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Transcript Budget_Renewal_2014-15

Budget Renewal
Presentation (20142015)
Follow up with Last meeting
1. Email confirmation – “ Permission to allow pictures of children to be posted on our webpage “
2. Email confirmation – “ Permission to link Isha Vidhya webpage to our project page “
3. Upload all documents to Asha project page ( http://www.ashanet.org/projects/projectview.php?p=933 )
4. Budget proposal – enclosed in the presentation
5. Uniform Metric conversion
6. Site Visit
Site Visit Update:
In contact with Nirmala (One of the volunteer from Asha) her Nephew will be able to make it to
the site visit to the Isha Vidhya school near Coimbatore.
Spoke with Vinod Hari ( Project coordinator) We can even visit the schools near to Chennai ( 3
hours journey from Chennai - Villupuram School and Cuddalore School)
In contact with my Family to arrange a site visit
There are four options available to a donor:
1) Full educational support (Rs.20,000 / $480 / £300 per year) covers tuition, books, note-books,
nutritional health supplement, noon-meal, transport and uniform.
2) Scholarship program (Rs.10,000 / $240 / £150 per year) which covers tuition, books, notebooks and health supplement.
3) Transport Subsidy (Rs.5,250 / $126 / £79 per year)
4) Noon-meal Subsidy (Rs.3,000 / $72 / £45 per year)
Asha supports Scholarship program ( Rs10,000 scholarship per Kid ) Asha has been supporting
Isha vidhya from past 7 years.
Size of the project
First School Start Date – Jun 2006
# of Schools - 9
# of Students - 5820
Girls : boys - 47 : 53
# of Teachers – 287
# non-teaching staff - 191
Average Income of Parents –Rs 5000/month ($ US 105/GBP 66)
58% of students on Scholarship
(some are fully supported, some pay for transport & uniforms, some a small amount for food)
Project Growth
( why scholarships are important? – see the comment )
Isha Vidhya Supporters
Funding Requirement
Budget Proposal for Asha
1.Scholarship program – Rs 10,000 per kid/ $166.67 per Kid
2. Fixing the rate as $1 = Rs 60, Isha Vidhya needs support of Asha to raise funds for 80 kids
through the scholarship program. i.e. 80 * 166.67 = $13,333.6
* Exchange rate that they get after bank commissions will be only Rs 57 per dollar, when quoted
rate is 60 *
Hence after all bank charges we need to provide them Rs. 8,00,000
Budget proposal for 2014-2015 year quoted : $14,036 i.e. $175.45 per kid
3. Last time we allocated $14,934. ( Because we had to take into account of extra 2 students
who got left out due to 20% budget cut in 2012-2013 )
Budget Proposal for Asha
4. Scholarship fee will cover the tuition, notebooks, textbooks and nutritional health snacks but does not
include noon-meals and transportation fees.
5. Isha Vidhya is unable to meet the demand even with growing supporters. They want us to support
them with the new initiative called Govt. School Adoption project. They have already adopted 40 schools
all over Tamil nadu state.
6. Can we support more students for scholarship program ? Reason 1: 400 more children has been
admitted this year Reason 2: Only 32% of the scholarship requirement has been met
7. Can we help them towards Govt. School Adoption project ?
Necessity of Funding explained– part 1
1. Total Current Budget is Rs 14.89 crores, Isha Vidhya has fallen way short of funds every year,
year after year.
2. Total funds raised by Isha was only Rs. 7.44 crores out of 14.89 crores (US$ 1.305 million)
3. After meeting all operating costs, Isha always end up postponing the construction of
classrooms needed to complete the schools.
4. Currently children are in their 10th standard. Std.(first batch). This year, they have to
necessarily complete the classroom construction for 11th and 12th standard for students which
means they need the complete infrastructure ready ( classroom, facilities, working Labs and
materials) to get the permission from the government.
5. A total of 42 classrooms has to be constructed which imposes a heavy Capex burden this year
(Capital expenditure)
Necessity of Funding explained– part 2
6. 400 more children has been admitted this year
7. Only 32% of the scholarship requirement has been met till now
8. Govt. school adoption budget is Rs. 13 million( An additional expense this year on top of the
9. Only 42% of the students pay tuition & book fees.
10. The remaining 58% who are on scholarship don’t pay these fees.
•If they use school transport, they pay bus fees (which are charged on a break-even basis)
•Those who have the noon-meal provided by the school pay a highly subsidized Food Fee (Rs.
5.50 per meal compared to cost per meal of Rs. 17.50)
Necessity of Funding explained– part 3
11. Teacher Retention problem : Almost 33% of the teachers drop every year and join Govt.jobs,
or get married or start a family. (Raised Rs. 7760 per teacher per month compared to Rs. 5930
last year.)
12. Most of these children would not be able to continue studies in our school without
scholarship. They are admitted with the understanding that they will continue to get the
scholarship for full 14 years from LKG to 12th continue to meet the scholarship eligibility criteria.
13. Isha is renting the buses/vans to provide transport facility for children. It would be much
cheaper ( about 30-35% ) if they get their own transportation facility.
13. This is the most crucial year for funding and they absolutely need support from Asha and has
requested Asha to continue their sponsorship !!
Further plan
1. Planning to create a Facebook page to make it more collaborated between Asha, California
and Isha Education.
2. We can elaborate our support with tips/suggestions in the page - Isha Vidhya and Asha both
raise funds by organizing marathons/ Sevathon – Suggested by Vinod Hari
Thank You !
Any Questions?