As student reps, how will you deal with this issue?

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Transcript As student reps, how will you deal with this issue?

Welcome to your Student Representatives Training!


You got elected!

Why are we here?!

To give you the


you need to start Repping To begin to help you develop


to be an effective Student Rep To give you the confidence to use these to

make a difference

to the student experience this year

More specifically...

• How does it work? Students Union, Committees, Student evaluations • • • How can I be an effective rep?

What happened last year? How will we move forward?

What student support exists?

Advice Centre, Learning Development, Careers • What happens next?

Charlie Mays SU President

Meet the team

Benjamin Kennedy SU Deputy President ( Hawkshead) Joon Park SU Vice President (Camden and Student Engagement) David Church Vice Principal for Learning and Student Experience Paul Probyn Maxine Bailey Rachel Davis Fiona Nouri Gemma Ludgate Head of Academic Academic Quality Learning Development Advice Centre Manager Careers Consultant Development Officer Manager

How Does it Work?

Students Union and the rep system

Charlie Mays SU President Joon Park SU Vice President

You have a crucial function in providing your institution and students' union with valuable well as act[ing] as a powerful tool to promote

and secure change [NUS]

What is the job spec of reps?

• improve the student experience by developing solutions to issues and identifying what is working well • play a pivotal role acting as a bridge between the student body and the rest of the College • represent your peers in College committee meetings, as well as being involved with SU • be a part of a team to provide positive and constructive feedback to the College

You will essentially be the voice of your year!

Responsibilities of reps

• Be proactive in collecting your fellow students views, • concerns, praise and suggestions Build a positive relationship with the University and • the SU (be approachable and friendly) Meet with course staff to discuss student concerns • (directly influence how your course is run) Sit on RVC committees and provide the student • • body's perspective Attend SU related activities representing your year Report back to your peers on how their student experience will be enhanced!

Benefits of being a rep

• •

Professional & personal development

Great for your CV Best way to be involved with the College/SU...

get to know all the behind the scene stories!

• • • Make contacts for the future….networking

Improve communication/presentation skills Meet students on other courses

Benefits of being a rep

• •


Free food and drinks at some events You will be paid £20 for every committee meeting you attend • •

Free drinks

from SU Bars for SU related events The most active Reps will receive

discounted ball tickets

How Does it Work? College Structure and Committees

Paul Probyn Head of Academic Development

Senior Staff Structure

PRINCIPAL Professor Stuart W J Reid

PA: Justine Young x6960


PA: Debbie Avenell x6322

Academic Development Academic Registry Library & Information Services E-Media Development Office


PA: Liz Wilkinson x5300

Research Office Biological Services Unit Graduate School LBIC RVC Enterprise


Sec: Sue Dillon x6234

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Professor Stephen May

PA: Rosemary Forster x6270

Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning


PA: Leigh Muggridge x6324


Sec: Amanda Taylor x5304


PA: Susan Porter x6572

Diagnostic Laboratories Service


Sec: Hilary Sharp x6281

Food Animal Practice & Farm Animal Clinical Centre RVC Farm


Sec: Hilary Sharp x6281

Equine Hospital Small Animal Hospitals


PA: Carole Brendish x5133


PA: Pauline Ashley-Spike x6379

KEY: denotes members of Vice-Principals Team (& Senior Management Group) denotes members of Senior Management Group DIRECTOR ESTATES Mr Alasdair Esson

PA: Jenny Bacon x6220


(Updated: September 2013)

Vice Principals’ Group

Committee Structure

RVC Council


College Services Committee (CSC) Academic Board Student Support Committee (SSC) Teaching Quality Committee (TQC) Learning, Teaching & Assessment Committee (LTAC) Research Degrees Committee Research Strategy Committee Undergraduate Course Management Committees (CMC)

BVetMed (including Gateway/Graduate Year) Veterinary Nursing BSc (incl BSc Comp Path, D101 intercalation)

Masters' Co-ordinating Committee Cert AVP & Short Courses Committees Postgraduate Course Management Committees (CMC)

MSc Intensive Livestock Health and Production MSc Veterinary Education MSc One Health MVetMed / CTS MSc Veterinary Epidemiology MSc WAB / WAH Distance Learning

Committees - a few rules!


must be nominated if you cannot attend •

Starred Items (*)

agenda items not for discussion unless specifically requested •


minimum number of members needed to be present at meeting to make decisions •

Reserved Business

student reps must leave meeting, unless the Chair requests their attendance •

Any Other Business

Course Management Committees

• • • • • • • • • •

Who sits on CMCs?

Student Representatives for course Chair Course Director, Module/Strand/Year Leaders Admissions Tutor External Representative Representative of partner colleges (if applicable) Heads of Departments Departmental Teaching Co-coordinators Vice-Principal for Learning and Student Experience Committee Secretary

Course Management Committees

• • • • • • • •

What do they do?

Respond to student representatives’ feedback Approve any changes to course Receive stats on admissions/exams Monitor summative and formative assessments Receive student evaluation results and college responses Take action as result of External Examiners' reports Monitor student placements Approve new Curriculum Managers

College Services Committee

What does it do?

• discusses proposals for enhancement of college wide services/facilities e.g new buildings • provides forum for consultation of staff /students by external service providers • makes recommendations to Senior Management Group (SMG) about college services • •

Who to contact with issue?

committee secretary (Sandra Ward) or SU Vice President (Joon Park) one student rep from each year, of each course is required to attend each meeting

Student Support Committee

• • •

What does it do?

develops and monitors student support services including Accommodation, Financial advice, Counselling, Learning support, Disability services, Careers service etc oversees tutorial system oversees APRICOT/PRUNE • •

Who to contact with an issue?

committee secretary (Hayley Barnett - BVetMed)/Claire Hogg - BSc BioVetSci/Maria Johnson - Postgraduate) each meeting focuses on certain courses and those course student reps are invited

Teaching Quality Committee

• • • •

What does it do?

recommends College's teaching quality strategy and promote and monitor its implementation operates schemes to gather evaluations from students, graduates, employers and ensures that they are responded to and acted upon operates processes for comprehensive periodic review of taught courses oversees arrangements for delivery of courses run in collaboration with other institutions • •

Who to contact with an issue?

committee Secretary (Cheryl Jackson) student Rep members (tbc)

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee (LTAC)

• • • • • •

What does it do?

recommends the College ’s learning, teaching and assessment strategies recommends the student admissions policy promotes development of taught degree programmes promotes recruitment, development and retention of teaching staff monitors teaching facilities monitors procedures for Jim Bee Educator awards • •

Who to contact with an issue?

committee secretary (Maxine Bailey) student rep members (tbc)

Committee Secretaries

• • • • • • • • • BVetMed Course Management committee – Richard Sherry BSc BioVetSci Course Management committee – Ana Filipovic Vet Nursing Course Management committee – Maxine Bailey MSc WAB/WAH Course Management committee – Roger Smith MSc Vet Epi Course Management committee – Maria Johnson MSc One Health Course Management committee – Maria Johnson MSc Veterinary Education Course Management committee – Lucy Jackson MVetMed Course Management committee – Cathy Crane Distance Learning Course Management committee – Ruth Chandler • • • • • • • Learning Teaching and Assessment Committee – Maxine Bailey Teaching Quality Committee – Cheryl Jackson Student Support Committee – Hayley Barnett (BVetMed)/Claire Hogg (BSc BioVetSci)/Maria Johnson (Postgraduate) College Services Committee – Sandra Ward RVC Council – Ian Darker Academic Board – Paul Probyn Research Degrees Committee – Lisa Shaw

How can I be an

Advice Centre Manager

Joon Park/Sabrina Castro

Being effective…..

• Make yourself known to students & staff and talk to previous student reps • Be truly representative: Ask fellow students for their input, it ’s not just about your opinion • Feedback to your year group on decisions • made, actions taken Look at the big picture – change may be slow, not everything can happen over night • Keep on top of your commitments and manage your time –know your limits, especially around exam time

SU/Rep and committee system/ advice on how to deal with any issue

Who to contact?

Personal issue Course issue College wide issue ‘999’ urgent issue raised by number of students Joon Park, SU Vice President Advice Centre/ SUS Welfare Officer Course Director other staff/ Course management committee Relevant committee Student support College services Teaching quality Joon Park, SU Vice President David Church VP Learning and Student Experience

Committee Meetings!

How to be effective at committee meetings


• Read committee minutes What issues have been raised previously? • Communicate with your peers What kind of problems are your peers having? • Discuss with fellow reps and the SU Are the problems truly representative of your year? Are they relevant? • Collect evidence Send a survey out if necessary!

• Submit items for the agenda Send them to the Secretary by the deadline

• •


Don’t be afraid to speak up the student voice is greatly valued at these committees Raise your hand • • the chair will note you have something to contribute • Base your contributions on evidence/feedback what do the rest of your peers think?

Be as positive and constructive as possible do you have any suggestions/constructive feedback? Take notes inform your peers of any relevant discussion


• • Feedback to your year group let them know what’s happening!

Read through the minutes if you have any issues contact the secretary • Identify and any actions assigned to you that’s your task • Put the date of the next meeting in your diary

How to manage issues

Ms Fiona Nouri

Advice Centre Manager

1 • You have been approached by a few students who have complained about the fact that the computers in one of the computing classrooms are often not working. They have also complained about the fact that it is very difficult to get a computer when they need it because there are so many students using them.

As student reps, how will you deal with this issue?


Possible steps to take:

• College wide issue? Ask other students/student reps • IT already aware? Contact IT helpdesk • If widespread/common, raise at College Services Committee. Check previous committee minutes to see if ongoing issue • After committee meeting, track action points and follow up. Feedback to year group/other reps with conclusion of committee Reps might also wish to check with the students again just before the next meeting to ensure that students feel the issue has been resolved

2 • Some students have approached you complaining about the noise that some of the other students are making in classes; apparently some students are talking throughout lectures and this is preventing those students who wish to listen from doing so.

As student reps, how will you deal with this issue?


Possible steps to take:

• • • • • Ask others concerned to be quieter (without revealing who asked them to do so) Alternatively, ask the lecturers to ask the students to be quieter Ideally, this really shouldn ’t come up at a Course Management committee, but if it is felt that the problem is sufficiently bad and previous attempts to resolve things have failed then the problem may need to be raised there to facilitate a review of procedures for dealing with this sort of thing The names of the students should not be raised at the meeting, though the student reps can make a record of them, in case things need to go further There is a complaints procedure for both the SUS and the RVC – in extreme cases this may need to be looked at

3 • You have been approached by a student who feels they have been treated unfairly by one of their tutors. The student says he/she seems unwilling to answer their questions about the course and deliberately marks their answers low. The student says that they can't think of any other reason why they would be getting a low mark.

As student reps, how will you deal with this issue?


2 possibilities:

• • • 1) the student ’s complaint speaks of a wider marking problem (e.g

problem with wording of exam questions) Reps may ask student if they know of others who have had poor marks - this may indicate a wider problem If there does seem to be a wider problem then students can approach the staff member responsible for the exam (or Chair of Exam Board) Staff member/student reps may want to raise this at the Course Management committee to say what will be done to improve the situation


• 2) there is a personal problem between the student and lecturer: If it seems to be a personal issue then this should


go to a committee. This should be treated confidentially • Treat the student with tact, whilst remembering they are only hearing one side of the story • Suggest the student contact the SUS welfare officer for advice and make them aware of complaints procedure on intranet

How Does it Work?

RVC Student Evaluations

Maxine Bailey Academic Quality Officer, Academic Development

RVC Student Evaluations Have Your Say through....

Module/Strand/ Elective/Rotation surveys Staff Teaching surveys Satisfaction survey Graduate survey

Survey Pop up Message

What happens to student feedback?

RVC Learn/Quick Links

Your role in student evaluations


year group to complete surveys


the impact surveys can have in prompting changes/improvements


survey results to your year group


any responses/actions taken to year group

What happened last year?

Ms Fiona Nouri



Grab a drink...

Find your course table… 3 tasks...


Introductions introduce yourself, why do you want to be a rep? what do you want to achieve?


What happened in 2012-13? consider handover form/former reps update (where available), committee minutes 3.

Moving forward in 2013-14?

Discuss and complete action plan

What student support Exists?

Ms Fiona Nouri

Advice Centre Manager

Fiona Nouri Advice Centre Manager

What student support exists?

Ms Fiona Nouri

Advice Centre Manaer

Learning Development

Rachel Davis

RVC Learning Development Team

Rachel Davis [email protected]

Hawkshead Registry Office Tuesday-Thursday Maria O’Conor [email protected]

Camden G29a Monday-Thursday Jane Tomlin [email protected]

Hawkshead Registry Office 1 day per week Kim Whittlestone [email protected]

Hawkshead LIVE Centre 1 day per week

What Do We Offer?

• Timetabled sessions related to specific courses e.g. referencing and plagiarism • Optional sign-up workshop

smart study, academic writing, exam strategy,

• One-to-one appointments

Book online for face to face, telephone or Skype

• Online advice and guidance materials ‘ Academic skills ’ module in Learn

Additional Advice and Guidance

• • • • •

Study Texts

Cottrell, S. (2013)

The Study Skills Handbook

, 4 th Palgrave Macmillan.

Ed.,UK: Cottrell, S. (2005)

Critical Thinking Skills

, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Evans, D. and Brown, J. (2009)

How to Succeed at Medical School An Essential Guide to Learning

, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

McKissock, C. (2009)

Great ways to Learn Anatomy and Physiology

, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Race, P. (1992)

How to Study

, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing • • • •

On the web

What student support exists?

Ms Fiona Nouri

Advice Centre Manaer

Careers Service

Gemma Ludgate Careers Consultant

RVC Careers service

• Thursdays • Camden & Hawkshead • Email [email protected]

• Blog: • All career issues covered!

What Next?



Email your year group and say hi!

Look at student rep handbook/committee handbook 3.

Prepare for Autumn Course Management committee: - request feedback from year group - read previous minutes and actions - contact committee secretary if any questions 4. Week beginning 13 th or 20 th January catch up event

Any questions, Just Ask Joon or Maxine

Useful contacts

Students Union (General student rep/students union issues)

Joon Park, SU Vice President, [email protected]

Academic Quality Officer (Committees, Student evaluations)

Maxine Bailey, [email protected]

, 01707 666870 •

Advice Centre (Accommodation, counselling)

Nova Haylett/Shelley Richards, [email protected]

, 01707 667140 •

Learning support (exam revision, one to one sessions)

Rachel Davis, [email protected]

, 01707 666029 •

Careers Service

Gemma Ludgate, [email protected]

Advice Centre


Feedback on session to [email protected]

Thank for you coming along Now time to make an impact!