Transcript client

Minnesota’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) User Training

ServicePoint 5.6

Wilder Research


Morning Topics (Intake)

 HMIS overview and data privacy(no computers)  Adding clients, creating households  Program entry and assessments  Completing the Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix (SSOM)  Entering service transactions

Afternoon Topics (Updates, Exit & Reporting)

 Making updates  Ending service transactions, program exit, and case plans  Reporting in ServicePoint and ART  Final knowledge check


You and your agency

 Name, organization, job duties  Type of program (shelter, transitional housing, supportive hsg, etc.)  Clients served (single clients only, families, youth, DV victims, etc.)  HIPAA-covered?

 Program funding sources

Your HMIS experience

 Your familiarity with HMIS (rate 1-10)  Will you gather information from clients, or do non-HMIS users?

 Any concerns/questions before we begin?

 What do you hope to get out of today’s training?

What is HMIS?

 Homeless Management Information System  Internet-based database of clients experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness  Minnesota’s HMIS is statewide and is used to produce reports required by both HUD and state funders ─ Pilot phase in fall 2003  Goal of Minnesota’s HMIS: ─ To provide standardized and timely information to improve access to housing and services and strengthen our efforts to end homelessness.

 Over 600 licensed HMIS users in MN from 200+ agencies

What types of data are in HMIS?

 Client demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.)  Characteristics of households served (type of household, sources of income, disabilities, etc.)  Types of services provided  Additional information based on funding source ─ Housing history ─ Barriers to housing stability ─ Client outcomes 6 months after exiting program

How are HMIS data used?

 Agency-level reports to state and federal funders  CoC and state-level reports to improve homeless service delivery  Understanding program outcomes ─ Returns to shelter among FHPAP and LTH clients ─ Returns to the FHPAP program ─ New supportive housing study at Wilder  Project Homeless Connect events  Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) ─ National report that collects HMIS data from each state

Uses of HMIS data

Example: Statewide Data

FHPAP Statewide Service Report, 2010

Why use HMIS?

 Centralized place to store client information required by multiple funding sources  Consistent report formats across programs  Provides an

unduplicated count

of clients: ─ Agencies throughout the state enter data about the clients they serve ─ Unless they have a data-sharing agreement with other providers, agencies can’t see if their clients are served by other agencies, BUT… ─ The system can find and collapse duplicate records (based on names and social security numbers) when Wilder runs system wide reports ─ Unduplicated counts are more accurate

Why use HMIS?

 Better understand the characteristics and needs of your clients  Evaluate the impacts of your programs  Compare your clients and programs with statewide data  Create data-sharing agreements with other agencies  Strengthen efforts to end homelessness: ─ Attract and maintain funding through better data ─ Contribute to program planning efforts ─ Evaluate programs and progress toward achieving goals

Who oversees HMIS?

 25-member Governing Group ─ Representatives from each of the 13 Continuum of Care regions, veterans, youth, DV shelters, etc.

─ Makes key decisions about HMIS requirements, software, and how data are used  Key agencies: ─ HUD, DHS, and Minnesota Housing: funders who determine what information to collect and due dates for reports ─ Bowman Systems: designs the ServicePoint software ─ Wilder Research: administers and manages HMIS, communicates with users (you!), and runs statewide reports

Wilder’s role

 Help desk: Email and phone availability weekdays for user questions  Report design  HMIS Training: new user trainings, refreshers, webinars, and user groups  Program evaluation and data analysis  XML: one agency currently uploads data into HMIS and two more are in the works  Support Continuum of Care Regions

Data privacy and protection

 Security features of the HMIS database: ─ Internet communications are SSL encrypted ─ Database is encrypted; servers are stored in a vault ─ Minnesota’s HMIS is a “closed” system ─ HMIS is not linked with other databases ─ Audit trail follows users’ actions in the system ─

Each HMIS user has a unique username and password

Data Privacy & Protection

 HMIS password protection ─ Do


share your username and password with anyone!

─ Clients sign their consent form with the understanding that only licensed users will enter and have access to their personal information ─ Sharing your password is a violation of your user agreement and your clients’ trust ─ Any action taken under your username and password can be traced back to you ─ Do


give your username and password to coworkers, IT staff, supervisors, or anyone else ─ Password sharing can result in license termination

Your intake process: HMIS & data privacy

 Data privacy when using ServicePoint: ─ Log off when leaving your computer ─ Do not use ServicePoint in areas where your computer screen could be seen by the public (coffee shop, library, etc.) ─ And…

do not share your password!

Data privacy & protection: key forms

 Posted data privacy notice (available in English and Spanish at

)  Client Notification and Consent form  Release of Information form  User Policy form

Data privacy & protection: Client Notification and Consent form

 Alerts the client that their information will be entered into the HMIS database and can be accessed by agency staff and Wilder Research  Client can choose whether or not to sign the form  Read the instruction page before giving the form to a client!

HMIS Consent forms

 Most clients agree to include their name and other identifying information in the system ─ It is important to give them the choice and explain how the information is stored and used 

United Way programs

: The United Way should be included on the HMIS consent form as a funder

Data privacy & protection: Client Notification and Consent form

 Signed form = enter identifying information (name & SSN) ─ Each adult must sign their own form ─ Adults sign for their minor children ─ Unaccompanied youth may sign on their own behalf ─ Record the client ID number on the case file  Unsigned form = enter client anonymously ─ Households can have both identifiable and anonymous members ─ You can always change the client from anonymous to identifiable once the consent form is signed ─


enter a client’s name and SSN until you have signed consent!

Data privacy & protection: Other issues

 You must continue to use other data privacy notices required by your agency, such as the Tennessen Warning.

 Talk to staff at your agency to make sure you are following all required rules.

 In the event of an investigation, consult the legal advice of your agency. Some information requires a court order for release; other times, you may be required to comply with a subpoena or search warrant

Data Privacy and Protection: Sharing Client Information

 All agencies can share de-identified (aggregate level) demographic information from reports ─ Example: Agency X served 309 clients in 2007, 59% of whom were single adult males.

 Funders may monitor information entered into HMIS ─ Don’t have direct access to HMIS ─ Do have the authority to ask you to log into the system when doing an onsite check  Non-HMIS users can access paper forms ─ Data privacy rules that cover paper records extend to HMIS

Sharing data

 Your agency can decide to share data with up to 10 other agencies currently using ServicePoint ─ Clients then given an additional choice if they want to share their data with the agencies you select ─ If you feel this might be useful contact Wilder staff

Data Privacy & Protection: ROI form

 The ROI is


for agencies that choose to share client records with other agencies  Most agencies do not share data  ROI allows the client to choose: ─ Which (if any) agencies his/her information can be shared with ─ Which parts of his/her record may be shared  Domestic violence shelters, youth service providers, and HOPWA providers may not share data with other agencies  HIPAA-covered agencies can share under specific circumstances ─ Contact Wilder for details

Data privacy & protection: User Policy

 Initial each box and sign the back  Indicates that you will be a good steward of the system: ─ Do not look at clients’ records unless you serve them ─ Keep your password secure ─ Log off each time you leave the computer ─ Do not share your account with other staff ─ Only submit client ID numbers and/or initials —never full names- in emails, faxes, or phone conversations to protect client confidentiality.

─ Notify Wilder Research if you leave your agency – failing to do so is a serious violation

HMIS forms

 Forms are available to start collecting information ─ Developed based on grant area and mirror ServicePoint question order ─ Not required, but provided as a helpful template for data collection ─ Programs not yet using HMIS should collect the information on forms for later data entry ─ You can add additional questions or information to the forms as you see fit

Data Entry Forms

 Available on the HMIS website



Data Entry Forms


 Tailored to your funding source & always up-to-date ─ Are you using the most recent version?

 Clearly explain which questions are required for different groups (all clients, heads of household only, adults only, etc.)  Word format – editable

HMIS Data Entry Steps: Entry-based programs










Log on to ServicePoint Search for clients/create new records Go into backdate mode Set up a household Complete ROI/security information Enter clients into a program & complete assessments Complete SSOM (FHPAP, LTH) Enter service transactions (HPRP, FHPAP) Make mid-program updates 10.

Exit clients from a program 11.

Complete case plans (THP) 12.

Run reports in ART

HMIS Data Entry Steps: Service-based programs (ESP, ESGP)










Log on to ServicePoint Search for clients/create new records Go into backdate mode Set up a household Complete ROI/security information Complete assessments Enter service transactions End service transactions Run reports in ART

HMIS Workflow

 Use your

Required Steps

workflow sheet.

 Workflow depends on whether your program is




 Entry-based programs: ─ HUD, HPRP, LTH, FHPAP, THP, DHS-Youth, United Way ─


record entry/exits for reporting (services still required for HPRP & FHPAP)  Service-based programs: ─ ESP and ESGP only

– must

record services for reporting; entry/exits not required

Logging On

Logging On: Internet Browsers

 Preferred Browsers ─ ─ ─ Chrome (best) Firefox (if you can’t use Chrome) Safari (if you can’t use Chrome) 


use IE (Internet Explorer) if possible

Logging On: Website Address

 (training site) 

(live site)  Do not use an internet search engine to find the site- type it in.

─ There are ServicePoint sites for other communities that look similar to Minnesota’s HMIS site.

Logging On: Homepage

 Top section ─ Backdate mode; ART  Left-hand section ─ ClientPoint (access data entry) and other modules ─ Reports, “Last viewed,” “Favorites,” and Logout ─ Use triangles: to expand, to minimize  Center section ─ News: click on a


to see all details ─ Follow-up list (THP programs and Matrix)

Logging On: Homepage

 Last Viewed ─ Click on “last viewed” to see a list of clients you have previously viewed in your current session.

─ If you have just logged in, this will be blank.

 Favorites ─ Click on “favorites” to see clients whose records you commonly use and would like to access from session to session.

─ Clicking on the star next to the client’s name selects them as a favorite.

 Use arrow to minimize

Backdate Mode

Backdate Mode

 All information entered into ServicePoint is attached to a specific date.  Backdate mode resets most dates in the system to a date in the past.

 Tells the system that any data entered in backdate mode is current

as of that date.

─ Example: today is April 15 th . You are entering forms for a client who started your program on March 29 th . Backdating to March 29 th tells the system that the information was current as of that date.

Backdate Mode

 When to backdate?

─ Use built-in reminder ─ Whenever you go to a client’s record, you will see a pop-up reminder asking you if you want to choose a backdate or stay at today’s date.

Backdate Mode

 The date you use for backdate mode will usually be one of the following: ─ The client’s program entry/service start date ─ The client’s program exit date ─ The last date of a reporting period, if you are making updates after the report period has ended

Backdate Mode: Date Icons

   :“choose date” – brings up calendar : “clear date” : “set to current date  These icons appear whenever you see a date field (not just in backdate mode)

Backdate Mode

 How do I know if I am in backdate mode?

─ You will see a yellow bar at the top of the screen.

 What happens if I forget to backdate?

─ Information will show up as “missing” when you run your reports. The only way to fix this is to re-enter all of the data in backdate mode. Don’t let this happen to you!

 When should I get out of backdate mode?

─ When you are finished entering data for a client

Backdate Mode

 When do I leave backdate mode?

─ Only when you are completely finished with the client or household member’s record  How do I leave backdate mode?

─ Click on the next to the backdate ─ Make sure set a new backdate for each new client you enter into the system – check their program entry or service start date first.

Backdate Mode

 When isn’t backdating required?

─ When you are viewing client information only ─ If today’s date is your intended backdate (not common)  Example: you are entering data the exact same day the client started the program.

─ When making updates, if you are making the update in the system


the end of the report period

Searching for a Client or Adding a New Client

Searching for an Existing Client Record

 Option 1: Global Search (fastest) ─ Access from any section of the system ─ Type a client name


ID number into the search bar  Option 2: ClientPoint ─ Click on “ClientPoint” module ─ Search by client name (top section) or ID number (second section)

Creating a New Client Record

 Enter name/demographics and search first to see if your client is already in the system  Check the list of possible matches ─ ─ ─ If there is a match, click on the green plus sign If there is not a match, click “Add Client With This Information” Confirm backdate in pop-up reminder

For anonymous clients (about 3% of all records):

   Leave ID, name, and SSN fields blank Complete demographic information Click “Add As Anonymous Client”

Demographics Pointers

 Date of birth is a



─ If necessary, enter 01/01/(approximate year of birth)  Social security number ─ Clients can refuse or may not know (especially for children)  SSN & DOB data quality: ─ Enter “refused” for anonymous clients and clients who refuse to provide a SSN/DOB.

 Secondary race is


─ If there is no secondary race, leave it blank  Don’t know and refused ─ Use only if this is how the



Summary Tab

Summary Tab

 First screen you will see when you enter a client record  Summary page highlights client basics ─ Name and demographics ─ Release of Information ─ Households ─ Entry/exits ─ Services

How to use the summary tab

 Best for existing clients to check and update small details like date changes ─ Confirm services, entry/exit dates ─ Confirm household members and look for “date removed” problems, etc.

 Skip for new clients and proceed with data entry on separate tabs

Client Profile

Client Profile

 Enter additional demographic information on this tab: ─ Date of birth ─ Date of birth data quality ─ Gender ─ Race ─ Ethnicity

Client Profile: organization demographics

 Client record ─ This is the only place where the SSN/SSN data quality can be updated. Click on the


to access.

 Universal Profile ─ For updating/correcting other demographics.

─ If correcting data, click the green bar to the left of the data to delete the previous information.

 Client demographics (less important) ─ Repeats information in the profile. Fields can be updated with the pencil, but it is faster to update in the profile section.

Client Profile: organization - optional sections

 Client notes ─ Add notes about the clients or data entry reminders for your own use  File attachments ─ Pictures, consent forms, etc.

 Client Incidents ─ Replaces “infractions” section. Originally designed to track when a client was removed from programs due to behavior issues or other problems.

─ Use as you see fit


Creating a household

 This step is

only required if you serve households

─ Reports will correctly identify single clients when the household section is left blank

Basic Steps:

 From households tab, click “Start New Household”  Search for and add all household members (first pop-up)  Specify household relationship information (second pop up)

Household Setup Pointers

Skip this step

if you are serving single clients on their own.

 Add all household members first. Do


click “Continue” to the second pop-up until all members appear in the “selected clients” section.

 Households can have both anonymous and identifiable clients.

 Each household must have a head.

Managing Households

 “Manage Household” button ─ Click to make corrections, updates, and add or delete household members ─ Members can leave and re-join household at different dates and with different relationships – contact helpdesk for more information. Often, changes can be made to entry/exits & services without requiring any changes to the household.

─ New “Household History Report” button shows household changes over time (type, members, relationship, etc.)

Managing Households

 Switching between household members’ records ─ You may wish to go into another household member’s record to view or update their information ─ To do this, click on a household member’s name from the households tab,


─ Use drop-down list at the top of the screen to switch between household members’ records

ROI and Security



for agencies that share HMIS client records with other agencies (very few)  ROI section tells the system it is ok to share data beyond the client name with certain providers  Contact Wilder to review your security or if you would like to talk about sharing data

ROI/Security: Data Privacy Timeout

 Know your padlocks: ─ Red padlock = client data can only be seen by you and other HMIS users at your agency ─ Red padlock w/exclamation point = client data could be shared with other selected agencies (if your agency is set up to share data or has shared in the past) ─ Green padlock = client data can be seen by anyone in Minnesota with a ServicePoint license (call Wilder immediately)

Program Entry/Assessments

Entering clients into a program

 Entry/exits tell the system the date range the client or household was in your program  Not required for ESP and ESGP programs

Basic Steps:

 Click “Add Entry/Exit” in the entry/exit tab  Pop-Up 1: Specify basic program information (provider and type; if in backdate mode, start date is already set)  Pop-Up 2: Complete assessments – will match to provider ─ Household data sharing (if applicable) ─ Funder-specific assessment questions for

each person in the household

Entry Pop-Up 1: Program Information

 Include household members in the entry/exit ─ Check box next to HH type to include everyone, or check specific individuals only  Provider: select your client’s

specific program

─ Often associated with a funding source ─ Do not leave at the default (too general)  Type: ─ HUD, HPRP, VA programs select their program as the type ─ All others: Basic

Selecting the correct provider

1. What provider should a user at this agency pick for a HUD client? An LTH client?

2. What providers should the user



Entry Pop-Up 2: Assessments

 What is an assessment?

─ Information collected from clients describing their situation on the day they enter your program ─ Every funding source has its own assessment with different questions (although many questions are shared among funders) ─ Assessments store data in layers to capture information as a client moves among programs or returns again for services.

Assessments – All programs except UW

 For single clients: ─ Complete the

All-Inclusive Assessment

required by your funder  For households: ─ Complete the

Household Data Sharing Assessment

household’s record in head of ─ Then complete required questions in the

All-Inclusive Assessment

for all household members ─ Funder-specific assessment: check box turns green as information is completed for each member

Assessments – United Way programs

 Required for all heads of household ─ Each family should have one member designated as head of household ─ Clients on their own are also considered a head of household  Complete the UW assessment specific to your program type ─ Supportive housing for families/homeless youth ─ Market rate re-housing for families/homeless youth ─ Shelter program for youth

Assessments – clients served by multiple funders

 Clients served by more than one funding source at the same time (HUD and LTH, United Way and LTH, etc.) need to have all required questions for each funding source completed ─ Responses will carry over to other assessments, saving data entry time  If a client is served by a United Way program and another funding source (HUD, LTH, etc.) at the same time,

follow the other funding source’s data entry rules

Assessments at Entry: Pointers

 It is critical to select the correct provider and type, since each provider is tied to a different funder-specific assessment.

 Household data sharing: click “Add Household Data” to complete  Funder-specific assessment: check box turns green as information is completed for each member.

Assessments Tab

Assessments Tab

 Service-based programs (ESGP, ESP) complete assessments in the assessments tab  Select an assessment from the drop-down list and click “Submit” to view questions  Use the drop-down at the top of the screen to switch between household members’ records.

Assessment Questions

Housing Status

 On all assessments, except United Way  Required for all clients, including children  Refers to the client’s housing status the day before starting your program.

 Can be completed for all clients using the Household Data Sharing Assessment  See data entry forms for definitions of each of the response options  HPRP clients


pick “stably housed” at program entry

Disability of Long Duration Question

 United Way programs: ─ Answer for head of household only  All other programs: ─ Required for all clients, including children.

 Must go into each client’s record individually to answer ─ Entry-based programs: When entering a client in the entry/exit pop up, click on a household member’s name on the left-hand side of the pop-up window to bring up that member’s assessment. ─ Service-based programs: use the drop-down at the top of the screen to switch between household members

Disability of Long Duration Question

 Questions to help identify if your client has a disability: ─ Do you have a diagnosis of disability or a documented disability?

─ During the last 2 years have you been told by a doctor or nurse that you have a disability?

─ Do you feel you need to see a health professional about a disabling condition?

─ Do you have substantial impairments that affect your ability to carry out daily activities?

 Answer “yes” if the client can answer yes to any of the above questions – no documentation necessary

Disability Sub-assessment Pointers

 HUD: ─ Record for all clients, including children!

─ Parents may answer questions on behalf of their children  LTH, THP, ESGP: ─ Record for all adults 18+ and unaccompanied youth ─ “Long term w/substantial impact” and “currently receiving services” questions are optional  Not required for HPRP, FHPAP, ESP or United Way

Disability Sub-assessment Pointers

 Disabilities that REQUIRE documentation ─ Mental health problem, physical disability, developmental disability, chronic health condition 

Data entry change for FY 2011-12

: Can now record in HMIS regardless of documentation.

 New steps: ─ If client has documentation: disability determination should be “yes.” ─ If client does not have documentation: disability determination should be “no.”

Disability Sub-assessment Pointers

 Disabilities that do not require documentation: ─ Substance abuse (alcohol, drug, or both), traumatic brain injury, vision impaired, HIV/AIDS, hearing impaired, other  Always record in HMIS. Disability determination for the above disabilities is


yes —even if the client does not have documentation.

Veteran Status and Domestic Violence Questions

 Veteran Status ─ State and federal funders: answer for each adult 18+ ─ United Way: answer for head of household  Domestic Violence Victim/Survivor ─ State and federal funders: Answer for answer for all adults 18+ and unaccompanied youth ─ United Way: answer for head of household  Use the Households Overview box to switch between household members’ records

Cash Income Pointers

 HUD and HPRP: ─ Record income for every person in the household, including children!

─ Assign income to a HH member if that income leaves the household when that member departs ─ Record SSI payments received on behalf of a child in the child’s record ─ TANF, child support and alimony can be recorded on the adult recipient’s record

Cash Income Pointers

 LTH, THP, FHPAP: ─ Record income for all adults 18+ and unaccompanied youth ─ Enter general HH income and income paid on behalf of children (i.e. TANF) in head of household’s record ─ Enter earned income in record of the adult who earns the income  United Way ─ Record on head of household’s record only ─ Enter all household income (including income brought in by other adults and children) on the head of household’s record  Not required for ESP, ESGP, or DHS-Youth  Programs funded by HUD


source should follow HUD rules a state or United Way

Non-Cash Benefits Pointers

 HUD and HPRP: ─ Record benefits for every person in the household, including children!

─ Assign non-cash benefits to all household members for whom benefit is intended (ex: food stamps recorded on everyone’s record)  LTH, THP, FHPAP, United Way: ─ Record all benefits received by any member of the household in the head of household’s record only.

 Not required for ESP, ESGP, or DHS-Youth 

Note for programs dually funded by HUD and another state program or United Way:

─ Follow HUD rules for both cash income and non-cash benefits.

Assessments: Barriers

 Required for DHS-Youth  No longer required for LTH, FHPAP, or THP clients starting the program on or after July 1, 2011  SSOM section replaces barriers for LTH and FHPAP programs

DHS Youth Assessments

 DHS Youth Step 1 Assessment ─ Complete in program entry pop-up ─ The assessment describes the client’s situation at program entry  DHS Youth Outcomes Assessment ─ Complete in the Assessments tab ─ Tracks actual start and end dates for each outcome ─ Update as youth start or complete outcomes

Assessments – United Way

 Part 1 (first half of assessment): ─ The assessment describes the client’s situation at program entry. Complete in the program entry pop-up.

 Part 2 (outcome tracking): ─ Update in real time as clients start or complete outcomes. ─ Initially complete in the program entry pop-up, but make updates in the assessments tab.

─ Start/end dates allow for multiple sets of information to be entered over time ─ Best practice is to make regular updates; monthly is best, but quarterly may be enough

LTH Sub-assessments

 3 sub-assessments for each single client or head of household: ─

Current residence

(record at entry; update when client moves) ─

Housing cost

(record at entry; update twice yearly before running housing cost and subsidy reports) ─

Housing subsidy

(record at entry; update twice yearly before running housing cost and subsidy reports)  At entry, question responses should be based on client’s housing status the day they start the program

Question History

 Question history shows: ─ Which HMIS user at your agency answered the question ─ The date the response was accurate for (i.e., the backdate) ─ How the client responded to the question  To view question history: ─ Click the colored bar to the left of any question ─ A pop-up will open showing what day the response was recorded ─ The day should match the program entry date (entry-based programs) or service start date (service-based programs0


SSOM (Self-Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix)

 Required for LTH and FHPAP programs  LTH (see data entry & reporting tip sheet): ─ Complete for all adults 18+ and unaccompanied youth ─ Initial (at entry), interims (every 6 months), exit ─ All domains except credit required  FHPAP (see data entry & reporting tip sheet): ─ Complete for the head of household & single clients ─ Initial (at entry), interims (6 months after entry and every 3 months thereafter) ─ 11 domains required


 Matrixes are grouped by program, if the client has matrixes for multiple programs  Key buttons: ─ “ Add new matrix” – use for initial matrix ─ “Add new point of measurement” - use for interim/exit matrixes (provider is already pre-set for you) ─ Summary button

Service Transactions

7. Service Transactions

 Required for HPRP, FHPAP, ESGP, and ESP

Basic Steps

 Click Service Transactions tab  Click “Multiple Services”  Check boxes next to other household members’ names and complete service transaction information  Click “Save and Exit”

Service Transactions

HPRP Reminders:

 Only record one type of assistance at a time  Financial assistance transactions cannot exceed 3 months  For rental assistance transactions, start date = 1 st date of month the assistance will cover ─ Exception: if client enters the program mid-month, use the program entry date as the start date  Financial assistance start date: for rental assistance only ─ Start date = first day of month the assistance covers  Only use the “# of units” and “unit type” fields if you are recording back payments

Service Transactions

General Reminders

 Provider must match the entry/exit provider  Entry-based programs: Start date can never be before program entry date; end date can never be after program exit date  ESGP and ESP: start and end dates must coincide with the time the client was in the program  FHPAP services


pick from accepted list  If cost is entered for FHPAP financial services, source field is required  Case management services often span the entire time the client is in the program

Mid-Program Updates

Making Updates

Funding Source HUD HPRP THP LTH FHPAP DHS-Youth United Way Fields to Update

Income/benefits Disabilities Income/benefits Disabilities Income/benefits Disabilities Current residence Housing cost Housing subsidy SSOM (see SSOM section) SSOM (see SSOM section) Outcomes Outcomes Income/benefits

Updates Required For

All clients, including children

How often

Annually (before APR is due) All clients, including children All adults 18+ All adults 18+ Heads of household Heads of household in supportive housing Annually (before APR is due) Twice yearly (before reports are due) Twice yearly (before reports are due) When client moves Twice yearly (before reports are due) All adults 18+ All single clients and heads of household All clients Heads of household Heads of household in supportive housing for homeless families only Every 6 months 6 months after entry, and every 3 months thereafter As youth set and complete outcomes As clients set and complete outcomes Annually (before reports are due)

Making Updates: FAQs

 Where do I make an update?

─ In your funder-specific assessment.

─ Use the Assessments Tab to access your assessment  Do I need to be in backdate mode?

─ It depends on the date you are making the update: ─ If you are making the update

before the report period ends

, you do


need to backdate.

─ If you are making the update

after the report period has ended

, you should backdate to the

last date of the report period

. This will make sure the information appears on your reports.

Making Updates - Disabilities

 If there aren’t any changes, no data entry is needed  Check documentation for mental health problem, physical disability, developmental disability, & chronic health condition ─ If documentation is present, disability determination should be “yes” ─ If documentation is not present, disability determination should be “no”  Enter any newly-identified disabilities

Making Updates – Income/Benefits

 Update “income/benefit received in the last 30 days” questions if they have changed (Y to N or N to Y)  Record changes in income as needed: ─ Put an end date on income/benefits that have ended.

─ If amount has changed, put an end date on the record showing the old amount. “Receiving income source” should


be “yes” (esp. important for correct HUD reporting). Create a new record showing the new amount.

─ Add new income/benefits as needed.

 Update for: ─ All adults & unaccompanied youth (LTH, THP at exit, FHPAP at exit ─ All clients, including children (HUD/HPRP)

Making Updates - LTH

 Residence: ─ Update only if the client has moved.

 Housing cost: ─ Update if housing cost has changed


the client is in site based or scattered-site supportive housing.

─ A housing cost record


be entered any time a client is in supportive housing. The amount can be “0” if applicable.

 Housing subsidy ─ Update if housing subsidy has changed


the client is in site based or scattered-site supportive housing.

─ A subsidy record


be entered any time the client is in supportive housing. “No subsidy” is an option.

Program Exit

Exiting Clients

Basic Steps

 End all service transactions (FHPAP, HPRP, ESP, ESGP)  Entry-based programs: exit client from program and answer funder-specific exit assessment questions  All programs except United Way: Complete remaining exit information for all household members  United Way programs: update income and outcomes for head of household in your program-specific assessment

Exiting Clients: Ending Services

 Ending services is easiest through the Summary tab  You can also use the Service Transactions tab: ─ Click either “View Entire Service History” or “View Previous Service Transactions” ─ Then click “Services” tab (caution: the system will


default to the Services tab! You must click it)!

Exiting Clients: Program Exit

 Click pencil under exit date from either the Summary tab or the Entry/Exit tab  Pop-up screen 1: Exit information that copies onto all household members’ records ─ Exit date, reason for leaving, destination  Pop-up screen 2: Exit information that must be answered for each household member individually ─ Household members are listed on left side ─ Checkbox turns green after saving the exit assessment for each household member

Exiting Clients: Program Exit

 All programs except United Way: ─ Update housing status for all household members, including children  Update income/benefits ─ HUD, HPRP: all clients, including children ─ LTH, FHPAP, THP: all adults and unaccompanied youth ─ United Way: update in head of household’s record  Update disabilities (HUD, LTH,THP, ESGP)  Update residence, housing cost, and subsidy (LTH)

Case Plans

Case Plans (THP programs only)

Basic Steps: Adding a Goal

 Go to Case Plans tab and click “Add Goal”  Complete the “Household Members” section  Complete the “Goal Data” section and save changes

Basic Steps: Follow-up

 Retrieve client’s goal information ─ Use list of outstanding goals on the home page


record and click on Case Plans tab go to client’s  Complete follow-up information ─ Update status, actual follow-up date, follow-up made, and outcome at follow-up fields

10. Case Plans - Reminders

 Date goal was set = program


date  Case plan provider must match the entry/exit provider  Target and projected follow-up dates = 6 months after exit date  Attempting to contact a client counts as a follow-up, even if actual contact is not made  To enter general notes not specific to a goal, use “Notes About Client” in the summary tab or the assessments section

Remember: Before you log on…

 Checklist: ─ Data privacy notice posted ─ Client consent form for


unsigned) person (even if ─ All necessary data entry forms ─ “Required steps for HMIS” cheat sheet specific to your funding source ─ Any other instruction documents you may need



 ServicePoint reports: ─ Not required by any funder ─ Useful to run because you can see information immediately after adding it (no overnight upload) ─ Best reports: Entry/exit (entry-based programs), Client served (service-based programs)  ART (Advanced Reporting Tool) reports ─ Contain required funder reports as well as data checking reports for your own use

ServicePoint Report: Entry/Exit

Basic Steps:

 Mouse over green “reports” tab, “provider reports,” and click on Entry/Exit report  Complete “Report Options” information ─ Entry/exit report has “entry/exit type” field. Select “basic entry/exit.”  Click “Build Report”  Explore data-checking features ─ Click on numbers in blue

Reports: Advanced Reporting Tool (ART)

 Counting reports (for funders) ─ General counts of clients and households served ─ Will tell you

how many

clients are missing data ─ But no client names or ID numbers  Data check reports (for you) ─ Detailed list of all clients, organized by the same categories found on the counting report ─ Will tell you


clients are missing data (highlighted in red) or have other data entry errors ─ Client names and ID numbers

Running ART Reports

Golden Rules:

 Wait until one day


you have entered/updated your data to run an ART report.

─ ART uploads data from ServicePoint overnight  Effective date: ─ HUD and HPRP APR: End of report period ─ All others: today’s date  End date = one day after reporting period ends  EDA Provider =


 Always download a report to computer to view it.

Reports: Training Site ART Instructions

 Select a report to run: ─ ─ ─ Click on the triangle next to “Public Folders” Click on the folder named “Test” Click on the report named “Services Report”  Run the report: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Effective Date

= today’s date


: choose all available providers on the list

Report Start Date

= 01/01/2011

Report End Date

= today’s date Click “Run Query”  Save to your computer as an Excel file: ─ See instruction document for details

Data Checking: What do I look for?

 Missing information (often highlighted in red): ─ Go into the client’s record in ServicePoint to complete required information.

 “Head” field (designates a head of household): ─ Make sure that every household has a head: look for households with no “H” (or more than one “H”).

─ If a household is missing an “H,” go into the household head’s record in ServicePoint. Click on “Manage Household” ─ Change “head of household” to “yes” and save

ART Reports: Notes on APR


 Clients are categorized based on answers to questions in ServicePoint and HUD’s own definitions ─ If the category a client is reporting in doesn’t make sense, contact the HMIS helpline for more information  HUD does not automatically receive the APR. You need to print it, combine it with other information (i.e. financial data) and submit to HUD via e-snaps.

Data Checking: What do I look for?

 Problem: “Split” households (service-based prgms): ─ Sometimes one or more household members will appear as single clients ─ This means that their services are not linked to the rest of the household  Solution: Delete and re-enter services ─ Delete any service transactions that do not include all household members (delete from

each person’s

record) ─ Re enter the transaction in the head of household’s record, checking the boxes next to all household members’ names.


Data Checking: What do I look for?

 Problem: “Split” households (entry-based prgms): ─ Sometimes one or more household members will appear as single clients ─ This means that their entry/exits are not linked to the rest of the household  Solution: Delete and re-enter entry/exit ─ Delete any service transactions that do not include all household members (delete from

each person’s

record) ─ Include the unlinked members in the head of household’s record.

Counting reports: What do I look for?

Overall trends

─ Do the total number of households and clients served seem correct? Check for excluded clients or clients who should have exited.

─ Do the demographic breakdowns seem accurate?

Missing information

─ If any of the categories have a “missing” category, run a data check report to identify which clients are missing data.

ART: Helpful Hints

 Run data check reports early ─ Run one for your program today to practice ─ Identifying problems early saves time and stress down the road  Build data checking into your schedule ─ Run at least once/month (2x/month recommended) to save time during reporting periods ─ Run reports one day after entering a large batch of data

When can I use the system?

     Attend training (you’re here!) Send/give Wilder several things: ─ Payment (license, training, etc.) ─ Agency Agreement (for agencies new to HMIS) ─ User Agreement (signed by you) ─ List of services you provide (for agencies new to HMIS or those with updates) ─ Business Associates Agreement (for HIPPA covered agencies new to HMIS) If your agency is new to HMIS, your director will need to speak with Wilder further Wilder will contact you with your username and password Live site:

For Help

 Consult on-line help (

)  Consult co-workers  Call or email Wilder Research (they will respond during business hours: 8:30-4:30 M-F) ─ (651) 280-2780 ─ (800) 328-2972 and ask for HMIS helpline ─ Email: [email protected]

 Please use client ID number and initials instead of name in correspondence  Wilder Research will consult Bowman Internet Systems as needed

Resource Recap

 HMIS newsletter ─ 8:30 Read immediately –


sent on an as-needed basis  HMIS website (

) ─ Newly updated “Help for Users” section ─ Data entry forms and instructions  Webinars (located in System News) ─ Funder-specific updates and details  Data check reports  Helpline (email or phone) ─ M-F, 8:30-4:30

Wilder Research Contact Information

HMIS Wilder Research 451 Lexington Parkway North St. Paul, MN 55104 Local: (651) 280-2780 Toll-free: (800) 328-2972 Fax: (651) 280-3700 Email: [email protected]

Final Knowledge Check

 A client entered your program

at the beginning of last month.

Use your “Required Steps for HMIS” packet and complete the steps required by your funding source: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Add a client Create a household – only if your agency services households Enter client into a program Complete Assessments Complete the SSOM (LTH and FHPAP) Complete a Service Transaction Exit client from program Set a goal in the Case Plan section – only for THP programs Run an ART report

Call me to check your data entry when you have finished!