Transcript Lecture 1

ECOE 456/556: Algorithms and Computational Complexity

Lecture 1 Serdar Ta şıran


This Week’s Outline

   Introduction and basics    Fundamental concepts, formal definitions, pseudocode Motivation for studying algorithms Analyzing algorithms Growth of functions  Asymptotic notation Recurrence equations  Solving recurrences to compute asymptotic complexity ECOE 556,



      Al-gorithm: Named after the 9 th al Harezmi (not Al Gore) century Arab mathematician An algorithm: problem.

A tool for solving a well-specified computational Problem statement:   Inputs, outputs The desired input/output relationship Algorithm describes a specific computational procedure for producing the required output Example:   Sorting Input: A sequence of n numbers Output: A reordering of the sequence such that a’ 1  a’ 2  …  a’ n Given the input <6, 3, 1, 7>, the algorithm should produce <1, 3, 6, 7>  Called an instance of the problem ECOE 556,


When do we need algorithmic solutions?

    Almost every engineering application The Human Genome Project  Bioinformatics in general  The Internet   Routing algorithms Searching, indexing  E-commerce   Cryptography Authentication Scheduling, optimization of industrial processes Numerical algorithms  e.g. matrix multiplication, finite-element simulation ECOE 556,


When do we need non-trivial data structures?

  Almost any industrial strength software tool needs them Need to represent       Sets Relations Discrete functions Sequences Queues …  Have varied requirements for what kind of operations to perform on them.

    Insert, delete, lookup Next, previous Minimum, maximum … ECOE 556,


Why worry about efficiency?

 Hardware and memory are fast and cheap. Computing getting cheaper and cheaper.

  Intelligent manpower is expensive Why worry about efficient algorithms and data structures?

ECOE 556,

Why worry about algorithms and data structures?

7  Algorithms are as important a technology as other advanced technologies, such as   Hardware architecture Graphical user interfaces   Programming technologies Networks  A stupid approach uses up computing power faster than you might think. Examples:  Sorting a million numbers O(n 2 ) algorithm O(n lg n) algorithm 2n 2 instructions 50 n lg n instructions 10 9 inst/second 10 7 inst/second 2000 sec.

100 sec.

 Interactive graphics: Algorithms must terminate in 1/30 of a sec.

ECOE 556,


Movie: Sorting Algorithms


ECOE 556,

Computationally hard problems

9  Polynomial complexity:  Requires resources O(P(n)) for some polynomial   Exponential complexity Why divide this way?

  Most polynomial problems have low-degree polynomial complexity Any exponential is asymptotically bigger than any polynomial  Grey area in between   No known polynomial algorithm No proof that one doesn’t exist  Interesting class of problems: NP-complete problems   Come up very often in practical applications All computationally equivalent  If an efficient algorithm exists for one, all NP-complete problems are polynomially solvable ECOE 556,

Analyzing algorithms

 Is the algorithm correct ?

  Does it terminate on all inputs?

Does it produce the required output?  What amount of resources does the algorithm use up?

  Memory Communication bandwidth   Logic gates (if implemented in hardware), speed of logic circuit

Running time

 Machine model:   Single processor, random-access machine One instruction at a time, no concurrent processing  Memory access also counts as one instruction  Idealized, but adequate for characterizing general behavior of algorithms 10 ECOE 556,


Example: Insertion Sort

 Takes array A[1..n] containing a sequence of length n to be sorted  Sorts the array  in place Numbers rearranged inside A with at most a constant number of them stored outside.

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Correctness of


Correctness of

INSERTION-SORT    Loop invariant:  At the start of each iteration, the subarray A[1..j-1] contains the elements originally in A[1..j-1] but in sorted (increasing) order Prove initialization, maintenance, termination Invariant must imply interesting property about algorithm 16 ECOE 556,

Analyzing running time

 Depends on input size: How to quantify?

  Number of items in input Number of bits required to encode input  Running time = Number of primitive steps executed in computation  Each line of pseudocode takes constant time 17 ECOE 556,

Running time of INSERTION-SORT 18 ECOE 556,

Running-time of Insertion-Sort

19 ECOE 556,

Running time of INSERTION-SORT

 Depends on the input instance   Best case: Worst case:   We usually care about the worst and average case Why worst case?

    Upper bound May occur often. e.g. search, database look-up Average case often as bad as worst case  Many exceptions Don’t need to assume particular input probability distribution  Simplifying assumption:   We care about rate of growth of running time only.

Called “asymptotic complexity”.

20 ECOE 556,

Growth of functions: Asymptotic notation

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 Q 21  Examples:   1/6 n 2 – 7n = Q (n 2 ) n 3 = Q (n 2 ) ?

ECOE 556,

How to design algorithms?

  Many styles  We’ll see examples throughout the semester Insertion sort was an example of an “incremental algorithm”   Another common paradigm:  Example: Merge-sort Divide and conquer Steps    Divide into simpler/smaller subproblems Solve subproblems recursively Combine results of subproblems 22 ECOE 556,

Merge Sort

   Divide into two subsequences of half size Call yourself recursively on the halves Combine results  How do you prove MergeSort correct?

23 ECOE 556,


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ECOE 556,

Recurrence equation for

MERGE-SORT  Express T(n) in terms of subproblems and cost of division into subproblems.

T(n/2) O(n) 25 ECOE 556,

Recurrence equation for

MERGE-SORT  Express T(n) in terms of subproblems and cost of division into subproblems.

T(n/2) O(n) 26   T(n) = Q (n lg n) Insertion sort was Q (n 2 ) ECOE 556,

Solving recurrences

  The substitution method The recursion tree method   A graphical method for coming up with a good guess Guess needs to be verified using substitution method  The master method  Technicalities    Integer arguments. Floors, ceilings Boundary conditions: T(n) constant for some small enough n.

Powers of k 27 ECOE 556,

Substitution method

  Guess the form of the solution Use mathematical induction to verify correctness  Example:  T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n   Guess T(n) = O(n lg n) Prove that T(n)  cn lg n for appropriate choice of c using strong induction  How about T(n) = O(n)?

28 ECOE 556,

The recursion tree method:


The recursion tree method

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T(n) = 3 T(n/4) + cn

2 31 ECOE 556,

T(n) = 3 T(n/4) + cn

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