St Louis High School

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European Studies
St Louis High School
Leuven Senior Conference
Denis Grace
St Louis High School
Dublin 6
Our School
St Louis High School
St Louis High School is a catholic secondary for
girls. It is 3km south of Dublin city centre .
There are around 600 students in the school
ranging from 12 to 18 years old.
There are students from over 25 different
countries in our school.
Main St, Rathmines
How our School Works
Our school is divided into three groups:
1.Junior (Year 1 – Year 3)
2.Transition Year (Year 4)
3.Senior (Year 5 – Year 6)
European Studies in St Louis
• St Louis have been involved in the European
Studies programme for almost ten years.
• All students in Transition Year do European
• Students have two classes a week which is
around 80 minutes.
Transition Year (TY)
TY is the fourth year in the school. It is a
special year between Junior and Senior
cycles when students get the chance to
try out lots of new and exciting things
like hat making, Japanese, public
speaking, work placements and outdoor
activities. European Studies is an
important element in this year.
European Studies in the classroom
• The EU: its structure and purpose
• Other member states
• Identity and equality
• Ireland in Europe
Project Work
• One of the most interesting aspects of
European Studies is the project work that is
shared between the European schools.
• The students really enjoy doing this work and
love to receive projects from students from
other countries.
• One of the most exciting aspects of our
involvement in European Studies has been our
successes in the Euroscola competition.
• We have been lucky enough to have selected
as a winning school for the last two years.
• This allowed the students to visit the
European Parliament in Strasbourg.
North and South
• The competition, which is usually
design based, allows three schools
from the Republic of Ireland and
three schools from Northern Ireland
to spend an unforgettable day in the
Parliament building in Strasbourg
with students from all over Europe.
2011 Winning Students
Euroscola Winners 2010
Euroscola 2010
Euroscola Winners 2011
Euroscola 2011
Euroscola 2011