Congratulations on your new Stake Young Women`s Calling!

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Transcript Congratulations on your new Stake Young Women`s Calling!

on your new
Stake Young Women’s Calling!
Vision of the
Young Women’s Auxiliary
• Help prepare each young woman to be
worthy to make and keep sacred
covenants and receive the ordinances
of the temple.
As a Stake Young Women’s
Leader you assist Ward Young
Women Leaders to assist
parents and priesthood leaders
to watch over and strengthen
young women ages 12 to 18
Help Each Young Woman:
• Understand her identity as a daughter of God
• Be worthy by obeying the commandments and
living the standards
• Recognize and act upon the prompting of the
• Prepare for her future roles as wife, mother,
homemaker, and leader.
• Keep her baptismal covenant and be worhty to
make and keep sacred temple covenants.
What are you
called to do
Prepare Spiritually
• Study the scriptures with young women
and young women leaders in mind.
• Pray, ponder, be worthy, attend the
temple, and listen for revelation
• Be strictly obedient to the commandments,
and exemplify the standards in behavior,
language, dress and so on.
• Rejoice in the privilege to serve
Participate in Councils
• Represent the needs of ward young
women leaders and young women leaders
to the stake council
• Offer observations, concerns, and
recommendations for consideration.
• Follow the direction of priesthood leaders
Serve as a resource to Ward Young Women
• Instruct and advise individual presidencies
as requested by the ward and directed by
the stake presidency
– Teach leaders how to identify and respond to
the needs of the young women
– Instruction could address how to improve
gospel teaching and learning
– Teach the doctrine and then allow them to
govern themselves.
Occasionally visit ward Young
Women meetings and activities to
give support and ensure that the
organization is functioning properly
• Coordinate these visits with the ward
Young Women’s Presidency
• Attend New Beginnings & Young Women
in Excellence when invited.
• Attend during Ward Conference
Sacrament Meeting & other church block meeting
Stake Young Women Presidency Meeting
Leadership Meeting
Stake Aaronic Priesthood-Young Women Committee
Stake Council
General Young Women’s Broadcast
General Leadership Meetings (Regional, SLC)
Orientation of new presidency if requested by ward
Stake Youth Council
Ward Conferences
Other meetings, as directed by Stake Presidency
Camp/Jr Leader
Early Morning Youth Devotionals
Ward New Beginnings and Young Women in Excellence
Resource Material that is available
to help you in your callings
• Scriptures
• General Conference Address
• Manuals and Handbooks
Guidebook for parents & leaders of youth
Young Women manuals and annual resource guide
Personal Progress
For the Strength of Youth pamphlet
Young Women Camp Manual & leader booklet
Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2
Church Magazines, True to the Faith, Preach My
– (
General Young Women’s Broadcast
Stake Activities
Youth Council
Pennies by the Inch
Regional Activities
Service Activities
• Submit a yearly budget to stake presidency to be
approved by October
• To be reimbursed fill out Reimbursement
Request or Expense Authorization Form and
attach all receipts and give to stake Financial
Clerk or Stake Presidency member
• Ensure that Stake Young Women finances are
used according to the current budget and
finance policies of the church
• Submit a yearly calendar of proposed
events to be approved by Stake
Presidency and high council by October
Young Womanhood Recognition
• You can get letter for the young women
and their leaders as they complete their
Young Womanhood Recognition
• Recognize them in a meeting
Advice we’d like to share
• Love the young women leaders you serve
• Pray for the young women leaders you
• Listen to your Priesthood leaders and
follow their counsel.
• Be Patient