Discus Training for the HS Thrower

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Transcript Discus Training for the HS Thrower

Discus Training for the
HS Thrower
Tim Russell
University of South Dakota
Track & Field
Dynamic Stretches & Mobility
Warm-ups that are structured around
sport specific movement better prepare for
activity while preventing injury
 During all stretching breath easily while
Joint Rotations
Start Simple
– Fingers, Wrists, Elbows (flex, extend, rotate)
– Neck: lateral flexion (left ear-left shoulder,
etc. also clockwise, counter clockwise
– Shoulders (follow circular path both ways)
Get good Base Stretch
Partner Stretching
– Quads
– Hamstrings
– Chest
Hurdler Stretch
 Butterfly
 Back (knee over look backs)
Joint Rotations
Side Bends (trunk to side, push away from
 Trunk Twists (simulating wind in throw,
both ways)
 Hip Flexor Stretch
 Laying on Back, Dynamic Cross-over's
All Done Explosively!
High Knees
Butt-kicks (heal to butt, quad stretch)
Athletic Shuffle w/ arm swing (loosens
Carioca's (work on hard outside leg drive that
emulates hard right discus leg)
Walking Lunges, make sure torso also faces
which leg is moving. *may also use in workouts
with plate in weight room*
Throwing Principles
Speed, Angle, Height of Release
The goal of the thrower is to exert the forces of
the entire body over the greatest distance
possible, and for the longest period of time.
 Summation of forces (all movts contribute)
 general rule: there is more horizontal drive than
lift in the preliminary movements; in the delivery
there is more lift than drive. The athlete has to
master a balance between the two while
applying forces in the proper direction.
The Grip
 1st
half of discus in front of index finger
 The centrifugal force during the rotation
will keep the implement in your had *drive
this point in to younger throwers*
Stand throws
 Stand throws-with step in
 Wheels
 Modified-South African
 Full Throw
Stand Throws/Power Throws
No Reverse!!
 Beginning thrower: work on release of
disc, remember tighter the spin the farther
the implement will fly
Stand Throw with Step In
Similar to standing throw
 Right foot moves as body weight switches
to left foot.
 Stay on Right as long as possible, don’t
have athlete just switch, make them feel
the weight shift
PARAMOUNT! This is the part of throw
where the throw is made, creating velocity
to discus.
 Right foot @ 3 o’clock, shoulders facing
sector, weight on right
 Quick left step brings you into throw
 Key for athlete: “Set discus up on shelf,
and quick linear movement of left”
Modified South African
1/4th turn, (keep wide right), light step to
right foot
 Here athlete is in South African Position
 Drive/Sprint to Middle to attack power
Full Throw
Incorporate all sectional phases into one
seamless throw from front to back.
In Back of Ring
Thrower Must Be Comfortable!!!
 Relax
– Slow enough Coach? NO go slower in the
– Right Head- looking right, keeping focal point
to not lead with left shoulder or head
Back of Ring (Mac Wilkins,
Wolfgang Schmidt)
Middle of Ring
Most Important
 Ties whole throw together
 Keep right foot moving, never on heal
 Think- “Squash the bug”
 A slow choppy middle will ruin a great
 Keep Discus up reaching “High point”
Front of Ring
Big Chest
 Don’t pull off with left head shoulder
 Don’t break, keep right hip “popped up”
 Right hip and legs should lead thrower to
this position.
Key Points
– Slow to Fast, Long to short (oonnnne, two three)
Young throwers= One wind
Stay on Balls of Feet
Gradually Progress Thrower
– (Work from front to back, locking in positions)
Target Throwing
– (middle to left sector)
– (sprints, plyo’s, cone/hurdle drills, med ball)
– Great to develop quickness, mobility, power, coordination)
Quality Practice Vs. Quantity Practice
More Key points
Get off the left in back of ring
 Wide Right, to sprint (cut circle)
 Lead inside right leg
 Keep discus back
– Creates LONG pull
Casey Malone- Speed in back?
Thrower falling out left side of ring- (most
common)– throws go out to right
– Left arm/head pull, center of gravity not over
left and vertical axis tilted to 3 o'clock
– Work on balance on left, (360’s, 7’s) get feel
Throwing from “bucket”
– Over rotating, staying on left too long
– Keep right moving to keep from opening
Thanks… & Throw Far!