Signs of the Second Coming of Christ

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Transcript Signs of the Second Coming of Christ

Signs of the Second
Coming of Christ
Prophecies Made By Our
Lord Jesus Christ
Theme Text:
Matthew Chapter 24
Milky White Way
C. 2000
Jesus’ Disciples Asks Him a
• Matthew 24:3
• “..what shall be the
sign of your coming,
and of the end of the
• Jesus’ second coming
will usher in THE
We Must Study Jesus’ Words and
Keep Our Hope Constant
• The Lord himself has told us
what to look for as the signs
of His coming - they are
recorded in the bible for us.
We must study them diligently
and look out for them; the key
is to be prepared to meet &
go home with Him at all
times. It is all about a
2 Timothy 2:15
1. There Will be Many False
Christ’s (v. 5)
• v. 4: “Take heed that
no man deceive you ,
• v. 5: “For many shall
come in my name,
saying, I am Christ;
and shall deceive
2. Wars and Rumors of Wars v. 6
WW 1: 1914 - 1918
WW 2: 1939 - 1945
Vietnam War: 1954 - 1975
• v. 6: “And ye shall hear
of wars and rumors of
wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these
things must come to
pass, but the end is not
yet.” v. 7: “For nation
shall rise against nation
and kingdom against
3. There Shall be Famines (v. 7)
• v. 7: “…and there
shall be famines…”
Many have starved to death in
Ethiopia, and other countries
as a result of famines….
4. “…and there shall be …pestilences…” (v. 7)
• In recent years and
throughout history,
many have died
because of plagues - in
fulfillment of this
Example: The BUBONIC
5. “…and earthquakes…” (v. 7)
• v. 7: “…and
earthquakes, in divers
• There has been many,
many earthquakes all
over the globe.
• The three signs appear
together in the same
verse - they sometimes
occur together or are
6. Those who Follow Jesus Will be Persecuted
(verse 9)
• v. 9: “Then shall they
deliver you up to be
afflicted and shall kill you:
and you shall be hated of all
nations for my name’s
• 2 Tim. 3:12: “Yea, and all
that will live godly in Christ
Jesus shall suffer
Poor Wayfaring Stranger
7. False Prophets (v. 11)
• v. 11: And many false
prophets shall rise, and
shall deceive many.”
John the
Baptist was a
prophet - the
forerunner of
Jesus Christ.
8. The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold (verses 12, 13)
• v. 12:
• “And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of
many shall wax cold.”
• v. 13:
• “But he that shall endure
unto the end, the same
shall be saved.”
9. This Gospel of the Kingdom (v. 14)
• v. 14: “And this
gospel of the Kingdom
shall be preached in all
the world for a witness
to all nations; and then
shall the end come.”
The Three Angels’
14: 6 - 12
10. Jerusalem Will be Destroyed
(verses 15 - 20).
• Jesus predicted that the
temple in Jerusalem would
be destroyed… and it was!
• verses 1 & 2:
• “…and His disciples
came unto Him for to
shew Him the buildings
of the temple. And
Jesus said unto them …
verily I say unto you,
There shall not be left
here one stone upon
another, that shall not
be cast down.”
Jerusalem was destroyed
in A.D. 70
11. Great Tribulation
(verses 21, 22).
Early Writings, p.71
• “For then shall be great
tribulation such as was not
since the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor
ever shall be.”
• “And except those days
should be shortened, there
should no flesh be saved:
but for the elect’s sake
those days shall be
12. False Christs and Prophets / Impersonation
of Christ (verses 23 - 28).
Satan will impersonate
Jesus’ second coming!
• 23. “Then if any man
shall say unto you, Lo
here is Christ, or there;
believe it not. 24. For
there shall arise false
Christs, and false
prophets, and shall show
great signs and wonders;
insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall
deceive the very elect.”
Verses 25 - 27
• 25. “Behold I have told you before.
• 26. Wherefore if they shall say unto you,
Behold he is in the desert; go not forth:
behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe
it not.
• 27. For as the lightning cometh out of the
east, and shineth even unto the west; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
13. Dark Day; Stars Fell (v. 29)
• v. 29:
• “Immediately after the
tribulation of those days
shall the sun be darkened
and the moon shall not
give her light, and the
stars shall fall from
heaven, and the powers
of the heaven shall be
• shaken, …”
The Falling Stars: Nov. 13, 1833
The Dark Day - May 19, 1780
14. Jesus Will Come: (verses 30 - 36)
• v. 30 : “And then
shall appear the sign
of the Son of Man in
heaven: and then
shall all the tribes of
the earth mourn, and
they shall see the Son
of Man coming in the
clouds of heaven with
power and great
15. As the Days of Noe Were
(verses 37 - 39)
As Noah built the ark“life
went on as usual”.
• 37. But as the days of
Noe were, so shall also
the coming of the Son of
man be. 38. For as in the
days that were before the
flood they were eating
and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage,
until the day that Noe
entered into the ark.
• Verse 39:
• “And knew not until the flood came, and
took them all away; so shall also the coming
of the Son of man be.”
• Verse 42:
• “Watch therefore: for ye know not what
hour your Lord doth come.”
• Verse 44:
• “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an
hour as ye think not the Son of man
I Shall Wear A Crown