Transcript Assessment

PGCE Secondary
School 2 Briefing
Peter Carr – Partnership Manager
Simon Spencer – Course Director
School 2 Dates
o 3x Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning 29th
o Half Term
o Monday 25th February – Friday 24th May
School 2 Dates
TP Forums (Trainees NOT in school):
o Friday 15th March 2013
o Thursday 28th March 2013 (½ day Tutorial)
o Tuesday 7th May 2013
Partners’ Handbook
o Reference points (please save as a “favourite”
on your web browser)
Partners’ Handbook Section B (please read)
o Just in case…
o Thursday phone call for Monday inspection
o Watching trainees (and NQTs) teaching,
checking files
o Interviews with Mentors in school
o Almost no time to prepare – please be flexible
and adaptable at a moment’s notice
Changes from last year…
o QTS Standards = Teachers’ Standards
o (see sheet: Standards and ‘Prompts’)
o QTS Profile = Professional Development Profile
o PDF = PDP Tasks
o QTS Grading = Formative feedback
o Grades 1-4 = The 4 Es (formative only)
Teachers’ Standards - activity
o Read the Part 2 Standards
o What evidence would demonstrate
appropriate Personal and Professional
…presented ‘hard copy’ evidence?
…observed in practice?
…attitudes and values?
o How might ephemeral evidence be captured?
School 2 Preparation
Sent in advance (please read):
o Trainee’s introductory information
o Trainee’s subject knowledge audit and action plan…
…what opportunities are there to develop subject
knowledge in School 2?
o School 1 Assessment & Evaluation Report…
 …establish targets to move the trainee forward
National Priorities for Education
o The national priorities which Ofsted have
embedded in their inspections include skills in
teaching early reading using systematic
synthetic phonics, communication and
language development, mathematics,
managing behaviour and discipline, and
meeting the needs of pupils with special
educational needs and those with English as
an additional language.
Taken from DfE website
BCU Priorities for School 2
o Assessment – breadth and depth
Formative assessment (AfL)
Summative assessment (A of L)
Generating and recording assessment data
Monitoring and tracking progress
Reporting and accountability
o AK3 / SK3 Assignment
AK3 / SK3 Assignment
o Assess 3 KS3 pupils of contrasting ability against
intended learning outcomes
o Pupils (+ “just-in-case”) from same teaching group
following same unit of work for 3 consecutive lessons
o Needs careful planning in advance!
o Trainees to discuss selection of pupils with mentors.
AK3 / SK3 Assignment
o Measure pupils’ learning against learning outcomes
o Measure pupils’ learning against National Curriculum
(+) level descriptors
o Attainment likely to be uneven depending on the
area of the subject
o Reflection on whole process
Directed Task (in addition)
o During the School 2 preliminary visits gather
information about how the school uses data
AK3 / SK3 and Sch 2 Link…
o Having demonstrated good practice in
assessment through this assignment, the
intention is that this good practice is applied to all
classes throughout the whole placement!
o Assessment of learning section of Lesson Plan
feeds into planning the next lesson
o Recording and Reporting
o Mentors to monitor this in school
BCU Priorities for School 2
o Personalisation and differentiation - meeting
the needs of individual pupils
Differentiate by task, resource, grouping, support,
Systematically address the learning needs of
Identify ways in which named individuals will be
supported in planning
Demonstrate this support in practice
Behaviour Management
School 1 Feedback
o During this school placement, the training provided
by my school included…
1. …the national priority: meeting the needs of pupils
with Special Educational Needs In some detail
2. …the national priority: meeting the needs of pupils
with English as an additional language Not at all
3. …the national priority of managing behaviour and
discipline In great detail
4. …the national priority of supporting early readers
(including an understanding of systematic synthetic
phonics) Not at all
National Priorities - activity
o See evaluation forms to be used by mentors
and trainees at the end of School 2
o What training does your school currently
provide explicitly in national priority areas?
o Is it accessible to trainee teachers?
o What developments might be necessary?
o How might changes be implemented?
School 2 Serial
o 6 serial days – tight schedule (Instrumental – 5
serial days – negotiate)
o Preparation for block placement
o Single trainee (mostly)
o Meeting the trainee’s individual needs and
Sch 1 A&E Report
Subject Knowledge Action Plan (sent)
School 2 Serial
o The “Planning Dialogue”
Start a.s.a.p.
Units of Work must be signed off – ideally
by week 3 (before half term)
o PDP Tasks
School 2 Block
Trainee’s timetable must include:
o 17 hours first subject
o (Instrumental Music - 10 hours over 3 days)
o Second subject (Science and D&T established)
o Tutor group
o Weekly review meeting (SM) (out of hours?)
o Whole School Issues meeting (PM)
School 2 Block
Trainee’s experience should also include:
o Extra curricular activities (limited)
o School/Dept meetings, CPD, training events
o Parents’ meetings, as available
o Observations in and out of department
o School policies and procedures in action
Post 16
o “Where School 2 is not able to offer post-16
experience in the specialist subject and
trainees have not already had experience of
this in School 1, arrangements will need to be
made with a local institution that is able to
offer this for the School 2 Block placement.”
(PHB pg B11)
o Equivalent of ½ day per week – 5 days
School 2 Block
o Week 1 – phase in teaching (if units are signed
off) (No unit, no teaching!)
o Week 2 – full teaching timetable (17 hours)
o Absence – phone school by 8.15am and SET
School 2 Procedures
Formative feedback
Weekly reviews
Professional Development Profiles (PDP)
Tutor Visit Checklist
 Mid-point review
 Internal school moderation
 Standards sign-off (PDP)
 Assessment and Evaluation report
o Hard copy or electronic (available on Partners’
Website – open TP Docs tab)
o Formal feedback to trainees
o Minimum 2 per week – aim for 1 per day
o Focus on Standard Prompts and priority areas
o Also provide feedback on any Standard that
features in the lesson and set targets
o Indicate where a selected Standard is not
appropriate in that observation (N/A)
Target Setting
o the setting of sharp developmental targets
to ensure that all trainees make progress to
fulfil their potential.
(Ofsted 2010)
o “Sharp”…where the expected outcome is
clearly expressed and understood and is
achievable within a reasonable time frame
Formative Feedback
o Use formative feedback descriptors to indicate
trainee’s attainment against specific Standard
Prompts on pink sheets (and PDP)
o (formative feedback descriptors available on
Partners’ website and in trainee’s PDP)
o Assessment for learning to help trainee:
Identify where they are now
What to do to get better
Know when improvement has been achieved
o Regular and frequent (daily)
Weekly Review
Start in week 1 (serial) to establish principles:
o Establish ground rules and open lines of
o Review of School 1 A&E Report & Subject Action Plan
o Establish routines / schedule for checking:
 Units and lesson plans
 Lesson evaluations
 Professional Development Profile (PDP)
o Encourage trainees to self reflect (through dialogue)
Weekly Review
o Usual, on-going pattern:
1. Reflect on previous week using pro forma
summary prepared by trainee and set next
week’s targets
2. Review PDP, discuss evidence and sign
formative feedback (see example)
3. AOB
Tutor Visits
o Tutor Visit Checklist
see example
Assessment of Trainees
o Key Questions
Will this trainee meet all of the Standards
What must this trainee do to meet the Standards
at the highest possible level?
o Mid-point review
Wednesday 27th March
Cause for Concern
Assessment of Trainees
o Internal moderation
 See example
 Completed any time after Easter
 Different mentor observes trainee teaching
 Discussion with SM
 Summary form completed
 Copies to trainee, SM, PM and Tutor
 Confirmed on, and enclosed with, A&E Report
Assessment of Trainees
o External Examiners’ visits (early May)
o Professional Development Profile (PDP)
See example
Final sign-off of Standards at foot of page
Final 2 weeks of placement only
Final 2 weeks focus on those Standards requiring
particular attention “…what do you need to get
better at?”
Assessment of Trainees
o Assessment and Evaluation Report
 End of Placement – summative
 Placement passed or failed?
 Must be in by Friday 24th May 2013
 8 Standards graded 1-4
 Part 2 Standard graded pass or fail
 See example
The tendency for mentors to withdraw in some
measure at the mid-year point, becoming more
distant and disengaged, suggests that these mentors
were acting, at least at some level, on the commonly
held assumption that learning to teach is ultimately a
solitary act… that teachers are really best served
when allowed to ‘find their own way’. These mentors’
aim… was to get the trainees up and running – to
secure proficiency in the mechanics of teaching –
independent of any assistance from the mentor as
soon as possible. Once this was achieved, the
mentor’s work was essentially finished. Both
assumptions severely and unnecessarily limit
beginning teachers’ and mentors’ development.
(based on Young et al 2005)
The tendency for mentors to withdraw in some
measure at the mid-year point, becoming more
distant and disengaged, suggests that these mentors
were acting, at least at some level, on the commonly
held assumption that learning to teach is ultimately a
solitary act… that teachers are really best served
when allowed to ‘find their own way’. These mentors’
aim… was to get the trainees up and running – to
secure proficiency in the mechanics of teaching –
independent of any assistance from the mentor as
soon as possible. Once this was achieved, the
mentor’s work was essentially finished. Both
assumptions severely and unnecessarily limit
beginning teachers’ and mentors’ development.
(based on Young et al 2005)
o Questions?