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Canadian Trade in the MENA Region
2012 Canadian Exports
2012 Canadian Imports Total (2012)
C$5.9 billion
C$15.3 billion
C$21.3 billion
Total Trade has risen up from C$18.3 billion in 2011
* Trade statistics for West Bank and Gaza unavailable for this period
Canada’s Top MENA trade markets in 2012
Canadian Exports
Canadian Imports
C$1.4 billion
C$5.9 billion
Saudi Arabia
C$1.3 billion
C$4 billion
C$447 million
Saudi Arabia
C$2.8 billion
C$420 million
C$1.1 billion
C$395 million
C$515 million
C$368 million
C$202 million
Source: Statistics Canada
Free Trade Agreements and NCAs
Free Trade Agreements (FTA)
• Canada – Jordan FTA: came into force October 1, 2012
• Canada – Morocco FTA: negotiations ongoing
• Canada – Israel FTA: ongoing discussions to expand agreement
• Joint Canadian – Palestinian Framework for Economic
Cooperation and Trade: signed in 1999
Nuclear Cooperation Agreements (NCA)
• Canada has signed NCAs with Egypt , Jordan, and the UAE
Investment Policy Instruments
Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection
• FIPAs in force in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon
• FIPAs signed with Kuwait and Bahrain but not yet in
• FIPA negotiations ongoing with Tunisia
Tax Treaties and TIEAs
Double Taxation Agreements (Avoidance of)
• DTAs in force with Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman,
Tunisia, and the UAE
• DTA with Lebanon signed but not yet in force
• Negotiations to update the tax treaty with Israel have begun
Tax information and exchange agreements
• TIEA signed with Bahrain but not yet in force
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
• Created in 1894
• Offices across Canada
• Over 150 offices around the world
9 trade offices in the Middle East
- Amman (Jordan and Iraq)
- Beirut (Lebanon)
- Cairo (Egypt)
- Dubai and Abu Dhabi (UAE)
- Kuwait City (Kuwait and Qatar)
- Riyadh (KSA, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman)
- Ramallah (West Bank and Gaza)
- Tel Aviv (Israel)
4 trade offices in North Africa
- Algiers (Algeria)
- Rabat (Morocco and Mauritania)
- Tripoli (Libya)
- Tunis (Tunisia)
TCS Services
We can help you:
prepare for international markets
assess your market potential
find qualified contacts and
resolve business problems
• The TCS services are offered free of charge to Canadian
companies and organizations
• We commit to 5 working day turnaround
• We commit to commercial confidentiality
Preparation for international markets
A Trade Commissioner at one of our regional offices in Canada will
work with you to:
determine if you are internationally competitive
decide on a target market
collect market and industry information
improve your international business strategy
Assessing market potential
Our trade offices abroad provide:
• Market intelligence
Up to date information on foreign markets
Barriers and regulations
Overview of the competitive landscape
Upcoming opportunities or emerging trends
• Advice on implementing your market strategy
– Navigating business and cultural practices, local representation, market
entry strategies, participating in global value chains
– Upcoming events such as trade fairs, conferences, partnership
Find Qualified Contacts
Our trade offices abroad:
• Know the key players
• Can help to make decisions on partnering, market entry,
responding to unsolicited proposals, or how to approach an
organization in a foreign market
• Have a network of contacts that include all sectors of the global
value chain, including legal, financial and regulatory sectors
Our offices in Canada:
• can connect you to industry associations, federal, provincial,
municipal contacts, chambers of commerce, etc.
Resolve Business Problems
Although we cannot enter into private disputes or act on your
behalf in legal situations, the Trade Commissioner Service can
advise on market access problems and other business challenges
- customs clearance and shipping
- unfair business treatment
- contract bidding
- storage and warehousing
- insurance coverage and claims
- overdue accounts receivable
- and more
Examples of Proactive initiatives
Business Missions
• Trade mission to Saudi Arabia and Jordan led by Minister of International Trade (Oct
• Business mission to Morocco in infrastructure, services and capital projects (March
High-level visits
• Prime Minister Harper recently visited the region in 2012
• Minister Fast has led numerous trade missions to the region (Saudi Arabia, Jordan,
Kuwait, Qatar, and Libya)
• Minister Baird has recently visited Jordan and Lebenon
• In 2013, Jason Kenney was the first Canadian minister to visit Iraq in 40 years
• Canada to host the Joint Economic Commission with Saudi Arabia in May 2013
New platforms for engagement
• Doing Business in the GCC LinkedIn page
• Canada-UAE Business Council CEO Forum
TCS Partners
The TCS works closely with partners such as provincial governments and
business/industry associations.
The Minister of International Trade’s portfolio includes Crown corporations EDC
and CCC and each offers complementary products and services:
Export Development Canada
• Accounts receivable, contract and political risk insurance
• Foreign buyer, project and private equity financing
• Contract bonding insurance and guarantees
• Bank and export guarantees
• Lines of credit for buyers of Canadian exports
Canadian Commercial Corporation
• Prime contractor service
• Procurement service
Contact Us
Your MENA Trade Team in Ottawa
Brigette Walenius (Deputy Director, Middle East)
Edward Wang (Deputy Director, North Africa)
Maria Lo (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, KSA, Yemen)
Muhammad Ali (Egypt, UAE, Iran, Syria)
Steve Guertin (Jordan, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon
and West Bank and Gaza)
Philippe Armengau (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania,
Morocco, and Tunisia)
[email protected]