We`re going on a alien hunt

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Transcript We`re going on a alien hunt

We’re going on an alien hunt
 We’re going to catch a fat one
 What a joyful day
 We’re not terrorized
Uh-oh! trash
 Smelly, dirty trash
 We cant jump over it
 We cant crawl under it
 We’ve got to walk through it
 Crash, splodge, crash, splodge, crash, splodge
Uh-oh! a slimy river
 A gooey, bottomless slimy river
 We cant jump over it
 We cant crawl under it
 We’ve got to walk through it
 Splash, splosh ,splash, splosh, splash,
Uh-oh! A cave of spiders
 A spooky, whopping cave of spiders
 We cant jump over it
 We cant crawl under it
 We’ve got to walk through it
 Scream ,shout, scream, shout
Uh-oh! a black hole
 A enormous terrifying black hole
We cant jump over it
 We cant crawl under it
 We’ve got to walk through it
 Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
Uh-oh! Lightening storm
 A noisy anxious lightening storm
 We cant jump over it
 We cant crawl under it
 We’ve got to walk through it
 Crash, bang, crash, bang, crash, bang
Uh-oh! A blood storm
 A swirly red blood storm
 We cant jump over it
 We cant crawl under it
 We’ve got to walk through it
 Splat, splot, splat, splot, splat, splot
Look at that!
 Two wibbly wobbly legs!
 Ten hundred googly sloppy eyes!
 One hundred sharp shocking teeth!
Quick! Back through the blood storm
 Splat, splot, splat, splot, splat, splot
Quick back through the lightening storm
 Crash, bang, crash, bang, crash, bang
Quick back through the black hole
 Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo
Quick back through the cave of spiders
 Scream, shout, scream, shout, scream,
Quick back through the slimy river
 Splash, splosh, splash, splosh, splash,
Quick back through the trash
 Crash, splodge, crash, splodge, crash,
Get to our front door
 Open the door
 Up the stairs
 Oh-no we forgot to close the door
 back down stairs close the door
 Back up stairs in the cupboard