Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research

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Horizon 2020 - the Framework
Programme for Research and
Innovation (2014-2020)
Societal Challenge 2 – Food Security,
Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry,
Marine and Maritime and Inland Water
Research and the Bioeconomy
Societal Challenge 5 – Climate action,
environment, resouce efficiency and raw
Work Programmes 2014-2015
Outi Suomi, BIO-NCP, Tekes
Horisontti 2020 (2014 – 2020)
Rahoitusta tutkimukseen ja innovointiin
Eurooppa nousuun – kasvua, kilpailukykyä, työllisyyttä. Taustalla
jäsenmaiden sopimat tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikan tavoitteet, joita
monivuotisella rahoitusohjelmalla toteutetaan
( EU2020-kasvustrategia ja Innovaatiounioni-hanke)
Jaossa yhteensä 70,2 miljardia euroa
– Yritys, joka haluaa kehittää eurooppalaisessa mittakaavassa uutta tuote-, palvelutai liiketoimintaideaa
– Tutkimusryhmä, joka haluaa tehdä yhdessä eurooppalaisten kollegoiden kanssa
uutta ja kiinnostavaa tutkimusta
– Loppukäyttäjä tai muu hyödyntäjä, joka haluaa olla vaikuttamassa oman
toimintaympäristönsä eurooppalaiseen kehitykseen
– Minimivaatimus yhteistyöprojektissa: Kolme osallistujaa kolmesta eri EU- tai
Hakemukset lähetetään suoraan Brysseliin Participant Portalin kautta
• Avustuksen pääsääntö: 100 % välittömistä kuluista + 25% (välillisten kulujen
• Poikkeuksia: mm. markkinoita lähellä olevat hankkeet (Innovation Actions) 70
% välittömistä kuluista (non-profit tässäkin 100 %)
• Kaikki kustannusten kirjaaminen perustuu lähtökohtaisesti kansallisiin,
paikallisiin ja organisaatiokohtaisiin vakiintuneisiin kirjanpitokäytäntöihin.
• Tavoitteena pk-yrityksille 20 % ”Teollisuuden johtoasema” ja
”Yhteiskunnalliset haasteet”-osioiden budjetista, josta 1/3 pk-instrumentin ja
2/3 yhteistyöprojektien kautta.
• Oma kolmivaiheinen ”pk-instrumentti” kansainvälistymällä kasvua hakeville,
innovatiivisille pk-yrityksille:
1. Konsepti, liiketoimintasuunnitelma
2. Demot, pilotit, tarvittaessa myös t&k
3. Kaupallistaminen
• Pk–yrityksille lainat ja takaukset, kasvuvaiheessa olevien yritysten
pääomarahoitus. Rahoitus pääsääntöisesti kansallisten rahoituslaitosten
Focus Areas
• The 12 focus areas aim to enhance broad cooperation in EU.
Different aspects (social, technical, economical, ecological) need to
be taken into account from research to demonstration phase.
• Strategic Programme for the 2014-2016 Work Programmes
defines all focus areas.
• Food Security
– Resource efficient food production
– Safe foods and healthy diets for all
– Climate change mitigation and adaptation
• Blue Growth
– Valorising the diversity of marine life
– Sustainable harvesting of the deep-sea resources
– Ocean observation technologies
• Minimizing the waste produced in industrial production, in energy
industry, in agriculture, in food industry and in marine and maritime
related industry.
• Collection, recovery, recycling and transformation of valuable
materials from urban and industrial waste streams, including
municipal waste, construction and demolition waste, high tech
products, and bio-waste.
Water Innovations in Europe:
• ICT in risk management
• Treatment of waste water and drinking water, water reuse, closed
water cycles, efficient water use, water availability.
• Developing solutions, for climate change adaptation in areas
affected by natural disasters
Horisontti 2020 -rakenne
I Huipputason tiede
Euroopan tutkimus-neuvosto
(ERC): tutkimus tieteen
Tulevat ja kehittyvät
teknologiat (FET).
a) avoimet
b) ennakoivat
c) lippulaivatoimet
Marie Skłodowska-Curie
(MSCA) – toimet:
II Teollisuuden johtoasema
1. Johtoasema mahdollistavilla ja
1.1. tieto- ja
1.2. nanoteknologiat
1.3. kehittyneet
1.4. bioteknologia
1.5. kehittynyt valmistus
ja prosessointi
1.6. avaruus
2. Riskirahoituksen saatavuus:
laina & pääoma
3. Innovointi pk-yrityksissä
20% II + III-pilarien rahoituksesta pk-yrityksille
- Pk-instrumentin kautta (1/3)
- Normaalit yhteisprojektit (2/3)
III Yhteiskunnalliset haasteet = 42
% budjetista
Terveys, väestönmuutos ja
Elintarviketurva, kestävä maaja metsätalous, merien tutkimus
ja biotalous = SC2
Turvallinen, puhdas ja tehokas
Älykäs, ympäristöystävällinen ja
yhdentynyt liikenne
resurssitehokkuus ja raakaaineet = SC 5
Eurooppa muuttuvassa
maailmassa: osallistavat,
innovatiiviset ja pohtivat
Turvalliset yhteiskunnat: Euroopan
ja sen kansalaisten vapauden ja
turvallisuuden suojeleminen
Lisäksi osiot Osaamisen ja osallistumisen laajentamiseen sekä Tiede yhteiskunnassa, yhteiskuntaa varten
IV Yhteinen tutkimuskeskus JRC, muu kuin ydintutkimus
Lisäksi ydinenergia-alan EURATOM-ohjelma
Technology Readiness Level – mentioned in
some calls
TRL 1 – basic principles observed
TRL 2 – technology concept formulated
TRL 3 – experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 – technology validated in lab
TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment (industrial
environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
TRL 6 – technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrial
environment in the case of key enabling technologies)
TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment
TRL 8 – system complete and qualified
TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment
(competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies;
or in space)
What Is Work Programme?
• Two year programmes (2014-2015, 2016-2017)
• Defines the call contents, budgets, funding instruments and
evaluation criteria.
• Work Program presents:
Specific Challenge
sets context, problem to be addressed, why intervention is necessary
delineates the problem, specifies the focus and the boundaries of the potential action
BUT without overly describing specific approaches
Expected Impact
describe the key elements of what is expected to be achieved
• Type of Action (Research and Innovation (R&I), Innovation Action,
SME Instrument, Coordination and Support (CSA))
• Participant Portal – free text search from work programmes
Funding Possibilities in
SC2 and SC5
The calls have opened on the 11th Dec.
Objectives of the SC2 and SC5 Funding
Smart growth – an economy based on knowledge and innovation
Sustainable growth – promoting a more resource efficient, greener and
more competitive economy
Inclusive growth – a high-employment economy delivering economic,
social and territorial cohesion
Mitigating and adapting to climate change
Ensuring food security (Global population growth by 2050 is estimated to lead to a 70%
increase in food demand, which includes a projected twofold increase in world meat consumption)
Managing natural resources and ecosystems sustainably
Reducing dependence on non-renewable resources
Achieving resource and water efficient society
Ensuring sustainable use and supply of raw materials
Multi-Actor Approach Only in SC2 and SC5
• Approach aims at more demand-driven innovation through the
genuine and sufficient involvement of various actors (end-users such
as farmers/farmers' groups, fishers/fisher's groups, advisors,
enterprises, etc.) all along the project: from the participation in the
planning of work and experiments, their execution up until the
dissemination of results and the possible demonstration phase.
• Facilitation between actors and openness to involve additional
actors/groups of actors during the project, for instance relevant
EIP operational groups, are strongly recommended.
• Calls: SFS-1A; SFS-1C; SFS-2A; SFS-2B; SFS-3A; SFS-4; SFS-5;
SFS-7A; SFS-13; SFS-19; ISIB-2; ISIB-4B, WASTE 2, WASTE-7.
 Multi-Actor Approach does not mean EIP in mentioned in the call
The Calls in SC2 and in SC5 (2014-2015)
SC2 is consisted of three calls:
Sustainable food security
Blue growth – the potential of seas and oceans
Innovative, sustainable and inclusive bioeconomy.
Budget 2014-2015: 451 Meuros
SC5 is consisted of three calls:
– Waste: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials
– Water innovation: Boosting its value for Europe
– Growing on a low carbon, resource efficient economy with a sustainable supply
of raw materials
– Budget 2014-2015: 724 Meuros
SC2 Work Programme Calls Including EIP
or Multi-Actor Approach (DL 26.6.2014 or 12.3.2014 &
1. Call for Sustainable Food Security - SFS
The call focuses on (see Specific Programme):
Consumers’ needs versus needs in the food production
Food chain sustainability from production to consumption
Food availability for everyone
Healthy diet and wellbeing
Sustainable forestry
Resource efficiency as means for production enhancement
Minimizing waste production
Ensuring biodiversity
A. Sustainable food production systems, 11 calls
Calls with Multi-actor approach
SFS-1-2014/2015: Sustainable terrestrial livestock production. R&I.
SFS-2-2014/2015: Sustainable crop production. R&I.
SFS-3-2014: Practical solutions for native and alien pests affecting plants. R&I.
SFS-4-2014: Soil quality and function. R&I.
SFS-5-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality. R&I.
SFS-7-2014/2015: Genetic resources and agricultural diversity for food security,
productivity and resilience. R&I.
B. Safe food and healthy diets and sustainable, consumption, 6
Calls with Multi-actor approach
SFS-13-2015: Biological contamination of crops and the food chain. R&I.
C. Global drivers of food security, 3 calls
Calls with Multi-actor approach
SFS-19-2014: Sustainable food and nutrition security through evidence based
EU agro-food policies. R&I.
An Example: SME Participation and
International Co-operation. SFS Research
and Innovation. Multi Actor Approach (2014).
• SME participation should be ensured. China or ’third country’
participation is especially encouraged:
– SFS-1 Sustainable terrestrial livestock production
A. Genetics and nutrition and alternative feed sources for terrestial livestock production
B. Tackling losses from terrestial animal diseases (vaccines)
– SFS-3 Practical solutions for native and alien pests affecting plants
A. Native and alien pests in agriculture and forestry (prevention and management)
B. EU-China cooperation on IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in agriculture
(cooperation should benefit both EU and China farmers and consumers)
– SFS-4 Soil quality and function (analysis of agricultural land use and
An Example: SFS-2-2014/2015 Sustainable Crop Production. Research and
Innovation. Multi Actor Approach.
• Spesific Challenge:
• Loss of soil fertility and the consequent massive use of expensive
external nutrient inputs, notably Nitrogen and Phosphorous, for which
European agriculture is almost totally dependent on imported products,
or on fertilizers produced with expensive industrial processes, which
generates greenhouse gases (GHGs).
• Economic losses for farmers
• Burden on environment
• Impact on human health
• Scope:
Proposals should address one of the following issues (A) and (B), and
should clearly indicate to which one they refer.
A. [2014] External nutrient inputs. Multi Actor
• Proposals should find innovative and effective strategies
to improve the management of external nutrient
inputs and water, and optimise their use efficiency at
farm level to improve both yield and quality. Novel
approaches could include advanced automation,
variable rate applications, remote sensing, field and
crop sensors, ICT technologies. In-field
demonstration to prove concept feasibility should also
be foreseen. Proposals should fall under the concept of
'multi-actor approach'.
B. [2015] Assessing soil-improving cropping
systems. Multi-Actor Approach.
• Proposals should assess real benefits (reduced energy needs and
GHG emissions) that soil-improving cropping systems and
agronomic techniques, e.g. precision farming, crop rotations,
Conservation agriculture, can bring to European agriculture.
Proposals should also identify and minimise limitations and
drawbacks which may include increased weeds, soil pathogens
and problems with certain types of crops in relation to climatic
conditions. Scientifically supported and field tested evidences of
the mentioned beneficial effects as well as of drawbacks and
methods to minimise them, are needed. The development of tailormade soil-improving strategies, techniques and machinery
suitable to different farming areas and adapted to different crops
and crop systems, should help to overcome the current barriers
that prevent their adoption by European farmers. Proposals should
fall under the concept of 'multi-actor approach'
• Expected Impact: Proposals should show how some, or all, of the
following impacts will be achieved:
– Improvement of ground and surface water quality.
– Reduction of soil contaminations with toxic compounds and heavy
– Conservation of biodiversity and wildlife.
– Improved human health, through the reduced release of pollutants and
– Scientific support to relevant EU policies
– Sound scientific evaluation of benefits and drawbacks of soilimproving cropping systems and techniques.
– Reduction of soil erosion and improvement of soil quality and structure
– Increased European farmers’ competitiveness through the reduction
of production costs.
– Reduction of the negative environmental impact of crop production
through less soil disturbance, better exploitation of soil biodiversity and
functions and more rational use of external inputs, water and natural
resource base.
• The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution
from the EU in the range of EUR 8 million for (A) and EUR 9 million
for (B) would allow this specific challenge to be addressed
appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and
selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
• The conditions related to this topic are provided at the end of this
call and in the General Annexes.
2. Call for Blue Growth – Unlocking the potential of
Seas and Oceans – BG (All European seas, oceans
and inland waters)
The call focuses on (see Specific Programme):
1. Management of the marine ecosystems for social and economic
2. Enhancing EU’s own fish production and decreasing foreign fish
3. Biotechnology innovations
4. Unlocking the marine potential: energy, food, minerals
A. Sustainably exploiting the diversity of marine life, 4 calls
B. New offshore challenges, 3 calls
C. Ocean observation technologies/systems, 2 calls
D. Horizontal aspects, socio-economic sciences, innovation,
engagement with society and ocean governance across the blue
growth focus area, 7 calls
 There is no Multi-actor approach, no EIP
3. Call for an Innovative, Sustainable and Inclusive
Bioeconomy – ISIB
The call focuses on (see Specific Programme):
1. Industrial resource efficiency
2. Achieving the EU climate change policy targets for 2020
3. Changing fossile fuel based processes into biotechnology based
energy efficient processes
4. Biorefineries all over the Europe
5. Supporting market development for bio-based products and
A. Sustainable agriculture and forestry, 4 calls
EIP 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability’ & Multi-Actor Approach:
ISIB-2-2014/2015: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial
role of innovation support services and knowledge exchange. CSA. DL
– Co-operation between researchers, farmers, companies etc. needed
– Help to put existing research into practice and capture creative ideas from the
– Activities of these networks would include synthesising, sharing and
presenting best practices and research results that are near to be put into
practice, but not known or tested by practitioners. The resulting innovative
knowledge and easy accessible end-user material should feed into the
European Innovation Partnership (EIP) 'Agricultural Productivity and
Sustainability' for broad dissemination to farmers and other actors in the
agricultural innovation chain.
– Impact: support to implementation of the EIP
Multi-actor approach:
ISIB-4-2014/2015: Improved data and management models for sustainable
forestry. R&I.
B. Sustainable and competitive bio-based industries, 3 calls
No multi-actor approach, no EIP relations
C. Cross-cutting actions covering all activities, 5 calls.
No multi-actor approach, no EIP relations
ISIB-1-2014: Provision of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry: Putting
the concept into practice
ISIB-2-2014/2015: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial role of
innovation support services and knowledge exchange
ISIB-4-2014/2015: Improved data and management models for sustainable
ISIB-5-2014: Renewable oil crops as a source of bio-based products
ISIB-7-2014: Public procurement networks on innovative bio-based products
ISIB-8-2014: Towards an innovative and responsible bioeconomy
ISIB-9-2014: Supporting National Contact Points for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge
2 on ‘Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture, Marine and Maritime Research and the
Bioeconomy’ and the Key Enabling Technology (KET) ‘Biotechnology’
ISIB-10-2014: Networking of Bioeconomy relevant ERA-NETs
ISIB-11-2014: Coordination action in support of the implementation by participating
States of a Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate
Calls for 2015 not included. Bolded are Research and Innovation.
SC5 Work Programme Calls Including EIP
or Multi-Actor Approach (DL 8.4.2014 or 8.4. &
EIP on raw materials
WASTE-3-2014: Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings. R&I.
WASTE-4-2014/2015: Towards near-zero waste at European and global level.
SC5-11-2014/2015: New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials.
SC5-12-2014/2015: Innovative and sustainable solutions leading to substitution
of raw materials. R&I.
SC5-13-2014/2015: Coordinating and supporting raw materials research and
innovation. CSA.
EIP Water
WATER-1-2014/2015: Bridging the gap: from innovative water solutions to
market replication. Innovation Action.
WATER-2-2014/2015: Integrated approaches to water and climate change. R&I.
WATER-4-2014/2015: Harnessing EU water research and innovation results for
industry, agriculture, policy makers and citizens. CSA.
WATER-5-2014/2015: Strengthening international R&I cooperation in the field of
water. CSA.
Calls with multi-actor approach
WASTE-2-2014: A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of
food waste. R&I.
WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products
and by-products. R&I.
Finnish Agent in Horizon: The Committee
What does a Programme Committee do?
• Prepare together with the Commission the Work Programmes (topics of the call,
discussions of the budget)
• Member States are represented by a committee delegate
What does a Committee Delegate do?
• Forms a national support group (=tukiryhmä), which helps to pinpoint important
themes and topics and also comments the WP drafts
• Forms delegate team (=ydinryhmä) which includes delegate and its deputy, experts
and NCPs.
• Brings forward topics and issues important to Finland in the Committee meetings,
maintains and enhances a dialogue with the Commission and other Member States
• Acts proactively to ensure that the work programme includes topics which are
relevant to Finland
• Informs national stakeholders of the opportunities provided by the H2020 WPs
• Bodies that influence on the Commission: EIP AGRI, EIP Food for Life, JPI FACCE,
National Contacts
Outi Suomi, NCP
+358 29 50 55699
[email protected]
Jaana Lehtimäki, NCP
Academy of Finland
+358 29 53 35060
[email protected]
Elina Nikkola, Committee Member / SC2
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
+358 29 51 62333
[email protected]
Kari Keskinen, Committee Member / SC5
[email protected]
Thank You for Your Attention
[email protected] / Facebook: ’EU-hankevalmistelijat’ / LinkedIn: ’Horisontti
EUTI: www.tekes.eu
Work Programmes:
Horizon 2020 SC2 Infoday (17.1.2014) Presentations:
EU Partner Search: https://cordis.europa.eu/partners/web/guest/home