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Test Automation Tools: QF-Test and Selenium by P. Kratzer / P.Sivera

Software Engineer ESO

Introduction to QF-Test

• QF-Test is a GUI test tool for Java and web apps developed by German company Quality First Software GmbH (QFS) • Vendor web site: • QF-Test pages:

• Feature checklist:

Introductions & Demos

• Demo screenshots:

• Demo video (length 8:40 min):

• Standard QF-Test library:

Typical workflow to create tests with QF-Test • Create new test suite • Define application (SUT) startup • Run SUT (system under test) in QF-Test • In recording mode: perform manual actions (includes component recognition) • Check, adapt, parameterize recognized components (menus, windows, buttons, …) • Use recorded actions as basis for new procedure(s), parameterize, … • Define new test case, specify dependencies and call required procedures

ALMA-OT Test Implementation

Test Procedures

Test Procedure Detail

Test Documentation

Package Documentation

Short Demo

• Video to show a test set while it runs • fTest/OtAndQfTestVideoHigherVolumeImp roved.html

Test Results (Report)

Test Results (Run-Log)

Developers support

• Intervention on the code: – call during the initialization phase to the method setName() for


GUI-elements – event on a thread other than the AWT event dispatch thread (COMP-5141 and COMP 2905) (see _thread) • when important changes in the GUI are planned and are being developed. The sooner we are informed, the better.


• GUI test & QF-Test experience required • Adaptations to client changes • Component recognition issues, threads handling (cooperation with developers) • QF-Test covers basic functionality but still requires a lot of manual work


• Once the manual work is done and the SUT is stable enough so that it does not require a lot of changes at every new release, the automated tests reveal to be very useful as regression tests. • They are configurable, therefore can be run in whatever environment with whatever db and user (provided QFTest licence is available)


• : Introduction, Documentation, Installation and Download, Tutorials… • Example of a demo: – • Products: – Selenium IDE – Selenium RC – Selenium 2.0 – ...

Selenium IDE

• Add-On for Firefox • Record and Replay Tool • Access to Selenium commands • Save test cases in Selenese or many other programming languages

Selenium RC

• Selenium RC components are: – The Selenium Server which launches and kills browsers, interprets and runs the Selenese commands passed from the test program, and acts as an

HTTP proxy

, intercepting and verifying HTTP messages passed between the browser and the AUT.

– Client libraries which provide the interface between each programming language and the Selenium RC Server.

Selenium and Zk

• ZK Web Applications can be a challenge with Selenium because ZK dynamically generates element IDs • Workaround: not fully satisfactory • QFTest: just starting with support for Zk • Other products: Sahi: – nal_Tests_With_Sahi