Chris Yeomans

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Transcript Chris Yeomans

Internationalisation Conference
Dr Chris Yeomans, Head of Policy,
UK Higher Education International Unit
The EU, Bologna and
internationalisation – new
opportunities and challenges from
Dr Chris Yeomans
UK HE International Unit
The strategic turn
• 94% of institutions now have an
internationalisation strategy
• 75% with a European strategy have it
embedded in the international strategy
• Joint Outward Mobility Steering Group
• International Education Advisory Forum
Context: EU 2020 strategy
• The ‘Europe 2020’ strategy follows on from the Lisbon
Strategy (2000-2010) that set out to create “'the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy' in
the world
• 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D by 2020
• The share of early school leavers should be under 10%
and at least 40% of the population aged 30-34 should
have completed tertiary or equivalent education
The next generation of EU
HE and Research
New budgetary cycle: 2014-2020
Rationalising, simplifying, connecting
Focus on added value of European level
Europe in international context
Erasmus for All: More
money, less paperwork
• New European Commission programme
proposal to run from 2014-2020
• Unites the seven existing programmes for
education, youth, training and sport
• Proposed budget of €19 billion: an increase
of 70%
Erasmus for All:
Proposed changes
• Streamlined architecture supports three key
- Learning mobility
- Cooperation for innovation and good practices
- Support for policy reform
• 2/3 funding on mobility grants
• 5 million people to benefit between 2014-20
Erasmus for All:
• Erasmus activities: substantially
strengthened and expanded internationally
• Staff mobility: significantly strengthened
• International collaboration: consolidation
• Collaborative degrees
• Erasmus Master
Collaborative degrees on the rise
2007 IU survey:
• do you have the power to award?
• 47/80 institutions award a joint degree or
multiple/dual double degree
• 48 collab. programmes with UK partner; 78
with European partner; 48 with HEI outside
Collaborative degrees on the rise
• Most regularly cited problems/obstacles:
administrative burden; curriculum compatibility;
credit equivalency; conflicting quality assurance
expectations; legal issues
• Of those who do not offer a collaborative degree:
26% are in the process of establishing
• Erasmus for All will strengthen support for
collaborative programmes – EU and non-EU
Erasmus Master Student
Loan Guarantee Facility
• Too little full degree mobility – partly due to
limited nature of national support schemes.
• Support cannot be provided by another state
• Erasmus Master will offer chance for Masters
kevel students to access loans at favourable
• Tell us more......provided it does not impinge on
Member State autonomy
Innovative cooperation
• Strategic Partnerships
– Cross sector alliances between educational
establishments and youth organisations
– 23,000 partnerships
• Knowledge Alliances
– Large scale partnerships between HEIs and
– 400 alliances
And there’s more......
IT support platforms
Virtual mobility
Jean Monnet
Knowledge Alliances
HE capacity-building projects
Transnational traineeships
Vague – need more details
Too good to be true?
EU tools for valorisation: U-Multirank
Also keen to ensure that the international
element of Erasmus for All includes all
Value of EU research policy to UK
Research Income at UK higher education institutions, 2008/09
European Commission / EU
Government bodies
UK industry, commerce & public
UK central government/local
authorities, health & hospital
Other overseas
EU other
Other sources
MRC, 4%
NERC, 2%
UK-based charities
Research Councils
ESRC, 2%
AHRC, 1%
STFC, 2%
Other, 1%
UK HE Funding councils
Total (2008/09): £5,978 million
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) (2010): Finance Plus 2008/09
Horizon 2020: renewing the EU
research landscape
• 15% of the EU budget allocated for the current
Framework Programme has gone to UK
• Total contribution of FP7 to UK research
expected to reach €7 billion.
• Annually, FP7 contributes 5% of the UK’s
national science budget, which is equivalent to
the spending power of a medium-sized UK
research council.
Horizon 2020: renewing the EU
research landscape
• ‘Horizon 2020’ is the proposed new EU programme for
research and innovation.
• 2014 – 2020, total budget of €80 billion – a substantial
increase on the budget for FP7
• H2020 brings together all existing EU programmes for
research and innovation under single umbrella: FP7,
Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
(CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and
Technology (EIT).
• Innovation focus
Horizon 2020: Three key
• Excellent Science (€24.6 billion)
• 77% increase for ERC;
• Special attention to Future and Emerging Technologies (FETs);
• International co-operation encouraged
• Societal Concerns (€31. 7 billion) :
Health, demographic change and wellbeing;
Food security, sustainable agriculture and bio-economy;
Secure, clean and efficient energy;
Smart, green and integrated transport;
Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials;
Inclusive, innovative and secure societies.
• Industrial Leadership (€17.9 billion).
Horizon 2020: Broadly aligned
with UK HE sector interests
• Substantial budget increase for European Research
• Continuation of excellence as underlying principle for
allocation of EU research funding
• Single set of administrative rules for all components of
Horizon 2020.
• Extension of administrative model of the European
Research Council across Horizon 2020, allowing a 100%
reimbursement rate (direct eligible costs).
• Move towards a more trust based control strategy eg.
acceptance of the accounting practices of all participants
Remaining issues for the UK HE
• Increased role for the European Structural Funds in
capacity building and widening participation across
• Cost declaration through full costing will not be possible.
• Specific Grand Challenges identified by the Commission
under the ‘Societal Concern’ strand of Horizon 2020
• Balance of funding between innovation and research
Key Bologna Process
• Bachelor – Master – Doctoral cycles
(UK already uses this structure)
• Overarching Framework for Qualifications of the EHEA
(UK HE qualifications frameworks self-certified)
• European Standards and Guidelines for Quality
Assurance in the EHEA
(Quality Assurance Agency – QAA)
• European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
(Experience of using credit – NUCCATS, SCQF)
• Diploma Supplement
(New challenge – development of HEAR)
Bologna Process 2009-2012:
Leuven Communiqué
 Student mobility: in 2020, 20% of students graduating in the
European Higher Education Area should have had a study or training
period abroad
 Lifelong Learning: Ministers formally acknowledged learning
outcomes as the basis for recognition of formal and informal learning.
 ‘Multidimensional transparency tools’: BFUG to monitor
development of classifications/typologies and rankings of HEIs
 Expanding Bologna’s remit: to include additional policy areas
 International dimension enhanced in 2009
But what is interesting....
increasing implementation
• 79% HEIs currently use the Diploma
Supplement – 20% more than in 2007
• Of those who do not use the DS, 28% plan
to introduce it
• 61% use ECTS for credit transfer; 26% for
Bologna doesn’t stop at
• Enhances global attractiveness
• Deep integration - sits at heart of
internationalisation strategy
• Erasmus Mundus – worldwide since 2009
• Horizon 2020 – third countries
• Erasmus for All -
To finish with...good
news from the IU survey
• 294 one-year or 12-month Masters
Degrees currently offered – compared to 69
two-year Masters degree programmes
• Recognition of UK qualifications: 72% not
aware of any difficulties experienced by UK
Integrated Masters graduates, 80% not
aware of any difficulties experienced by
one-year full-time Masters graduates –
compares to 66% not aware of difficulties in
Internationalisation – does it make a
difference to the student experience? A
student and graduate perspective.
Kian Golzari, (MA Soc Sci 2010), Product Development
Manager, Highlander Outdoor Wear
Student Study Abroad Ambassadors,
Kate Goldie and Lynsey Wallace