How to write a paper -

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How to write a paper
Oder: wie Ergebnisse
im Manuskript vermitteln?
Kriterien für ein Journal:
1. Welche Leser soll es erreichen
Psychologie / Kliniker / Neurophysiologen / Physiker?
2. Entscheidendes Kriterium: Impact Faktor:
aktuelle Version 2008:
-exakte Darstellung des Wesentlichen
-Spannend? Ja, ....
-aber: nicht zu viel versprechen!
-knapp - kurz - prägnant
Titel aus HGW:
Role of Distorted Body Image for Pain
Non-effective increase of fMRI-activation for motor performance
in elder individuals
The functional connectivity between amygdala and extrastriate
visual cortex activity during emotional picture processing
depends on stimulus novelty
Comparison of a 32-channel with a 12-channel head coil:
are there relevant improvements for functional imaging?
Der Erstautor ist derjenige der die experimentelle Arbeit ausführt
Der Senior Autor ist derjenige der den Erstautor anleitet,
das Projekt betreut und meist das Konzept (Ethik, Finanzierung)
geschrieben hat
Das Paper wird vor allem vom ersten
und letzten Autor verfasst; Zweitautor oftmals involviert
Alle in der Mitte sollten etwas zur Arbeit beigetragen haben;
zB bei der Messung/ Auswertung geholfen haben
oder wesentliche Ideen für die Ausrichtung,
Statistik oder anderes eingebracht haben
Wer braucht was?
Der Doktorand braucht 3 (Psychologie) oder 1 (Medizin)
Die Physikerin /Informatiker braucht eigene Papers und
Mitautorenschaften bei methodischen Beiträgen
Der Habilitierende braucht 10 Erstveröffentlichungen und
5 Co-Autorplätze
Der Prof. braucht sein Institut als ausführendes Lab
in den affiliations und Erst- und Letztautorenplätze (LOM)
Suboptim al cerebral com pensation
for decrea
sed motor perform ance in elder individuals
Loibl M.1, Beutling W.1, Kaza E.1, Lotze M.1
Functional Imaging Unit, Center for Diagnostic Radiology and Neuroradiology,
University of Greifswald, Germany
Hinweise für die Struktur:
manuscript information
- Struktur sehr unterschiedlich zwischen den Zeitschriften
- bestimmt deutlich die Verfassung eines Artikels;
=> zuerst einmal Journal aussuchen und Struktur ansehen!
Number of pages: 23; Figures: 4; Tables: 1; Suppl. Tables: 2
(pages: oft <20; Figures 1-3; Tables: 1)
Characters: title: 80; running tile: 29 (<75; <30)
Number of References: 45 (<50)
Words in the Abstract: 194 (<250)
Words in the Text: 4203 (<5000);
Intro: manchmal <500 (J Neurosci)
3 Satz-Abstracts zB Nature Neuroscience
100 Worte (selten)
ca 200 Worte (gebräuchlich)
Beispiel für kurze Fasssung:
To investigate the neural substrates underlying emotional feelings in
the absence of a conscious stimulus percept, fMRI images were
acquired from nine cortically blind patients while a visual stimulus was
presented in their blind field before and after it had been paired with an
aversive event. After pairing, self-reported negative emotional valence
and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses in
somatosensory association areas were enhanced. Somatosensory
activity predicted highly corresponding reported feelings and startle
reflex amplitudes across subjects. Our data provide direct evidence
that cortical activity representing physical emotional states governs
emotional feelings.
-warum Studie gemacht
- kurze Methode
- Hauptergebnis
-Diskussion Ergebnis
To investigate the neural substrates
underlying emotional feelings in the
absence of a conscious stimulus percept,
fMRI images were acquired from nine
cortically blind patients while a visual
stimulus was presented in their blind field
before and after it had been paired with an
aversive event. After pairing, self-reported
negative emotional valence and blood
oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses
in somatosensory association areas were
enhanced. Somatosensory activity
predicted highly corresponding reported
feelings and startle reflex amplitudes
across subjects. Our data provide direct
evidence that cortical activity representing
physical emotional states governs
emotional feelings.
warum Studie gemacht
kurze Methode
- sollten nicht bereits im Titel sein
- helfen beim Auffinden des Papers
- manchmal vorgeschrieben - dh aus
vorgegebenen aussuchen
neuerdings auch Highlights (50 Wörter; 3 Sätze; Neuroimage):
Metastudy over 53 fMRI-studies investigating the cerebral representation of pain
Differences between experimentally induced (n=36) and neuropathic pain (n=17)
Experimentally induced pain was compared between thermal (n=18) and non-thermal
Neuropathic pain showed increased left S2, ACC, and right anterior insula activation
S1 was only involved during non-thermal experimentally induced pain
- knappe Hinführung zu der
Untersuchung (ca 600-800 Wörter)
- nur wesentiche Vorbefunde listen
- eher erschienene Papers
-Hypothese entwickeln
- bei kurzen Papers vieles in
Supplements und nur das
wesentliche in Haupttext
- Typische Unterteilung: Subjects
(inklusive Ethik), performance
testing, fMRI-measurements, fMRIevaluation
-Statistik: Hypothesen testen!
Figure 1
Figures zu Methode:
Conditions per run:
20 s
60 s
20 s
60 s
20 s
60 s
Creative Writing
140 s
20 s
20 s
0 min
7 min
Creative Writing
Printed beginning
of a story....
Space for
continuing the
24 age-matched healthy controls (HC; 10 males/14 females: mean age =
59.5 ア 16.0 y; range: 28-67 y; all strongly right-handed: score = 98.4 ア
5.0) without history of neurological or psychiatric disease participated in
the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and the fMRI investigations only.
Participants in both groups provided written informed consent to the
experiment, which was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
Medical Faculty of the University of Greifswald.
All tasks were trained outside of the scanner to ensure proper
performance. During scanning participants were supine and
wearing hearing protection. Both patients (using the affected
hand) and HC (using the right dominant hand) performed fist
clenching around a rubber ball. One movement frequency was
paced at 1 Hz via metronome. The other was performed at the
participant’s maximal frequency. Performance frequency was
counted in four blocks and averaged over time during scanning.
Performance amplitude was monitored online by a pressure
detector connected to an electro-optical biosignal-recorder
(Varioport-b, Becker Meditec, Karlsruhe, Germany). The signals
were recorded and stored for further offline analysis using
PhysioMeter software. Force was adjusted to about 30% of
maximal force by visual training with the pressure device prior to
measurement. In a separate task, passive wrist flexion-extension
were elicited by a nonmagnetic torque motor at 1 Hz to assess
possible differences in representation maps without any
voluntary movement or effort contribution. All conditions were
randomized with respect to their order. These signals were
presented via a video-projection controlled by the presentation
software (Neurobehavioral Systems, Albany, USA) and triggered
by the scanner.
Data acquisition:
Data were acquired at a 3T Siemens Magnetom Verio (Siemens,
Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-channel head coil. For each block A and
B, 275 two-dimensional echo-planar images (EPI) were measured with
repetition time TR = 2000 ms, echo time TE = 30 ms, flip angle α = 90
degrees and field-of-view (FOV) 192 x 192 mm2. Each volume
consisted of 34 slices with a voxel size of 3 x 3 x 3 mm3 and 1mm gap
between them. The first 2 dummy volumes in each session were
discarded to allow for T1 equilibration effect. Thirty-four phase and
magnitude images were acquired in the same FOV by a gradient echo
(GRE) sequence with TR = 488 ms, TE(1) = 4.92 ms, TE(2) = 7.38 ms
and α = 60 degrees to calculate a field map aiming at correcting
geometric distortions in the EPI images. An anatomical T1-weighted
three-dimensional Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo
(MPRAGE) image was acquired for each subject. The total number of
sagittal anatomical slices amounted to 176 (TR = 1900ms, TE = 2.52
ms, α = 90 degrees, voxel size = 1 x 1 x 1 mm3).
Data evaluation 1:
Data were analyzed using SPM5 (Wellcome Department of Cognitive
Neuroscience, London, UK) running on Matlab version 7.4. (MathWorks
Inc; Natick, MA, USA). Unwarping of geometrically distorted EPIs was
performed in the phase encoding direction using the FieldMap Toolbox
available for SPM5. Each individual scan was realigned to the first scan
to correct for movement artifacts. EPIs were coregistered to the T1weighted anatomical image. For normalization the coregistered T1-image
was segmented, normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)
template and EPIs were resliced at 3x3x3 mm3. The resulting images
were smoothed with a 9 x 9 x 9mm3 (full-width at half maximum
(FWHM)) Gaussian Kernel filter to increase the signal-to-noise-ratio. A
temporal high-pass filter (128s) was applied to remove slow signal drifts.
Movement parameters estimated during realignment procedure were
introduced as covariates into the model to control for variance due to
head displacements.
Data evaluation 2:
Individual statistical maps (fixed effect) of the main (‘brainstorming’,
‘creative writing’) and control conditions (‘reading’, ‘copying’) were
evaluated for each subject using the general linear model. Corresponding
contrast images of each subject were then entered into a second level
random effect analysis at the second level, which accounts for the
variance between subjects. One-sample t-tests were performed to assign
for significant activations per condition. A correlation analysis of verbal
creativity indices with imaging data was accomplished by calculating a
simple regression. Spatial assignment of significant brain areas was
conducted with the SPM Anatomy Toolbox Version 1.6 and – if regions
were not defined by ANATOMY by using anatomical masks from
Automated Anatomical Labeling (AAL) software . Brain activations
were superimposed on the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) render
brain and on the T1-weighted Collin’s-single-subject brain. We reported
significant brain activations with intensity threshold of p < 0.001;
uncorrected and an extent voxel size threshold of 10 contiguous voxels
for main effects and 5 contiguous voxels for comparison and correlation
Ergebnis A:
Behavioral Results:
Subjects rated the situation of writing in the scanner as acceptable
(Comfort of Writing: 6.4  2.3 credits) and the moment of silent idea
generation as helpful for creative story writing (Usefulness of
Brainstorming: 7.2  2.3). Concentration during 'Brainstorming' and
‘Creative Writing’ was rated as moderately high (average 7.5  1.8) and
both texts affected the subjects emotionally only moderately (average 5.1
 2.3).
Ergebnis A:
Verhalten ist oft Figure 2:
Ergebnis B:
Anticipation of future punishment evoked activity in bilateral insula,
bilateral thalamus, bilateral supramarginal gyrus (assumed to be
consistent with SII), bilateral putamen and amygdala, right VLPFC,
bilateral inferior frontal gyrus pars triangularis and operciuularis and
bilateral temporo-parietal junction. The blood oxygen level dependent
(BOLD)-response within the medial cingulate cortex, bilateral secondary
somatosensory cortex (SII) and the bilateral anterior insula covaried
significantly with the intensity of the indicated aversive stimulus.
Dilemma: Haupteffekte berichten aber nicht seitenweise
Tabellen darstellen müssen
Verbal zusammenfassen und in Tab nur Interessantes zeigen
Tabelle 1:
Region / t-werte / Koordinaten evtl. p-Wert
Ergebnis C:
'Creative Writing' > 'Copying' revealed strongest activation in the
medial temporal pole (BA 38) bilaterally (with strong lateralization to the
right temporal pole). Further activations were located in the bilateral
posterior cingulate cortex (BA 31) and the bilateral hippocampus.
Interestingly, all regions showed lateralized activity to the right
hemisphere (see Table 3, see Fig. 3).
Table 3: Brain regions for the contrast 'Creative Writing > Copying'
Brodman area
t-value MNI-coordinates
right medial temporal pole
left temporal pole
right hippocampus
left hippocampus
right posterior cingulate cortex
left posterior cingulate cortex
Figure 3:
Hauptergebnis mit Figure unterstreichen!
Ergebnis D:
Correlation analysis of 'Creative Writing’ > 'Copying' with CI
Positive correlation of 'Creative Writing’ > 'Copying' with the
creativity index (CI) was found in the left Broca’s area (left IFG (pars
opercularis, BA 44/45), t-value=3.69; -51, 21, 27) (see Fig. 4), the left
middle frontal gyrus (BA 9, t-value=3.69 -51 18 27) and the left temporal
pole (BA 38, t-value=3.78; -54 0 -12).
Correlation analyses between the rating of the written texts (CAT results)
and the fMRI images (‘Brainstorming’ and 'Creative Writing’ <
'Copying') did not show any significant results.
Figure 4:
'Creative Writing>Copying' with Creativity
BOLD-magnitude (beta)
in (-51,21,27)
r = 0.59
Creativity Index
Figure 4 oftmals Korrelation zwischen BOLD und Leistung,
oder ratings oder andren neurophys. Parametern
This is the first imaging study that has induced reactive aggression in a
social interactive setting by using a modified Taylor (Taylor, 1967)
aggression paradigm. In the ventral mPFC activation was stronger in
subjects who less callous pointing to the association with empathy. In
contrast, the activation of the dorsal mPFC, correlating with revenge
intensity, seemed to be related to cognitive operations during conflicting
decisions. Furthermore, the present study confirms findings, reporting
that activity in the ventral mPFC correlates with autonomic responses
(Damasio, 1996).
zunächst Wertigkeit der Studie und wichtigstes Ergebnis
in 1-2 Sätzen zusammenfassen
The critical condition in this study was the retaliation condition when the
subjects were asked to select the intensity of the stimulus to be applied to
their opponent. During this condition areas related to the visually guided
motor response but also associated with social interactive processing
(Frith & Frith, 1999) were active (STS, right temporal pole, and dorsal
mPFC). We were especially interested in areas correlating with the
intensity of the applied retaliation stimulus. These might be related to
increasingly conflicting behavior in high provocative situations.
Wichtigste Ergebnisse Punkt für Punkt im Kontext zu
anderen Papers und in den bisherigen Stand einbetten
Was lief nicht optimal oder sollte besser kontrolliert werden?
Oft erst durch die Gutachter vorgegeben....
In conclusion, this study points to differential function of the
medial prefrontal cortex: whereas the dorsal mPFC represents
operations related to conflict management and response selection
in aggression-provoking situations, the ventral mPFC might be
involved in affective processes associated with compassion to the
suffering opponent.
In ein bis zwei Sätzen die wesentlichen Ergebnisse
nochmals am Schluss zusammenfassen
Evtl noch Ausblick:
It seems both challenging and promising to extent this study on
reactive aggression to criminal psychopaths - a group of persons
who show abnormalities in the processing of emotional pictures
(Muller et al., 2003) and conditional learning (Veit et al, 2002,
Birbaumer et al., 2005). In these patients we would expect a
deficit of the ventral mPFC activation, mirroring the known
deficit in anticipation of the opponents suffering (Rilling et al.,
2002), without a substantial change in the dorsal mPFC. Given
that psychophysiological responses are one important constituent
of emotions, biofeedback training in these patients might enhance
empathic feelings by increasing their bodily response.
We want to thank Dr. Susanne Leiberg for correction of the manuscript
and Professor Tracy Trevorrov for help with the English editing. This
study was supported by the DFG, SFB 437; F1.
Hier stehen MTAs
Fördernde Institutionen
Alle die Korrektur gelesen haben und nicht drauf sind
References und Legends:
je nach Journal
Tabellen meist hinter References
Figure legends am Ende des Haupttextes
Figures meist extra (meist jpg in akzeptabler Auflösung)
Supplementary Files
letter to Editor:
The enclosed manuscript “Reactive aggression induced in a social
interactive fMRI-experiment;
evidence for different roles of the ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal
cortex“ by Lotze, M., Veit, R., Anders S. and Birbaumer N. is the first
study which provokes aggressive behavior in a social interactive task
during functional imaging. Our findings have important consequences
for the understanding of reactive aggression and may therefore be
relevant for the readers of Cerebral Cortex.
We would like to suggest the following reviewers:
schreibt meist der Senior
...und dann viel Glück und Ausdauer um das
Paper durchzubekommen.
5 Versuche mit
jeweils 1-2
Gutachterdurchgängen sind
wenn man mehr
als 5 Punkte will