advancements and
improved supply chain and information systems
Establish strategic partnerships with ADM, government organizations and
key academic and NGO partners to build the network of global institutions
necessary to identify important research and implementation needs and to
enhance implementation of research results
Establish a post-harvest loss website to rapidly disseminate information
and accelerate the transformation of post harvest loss science into practices
and systems implemented throughout corn, wheat and oilseed supply chains
Develop courses to provide training on best practices and technologies
for minimizing post-harvest loss
Research Themes
Focus area
Brief Descriptions
Measurement & technology
Determining the extent of loss and creating specific
innovations that, if successful, can effectively
reduce post harvest loss.
Systems informatics
& analysis
Quantitative modeling to analyze specific settings
of interest, explicating including the relevant supply
chains and systems
Policy analysis
Analyzing effects of public and institutional
policies and evaluation of potential improvements
Education, training,
& information transfer
Implementing tools to enhance performance of
farmers and supply chain participants, providing
thought leadership at significant conferences,
sponsorship of events, and dissemination of
findings through electronic and other media.
The ADM Institute for the Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Funded Case Studies in India
Understanding Rice Postharvest Losses, Tamil Nadu
Marketplace Literacy Project
Baseline to Study the Value Chain of Maize in Rajasthan
Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP)
Mapping the Production System and the Supply Chain
Study the Crop Losses of Black Gram in Maharashtra & MP
A Study on Pigeon Pea Postharvest Loss in Maharashtra:
Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (Mahyco)
The ADM Institute for the Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Research Projects Recently Funded
Measurement, Documentation and Postharvest Processing for the
Prevention of Postharvest Losses of Soybeans and Corn
M.C. Danao, R.S. Gates, S.R. Eckhoff, M.R. Paulsen
• determine extent and cost of harvest losses
• measure the key influencing conditions during transport and
within storage
• develop a Computational Fluid Dynamics model
• develop alternate structures for on-farm storage
Education, Training and Information Transfer to Minimize Postharvest
Losses – Scientific Animations Without Borders
Barry Pittendrigh, Julia Bello-Bravo, Francisco Seufferheld, Madhu Viswanathan
• develop a platform for educational materials that can be used
to educate visual learners involved in the postharvest process
• produce educational materials that use highly detailed
animations with voice overlaid in local languages and dialects
Supply Chain Policy and Strategy Analysis for Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Kathy Bayliss, Dilip Chhajed, Mindy Mallory, Udatta Palekar
• measure how institutions affect the markets & participants and
the loss in crop quantity, quality and income
• develop the cause and effect relationship between policies and
postharvest losses
• develop tools for postharvest loss interventions and assess the
effectiveness of these solutions in India
• examine the effect of new infrastructure innovations and
availability of spot market prices
• develop a game-theoretic model to understand equilibrium
investment decisions
Appropriate Technology Development and System Integration for
Post-Harvest Loss Prevention
Ximing Cai, Imad Al-Qadi, Khaled El-Rayes, Youssef Hashahs, Praveen
Kumar, Wen-Tso Lui, Paramita Mondal, John Popovics, Junho Song, Dan
Work, Mary-Grace Danao, Steven Eckhoff
• assess appropriate technologies and system integration
focusing on near-farm storage facilities
• develop structural components in the supply chain
• design a resilient and reliable supply chain
• conduct sustainability assessment
• make recommendations of solutions for two case studies in
India and Brazil based on the technology development,
system design and assessment
Concurrent Science, Engineering, and Technology for the
Prevention of Postharvest Loss
Luis Rodriguez, Yogendra Shastri, Yanfeng Ouyang
• develop informatics, modeling, and decision support
computational platform for implementing Concurrent
Science, Engineering, and Technology (ConSEnt) concept
• build collaborative connections in India and Brazil for acquisition
of country specific data
• perform targeted modeling and analysis for the prevention of
postharvest loss
• implement a web-based decision support environment
The Nature of Small Landholder Agriculture in the Brazilian States of Sao
Paulo and Parana and Implication for Understanding Post-Harvest Loss
Mary Arends-Kuenning
• produce report on how postharvest loss affects smallholders in
the states of Sao Paulo and Parana, Brazil with the following key
• What grains the smallholders produce? To what extent do
acreage choices depend on the susceptibility of grains to
postharvest loss?
• What is the extent on postharvest loss? At what stage of the
supply chain does loss occur?
• Who bears the cost of postharvest loss?
• What are the transaction costs that prevent stakeholders
from investing in technology that reduces postharvest loss?
Managing Grain Losses in Continuous Cropping Systems of the
Tropics through On-Farm or Cooperative Storage
Peter Goldsmith and Altair Moura
• conduct economic research on grain loss under the increasingly
common high temperature, high humidity, and high rainfall
environments of tropical grain production
• discover additional impacts of distances and the lack of accessible
storage on postharvest loss in this climate
Strategic Partnership Explorations
Establish strategic partnerships with ADM, government organizations and key academic and
NGO partners to build the network of global institutions necessary to identify important
research and implementation needs and to enhance implementation of research results
• Digital Green
• Government of India Ministry of Agriculture
• Haryana Agricultural University
• Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals
• Mahyco Seed Co.
• Indian Consul in Chicago
• Associaçço dos Produtores de Soja do Estado de
Mato Grosso
• CENTREINAR -- University of Vicosa
• Embrapa
• Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” – Logistics
• Foundation Mato Grosso
• World Bank
• Food and Agriculture Organization
• International Rice Research
• Iowa State University
• Kansas State University
• Oklahoma State University
• Peace Corps
• Purdue University
• Union of African States
• University of California, Davis
The ADM Institute for the Prevention of
Postharvest Loss
Thank You