Introduction to EBM 2011-07 - Evidence-Based Medicine

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Transcript Introduction to EBM 2011-07 - Evidence-Based Medicine

Introduction to
Evidence-Based Medicine
Bill Cayley Jr MD MDiv
UW Health Augusta Family Medicine
1. Describe the use of evidence in making
medical decisions
2. Demonstrate searching for an evidencebased answer to a medical question
What is
Two fundamental questions…
• What is the purpose of medicine?
• How do I decide what to do?
You have to know where you’re going before
deciding how to get there…
What is the purpose of medicine?
• Patient care
• Public health
• Research
 Improving the quality of
patients’ lives…
What is evidence-based medicine?
Evidence based medicine is the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of current best
evidence in making decisions about the care of
individual patients.
Sackett, et al. BMJ 1996;312:71-72
What is “EBM” NOT?
• What we have always
• “Cookbook medicine”
• Only a cost-cutting trick
• Only randomized trials
Evidence based medicine IS…
 Tracking down the best
external evidence with which
to answer our clinical
EBM – a short history…
• JAMA 1992
“EBM: a new approach…”
• JAMA 1993 – 2000
“Users' Guides to the
Medical Literature”
• 1990s – 3 trends
– Systematic reviews
– Search engines
– Knowledge distillation
and “push” services
Classification of evidence
How do I decide what to do?
How do I make decisions?
• Dogma: “Natural is best”
• Tradition: “We’ve always done it that way”
• Convention: “Everyone does it this way”
• Evidence-Based: “Evidence supports this way”
How do I decide what to do?
 The answer from EBM…
“…use of current best
Evidence: systematic observation
Randomized Controlled Trial
Uncontrolled Trial
Case Series
Randomized Controlled Trial
Uncontrolled Trial
Case Series
More systematic observation ► better evidence
Integrating evidence & practice
What type of outcome measures?
• Surrogate markers of disease:
– Hb A1c, cholesterol, blood pressure
• Stage or extent of disease:
– Diabetic ulcers, angiographic CAD, stroke
• Patient-oriented outcomes:
– Mobility, suffering, longevity
– Morbidity and mortality
Patient or disease oriented?
• Disease-Oriented Outcomes.
– Intermediate, histopathologic, physiologic, or surrogate
– Examples: blood sugar, blood pressure, flow rate, coronary
plaque thickness
– May or may not reflect improvement in patient outcomes.
• Patient-Oriented Outcomes.
– Outcomes that matter to patients and help them live
longer or better lives
– Examples: including reduced morbidity, reduced mortality,
symptom improvement, improved quality of life, or lower
Which outcomes????
• Topical antibiotics for bacterial conjunctivitis may improve
early and late resolution rates, but nearly all cases ultimately
have complete remission.
• Br J Gen Pract. 55: 962-4.
• Digoxin for symptomatic heart failure provides no significant
difference in mortality but is associated with lower rates of
hospitalization and of clinical deterioration.
• J Card Fail. 10:155-64.
• Long-acting beta-2 agonists for asthma are effective in
reducing symptoms but may increase mortality or
• Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD006363.
When guidelines conflict…
Questions of evidence
• Were the clinical questions
• Were different studies
• Were the results analyzed
• Was the quality of evidence
assessed differently?
Questions of outcomes
• Did the effect estimates for
important outcomes differ?
• Did judgments about
evidence quality differ?
• Were health consequences
weighed differently?
• Were economic
consequences considered
Systems applications
Clinical Questions
• Background - “What is it?”
– General information on a condition or disease
• Foreground – “What do I do for this patient?”
– Patient
– Intervention/Investigation
– Comparison Intervention/Investigation
– Outcome (Patient-Oriented)
Clinical Questions - “PICO”
• In a 5 year old child with conjunctivitis (patient) will
topical antibiotics (intervention) compared to no
treatment (comparison) lead to quicker symptom relief
• In a 5 year old child with conjunctivitis (patient) will
topical antibiotics (intervention) compared to no
treatment (comparison) lead to improved cure rates
Finding Evidence-based Answers
• Trip Database (
• Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness
• DynaMed (
– *Subscription required.
• Essential Evidence Plus (
– *Subscription required.
• Cochrane Library (
– *Subscription for full access, abstracts free.
• FPIN (
– *Subscription required.
• Clinical Evidence (
– *Subscription required.
For further reading…
• Woolever DR. The art and science of clinical decision making. Fam Pract
Manag. 2008 May;15(5):31-6. PMID: 18546805
• Krumholz H, Lee T. Redefining Quality -- Implications of Recent Clinical
Trials. N Engl J Med 2008 358: 2537-2539
• Ebell MH. How to find answers to clinical questions. Am Fam Physician.
2009 Feb 15;79(4):293-6. PubMed PMID: 19235495.
In short…
 EBM is the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of
current best evidence in
making decisions about the
care of individual patients.
Patient-oriented evidence
preferable to
Stage of disease
preferable to
 Evidence
Systematic observation =
high-quality evidence
Surrogate markers