FDA Submissions-FDA Documents-Discussions

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Transcript FDA Submissions-FDA Documents-Discussions

New FDA Documents Discussion of Implementation Considerations

Monika Kawohl Principal Statistical Programmer Accovion GmbH, Marburg, Germany

FDA Submissions - Experiences

Questions • Who has been involved in preparing SDTM for submission to FDA?

• Who has been involved in preparing ADaM for submission to FDA?

• Who has been involved in preparing CDISC mock submissions?

• Who has experiences with submitting in other/hybrid data formats?

• Who has been involved in discussions with the FDA?

• Experiences with submission of data pools in CDISC formats to support integrated analyses?

• Who has contacted the FDA with general questions or Who provided feedback on current FDA documents?

 For standardized data submission questions, contact: [email protected].  For center specific contacts see: http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StudyDataStandards/default.htm

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Chance to Get Involved in Discussions with FDA

Support the FDA/PhUSE Collaboration see http://www.phuse.eu/css FDA/PhUSE Working Groups • Data Validation and Quality Assessment • Standardizing Data within the Inspection Site Selection Process • Challenges of Integrating and Converting Data across Studies • Standards Implementation Issues with the CDISC Data Models • Development of Standard Scripts for Analysis and Programming • Non-Clinical Road-map and Impacts on Implementation

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CDER Common Data Standards Issues Document

Version 1.1 (Dec-2011) Updates regarding SDTM • Implementation of Amendment 1 to SDTM 1.2 strongly preferred • Subject Elements (SE) mandatory SDTM domain • EPOCH in every subject-level domain  ELEMENT/ETCD desired but not requested • SUPPAE.AETRTEM

• Splitting domains (> 1GB)  provide split domains in separate subdirectory SPLIT???

• File size considerations  use required maximum length of variable instead of 200 for every character variable

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CDER Common Data Standards Issues Document

FDA “Expected“ SDTM Variables • Baseline flags (--BLFL) in findings domains • Study day (-DY) for every -DTC  derived based on RFSTDTC  RFSTDTC = start of treatment in most study designs • Death diagnosis or comments in pathology reports SUBJID = Subject identifier used in Study Report define.xml + define.pdf (printable version, no need for hyperlinks)

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CDER Common Data Standards Issues Document

Version 1.1 Updates regarding ADaM • Analysis Datasets should include  appropriate numeric time variables (e.g. with value 8 for “Week 8“)  basic demographic variables (e.g. sex)  all covariates named in the protocol • Analysis datasets should be derivable from SDTM  To support traceability from results to collected data  Not new but important! General Recommendation: Contact the FDA

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CDISC Standards In the Regulatory Submission Process, presented 26 January 2012

• recorded webinar • presentation slides • available at http://www.cdisc.org/webinars • Follow-up on topics of special interest  FAQ Database from CDER Data Standards Questions Team Accessible by the public?

 Importance of Reviewer‘s Guide for adequate documentation Standard template?

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FDA Standardized Study Data Draft Guidance

http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/ Guidances/UCM292334.pdf (Feb-2012)

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FDA Study Data Standards Resources


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Implementing SDTM Amendment 1, FDA Docs.

Information for new DM variables • Store data in DM only vs. DM + another Domain?

 Date/Time of Informed Consent  Date/Time of Death  Date/Time of End of Participation Derive AE Treatment Emergent Flag in SDTM (SUPPAE)?

When to use SUPPQUAL?

Generally provide SDTM variables “Expected“ by FDA?

Process to ensure appropriate variable length Process for splitting domains and how to document it

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Implementing SDTM Amendment 1, FDA Docs.

How to create the define.pdf?

Always create a Reviewer‘s Guide?

• Per submission datasets folder (i.e., separate ones per set of SDTM or ADaM data)? • Describing SDTM/ADaM and/or multiple studies together • Contents?

OpenCDISC SDTM (/ADaM) validation • Timing of compliance checks within the process?

• Describing/addressing issues Define.xml schema validation/OpenCDISC define.xml validation How to describe which SDTM versions and appendices are used?

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Implementing Controlled Terminology (Updates)

Excerpt from Draft Guidance: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format - Standardized Study Data (Feb-2012) “When planning a study (including the design of case report forms, data management systems, and statistical analysis plans), the sponsor should identify which FDA-supported standard terminologies to use for submission.

If a sponsor identifies a concept for which no standard term exists, we recommend that the sponsor submit the concept to the appropriate terminology maintenance organization as early as possible to have a new term added to the standard dictionary. We consider this

good terminology management practice

for any organization. The creation of custom terms for a submission is discouraged (i.e., so called extensible code lists)...“ Use of CDISC New Term Request Webpage?

• Experiences/Response Times?

How to deal with CDISC CT Updates within a project?

Documentation of CT version(s) used • How to distinguish between CDISC CT values and sponsor extensions?

Experiences with Updated Trial Summary (TS) domain?

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Trial Summary (TS) Update

Alignment with ClinicalTrials.gov

• New Trial Summary Parameters Indication of Use per Trial Summary Parameter  Required  Conditionally Required  Expected Introduction of NULL FLAVOR Variable • Coded Reason if TSVAL=missing Introduction of underlying CT information variables

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Trial Summary (TS) Update Sample

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