outline - Concordia University

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Transcript outline - Concordia University

Course Outline
Vehicular Internal Combustion Engine
MECH 454 and MECH 6761
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Concordia University
Concordia University
Instructor: Dr. Hoi Dick Ng
Room: EV 004.229
Tel: (514) 848-2424 ext 3177
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-4:00 pm or by appointment
• Contain class lecture powerpoints & supplements
• Homework assignments and solutions
• Last minute announcements
Concordia University
Vehicular Internal Combustion engine  What is this course all about?
• not designed as a “nuts and bolts” design tutorial on IC engine or
teach you how to “tune” an engine for racing, etc.
• Reinforce thermo-fluids concepts and apply to engine analysis.
• Introduce students with the basic principles toward designing engines
to satisfy a given power, fuel economy, and emission limit requirement.
Fundamental concepts are heavily applied
Concordia University
Ref: Gill et al. (1959)
Engineering masterpiece – design involved many interdisciplinary subjects
Thermodynamics I and II (ENGR 241,MECH 351)
Strong background in:
• Thermodynamics: thorough understanding of different
thermodynamics properties/relationship and laws
of thermodynamics
• Basic fluid dynamics concepts (Mech 361)
• Knowledge of calculus and numerical methods
Concordia University
Course topics
1. Introduction: Early history, engine classification, terminology and
abbreviations, engine components and basic engine
2. Operating characteristics: engine parameters, work, mean effective pressure,
torque and power, air fuel ratio and fuel-air ratio, specific fuel consumption, engine
efficiency, volumetric efficiency
3. Thermochemistry: Review of basic combustion such as stoichiometry, 1st law
analysis, equilibrium, reaction kinetics
4. Engine Cycles: review of ideal cycles, more realistic engine cycle
5. Gas exchange: Intake and exhaust, in cylinder flow, valve design
6. Combustion dynamics: Combustion phenomena in SI and CI engines, engine
knock, combustion chamber design
7. Combustion emission and pollution problems
8. Advanced topics and trends in combustion engine design
Concordia University
• Really no required textbook for this course
- C.R. Ferguson and A.T. Kirkpatrick, Internal Combustion Engines: Applied
Thermosciences, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons
• Notes and assigned reading materials will be posted in the website
• Additional references:
- J.B. Heywood, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill
- W.W. Pulkrabek, Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion
Engine, Prentice Hall
- C.F. Taylor and E.S. Taylor, The Internal Combustion Engine in theory and
practice, MIT press
• Write your own notebook
Concordia University
Evaluation scheme
Undergraduate students
 Two Quizzes
 Midterm exam
 Final Exam
Graduate students
 Two Quizzes
 Midterm Exam
 Technical paper
 Final Exam
Mini-Project (Graduate)
(up to two students per group)
Concordia University
How to succeed in this course
• Review your basic engineering subjects
(e.g. thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer)
• Study class lectures and update your notebook regularly
• Do the homework (not copy from others)
• Read literature on internal combustion engines and develop an interest in
the subject. Try to write the main points down in your notebook (keep a good
learning record)
• Discuss and collaborate with your colleagues
Most important, ENJOY this course
Concordia University
Lecture Format
• Powerpoint presentations to introduce different subjects
• Examples on the blackboard (will not be posted on the web)
• 10 minutes break around 7:00 pm
Concordia University
Term Paper Topic (Undergraduate)
SCOPE: The future of IC engine and its application
• How will future IC engine look like?
• Will IC engine be replaced by something else?
• Do we reach the limit of innovation?
• What fuel will IC engine use?
• What are the challenge facing the automobile industry?
• Are there any new possible design? What are possible technical
Goal: To develop an ICE technology which will be
environmental friendly, efficient and sustainable.
Research paper (max. 20 pages)
Concordia University
Metal Nanoparticles fuel
Urine (Ammonia NH3)
Concordia University
Hydrogen fuel
Nuclear fuel
Can we transform our current energy
system into a clean or sustainable one
for 6.3 billion humans on the planet?
• Problems with our current energy system
• Environmental problems
Concordia University
What causes the increasing energy
• Human population
increases exponentially
• Economic growth &
advance in technology
Concordia University
Concordia University
Supply and Demand
Projections of world energy production into the 21st century
• There is no denying that our fossil fuel supplies are dwindling; yet, our
dependence upon them is as great as ever
Concordia University
Environmental Problems
• Greenhouse gases emissions: Global warming
Climate change
• Damage from storms,
floods, wildfires
• Property losses from
sea-level rise
• Productivity of farms,
forests, & fisheries
• Livability of cities in
• Geography of disease
Concordia University
the beginning
of the
2 x CO2
Computer simulations
by the Princeton
Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Lab for CO2
increases above preindustrial revolution
2x CO2 : 5 – 8° F
4 x CO2
4x CO2 : 15-25° F
~275 ppm
~380 ppm
Project Motivation
The automobile industry will play a big role in reducing
these problems and must be ready to face these
Concordia University
- new innovative ICE concept
- Improved design on the current ICE (intake, exhaust, valves, etc.)
- Supermileage and high efficiency engine
- New fuel (biodiesel, hydrogen, nano-metal)
- Emission reduction and regulation
- Green/hybrid car
- cleaner diesel technology
- new application and the future of ICE usage.
- Education on car energy saving
- New policy
“We make joy”
• As an engineer, we need to have ideas and high quality
proposals on innovative ICE technologies
“Ready for the world, when the world is ready”
Concordia University
Research or Design Project (Graduate)
Students will carry out a research project related to the advanced topic on
Internal Combustion Engines. The purpose of the project is to provide
students with an opportunity to carry out an open-ended research work and to
present it in an acceptable form. The format of the project may consist of the
1. A theoretical study of an engineering problem/challenge related to IC engine.
2. A design and/or development project
3. A survey/assessment of engine development tool or software
4. An ordered and critical exposition of the literature on an appropriate topic in
combustion engineering.
The final submission of the research project should be in the form of a technical
report. Teams must discuss/submit a project proposal (max. 2 pages) by the end
of January 2013
Concordia University