Superficial fascia

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Transcript Superficial fascia

Xiaoming Zhang
Department of Human Anatomy
School of Medicine
Zhejiang University
I Introduction
II Boundaries and Division
 Neck : by trapezius
The posterior portion: nape
The anterior portion: the side of the neck
 The anterior portion : by Sternocleidomastoid
anterior region
posterior region
sternocleidomastoid region
Superficial Part Of Neck
I Skin
II Superficial fascia and platysma
III Superficial structures
1. Anterior jugular vein
External jugular vein
2. Superficial lateral cervical lymph nodes
3. The cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus:
The surface Landmarks:
hyoid bone
thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
jugular notch
greater supraclavicular fossa
Deep Part Of Neck
I Fascia
Three layers:
 Superficial layer-enveloping fascia
 Middle layer - pretracheal fascia(visceral
 Deep layer-prevertebral fascia
The submandibular triangle
The boundaries:
---the inferior border of the mandible
---the anterior, posterior bellies of the digastric
the skin;
superficial fascia;
platysma ;
superficial layer of
the cervical fascia;
middle constrictor of the pharynx
The submandibular triangle
The contents:
---submandibular gland and its duct
---submandibular lymph nodes
---facial artery and vein
---hypoglossal nerve
---lingual artery and vein
---lingual nerve
Carotid Triangle
1 Internal jugular V.
2 The common carotid A.
External carotid artery :
Superior thyroid A.
Lingual A.
Facial A.
Occipital A.
Posterior auricular A.
3 Hypoglossal N.
4 Vagus N.
—superior laryngeal N.
internal laryngeal N.
external laryngeal N.
III The Muscular Triangle
1.The skin
2.The superficial fascia and platysma
3.The superficial structure
-Anterior jugular vein
-Transverse cervical nerve
4.Enveloping fascia
5.The infrahyoid muscles:
III The Muscular Triangle
6 Pretracheal fascia
7 The thyroid gland
8 The Parathyroid
9 The cervical part
of trachea and
IV The sternocleidomastoid region
1 The ansa cervicalis
2 The contents of carotid sheath
common carotid artery
internal jugular V.
vagus N.
3 The cervical plexus:
five cutaneous branches, phrenic N.
4 The sympathetic trunk of the neck
The thyroid gland:
• The shape: “H” shaped, right and left lobes, isthmus.
somebody have a pyramidal lobe.
• Location :
--- lateral lobes:
--- isthmus:
The thyroid gland:
• Relations:
superficial fascia
enveloping fascia
infrahyoid muscles
pretracheal fascia
----Posteromedially :
larynx and trachea
pharynx and esophagus
recurrent laryngeal nerve
parathyroid gland
Sympathetic trunk
----Posterolaterally: carotid sheath and its contents
The thyroid gland:
•The coverings:
----The false capsule
suspensory ligament of thyroid gland
----The true capsule (真被囊)
The thyroid gland:
• The blood vessels and nerves
---- A:
1. superior thyroid artery and superior laryngeal nerve
2. inferior thyroid artery & recurrent laryngeal nerve
3. lowest thyroid artery (the arteria thyroidea ima)
The thyroid gland:
• The blood vessels and nerves:
---- V:
1. superior thyroid vein
2. middle thyroid vein
3. inferior thyroid vein
and the unpaired thyroid
venous plexus.
recurrent laryngeal nerve
superior laryngeal nerve
 The Boundaries and Division of the
 The superficial structures of neck
 The deep part of neck
 The carotid triangle.
 The muscular triangle.
 The sternocleidomastoid region.