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to the
2015-2016 School Year
Welcome to Kindergarten!
and Educators play
an important role in
a child’s education…
Together, we can
help them reach
their full potential!
This evening, we’ll discuss…
Our School Community
Full-Day Kindergarten
Program Options
Extended Day Programs
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
Our Community of Character
Safe and Caring
Meeting the Individual Needs of Each Student
Volunteer Opportunities
What can you do to help your child get ready for school!
Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School
Principal....................................Paula Marinigh
Vice Principal………………………..Lorraine Whitby
In Kindergarten, we have approximately 120
students in three English classes and two
Early French Immersion classes.
We currently have 745 students in three Programs
• English
• Early French Immersion
• Middle French Immersion
Dates to Remember
Official Kindergarten Registration Week –
January 26 – January 30, 2015
But… you can register anytime!
Student Transfer Application Period
February 9 - 20, 2015
Program Options
If your child will be age 4 or 5 by December 31,
2014, they are ready for to start kindergarten in
September 2015.
Program choices in the OCDSB for elementary
students include:
– Full Day Kindergarten
– English
– Early French Immersion
– Middle French Immersion (grade 4 entry)
– Alternative
The program selected is a parental decision.
Our Achievement Results!
Blue = grade 3
EQAO 2013-2014
Red = grade 6
English Program
• English instruction for all subjects other than
• The following subjects are taught at elementary:
Science and Technology
Social Studies (including Geography and History)
Health and Physical Education
The Arts
Core French
English Program ~
Core French Instruction
• Kindergarten students receive 100 minutes of
Core French instruction per week
• Students in Grades 1 through 8 receive 200
minutes of Core French instruction per week
……a solid pathway to bilingualism
Adrienne Clarkson…
• Offers the English / Core French program from
Kindergarten to grade 6
• Currently has approximately 150 students in 7 classes
Early French Immersion Program
At the elementary level, the following subjects are
Science and Technology
Social Studies (including Geography and History)
Health and Physical Education
The Arts
Early French Immersion (EFI)
In the EFI program, students are currently provided
• SK: 50% French / 50% English
• Grade 1: 100% French
• Grades 2 and: 80% French / 20% English
• Grades 4 to 6: 60% French / 40% English
• Grades 7 and 8: 50% French / 50% English
Note: Mathematics instruction in English begins in grade 4.*
Adrienne Clarkson…
• Offers Early French Immersion (EFI) from SK to
grade 6
• Currently has approximately 280 students in 13
• Sends a request to our JK students regarding
program choice for SK
Middle French Immersion (MFI)
At the elementary level, the following subjects are
Science and Technology
Social Studies (including Geography and History)
Health and Physical Education
The Arts
MFI – How does it work?
Students who have been in the English Program have a
foundation in French language through:
• 100 minutes per week of Core French – JK and SK
• 200 minutes per week of Core French – grades 1 to 3
• grades 4 to 6 - 66% French /34% English
• grades 7 and 8 - 50% French /50% English
Note: Mathematics instruction in English begins in grade 4.*
Adrienne Clarkson…
• Offers Middle French Immersion (MFI) for students
within the attendance boundaries of:
Barrhaven PS
Chapman Mills PS
Jockvale ES
Berrigan ES
Farley Mowat PS
Mary Honeywell ES
Registered grade 3 students from these schools receive an
invitation to our MFI Information Night (February 5, 2015)
Registration is February 17 – 23, 2015
• Currently has approximately 180 students in 7 classes
Alternative Program
English instruction for all subjects other than French.
While the following characteristics are found in many of the
programs at the elementary level across the District, collectively they
form the foundation of the alternative philosophy:
– Everyone’s contributions are valued, no awards or prizes
– Project-based learning with a balance between student-directed
and teacher-directed learning
– Mixed-aged groupings/classrooms fostering collaboration
– Integrated curriculum stressing interrelation of all learning and
– Family and community-centered school environment
– Ongoing assessment and evaluation
– Reduced emphasis on grading
What is Full-Day Kindergarten?
inquiry learning
A team approach
Insert Photo of
Adrienne Clarkson…
• Is in our third year of Full Day Kindergarten
• Currently has 3 English classes and 2 SK Early French
Immersion (EFI) classes
– Early French Immersion students alternate days
between English and French
Assessment, Evaluation and Report Cards
How am I
informed of my
child’s progress?
Your Child’s Day
Our Kindergarten Schedule is…
instructional block
nutrition break and outdoor recess
instructional block
nutrition break and indoor play
instructional block and outdoor play
The Full-Day Kindergarten
Program provides an
opportunity for a seamless
educational experience for
our early learners. The
program consists of a
Core Day Program, which
runs during regular school
…and an optional
Extended Day Program
which runs before and
after school is also
available in all of our
Extended Day Program
• Extended Day Programs are run either by the OCDSB
or by a third party provider, contracted with the
OCDSB. Both programs are overseen by the Ottawa
Carleton District School Board
• Children’s Village operates our Extended Day Program
• Where there is no private care provider at a school,
and there is sufficient interest, the OCDSB operates
the Extended Day Program for ages 3.8 years to 12
Extended Day Program
The Extended Day Program is:
– offered before and after the regular school day
(core day)
– delivered by teams of Registered Early Childhood
Educators and Early Learning Assistants
– led by 1 educator for 13 children of Kindergarten
age, or 1 educator for 15 children of school age
– operated on: PA Days
December Break
March Break
Summer Break
Note: these dates are dependent on demand
Extended Day Program
(Third Party Operated)
• Third Party Operators (Children’s Village) offer
before and after school programming in a number
of our schools.
• The primary difference between these two
programs, is that they are governed by different
provincial legislation: The Day Nurseries Act
(DNA), and the Education Act
School bus transportation is available for the Core Day
program only, for all kindergarten students who live more
than 0.8 km from their school. The distance for students
in grades 1-8 is 1.6 km.
Transportation is not provided to and from the
Extended Day Program.
Information regarding transportation is available at Ottawa
Student Transportation Authority (OSTA)
phone: 613-224-8800
e-mail: [email protected]
from the school
and with the educators
Our Community of Character
ACES Code for Living and
Always respect yourself, others and the
Care, share and cooperate
Everyone is responsible
Safety in everything we do
• All visitors to the school sign in at the office
(including parents/guardians) with a badge
• Fenced yard for Kindergarten students
• Exterior doors locked
• Practice of emergency procedures (lockdowns,
fire drills)
Safe and Caring
Safe arrival procedure
Kindergarten dismissal routine
Character education
Peer Mediators
Meeting the Individual Needs of
Each Student
Nipissing District Developmental Screening Tool
In-School supports
Regular meetings
Educational Assistants
Special Education Teachers
Specialized staff (Psychology, Social Work,
Speech/Language Pathology, Autism Team)
Preparing materials
School Council
Field Trips
Sports Teams
Hot Lunch Program
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Classroom Helper
* Note: all employees and non-parent volunteers are
required to have a police check
Extra-Curricular Activities
• House league and interscholastic sports include
cross-country running, soccer, track and field,
bordenball, volleyball, basketball
• Primary and Junior Choirs
• Scrabble, scrapbooking, ECO schools clubs
• Leadership activities include class buddies, lunch
monitors, Playground Activity Leaders, Peer
Mediators, Student Council
School Council
• An advisory body comprised of
parent/guardian volunteers who hold monthly
• Organize events (family dances, BBQ), Hot
Lunch Program, fundraising activities
• Welcomes new volunteers!
Our Facility and Resources
Main building is fully accessible with elevator
5 Kindergarten classes with 2 fenced yards
Double gym and stage often used by the community
Library collection of 10 000+ French & English
Some classes designed for co-teaching
Internet access throughout, technology in each class,
computer lab, 2 laptop carts, iPad cart
• Large play structure, field, natural play areas, adjoined
to public park and skating rink
ACES Registration Process
Please have your child’s:
• Proof of age (birth certificate or passport)
• O.H.I.P. card and immunization record
• Doctor and emergency contact information
Complete the forms in the foyer or online go to – Programs - Kindergarten Registration
and bring documentation to school office
Review forms with office staff
Kindergarten Information Night
• May 14, 2015
– Opportunity to meet the educator teams of teacher
and Early Childhood Educator
• Late June a Kindergarten package is mailed
• Early September will be an orientation in the class
with your child
• Check our website at
What can you do to help
your child get ready for
school and adjust to
their new environment?
Thank you for joining us tonight!
We hope you will choose to
become part of the ACES
Are you ready?
We are!!