Eastern Health Mental Health and Addictions
Transcript Eastern Health Mental Health and Addictions
Mental Health & Addictions Program
March 30th, 2011
Brad Hunt, MSW, RSW
Karen Brown, BSW,RSW
Presentation Overview
Description of Community Liaison Social Worker Role
Brief Descriptions of high demand services
Community - Adult Mental Health & Addictions Program
Brief Descriptions of units at Waterford Hospital
Step by step process of an admission to acute care
Community Liaison SW Position Description
Position Origin
Came about as a result of Navigators and Networks:
Harnessing resources and meeting the needs of
individuals with complex needs (2008)
It is recommended that each of the government organizations
(HRLE, EH, HCS, Justice, and NLHC) designate positions/individuals as
navigators for their system. This will be the "go to" person with the knowledge
contacts, authority to respond to requests, and ability to direct people to
programs or services within their organizations which address the particular
concern or issue.
Start date August 2008
Other liaison positions in social service / government departments such as
Position Description
Responsible for community linkages, consultation and systems
navigation for persons with complex mental health needs
Organize and oversee development and implementation of service
plans in collaboration with community systems (ie. HRLE, CSP, EH).
Involvement in the development and implementation of an
Intersystem Collaborative Network (NavNet).
Act as provincial resource consultant to services providers re: mental
health services.
Member of Clinical Efficiency Program – MH & A
Located at Waterford Hospital
Scope of Work
Based upon the needs of the mental health program
Case conferencing large portion of work
Consultation on complex cases on psychiatric acute care units and
other units of the Waterford (ie. W2A, N4B)
Consultation on complex cases in the community (i.e.. ACT Team,
Community Support / Case Management, CSP, Housing,etc)
Resource for health professionals and families, consumers
Committees: ie. Complex Discharge Committees, Ethics
Committees, Intergovernmental Liaison Committees, various
community based committees
No caseload – Important component of position
Complex Needs -What’s Working?
Continual client engagement is key
Collaboration works well but needs to be co-ordinated
Challenging policies that create barriers is crucial
If it makes sense – Do it!
Referral / Contact
Who Can Refer?
No paper work required
Call or e-mail:
Brad Hunt
[email protected]
Mental Health and Addictions Program
Offers promotion, prevention, urgent/emergent, acute rehabilitative
and continuing care services to children and youth, adults and seniors
with mental health and substance use/gambling problems; addictions
and mental illnesses both in our hospitals and in the community.
Services range from assessment, counseling, detoxification,
treatment and follow up to vocational rehabilitation, housing services,
case management and leisure programming. These services range
from prevention and early intervention to long-term therapy, from
crisis response to support services.
High Demand Community Services
All Services listed below are for Adults
All are assessment based
Adult central intake is in the planning process, as well the EH
website will be set-up to assist with areas of need, rather than
services descriptions.
All Services listed below are for those 18 years and older
Mental Health and Addictions Services for Youth (Outpatient)
all go through Child and Adolescent (Youth) Central Intake –
High Demand Community Services
Case Management Services
Provides counseling, help with crisis situations, managing symptoms of illness,
teaching skills -ie. medications and health, assist with housing and day to day
routines, advocacy and education for individuals and families.
Referral process – anyone can refer
Intake 777-3438
Location: Waterford Bridge Rd.
Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)
Provides comprehensive community based treatment to individuals with severe and
persistent mental illness. Similar in scope to Case Management services
regarding services offered. Criteria differs in that individuals must have an DSM
IV: Axis I diagnosis. Priority is given to individuals with a diagnosis of
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder because of the longterm impairments these conditions cause. 24 hour service. Shared caseload.
Referral Process – anyone can refer; 30 day assessment procedure
Intake: 752-3511
Location: Major’s Path
High Demand Community Services
Traumatic Stress Program
Provides counseling services to individuals exposed to traumatic life events such as
single accident traumas, chronic traumatic experiences like abuse, neglect and
traumatic loss. Individual and group formats are offered with a focus on client
stability during trauma recovery.
Referral Process – anyone can refer
Intake: 752-4393
Location: Ropewalk Lane
Concurrent Disorders Services
Provides treatment to individuals who have a substance use / gambling problem and
coexisting psychiatric illness of severe and persistent nature. Individual and
group formats offered with a client centered, harm reduction approach.
Referral Process – anyone can refer
Intake: 777-3603
Location: Waterford Hospital
High Demand Community Services
Housing Division
Provides community based housing services to individuals who require supportive
living arrangements to improve their quality of life and maintain psychiatric
stability. There are 4 major services:
Community Care
Provides high level residential support (Level 1) services. 24 support services within
each home, case management and therapeutic recreation. There are 14 private
owned / subsidized homes with total of 178 placements. Homes range in size
from 3 to 22 residents.
Referral Process: anyone can refer
Intake: 834-0807
Location: CBS ( 1 home in Goulds)
High Demand Community Services
Family Care
Provides medium level residential support services and supervision in a family
environment. Homes can accommodate 1 to 3 residents with a maximum of 45
placements. Case management services are provided and referrals are made
to other services as needed. Home operators do not provide 24 hour
Referral Process: anyone can refer
Intake: 777-3340
Location: Office – Waterford Bridge Rd. - Homes – St. John’s
Access House
Provides 24 hour supportive transitional housing. Maximum of 11 beds. Counseling,
goal setting and life skill development are key program elements. Individual
and group formats.
Referral Process: anyone can refer
Intake: 752- 4145
Location: Empire Ave.
High Demand Community Services
Supportive Board and Lodging Subsidy
Non Relative
Financial subsidy provided in supportive board and lodging situation whereby clients
lives with a boarding home operator, has a private bedroom and provided with 3
meals a day and other support such as housekeeping, supervision of
medications and liaising with client's support network. Amount of subsidy varies
depending individual need.
Referral: Typically by case manager or other health professional. Requirement to
receive subsidy.
Intake: 777-3342
Location: Waterford Bridge Rd.
Financial subsidy provided in supportive board and lodging situation whereby client
lives with a relative (as defined by Dept. of Health). Maximum subsidy is
$362.00 per month. Screening and assessment determines amount given.
High Demand Community Services
Referral Process: Typically by case manager or other health professional.
Requirement to receive subsidy.
Intake: 777-3341
Location: Waterford Bridge Rd.
START Clinic
Provides short term assessment, referral and treatment. The clinic provides rapid
access to mental Health service to individuals who require urgent but not crisis
intervention. Referrals are seen within 72 hours for initial assessment. Clients
cannot be currently followed by another service of the MH & A program.
Referral Process – Physicians, ER departments or hospital based consultation
liaison services
Intake: 777-5390
Location: St. Clare’s Hospital
High Demand Community Services
Emergency Services
Crisis Line
Provides confidential 24 hour service province wide. Offers support through
exploring options and solutions as well as connecting individuals with other
hospital and community supports.
Gambling Help Line 1-888-899-4357
Location: Waterford Site
Mobile Crisis Response Team
Similar services provision as Crisis Line except interveners visit people in their
homes or community. It is accessed through the Crisis Line and is available
Wednesday through Saturday between 4:00pm and 12:00 midnight. Still in
pilot phase. Age 16 years and up
Contact number is Same as Crisis Line
High Demand Community Services
24 Hour Walk-In Crisis Service
Psychiatric Assessment Unit (PAU) – Waterford Site
Primary ER for assessment of mental health needs.
Psychiatric Emergency Service – Health science Complex (HSC)
Psychiatric Triage Nurse will complete screening. If further action required
individual cases are consulted to Waterford Site.
Waterford Hospital Inpatient Units
All Units listed are Adult
Acute Care - W3A Max 20 beds
- E3A Max 20 beds
(HSC Psyc Unit Max 18 beds)
Short Stay and Assessment Unit – Max 7 beds + 3 holding beds
Geriatric - E2A Assessment Unit – Max 18 beds
- N2A Transitional / Residential - Max 25 beds
- N3A Residential - Max 25 beds
Forensics Unit – N4B Max 17 beds (unable to refuse admission)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Unit - W2A Max 20 beds
Developmental Disability Unit – N2B 12 Beds occupied