Transcript Document

A stable Sri Lanka and China’s rise in Asia:
Regional Security Concerns?
Prof & Sr. Col. XU HUI
Deputy Commandant
College of Defense Studies, NDU China
Q and A:
Question 1:
• Are there any concerns over a stable Sri Lanka?
• I believe the answer should and would be:
• NO!
Question 2:
• Are there any regional security concerns of China’s Rise?
• As a Chinese, my answer should be:
• Yes,
• But it is Not Necessary as far as I concerned!
Question 3:
What is the relationship btw A stable Sri Lanka and China’s Rise?
Flow of Presentation
Security Concerns of China’s Rise
 Concept of “Peaceful Rise of China”
China’s Rise and Regional Security
Sri Lanka-China Relations
 Security Concerns of China’s Rise
• The growth of China’s economy and its military strength have
been become a source of concern for some scholars, statesmen,
and media.
• Some argue that China’s gradual move towards great power
status and her increasing international influence have caused
anxiety in some countries to the extent that, “How to deal with a
rising China is the puzzle of the 21st century. “
• Not long ago, a certain “China Threat” theory appeared in
international politics, and after all theses years, the controversy is
still going on. Many predictions have been made about China……
 Concerns of China’s Rise
• But so far, none of them has ever materialized. China’s political
system still works, its economy is still growing, and no neighboring
country has been invaded by China.
• The Asia-Pacific region is still far from destabilized by an “aggressive”
China as imagined by some people. And, just opposite to those
• We have witnessed the historical Rise of Asia in the past 3 decades.
• Even though, Chinese government has taken the security concerns
seriously and spent a lot of effort to try to reassure the international
 Concept of “Peaceful Rise of China”
• Zheng Bijian’s Concept of Peaceful Rise
--Zheng Bijian, “China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’ to Great Power Status,” Foreign
Affairs 84, no. 5(September/October 2005):22.
• President Hu Jintao’s confirmation for the Concept and the
unprecedented open commitment for a Peaceful Development
Strategy by a rising power in human history
--Hu Jintao, “Build Toward a Harmonious World of Lasting Peace and
Common Prosperity,” speech at the United Nations Summit (New York,
September 15, 2006).
 Peaceful Rise of China: A Strategy or the
only Viable Choice of China?
• History can tell: Forceful Rise and Fall of Major Powers—all led to
War (hot or cold war)
• Reality today: Zero-sum game no longer works in a complex
interdependent world of globalization
• Theory can tell: Danger of “Self-fulfilling Prophecy” (If you target
any specific country as an enemy)
• Value of Confucius: Do not do to others if you would not like the
others do to you
• Deng Xiaoping’s Commitment: “China will never seek for
• What we should do: Transform the geopolitical rivalry into geoeconomic cooperation
 China’s Rise and Regional Security:
--Seeking Truth from the Facts in the past 3 decades
• “三邻”Policies:
for a friendly, secure, and co-prosperous
China’s contribution to regional development, stability, and peace
• Contribution to regional Development
Put economic development as the first priority (no 2 in GDP, lifted
500 millions of people out of poverty: Ni Chi Le Ma?)
Economic cooperation with all countries (50-60%*2)
Contribution to maintain economic and financial stability (97, 08)
 China’s Rise and Regional Security
--Seeking Truth from the Facts in the past 3 decades
• Contribution to regional Stability
Maintain stability within China (harmonious society building)
Constructive management of regional stability (persuasion
rather than coercion: Six-party talks )
Engagement in regional CBMs (ARF, EAS, Asean+, ADMM+, …)
5 Principle of peaceful coexistence and respect “Asean Way”
 China’s Rise and Regional Security
--Seeking Truth from the Facts in the past 3 decades
• Contribution to Regional Peace (1)
Following a defense policy of Active Defense: Chinese way of
(We are not going to attack unless we are attacked; we are certainly
to counter-attack if we were attacked —Chairman Mao)
Resolving Border Disputes through peaceful negotiation under the
principles of mutual understanding and accommodation (SCO)
Managing differences with major powers and avoiding confrontations
Engaging in peacekeeping and anti-piracy operations for maintaining
regional peace and security of the SLOCs
 China’s Rise and Regional Security
--Seeking Truth from the Facts in the past 3 decades
• Contribution to Regional Peace: (2)
• Shelving Disputes for Common Development
(Deng Xiaoping’s strategic vision for dealing with disputes)
Overall state-to-state relations should not become the prisoner of disputes
In macro sense: Strengthening cooperation and expand common interests
In micro sense: Joint exploration in disputed area while shelving the disputes
“Future generation will be more intelligent than our generation”
Asia-Pacific Region has been become one of the most peaceful, stable, and
prosperous region in the world due to Deng Xiaoping’s contribution and the
common efforts of our people in the region.
 Sri Lanka-China Relations-A Case Study
• Friendship and cooperation between Sri Lanka and China is not something
new. It started in culture exchanges 1700 years ago.
(Fa Xian: Records of the Buddhist Country; Admiral Zheng He; and the story
of a Sri Lanka Prince live in China; Colonised period, Bandaranayke-Zhou
Enlai; Rajaparkasa- Xi Jinping: Strategic Cooperative Partnership)
• We have so many things in common:
We share the same values of peaceful coexistence, opposing colonism,
hegemonism, and interference of internal affairs by a foreign country.
We cherish our independence, sovereignty, and territory integrity.
We can share experience in fighting the three evils of terrorism,
separatism, and extremism. (Lt. Gen R M D Ratnayake’s speech in NDU
China 2007)
We can learn from each other and share experiences on post-conflict
reconstruction, nation building, and national development with the
spirit of mutual respect, mutual trust, and mutual benefit.
 Concluding Remarks
As strategic and cooperative partners, Sri Lanka and China can
do and achieve much more together in terms of development,
diplomacy, and defense cooperation in the future according to
the UN Charter.
As one of the most successful conflict-affected country, Sri
Lanka has made great achievement and set-up a outstanding
model for other countries alike to learn in post-conflict
reconstruction and nation building efforts.
We could together take the opportunity of attending this
seminar, further examine and analyze the experiences and
lessons we can learn from here and share them with other
conflict-affected countries in the world.
 Concluding Remarks
Although Sri Lanka suffered greatly and missed a great
chance of the first wave of Asia’s Rise in the past 3 decades,
I wish and I believe, as long as the Sri Lanka government and
people could keep the momentum of comprehensive
approach of reconciliation, reconstruction and rebuilding of
your Mather Lanka, as witnessed in the past 4 years, we will
found another Singapore in this part of the world, Sri Lanka,
as one of the most prosperous international hub of
economic development in the foreseeable future.