Defining the concept of an Energy Positive Neighbourhood

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Defining the concept of an Energy Positive Neighbourhood
and related KPIs
Mia Ala-Juusela VTT
Tracey Crosbie, UoT
Mari Sepponen, VTT
IDEAS project
• The IDEAS project aims to illustrate how communities, public
authorities and utility companies across the EU can be engaged
in the development and operation of energy positive
neighbourhoods (EPN) and the economic and environmental
benefits of doing so.
• IDEAS will demonstrate how energy positive neighbourhoods
can be cost effectively and incrementally implemented by
designing, testing and validating:
– a neighbourhood energy management tool to optimise energy
production and consumption;
– user interfaces that engage communities and individuals in the operation
of energy positive neighbourhoods;
– a decision support urban planning tool to optimise the planning of
neighbourhood energy infrastructures;
– business models to underpin energy positive neighbourhoods that
engage end users, public authorities and utility companies.
IDEAS Partners
Teesside University UK Project Coordinator
Technical Research Centre of Finland
Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment,
IBM Israel Science & Technology Ltd Israel
Compagnie IBM France SA France
Porvoon kaupunki Finland
Porvoon Energia Oy Finland
EPN definition by IDEAS consortium
• Energy positive neighbourhoods are those in
which the annual energy demand is lower
than annual energy supply from local
renewable energy sources.
• Short-term imbalances in energy supply and
demand are corrected with national energy
• The aim is to provide
– a functional, healthy, user friendly environment
– with as low energy demand
–and little environmental impact as possible
Definition by IDEAS consortium, continued
• Balancing the energy supply from local renewable sources with the
energy demand of a neighbourhood will involve maximising energy
efficiency and minimising peak power demand while maximising
local renewable energy supply and resolving energy storage issues.
• To avoid sub–optimisation it is the key that the wider context is
considered in the design and operation of energy positive
neighbourhoods throughout its entire life cycle.
• Energy demand of a neighbourhood includes the energy demand of
buildings and other urban infrastructures, such as waste and water
management, parks, open spaces and public lighting as well as the
energy demand from transport . 1
• Renewable energy includes solar, wind and hydro power, as well as
other forms of solar energy, biofuels and heat pumps (ground, rock
or water), with the supply facilities placed where it is most efficient
and sustainable. Biofuels must be produced within a radius of 100
km from the plant.
The energy demand of waste and water management and transport is out of scope of the IDEAS project.
Energy positivity label suggested in IDEAS
AMRh = XY %
MHSh = XY %
MHDh = XY %
RPLh = XY %
AMRc = XY %
MHSc = XY %
MHDc = XY %
RPLc = XY %
AMRe = XY %
MHSe = XY %
MHDe = XY %
RPLe = XY %
OER = On-site Energy Ratio
AMR = Annual Mismatch Ratio
MHS = Maximum Hourly Surplus
MHD = Maximum Hourly Deficit
RPL = Monthly Ratio of Peak
hourly demand to Lowest hourly
h = heating
c = cooling
e = electricity
For this neighbourhood, the OER must be > 100 %,
because it is an energy positive neighbourhood (A+)
A+++ = energy positive neighbourhood with high OER and low (AMR, MHS, MHD & RPL)x
A++ = energy positive neighbourhood with high OER
A+ = energy positive neighbourhood, OER > 100 %
A = zero energy neighbourhood, OER = 100 %
B = neighbourhood with low energy demand (passive houses), OER < 100 %
C = neighbourhood with lower than average demand
D = neighbourhood with standard houses (on average)
KPIs for EPN
• Overall energy balance is indicated by:
– On-site Energy Ratio (OER)
• Short term balance is indicated by:
Annual Mismatch Ratio (AMR)
Maximum Hourly Surplus (MHS)
Maximum Hourly Deficit (MHD)
Monthly Ratio of Peak hourly demand to Lowest hourly
demand (RPL)
• In addition some other KPIs to indicate the other
properties than the energy balance
KPIs for EPN: OER and AMR
• On-site Energy Ratio (OER), is the ratio between
these two:
– Annual energy supply from local renewable sources (all
energy types together)
– Annual energy demand (all energy types together).
• Annual Mismatch Ratio (AMR), indicates how much
energy is imported into the area for each energy type
on average. It is the annual average ratio of these
two, for those hours when the local demand exceeds
the local renewable supply:
– hourly local renewable supply (by energy type)
– hourly demand (by energy type) during that same hour
KPIs for EPN: MHS, MHD and RPL
• Maximum Hourly Surplus (MHS) is the maximum
yearly value of how much the hourly local renewable
supply overrides the demand during one single hour
(by energy type) compared to the OER
• Maximum Hourly Deficit (MHD) is the maximum
yearly value of how much the hourly local demand
overrides the local renewable supply during one
single hour (by energy type)
• Monthly Ratio of Peak hourly demand to Lowest
hourly demand (RPL) indicates the magnitude of the
peak power demand, and it is calculated as the ratio
between these two (by energy type):
– The biggest value for hourly demand over the month
– The lowest (non-0) value of hourly demand over the month
• Reasonable threshold values for the EPN indicators
constituting the energy positivity label are yet to be
addressed. (Different for different countries?)
• The target values for AMR and MHS are also yet to
be addressed. (Is surplus of energy production good
or bad feature? > Depends on the timing of the
production of the surplus energy and/or the ability
to store the surplus energy produced locally.)
• Relevance of the thresholds further in the future
when more EPNs exist, and some with very high OER
Thank you
[email protected]
The IDEAS Collaborative Project (Grant Agreement No. 600071) is co-funded by the European
Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, under the Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7), Cooperation theme three, “Information and Communication