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Transcript 附件:上海地区基金行业“群星计划”

中国 上海
8:00– 8:15
8:15– 8:30
8:30– 9:15
Alex B. Over, 执行副总裁, Standish Mellon资产管理公司
Thomas Graf, 董事总经理,Standish Mellon资产管理公司
9:15– 9:30
9:30– 10:30
Jonathan H. Xiong 董事总经理, Mellon Capital公司
10:30– 10:45
10:45– 11:00
茶歇 (第一小组茶歇安排在环球19楼纽银基金大会议室)
11:00– 12:30
第一小组: 宏观讨论:量化宽松逐步退出,全球经济再平衡仍受考验
地点: 环球19楼纽银基金大会议室
主持:赵忆波 (纽银基金) Jonathan Xiong
- 原油及其他商品行业的走势
- 欧元区以及美国的经济前景展望
- 现阶段的量化宽松及其对美国经济乃至全球经济的影响
地点:环球会议中心 (配同传)
主持: 薛静 (纽银基金), Thomas GRAF
- 危机过后商业地产抵押证券和住宅按揭化抵押债券的相关性?
- 美联储停止购买房产抵押证券对房地产市场和商业地产抵押证券的影响
- 人民币增值以及全球通胀环境下对哪些行业带来最大的机会或冲击
July 15,2011 – Shanghai, China
8:00– 8:15 Registration
8:15– 8:30 Opening Ceremony
Host: Geng TAO, Head of Fund Supervision Division, CSRC Shanghai Regulatory Bureau
Keynote Speaker: Kang HAN, Deputy Director-General, CSRC Shanghai Regulatory Bureau
Bin HU, CEO of BNY Mellon Western Fund Management Company
Opening Ceremony: Kang HAN
Bin HU
Ming CHEN, Chairman of Shanghai Asset Management Association
Alex OVER, Executive Vice President, Standish Mellon
8:30– 9:15
Total Emerging Markets: A New Investment Approach
Alex B. OVER, Executive Vice President, Standish Mellon
Commercial Real Estate Debt Opportunities
Thomas GRAF, Managing Director, Standish Mellon
9:15– 9:30 Q & A
9:30– 10:30
Asset Allocation: capital vs. risk & strategic vs. tactical
Jonathan H. XIONG, Managing Director, Mellon Capital
10:30– 10:45 Q & A
10:45– 11:00 Coffee Break (Coffee break for Panel 1 is set at BNY Mellon Western FMC office)
11:00– 12:30 Panel Discussion
Panel 1:Global economic outlook after QE2.
Venue: SWFC Fl 19, Conference room of BNYM Western FMC
Host: Yibo ZHAO (BNYM Western FMC), Jonathan XIONG
- future trends of oil and other commodities.
- economic outlook of Eurozone and the United States
- current stage of QE and impact on the US economy and the world.
Panel 2 : Discussion over those HOT sectors that would lead the rise in H2, 2011
(Real estate, Consumption, etc)
Venue:301-302, Conference center/ increasing sectors
Host: David XUE (BNYM Western FMC), Thomas GRAF
- What’s the correlation of RMBS and CMBS after the crisis?
- How much will the cease of FED purchasing MBS impact on real estate
market in general and on CMBS particularly ?
- How would RMB appreciation benefit some sectors
- How would the global inflation affect some sectors, both positively and negatively
Alex B. Over
Standish Mellon资产管理公司
服务事宜,直接与纽约梅隆银行全球的各大分销商合作。 Alex在2004年加入Standish
之前,在Pareto Partners担任高级副总裁,自1997年以来负责Pareto欧洲和中东客户
的市场营销和客户服务。在加入Pareto Partners之前,他在位于伦敦的Bankers Trust
UK Securities Institute的会员,并拥有伦敦城市大学会计学学位。
Alex B. Over
Executive Vice President
Standish Mellon
Alex is Managing Director of Sales, Marketing and Client Service. Alex is
responsible for all aspects of business development, marketing and client
service; working directly with various BNY Mellon distributors globally.
Alex joined Standish in 2004 from Pareto Partners where he held the
position of Senior Vice President, Marketing and Client Service for Pareto's
Europe and Middle East clients since 1997. Prior to joining Pareto Partners,
he was Vice President and Head of Product Management at Bankers Trust
Company in London for five years.
Alex has over 20 years of experience in financial markets. He is a Fellow
of the UK Securities Institute and holds a Diploma in Accountancy from
London Metropolitan University
Thomas Graf
Standish Mellon资产管理公司
入Standish,之前曾在Gulf Stream Structured Advisors就职,任高级基金经理和公司
Thomas Graf
Managing Director
Standish Mellon
Tom is Managing Director of Structured Products and Senior Portfolio Manager
responsible for overseeing Standish's Structured Finance portfolios,
including residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed
securities, and asset-backed securities. In addition, he heads Standish's
Global Workout Solutions business, which provides advisory services to
clients holding distressed fixed income assets.
He joined Standish in 2008 from Gulf Stream Structured Advisors, where he was
the Senior Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer.
Prior to that, he was a Senior Portfolio Manager of Structured Products at
Wachovia Corporation, and an accountant at both KPMG and Price Waterhouse.
Tom has a B.S. from the University of Akron, is a Certified Public Accountant
and has 22 years of investment and finance experience.
Jonathan H. Xiong
Mellon Capital
Jonathan作为Mellon Capital的董事总经理,负责把握资产配置策略,并根据客户的需
Jonathan H. Xiong
Managing Director
Mellon Capital
Jonathan is Managing Director of Mellon Capital. He is responsible for
articulating asset allocation strategies to clients/prospects and working
with clients/prospects to fashion practical viable investment solutions to
meet their needs by leveraging wide range of investment strategies and
expertise at Mellon Capital. In addition, he is involved in the refinement
and implementation of current strategies and the development of new
strategies providing asset allocation knowledge, expertise and experience to
the investment process. Previously he was a senior portfolio manager in the
global asset allocation team responsible for overseeing various long/short
and long only tactical asset allocation strategies
Prior to joining Mellon Capital, he performed portfolio and security analysis
for an investment management firm specializing in Taft-Hartley Pension assets.
He has 14 years investment experience and 11 years work experience in Mellon
Capital. He has a M.F from Chicago University and is also a member of CFA