GTA Teaching Portfolio workshop (Tuesday

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Transcript GTA Teaching Portfolio workshop (Tuesday

Introduction to the graduate student teaching portfolio
2 December 2014
Introduction to Teaching Portfolios
• Facilitators:
• Dr. Cathy Bruce
• Director, Centre for
Teaching and Learning
• [email protected]
• @drcathybruce
• Bata Library Room 203
• 705-748-1011 Ex. 7500
• Robyne Hanley-Dafoe
• Educational Developer,
Centre for Teaching and
• Psychology Instructor
• [email protected]
• Bata Library Room 203
• 705-748-1011 Ex. 7240
• @trentuteaching
What is a Teaching Portfolio?
“It is a factual description of a professor’s teaching strengths and accomplishments. It includes documents and materials which
collectively suggest the scope and quality of a professor’s teaching performance. It is to teaching what lists of publications, grants,
and honours are to research and scholarship,” explains Seldin (1997, 2).
“More than a documentation, a portfolio is a mechanism that allows you to reflect on your own practice and to see how your practice
actually reflects your teaching beliefs” (Berrill 2003).
“A dossier provides you with the opportunity to describe what is different and special about your teaching, the innovations you have
made, and how you may have contributed to improving teaching in the university community at large” (Ridpath and Rodgers 1994, 4).
• Bear in mind that too much “stuff” can cloud the big picture that your dossier should strive to illustrate your teaching experience
and abilities.
• A clear structure and organization are highly recommended.
• As Professor Berrill (2003) reiterates, at the heart of the process is teacher reflection.
What ISN’T a Teaching Portfolio
• A collection of certificates
• A set of raw course evaluations
• Stand alone reference letters
• Cards from students
• Hot chili evaluations from Rate my Prof
Why develop a teaching portfolio?
• To promote reflection on our teaching through tangible representation of
• To identify strengths through self-appraisal of our professional practice
• To recognize the areas which are 'light,' where we do not have as much
evidence as we wish.
• To serve as a tangible artifact that can remind us at any time of the
excellence of our professional practice.
• For interviews and performance appraisal.
What Might You Include in a Teaching Portfolio?
Brainstorm a list of artefacts and ideas you could include in your
• Think and record one idea per sticky note
• Pair and discuss your lists
Sticky Sort
• Place each sticky where it might fit on the chart paper titles
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Evaluations
Course Planning
Educational Leadership
Awards and/or Innovations
Teaching Practice
Professional Development and Certifications
Mentoring Students
Contents of the Portfolio…
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Evaluations
Course Planning
Educational Leadership
Awards and/or Innovations
Teaching Practice
Professional Development and Certifications
Mentoring Students
Collection  Selection  Reflection
1. Collect up samples, certificates, photos, syllabi, planning
documents, products, references, artefacts from students,
evaluations …
2. Build a framework/flow for your documentation:
• Develop vision / teaching philosophy / goals
• Select evidence of putting this into practice
• Develop a method for summarizing documentation
3. Select the exact items for inclusion and organization of the portfolio
4. For each item, include a brief written reflection including WHY did
you select this item, and WHAT does it say about you as a teacher
Examples Portfolio and Sections
• Teaching Philosophy
• Goals
• Conceptual Framework
Using a Portfolio for Job Interviews
• Big vs. Little
• Project vs. Job
• Preparing an outline and supplementary package
• Leave the package with the committee/ interview panel
• Do not want to leave your portfolio behind
• guide your committee/ interview panel to what you want them to see
and explain why!
• What feels overwhelming?
• What questions do you have?
• Part 2 – what should we talk about?
Introduction to Universal Instructional Design (UID) at the University of
Guelph. University of Guelph Teaching Support Services.
Bowe, F. G. (2000) Universal Design in Education. CT: Bergin & Garvey.
Chichering, Arthur W., Gamson, Zelda F. (1991). Applying the seven
principles for good practice in undergraduate education. In New
directions for teaching and learning ; no. 47.
Samples of Teaching Portfolios
Douglas Stebila (Graduate student, University of Waterloo, 2008)
Excellent philosophy statement and good description of frequently used teaching methods
Laura Kerr (Faculty member, Queen’s University, 2007)
Very good Teaching Responsibilities, Teaching Innovations, and Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness
Andreas Glombitza (Faculty member, Universität Tübingen, 2012)
Excellent philosophy statement and Teaching Goals & Strategies section
Umer Noor (Faculty member, Humber College, 2012)
Excellent work sample section
Kyle James Matthews (Graduate student, Brown University, 2012)
Excellent philosophy statement, Experience, Training, and Effectiveness sections.
(retrieved from Western – Graduate program workshop)
Ticket out the Door
• What was most helpful today?
• What was new for you today?
• What was least helpful?
• Rate the session 1-5 (1 – boring and awful; 5 – insanely wonderful)
• Will you come to part two? Yes ?? No??