AASHTO Proposal of Performance Measures

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Transportation Planning
Association Meeting
February 19, 2013
Task Force on Performance Measures
Paul Degges–Chair TN
Bernie Arseneau–Vice Chair MN
Mal Kerley – VA
Judith Corley-Lay – NC
Grant Levi – SD
John Barton –TX
Rick Land – CA
Lynn Zanto – MT
Daniela Bremmer - WA
Tim Gatz – OK
Tim Hinkle – MN
Mark Van Port Fleet – MI
John Selmer- IA
Nile Easton-UT
Lori Richter –WI
Christopher Xenophontos-RI
Six Principles
There is a Difference
Specificity and Simplicity
Possession is 9/10ths of the Law
Reduce and Re-use
Ever Forward
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
• Number of Fatalities – Five year moving
average of the count of the number of
fatalities on all public roads for a calendar year
• Fatality Rate – Five year moving average of
the Number of Fatalities divided by the
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for a calendar
Safety Continued
• Number of Serious Injuries – Five-year
moving average of the count of the number of
serious injuries on all public roads for a
calendar year.
• Serious Injury Rate – Five-year moving
average of the Number of Serious Injuries
divided by the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
for a calendar year.
Safety Issues
• Lag in availability of the Fatal Accident
Reporting System (FARS) from NHTSA
• No uniform definition of serious injury
• Target setting and penalities
• Recognition of high performing state
• Low volume states like ND, WY, MT
• How is performance met with 4 factors
Pavement Condition
Interstate Pavement Condition in Good, Fair,
and Poor Condition based on the International
Roughness Index (IRI) – Percentage of 0.1 mile
segments of Interstate pavement mileage in
good, fair, and poor condition based on the
following criteria: good if IRI<95, fair if IRI is
between 95 and 170, and poor if IRI is greater
than 170.
Pavement Condition Continued
• Non-Interstate NHS Pavement in Good, Fair
and Poor condition based on International
Roughness Index (IRI) - Percentage of 0.1 mile
segments of Non-Interstate NHS pavement
mileage in good, fair, and poor condition
based on the following criteria: good if IRI<95,
fair if IRI is between 95 and 170, and poor if
IRI is greater than 170.
Pavement Condition Continued
• Pavement Structural Health Index –
Percentage of pavement which meet
minimum criteria for Pavement faulting,
rutting, and cracking.
Pavement Issues
IRI not uniformly defined.
Difference between functional class
IRI not a health index
Performance Penalty could lead to poor asset
• Percent of Deck Area on Structurally
Deficient Bridges – NHS bridge deck area on
structurally deficient bridges as a percentage
of the total NHS bridge deck area.
• NHS Bridges in Good, Fair, and Poor
Condition based on Deck Area – Percentage
of National Highway System bridges in good,
fair and poor condition, weighted by deck
Bridge Issues
• Move toward element level data coming
• Better opportunities for Good, Fair, Poor
Condition rating system
• Annual Hours of Truck Delay – Travel time
above the congestion threshold in units of
vehicle hours for Trucks on the Interstate
Highway System
• Truck Reliability Index (RI80) – The RI is defined
as the ratio of the total truck travel time
needed to ensure on-time arrival to the
agency-determined threshold travel time (e.g.,
observed travel time or preferred travel time.)
System Performance
• Annual Hours of Delay (ADH) – Travel time
above a congestion threshold (identified by
State DOT’s and MPO’s) in units of vehiclehours of delay on Interstate and NHS
• Reliability Index (RI80)- The Reliability Index is
defined as that ration of the 80th percentile
travel time to the agency-determined
threshold travel time.
Freight and System Performance Issues
• Implementation of and AHTD performance
measure is dependent on U.S. DOT providing
data to State DOT’s and MPO’s private sector
speed and vehicle miles traveled from HPMS
volume data and the respective analysis tools.
• Definition of corridors segments is key.
• Threshold setting is key
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
• Criteria Pollutant Emissions – Daily kilograms
of on-road, mobile source criteria air
pollutants (VOC, NOx, PM, CO) reduced by the
latest annual program of CMAQ projects.
• Annual Hours of Delay (ADH) – Travel time
above a congestion threshold (defined by
State DOT’s and MPO’s) in units of vehiclehours of delay reduced by the latest annual
program of CMAQ projects.
Next Steps
• FHWA to publish proposed measures in
Federal Register
• Come in Stages not all measures at once.
• AASHTO to Comment
• Individual States and MPO’s to comment
• Implementation still 2 years away.
Compete report
• Go to AASHTO Standing Committee on
Performance Management and click on
SCOPM Task Force Findings on National Level
Measures or the following link
• http://scopm.transportation.org/Documents/